View Full Version : LFP - Ghosts of Saltmarsh (homebrew setting) Weds 10am - 2or3pm EASTERN [discord]

June 29th, 2019, 16:45
UTC/GMT time would be 2PM to 6 or 7PM

GM has Ultimate (may be upgrading to Unity when the Beta starts), so players don't need a paid version.

Looking to potentially run a weekly game during the day (for my time zone at any rate), set in my homebrewed setting (so players should expect to have to look over some campaign setting documentation). The game will lean heavily toward role-play over tactical (at least 60/40), and will include some relatively significant deviation from the printed material, both to suit the setting and because I like to work in my own story elements.

Discord for voice is required.

About the players I'm looking for: I'm looking for players interested in the story we're telling together, players who want their characters to be faced with difficult choices and have opportunities to challenge themselves and grow as people. I can't guarantee success, but I intend to try to weave some element(s) of personal narrative in for each character. This campaign isn't really a "save the world" type of campaign, but it definitely could become a "heroes of the region" type of campaign, depending on your choices.

I expect players to attend the game as regularly as possible, to be team players, and to be mature enough to speak to me if they have an issue, so that we can try to come to a solution that works best for everyone involved. Experience absolutely not required, I'm happy to teach, and in my experience, so are most other players. You do have to be willing to work within the character creation limits of my campaign setting, however (some 5e staple races and class options do not exist in the setting, but I do have additional race & class options that are setting specific), and the setting also comes with some house rules (specifically surrounding planar travel, summoning of creatures from other planes, and resurrection of the dead)

Rules sticklers, power gamers, meta gamers, and murder hobos, this game is not for you. No insult intended, lots of DMs run games suited for what you enjoy. This game is not that.

About me as a DM: Started DMing in 1992 or so (my amazing math skills indicate that's about 27 years?). I've run a wide variety of systems, including virtually every version of Dungeons & Dragons, but also a bunch of other systems, and they've all kind of informed my DMing style over the years. Within the D&D milieu, I run a lot of different settings (of the official published settings, Dragonlance and Ravenloft are by far my favorites), and the homebrew setting I'm looking to run this game in started with an idea of mine 25 years ago or so, but is the product of contributions by a lot of players who have helped me to build the world as players over the years, and it continues to grow and evolve each time I run a campaign in it.

June 30th, 2019, 00:37
I would be interested I have played dnd 5e for 2 years but this would be my first online game

June 30th, 2019, 14:28
I would be interested I have played dnd 5e for 2 years but this would be my first online game

If I can get enough players together, I'd be happy to have you

July 1st, 2019, 06:57
WildKnight as your game is in the middle of the work/school day for most people on your TZ - if you convert the time to other common TZs like UK/CET/JST/AEST/NZT that may help with people realizing your time works for them (or not).

July 1st, 2019, 08:17
I think I would be very interested in joining you for a campaign in the world you have created. - I have often found that I enjoy most those games that have been set in a world crated by the DM (or an existing campaign-setting that has been heavily modified by a DM’s imagination). I really enjoy world-building myself, and am always interested to see what someone else has come up with.

I’m a Canadian living in Sweden at the moment, so your choice of times is actually rather perfect for me (4pm-8/9pm). The only hitch is that I’m currently away on vacation/visiting family/bit of camping so I may have some irregular internet availability during some weeks, until mid August when I return home. (I can provide specific dates later if you’d like). However, if we can find a way to work through that, then I would be very interested in pursuing a long-term game.

As a player, I really enjoy getting into my characters. I like creating complex and meaningful backstories, and exploring how my character would act and behave in the world and circumstances he finds himself in. The nautical/sea-side setting of Saltmarch is actually an additional draw at the moment, as it isn’t a background I have explored much as a character so far. (Plus my recent move to a Nordic country has rekindled my interest in maritime mythology!)

I generally prefer making believable and realistic characters, so becoming “heroes of the region” is the type of campaign that suits me best. I’ve never been as successful making larger-than-life characters suitable for save-the-world-type games. I think subtly is more fun. - Also, while I’ll still build a character that is tactically competent (no-one likes being ineffectual when it comes time to rolling initiative), I’ll never build a character that doesn’t make sense for his personality. In fact I often find myself torn between choosing abilities that are tactically useful most of the time vs characterful traits that would be really great once in a blue moon.

About me: I have been playing D&D since 3rd edition came out, with most of my experience being with 3.5 while in my 20’s, and I naturally transitioned into Pathfinder after a while. - Although I’ve only played in a couple of short 5th-ed campaigns here on FG, I’ve had a good read of the new PHB, and feel I will get the hang of the differences fairly quickly. - I’ve had Fantasy Grounds for quite a while now (and am looking forward to the release of Unity Beta), so the interface shouldn’t pose any problems for me.

