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September 23rd, 2006, 19:48
D&D 3.5, EST (GMT-5) Thursday Evenings, 8-10pm

Intrigue swirls in a tropical port city finding its feet after a century of oppressive rule...

You are members of the Night Watch in the city of Sasserine. As city guards, your mission is above all to keep the peace and to keep to your place. Each of you owes your position to connections with powers in the city. Your mission: do what you can to protect the city's people while staying alive within this lawless city's intrigues.

September 23rd, 2006, 19:49

Game Time will be evening EST (GMT-5, -1 hr for daylight savings time) with day to be negotiated by players. There is an entry in the game calendar.

Game: Pen and Paper D&D 3.5 via Ventrilo Voice Chat & Fantasy Grounds.

Setting: Greyhawk (generic fantasy), Tropical Port City & Swashbuckling Sea Setting

Play Style: Roleplay, Exploration, Investigation, and Action.

Adventure: This is published adventure from Dungeon Magazine.

Committment: This adventure is relatively short, two to four sessions in length, with a possibility of subsequent adventures.

Desired Group Size: 4-6 players.

Time: EST (GMT-5) Thursday evening, two hour session, 8-10pm.

Characters: Start at level one. Motives compatible with good and neutral alignments preferred. Classes and Prestige Classes from Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide only.

Application Process: Send Diana a PM with a brief character description and one notable recent event in the character’s life that marked him/her as an adventurer.

September 23rd, 2006, 19:50
There is a game calendar entry for working out time zone conversions.

September 23rd, 2006, 19:50

Please post your Virtual Tabletop D&D character in the forum so that the DM can know your character's current level, stats, AC, and XP, etc.

Players will track their own characters on the honor system.

The Heroforge Excel spreadsheet makes it easy to track your character.
Downloads: https://www.gamingreport.com/article.php?sid=19864

If you like you may use https://www.sylnae.net/3eprofiler/
and make your character editable by “Arawen" and set your character as publicly accessible so you can link its web page to the forums.

The free program PCGen can be helpful for character generation.

Characters will start at level 1.

Ability score generation method
32 Point buy method (Per PHB).
On-Line Point Buy Stat Calculator:

Allowable D&D Reference Materials for Character Generation:
D&D 3.5 SRD
Player's Handbook
Dungeon Master's Guide

Only races defined in materials we have available are permitted. At the moment that is the 3.5 SRD.

As with races, limited to materials we have available.

Prestige Classes
Prestige classes will be taken on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the DM. Available classes are in the D&D SRD and Dungeon Masters' Guide 3.5 vol. I

Hit Point Generation
Maximum hit points for every level.

Languages: Per PHB/SRD.

Feats limited to available documentation.

Consistent with good aligned missions.

All characters start with 200gp to purchase gear.
Magic items may not be purchased as starting gear without DM approval.

Spell selections are limited to SRD / PHB at this time.

No Psionics will be used.

September 23rd, 2006, 19:51

If you roll a natural 1, it is an automatic miss, regardless of modifiers. There is no specific fumble rule.

A roll of 1 on a heal spell or potion die roll may be re-rolled.

Death and Dying
Characters die at -10hp, and are considered unconscious until then. You have a save chance each round that you are 0 or below and must make a save or lose 1hp. If you fall below -10 hp your character has died. Once a character is damaged to -1 hp they receive no further damage from the current action, and go into bleeding out mode. Each round the character must roll a DC15 Con check to stabilize or lose another hit point. A player may stabilize a bleeding character with a DC 15 heal skill check or any magical healing. Once you reach -10 hp your character has died.

Replacement characters
If your character dies, you may generate a new character that has the same level and XP as your former character. Wealth is to be calculated per the PHB. A dead character may be revived if the party can locate a cleric able to perform a raise dead or resurrection spell in a timely manner.

Rest and Recovery
Health recuperation:
1 hour rest = 1hp + Con bonus (Con bonus applied to non-lethal damage only)
8 hours rest = Full HP recovery

Spell recovery on resting:
Per the PHB 3.5

September 23rd, 2006, 19:51
We will be using the Savage Tide Adventure Path's Player Guide for the Sasserine city setting.

It is available for free download from Paizo.


The game will use the three core rulebooks, so all you need to play is the Player's Handbook or on-line D20 SRD.


September 23rd, 2006, 19:57
If you have already applied using the game calendar, please send me via PM a brief character bio and an experience that made your character an adventurer to confirm your interest.


