View Full Version : Eberron Dnd 5e Sunday Evenings LF 1 to 2

June 11th, 2019, 14:05
LF: 1 or 2 players
About ½ way thru campaign
PC: Current level is 5
System: DnD 5e and Eberron stuff
Voip: Discord with PTT
Play time: Sundays @ 4 PM to 8 PM US East (2 out of 3 weeks due to on-call) 7/14 next session
Current Party: Wild Sorcerer; Eldritch Knight (on leave of absense); "Bounty hunter" (rogue/ranger); Nature Cleric
Background: Must have crossed or be enemy of: Boromar crime family; Swords of Liberty rebel group; and/or House Cannith - South. Campaign takes place almost entirely in Sharn, (huge vertical city via magic), must be willing to make backstory that will help integrate into party.
Campaign Style: Largely based off Embers of Last War for DnD AL season. Urban Fantasy so episodic with periods of urgency and periods of downtime. Not smooth A to B to C to D or E, hints dropped and then something will occur, and the party will be dragged in. Using ACP instead of XP and generally dropping gold in large quantities to buy items since it is Eberron and Sharn.

Please DM directly, not able to respond right away but should hear back within a couple of hours generally.

June 20th, 2019, 01:37
Next session 6/23

June 25th, 2019, 13:26
bump, LF 2-3

June 27th, 2019, 14:17
Got 4 responses, any more will be waitlisted.

July 12th, 2019, 13:22
2 no shows, reaching out again but still looking for 1 to 3 players

July 13th, 2019, 02:28
Overloaded on prospects at moment, so anyone else goes on waitlist. Thank you for your interest.