View Full Version : LFP Call of Cthlhu 7th Edition - Low Pulp (SAT 1pm - 6pm UTC / 9am - 2pm EDT)

June 7th, 2019, 17:00
Hello Gamers,

I am currently putting together a new COC Low Pulp Campaign for 7th Edition...


The year is 1932 - the great war continues...

Countries and peoples stand divided while the machine drum or war continues to push progress > of that in far stretchs and remote locales mankind has made a foothold - for there are still discovers as a world of mystery still abounds.

YOU as the protagonists in this campaign carry "the burden" because YOU can do nothing else: YOU have seen what exists. YOU have experienced the horror or the mystery and it compels YOU on this path. Some see the only solution as a violent one, to burn it all down. Others approach the the burden differently, capturing the strange on camera and hoping to expose IT, or plundering the world of ancient ARTIFACTS with which to defend mankind.

At the barest level, YOU exist in ignorant, ragtag BANDS — friends, family, or those driven together by maddening circumstances.

THEY protect their stretch of forest, their city block, their network of women’s shelters. THEY don’t know the depth of what’s out there; THEY only have the meager light of their own candles to light the way. Candles give way to torches, to GROUPS that gather together in localized organizations. THEY pool resources. THEY provide moral support. THEY present a more unified front against the unknown.

As torches give way to raging bonfires those organizations grow outward globally and backward through time. Ancient groups and modern agencies supply their PEOPLE with potent weapons, some of which are so strange that those who use them can only wonder how long they can truly maintain their own humanity. But even coming together to form an inferno or firestorm, YOU can’t help but notice how deep and long those shadows are, and how numerous. Worse, fire is temporary: candles burn down to the wicks, a torch snuffs in a cold wind, a bonfire has soon consumed all it can and grows dark. YOU know that they, too, are temporary, whereas the shadows seem endless and eternal. YOU can only hope that others will carry the burden in their stead...


The campaign takes its analogs from things like; League of Extraordinary Men + Hellboy + The Shadow + Night Vale + SCP Containment Breach ...


We play the game on Fantasy Grounds with a Full Licensed edition so all you will need is at least a DEMO version of the software to play.
For VOICE we use Discord and have a group channel setup

ATM we have about 2 to 3 players - we'd ideally like to add +2 more heroes into the mix!

So if your in the mood for the macbre and or strange - have a taste for danger or otherwise wishes to test their mettle in a gritty RPG campaign then just drop us a MSG and we'll set up a time to chat before committing to the good work ahead.


July 5th, 2019, 23:55
Still have opening? Am EDT. An old CoC ref/player.

July 6th, 2019, 10:14
I would love to join. Time is good and I have been looking to play CoC. I’ll pm you as well.

July 6th, 2019, 23:22
I'm still fairly new to CoC as a whole, but I'd love to throw my hat into this if room prevails.

July 9th, 2019, 16:53
Hi all - the "slots" I had available got quickly filled up - I ran a game to feel some of the new players out / things went well!
How about we exchange info - when an available "slot" becomes open I can contact each of you and see if your schedule allows

I appreciate your responses and thank you - I can be found on discord under the handle - MorbidDon
I hope to see you there!


July 12th, 2019, 17:19
Greetings! Before I request a spot on the waitlist, one question. What is the frequency? Weekly, bi-weekly, etc?


July 18th, 2019, 21:48
Sorry - I will have to close this invitational for now > as I have been flooded with requests...