September 24th, 2006, 06:33
yay i signed up for this one and i was wonderin about it. Ill finish my crap tomorrow

September 24th, 2006, 06:48
I'm extremely new to D&D and Fantasy Grounds as a whole, but i'd love to join your adventure as a Bard or something

I am extremely interested

lemme know when you guys start

September 24th, 2006, 08:00
Moltar, i am just starting out myself,

first, FG runs a calendar https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/
or the calendar button at the main forum screen listing all the forums. Sign up through there to games that fit your play style.

You can find this specific game here:

September 24th, 2006, 13:08
Game time will be Thursday evening 8-10pm EST (GMT-5).

September 24th, 2006, 13:22
To apply, please send me a PM with a brief description of your character's background and what made him/her an adventurer and sign up on the game calendar.

As a DM, the brief background gives me a better sense of how to work characters into the game.

Accepted players and their character classes will be listed in this thread.

The game calendar link gives you the game time in your time zone.


September 24th, 2006, 13:34
Players are still wanted. The party is currently full. If spots open up in the future, a recruitment thread will be posted.

Here is our party so far:

Celadric Spellflinger - Kren, Wizard
Pilsnerquest - Pejon, Fighter
Dedeko - Mahalland, Cleric
Sex Mahoney - Antoine, Elf Rogue
Lethian - Luton, Human Barbarian

UPDATED: Oct. 2, 2006

September 24th, 2006, 13:36
New players are welcome.

September 24th, 2006, 15:49
Sent you a PM...



September 24th, 2006, 17:52
Diana, I sent you a PM.

September 24th, 2006, 18:12

no skills & equipment yet, but the bio was PM'd to you :)

Ciladric Spellflinger
September 24th, 2006, 18:14

There he is in all of his glory. Familiar details are in the notes section.

September 24th, 2006, 18:28
set it to public

Ciladric Spellflinger
September 24th, 2006, 18:58
Oooops. Done :P

September 24th, 2006, 22:29
I just sent you my sheet and updateed the bio. The 5th I won't be able to attend, but I will be commited to everyone after that. I have a sale at my store that I will be here late for.

September 25th, 2006, 18:43
Here's Pejon's character sheet at Sylnae's 3E Profiler...




September 25th, 2006, 21:44
Here is my char:


September 26th, 2006, 01:26
Thank you for your PMs and links to your character sheets. I look forward to playing!

The current party list is updated. Acceptances will be updated on the game calendar.

We have one more spot open. A character with a background that is compatible with a generally good or neutral party would fit best. (Party members are after all city guards.)

September 26th, 2006, 01:32
Thank you for your PMs and links to your character sheets. I look forward to playing!

The current party list is updated. Acceptances will be updated on the game calendar.

We have one more spot open. A character with a background that is compatible with a generally good or neutral party would fit best. (Party members are after all city guards.)

did you ever get my PM with my character sheet? I made it eddible by you. I just kept getting what seemed to be an auto response when ever I would send it to you.

Also is it ok if I wouldn't be able to make it to the first session. There is a big sale at work and Ill be working 14hrs that day!!

I am excited and can't wait.

September 26th, 2006, 01:46
PM responses usually take a day or so on my end. I can answer once a day for a brief time.

September 26th, 2006, 01:50
Thank you to current players for using the on-line web character sheets. They make gaming much easier. It's nice to see the portraits also.

When we start playing, you'll want to enter brief basic information such as hit points, AC, attack roll, and saving throws into a Fantasy Grounds in game character sheet to speed up combat. However, I've heard that it's best to store a master copy of your character in the 3E profiler because FG can crash and corrupt character sheets.

September 26th, 2006, 02:00
I've seen some nice character pictures on your 3e profiler sheets. During the game, if you wish to use your own custom character portrait instead of Fantasy Ground's limited selection, here's what you need to do:

Use a paint program to crop your picture's face to a 63 x 63 pixel square. Save it as a .png image with a short, descriptive filename without any special characters or spaces. It should be about 6k. Copy the png to ...\fantasygrounds\portraits. If you use a custom portrait, you'll have to upload it to the internet and post the link here. Everyone in the group would need to download the custom picture and put it in their portraits folder.

Ciladric Spellflinger
September 26th, 2006, 04:19
K, here's my new portrait:


Thank you spell compendium

September 26th, 2006, 05:02
Here is Pejon's portrait...



September 26th, 2006, 11:31
I know I am not part of this game, but there is one small deatail I saw. All people to do not have to download the portrait, only the person using it. It will distribute to everyone when you select it. I have had people using custom portraits in my games for sometime now.