July 1st, 2019, 11:16
About me: I have been playing D&D since 3rd edition came out, with most of my experience being with 3.5 while in my 20’s, and I naturally transitioned into Pathfinder after a while. - Although I’ve only played in a couple of short 5th-ed campaigns here on FG, I’ve had a good read of the new PHB, and feel I will get the hang of the differences fairly quickly. - I’ve had Fantasy Grounds for quite a while now (and am looking forward to the release of Unity Beta), so the interface shouldn’t pose any problems for me.

Sounds great. I think we can probably find a way to work around your schedule (it looks like it may be a small game, so that'll probably mean just not having games those weeks, but that's hardly the end of the world)

July 1st, 2019, 11:18
WildKnight as your game is in the middle of the work/school day for most people on your TZ - if you convert the time to other common TZs like UK/CET/JST/AEST/NZT that may help with people realizing your time works for them (or not).

I thought about that, but unfortunately there's no way to edit the title (as far as I can tell). I'm editing my original post to indicate the time in UTC/GMT, that may help I guess

July 1st, 2019, 23:34
Hi, I'd like to join your Saltmarsh campaign. Please let me know if you have any questions for me.

Thank you,

July 2nd, 2019, 02:34
Hi, I'd like to join your Saltmarsh campaign. Please let me know if you have any questions for me.

Thank you,

I think I would be very interested in joining you for a campaign in the world you have created. - I have often found that I enjoy most those games that have been set in a world crated by the DM (or an existing campaign-setting that has been heavily modified by a DM’s imagination). I really enjoy world-building myself, and am always interested to see what someone else has come up with.

I’m a Canadian living in Sweden at the moment, so your choice of times is actually rather perfect for me (4pm-8/9pm). The only hitch is that I’m currently away on vacation/visiting family/bit of camping so I may have some irregular internet availability during some weeks, until mid August when I return home. (I can provide specific dates later if you’d like). However, if we can find a way to work through that, then I would be very interested in pursuing a long-term game.

As a player, I really enjoy getting into my characters. I like creating complex and meaningful backstories, and exploring how my character would act and behave in the world and circumstances he finds himself in. The nautical/sea-side setting of Saltmarch is actually an additional draw at the moment, as it isn’t a background I have explored much as a character so far. (Plus my recent move to a Nordic country has rekindled my interest in maritime mythology!)

I generally prefer making believable and realistic characters, so becoming “heroes of the region” is the type of campaign that suits me best. I’ve never been as successful making larger-than-life characters suitable for save-the-world-type games. I think subtly is more fun. - Also, while I’ll still build a character that is tactically competent (no-one likes being ineffectual when it comes time to rolling initiative), I’ll never build a character that doesn’t make sense for his personality. In fact I often find myself torn between choosing abilities that are tactically useful most of the time vs characterful traits that would be really great once in a blue moon.

About me: I have been playing D&D since 3rd edition came out, with most of my experience being with 3.5 while in my 20’s, and I naturally transitioned into Pathfinder after a while. - Although I’ve only played in a couple of short 5th-ed campaigns here on FG, I’ve had a good read of the new PHB, and feel I will get the hang of the differences fairly quickly. - I’ve had Fantasy Grounds for quite a while now (and am looking forward to the release of Unity Beta), so the interface shouldn’t pose any problems for me.

I would be interested I have played dnd 5e for 2 years but this would be my first online game

If all three of you are still interested, I think I have a fourth guy from my local group (and if he's not interested we could go with three, but I'd have to adjust encounters accordingly)

July 2nd, 2019, 03:38
Sounds good to me. Are you up for a session zero this Wednesday morning?

July 2nd, 2019, 11:19
Sounds good to me. Are you up for a session zero this Wednesday morning?

Since that's tomorrow, seems unlikely we'll have everybody set to get together that quickly, it tends to take people a while to reply on the forums here (and also I'd like to get everyone my setting document to look over before we actually sit down to make characters). And that's assuming the other two potential players are still around and interested.

July 3rd, 2019, 01:59
Hi, I would like to join if you still have room. I am very reliable since I am a disabled veteran. I have played D&D for years and would love to get back into FG.

July 3rd, 2019, 02:23
Hi, I would like to join if you still have room. I am very reliable since I am a disabled veteran. I have played D&D for years and would love to get back into FG.

Sent you a PM, hope to have you in the game!