View Full Version : The Other Side

June 18th, 2019, 20:45
FG License:Update. i just bought ultimate. and ready
Game System:This will be a 5e campaign

Time Zone: EST
Day of week and time: i.e. Tuesdays and Fridays starting at 11pm EST.
If new game, planned start date:
Planned Duration & Frequency: i.e. this will be a two day a week game. Tuesday and Friday. i get off work at 11pm EST so it will start as soon as i get home, Normally around 11:30. we will play for a minimum of 4 hours. with the more people playing sometimes games can get slowed down. so Tue/Fri 11:30pm-3:30am(ISH) EST
Term: i.e. Long term keep playing for a while. this is a whole world so many things can happen.

Text or Voice: i.e. this will be a mis of both. i have a discord up and running for my DND games i have going.
Voice software used:discord and FG(obviously)

Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? i.e. podcast, Twitch, Youtube, etc. If so, do you want webcam video from players or not? Other details, etc.
Yes this will be streamed on Twitchtv @ https://www.twitch.tv/clock_x_king

Roleplay & Combat mix: i.e. 50/50,
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently none. 4-5 players is what im looking for for this campaign
Character starting level & equipment: ***i will be making the character with you bc i have some funky things going on in my world.
Character restrictions: i.e. Only core races and classes. regular book to start but after i will open it up to other things once your character has been played in the new world.

(shamelessly stolen from another post)
I'm fine with people wanting to have a strong combat-oriented character but I'd prefer if you don't min-max the hell out of your character. If you are new to fantasy ground, I'm more than willing to show you the ropes.

If you are interested, reply to this thread with:
1. Your Fantasy grounds/DnD experience.
2. Your preferred class(es).
3. Your age.
4. Maybe a bit about what you as a player enjoy in a DnD campaign.

(/shamelessly stolen from another post)

June 19th, 2019, 19:44
1. Your Fantasy grounds/DnD experience. -Been playing FG for 8 months, been playing D&D for 20+ years.
2. Your preferred class(es). - In 5e I like Bard the best, but I'm down to play anything. Just point me in a direction and I will run with it.
3. Your age. -40+
4. Maybe a bit about what you as a player enjoy in a DnD campaign. - I love RP, Combat, and hanging with people playing a game. If its serious I'm down for that, if its all joking around I can get down with that also. What I don't like is where you are waiting for people who are clearly not paying attention or only 1/2 involved like they playing WOW while playing DnD.

June 19th, 2019, 20:44
1. Your Fantasy grounds/DnD experience: I have been playing FG and D&D 5e for a few years now. I am well versed in both systems due to DM'ing a regular game for the last 2 years.
2. Your preferred class(es). I prefer to play Paladins, Clerics and Wizards.
3. Your age. 38
4. Maybe a bit about what you as a player enjoy in a DnD campaign. I enjoy playing with engaged players who are interactive and have some experience. I agree with MrDDT that playing with a group who has players who are not paying attention and seem distracted is not as fun. I want to get some time in being a player since I DM a regular game and don't get to play much. I enjoy all kinds of different D&D worlds including low magic and high magic settings. I typically like a Fantasy setting but I would be interested in experiencing a mixed setting like say Eberron.

June 21st, 2019, 23:46
Still looking for one more player.