September 27th, 2006, 09:03
Diana (and all the to-be-players):

I'd like to apply for your campaign.
Here's my character sheet:


But, there's one thing that I'm afraid a bit.
I'm not a native English speaker.
If the sesssion would be held through scrit chat, I can manage it, but if it comes to verbal communication through Voice Chat, I might be unable to keep up with the development of the adventure sometime.

I'm very interested in your campaign, but if that language handicap wouldn't be acceptable, I will give up it this time, and offer the charater attached here for your use.

Hope you all enjoy the game.


from Thiha

September 27th, 2006, 11:19

I think I should withdraw the above message I posted, cause I missunderstand the time lag between EST and Japan Time.

Your session will be arounf 8-10 pm EST, Thursday, right? It would be 9 am in the morning, Friday in Tokyo, and it is impossible to attend the session just before working time.....I'm very sorry. I was really eager to join you.


PS. If you want, please use the character I made. Bye.

October 1st, 2006, 01:13

Any chance you could start a tad earlier, at least for the first session, to work out any kinks? I've never used Ventrilo Voice before and just want to make sure everything clicks so as not to delay the game.


Pilsnerquest - Chad

October 1st, 2006, 03:57
Sure. I can put up Fantasy Grounds and Ventrilo Servers up one half hour before the game time at 7:30pm EST. That way we can work out any connection issues before game time.

If you use a router and/or firewall, you will need to permit Fantasy Grounds to access Port 1802 and Ventrilo to access Port 3784 to connect.

Connection information will be posted privately on the game calendar.

October 1st, 2006, 03:57
Eyeball, thanks for the tip about character portraits.


October 1st, 2006, 16:13
Great, thanks.


October 1st, 2006, 19:51
Game One
Shipwrecked on a Jungle Isle

You stand on the swaying deck of the ship Albers, as white capped waves buffet the ship and dark clouds wall in the horizon. Captain Fenn peers into the darkness, squinting with his single right eye. Lightning flashes reflect off the blank glass eye he wears in his left eye socket. Frowning, he says, “You’d best get below and hold on tight.” The ship pitches violently, and he shouts to the crew, “Fold the sails!”

A wave of driving rain assails the ship. Behind you, sailors shout desperately. Above the roaring wind and thunder, they curse your mission. “That wizard prisoner that those guards brought aboard… He’s bad luck…”

Locked in the brig, your prisoner, an escaped murder suspect from Sasserine, Tom Wren, lies unsconscious. Sasserine’s Dawn Council wanted him alive, so when you captured him at the distant island of Port Hope, you gave him a special alchemical sleeping draught. For a week, Wren would be in a magical sleep, with his spell book safely locked in the captain’s safe. Ordinarily that would be enough time to complete your journey back to Sasserine, but the wind failed, and for three days, the Albers was becalmed.

When the wind returned, Captain Fenn ordered the ship to take short cut back to Sasserine through uncharted waters. By dusk, however, the strong winds had blown the ship into a fierce summer typhoon. As sailors scrambled to their posts, you glimpse jagged black rocks and a jungle covered island ahead. Towering waves crash upon the deck, flinging the ship on the rocks…

You awaken on a lifeboat in the pitching sea. Behind you, the battered Albers lists sideways, its masts broken, its hull breached by rocks, and pounded by the merciless waves. The sailors row swiftly towards the shore, cursing the storm, your mission, and the wizard. One young sailor speaks as rows, “The captain, he’s brought that prisoner with us in the lifeboats… He said we’d get one hundred golden coins each for the wizard from the Dawn Council… A real fortune!…”

An older sailor curses and spits into the sea. “Nothing good ever came from a wizard… Let the sea have him.”

The life boats reach a rocky island beach where you huddle against cliffs for shelter against the storm. By dawn, the typhoon passes. Captain Fenn squints through his spy glass at the trapped ship marooned on the rocks. “We can free the ship, I tell you. If we could find repair supplies, the ship could be saved.” He climbs upon a tall rock and scans the thick jungle with his spy glass. “See that wisp of smoke to the south,” he points, “Maybe that’s a settlement.”

Near a rotting dock on the shore, an overgrown dirt footpath winds southward into the jungle. Captain Fenn turns to you. “Go find help quickly."

October 1st, 2006, 19:53
Up to 200XP of bonus roleplay XP will be awarded for in character posts introducing your character and/or responding in character to the starting situation (50 XP per substantial paragraph). Party members start knowing each other from their work together as city guards.

