View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weekend Game Friday CST 6-8 Start prefer 5E

June 7th, 2019, 01:45
FG License: Free
Time Zone: Central
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly game, Friday. Looking for a 6-8pm Start time. 4 to however many hours.
Term: Long term, module or home brew. Trying to find a weekend group I can play with for a while.
Voice: Any voice program. Discord preferred.

Game System Preferred: 5e. Willing to play other systems though.
Game System Experience: I have been playing D&D/Table Top for a long time, around 20 years. I like 5e and probably have the most experience with 3e. I am a quick learner though and could probably pick up any system. I will come prepared.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Only about 8 month playing in fantasy grounds (about 2 campaigns and am in a Tuesday group at the moment).

Character Type Preferred: I prefer the non-support classes. I am really interested in playing a Swash Rogue, but I would be willing to fill whatever roll is needed. I generally dont play caster types though.
About me: I like games that are 20/80ish RP/combat. I do like the RP aspect, but I don't like doing it for hours at a time. As I said, I have been playing D&D for about 20 years and have experience in other tabletops (whitewolf, shadowrun etc). I am 37, as such I would like to get into a more mature group, I will play with younger people, but understand that I do swear and drink (don't worry I wont get so drunk I cant play, but I do like to drink while playing). I am a punctual and reliable person, if I get into a group I will be on time for each session and will inform the DM ahead of time if I will be late or cant show, which should be very rare. I am happy to join a single campaign, but would like to find a group I can play multiple campaigns with. I am not interested in DMing, but am happy to chip in for any modules or supplements needed.

You can message me here if you are looking for someone. Thanks.

June 8th, 2019, 15:16
I don't know if Friday is the only day you want to play, but I have a Saturday evening game and need another player:


June 9th, 2019, 03:42
Thanks, but I am looking for a Friday game.

June 12th, 2019, 23:43