View Full Version : Max Currencies Types in Inventory Tab

June 25th, 2019, 15:38
I was doing an experiment creating other currencies to track other resources. And the question came to me: how much types of currencies can be shown on the inventory tab of a character?

Thanks in advance!


June 25th, 2019, 16:06
Which ruleset?

June 25th, 2019, 16:08
I forgot to mention: D&D 5e.

June 25th, 2019, 16:36
The 5E PC sheet has 6 set fields and one generic field for "Treasure" on the Inventory tab. The names get populated when coins are distributed from the party sheet, or if they are manually entered into the PC sheet. After the first 6 fields are populated with the treasure type name (usually a coin type, but not necessarily) then any other treasure types distributed from the party sheet are added (comma separated) in the free form line beneath the 6 types. There's no calculation in this free form field, if you add Horses = 2, then later add Horses = 3, FG won't scan the free form line and change Horses - 2 to 5, you'll get "2 Horses, 3 Horses".

Hope this info helps.

June 25th, 2019, 17:00
Helped a lot.
Thank you!

June 26th, 2019, 22:26
It occurred to me now: the limit of 6 currencies in the inventory tab can be increased without creating these free form lines?

June 26th, 2019, 22:31
It occurred to me now: the limit of 6 currencies in the inventory tab can be increased without creating these free form lines?
By writing an extension to modify the base ruleset code you can add more fields. But you will then also have to change the code that allocates treasure, as this is only expecting 6 fields plus the free form line.

June 26th, 2019, 22:45
My initial idea was of more fields. Unfortunately I do not have the experience to do more complex extensions, just simple things. Thank you anyway!

Laramie Wall
May 25th, 2020, 15:27
This is exactly what I was looking for. I managed to add 2 more currencies (I'm using 4 coins each for 2 different kingdoms) but 2 of them just over flow. Off to find the allocation code!!

May 25th, 2020, 16:29
Govanon, how many extra fields do you want and what is the name of the coins?
If you pass the information on, I create the extension for you.

Felipe AA
November 19th, 2020, 01:37
Could it be made with ten fields? With a scroll bar?!