October 1st, 2006, 19:56
EDIT: Game is now full.

If a spot opens up, if you enjoy a roleplaying oriented game, please consider applying by sending a character description.

Ciladric Spellflinger
October 1st, 2006, 23:46
Kren draws his dirty and tattered robes around him and grimaces as he realizes he has a pounding headache from whatever knocked him unconcious. As he begins to stand, a raven with silky black feathers alights on Kren's shoulders with a squawk. Kren welcomes the bird with a scratch on the head. "Morning Kraig, I see you managed to stay out of trouble with that storm," sais Kren as his familiar replies with another ear piercing squawk.

"Go find yourself some food, and take a look around," Kren tells his companion as he begins rummaging around in his backpack. Kraig takes off squawking "Look around! Look around!" Kren finally procures his scroll case and turns it upside down, letting out a forlorn sigh as a few cups of water flow out and splatter on the rocks under him. "I knew that shopkeeper swindled me. 'Only five silver for the water proofing!' he'd said. Last time I shop in the docks district..."

Kren begins pulling out several wads of pulp from his scroll case and dejectedly untangles them and lays them out in the sun to dry. As he finishes he overhears several of the sailors mumbling something about "unlucky magic" or some other nonsense. Having a sudden inclination to shout "Zah!" at them or threaten to turn them into something unnatural, Kren supresses it, figuring they were his only available tranportation out of here and it was probably not wise to give them a reason to abandon him, or beat him up or whatever it is sailors do to someone they don't like.

Instead, Kren leaves his scrolls and parchment to dry as he begins checking in on his companions. Seeing that everyone is ok (and not wanting to step on their entry role play :P), Kren pulls a large rune covered book from his belt pouch. Despite the rest of him being dripping wet, the book seems strangely dry and clean. Kren opens it and begins leafing through the heavy pages. When the captain declares that he and his companions must investigate the smoke, Kren, without looking up, exclaims "Not without preperation, good sir. Who knows what awaits us on that path? Give me 20 minutes or so."

October 2nd, 2006, 17:18
With the tangy salt air in his nose and the sound of squawking seagulls above Pejon squints into the bright morning sun and thinks to himself chuckling, well Fharlanghn it appears you favor travelers of the road more than the sea. Behind him Captain Fenn is speaking to his men, “…We can free the ship, I tell you. If we could find repair supplies, the ship could be saved”. Lowering his gaze Pejon looks doubtfully out over the breaking waves to the battered ship. This must be what you get when you sail with a one-eyed captain.

Turning his attention to his quarterstaff Pejon runs his hand up and down the smooth length of it examining the fine wood for any hidden cracks. Satisfied he wedges one end of it in between several rocks and shrugging off his wet cloak tosses this over the other end. Stretching tired, cold muscles Pejon watches as a black-winged raven swoops past and heads out over the thick jungle. Kren’s bird no doubt, yes, and just over there the good Kren himself attempting to save some rather wet looking parchments. They must be important for all the effort he’s putting into it. Thinking Kren could’ve gotten those proofed against water for a few coins in Sasserine Pejon makes a note to remember to mention it to him. Smiling Pejon thinks, wizards, go figure.

Reminded of his other Sasserine guard companions Pejon surveys the surrounding beach area. Everyone is there and seemingly okay considering their horrible ordeal last night. Another quick look turns up the murderer, Tom Wren, still sleeping off the potion given to him when he was captured. How much longer, how much longer till he wakes, Pejon wonders, and then what? We certainly won’t reach the Dawn Council before it wears off.

“See that wisp of smoke to the south,” calls out Captain Fenn, pointing his spyglass in that direction from a tall rock, “Maybe that’s a settlement.”
Pejon turns and faces the direction Captain Fenn is motioning in and strains his eyes to see the narrow line of smoke rising up from the jungle. “I see it, barely”, replies Pejon. Looking downward from the thin column of smoke Pejon notices an old rotting dock he hadn’t seen before and beyond that an opening in the trees beyond. “Well my old friend Fharlanghn, now we’re getting somewhere" breathes Pejon.
Turning to the group Captain Fenn orders “Go find help quickly."
Kren, without looking up, exclaims "Not without preparation, good sir. Who knows what awaits us on that path? Give me 20 minutes or so."
“Quickly?”, wonders Pejon, quickly indeed. For what if the mage should awaken? Kren would know what kind of power the wizard may still possess even without his spellbook…wait, where is the spellbook wonders Pejon.
“Kren” starts Pejon “what danger might the mage posses should he awaken?”
“Kren?” asks Pejon as Kren continues to study his book.
“Umm, Kren, Tom Wren should he…” blinks Pejon.
“Kren?” whispers Pejon to the wizard.
“Look, I’m sure that’s fascinating reading and all but…” says Pejon while tapping his foot.
“You know you can get those parchments proofed from water in practically any town so they won’t get soaked and end up like those ones!” tries Pejon motioning to the drying papers.
“Okay…I’ll, umm, wait till you’re, ah, done there and check back with you.”
Pejon wanders over to his staff and pulling it free of the rocks removes his hooded cloak from the opposite end. He hefts the cloak up into the air and gives it a pinch that produces little beads of water that run down his fingers into his hand. With a groan Pejon dons his heavy cloak and heads over to the assembling group of Sasserian guards asking…
“Does anyone know who the patron of warm and dry clothing is?”

