View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Monday Thru Thursday or Saturday/Sunday Night game, CST US Time Zone,

June 28th, 2019, 19:33
I have the paid base FG game. I live in the the Central US timezone and can play any night, except Friday or Sunday provided it doesn't go past, or much past, midnight central. I would prefer a long term game. I have Discord voice chat but would be willing to use others.

While I have experience with other games like Vampire: The Masquerade and Shadowrun from several years ago I am completley new to DnD. And I am currently learning FG and currently building a Wood Elf ranger which is what I would prefer to play. As I said, I'm still learning DnD and would prefer to start with one of the easier classes to play.
I'm looking for a game that is, generally, balanced between combat and roleplay. While I tend to be on the serious side I am not 24/7 serious and I wouldn't expect that in a game. Point is to have fun after all.

June 30th, 2019, 00:57
Are you looking for D&D 5E specifically?

I have two Pathfinder campaigns running at level 12 on Monday (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?49719-LFP-for-Monday-Night-Pathfinder-Campaign-(8-30-EST-7-30-CST-5-30-PST)) and at level 9 on Wednesday (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40373-LFP-for-Wednesday-Night-Pathfinder-Campaign-(8-EST-7-CST-5-PST)) (same general campaign) which each have spot currently. If you're willing to learn we could get you up to speed.

That said, it does tend to be fairly combat heavy, probably more combat heavy than you'd like given your statements -- but we're not 24/7 serious which you would like.

June 30th, 2019, 18:57
Thanks for the offer but as I'm still in the process of learning DnD 5e I'd prefer a DnD game. Again, thanks though.