View Full Version : CORERPG / MORECORE - DICE CODE for DECREASE HP from simple attack

June 20th, 2019, 19:20
Im using MORECORE HERE and a ihave a question. What the dice code for make a attack and decrease automatic HP form target ? I try make this via combat tracker with /dbdamage 1d6+2 BUT decrease HEALTH NOT HP POINTS. What happens ? in advance. thanks for ALL support. :)

June 21st, 2019, 01:19
Im using MORECORE HERE and a ihave a question. What the dice code for make a attack and decrease automatic HP form target ? I try make this via combat tracker with /dbdamage 1d6+2 BUT decrease HEALTH NOT HP POINTS. What happens ? in advance. thanks for ALL support. :)

Welcome petersondsz

Can you post a screenshot please?
Most FG rulesets dont decrease HP - they increase Wounds.
Why? Mostly for housekeeping.
If you change HP then how do you track what the HP was?
Also - Health is just a label - click the label and change the name to HP if that is what you want.