October 4th, 2006, 01:16
A man of above average height lurches out of the bottom of a boat. "Wha' happen'd?" Luton grunts with a confused look upon his face. He peers around the beach and like a hazy fog you can see memory fills his eyes. "Uh Oh." he exclaims and immediately begins to check himself and his belongings. "Good all here."

Luton gazes over to the other guards standing near a rock. One, Pejon, seems to badgering kern, who is quite oblivious to all the bald man is saying. After walking over to the recently awakened guards he scans the beach for the rest of the contingent. "Is everyone awake yet? Where are we?" he mutters to no one in particular.

Sex Mahoney
October 5th, 2006, 13:03
Antoine LaCroix character sheet


Ciladric Spellflinger
October 5th, 2006, 14:18
Did you mean not to use all of your stat points?

October 8th, 2006, 03:00
I enjoyed playing our first game, getting to know your characters, and see them in action.

Game XP - 750

Between games, if you post in character on the forum, you can earn up to 200XP worth pre-game forum XP, 50 XP per substantial paragraph, with a 100XP bonus party-wide if every player in the party makes an in character post.

October 8th, 2006, 03:01
I have to work this coming Thursday, so the next game will be October 19, 7-9pm (EST, GMT-5).

The game date will be posted in the our campaign's game calendar, which will display the scheduled time in your time zone.


The sessions will be two hours and usually will wrap up on time.

Good Gaming!


October 8th, 2006, 03:06

The Vanished Villagers

Captain “Cap” Arden Galen, the chief of the village, scowls as he surveys his web covered village. Giant webs encase many houses and the old ship tavern like cocoons, while other more lightly webbed houses’ doors stand open, eerily empty, with their residents missing. “Shiver me Timbers,” Cap clangs the flat of his cutlass against his chipped shield, “Tha’ blasted spiders have taken them!”

An old man, his face and arms deformed by long scars, appears at the doorway of the ship-shaped tavern. “Where’d they take them, Cap?” He leans against the doorway, chewing a blade of grass, nonchalantly looking over the party.

Cap swings toward him, a ball of tension, like a coiled spring, “Does it matter, Keel?” His voice is tight. “They’re dead, they have to be. And if they’re not dead yet,” his lips twist, “They’ll wish they were.” Keel looks at the ground sadly.

Around you, dead giant spider bodies hang in the tent of webs over the village of Haven-Fare. Their crumpled corpses also lie on the ground, slain by your efforts at rescue. Your search for supplies to repair your stranded ship led you here, but when you arrived, dozens of wild-eyed giant spiders were covering the village in webbing.

Cap beckons you into the Good Fortune Pub. “Strangers, come, have some grub and drink on us. Let’s do some talkin’.” He motions to Keel, who retreats back inside. “You have the village’s thanks,” he pauses, studying your weapons and armor, then narrows his eyes, “unless o’course it was yer witchcraft that brought the spiders upon us.”

October 8th, 2006, 03:07
Legend of “The Good Fortune”

At the center of this jungle village, the weathered sea ship made into a tavern bears the name “Good Fortune” in faded gilt letters. Its worn, barnacled planks have a slight sheen of preserving oil, caked with dust, insects and spider webs. Heavy timbers prop up its sides. A hull breach to the south had been made into a formal doorway. Two other wooden buildings are attached to its sides. In a nearby pen, seven thin, mangy horses look at their empty water trough and neigh loudly.

Three hundred years ago, sailors trembled at the sight of the Good Fortune. Even among her fellow pirates of the Crimson Fleet, the Good Fortune’s captain was a legend. Captain Jane Haven prowled the South Sea trade routes at will, seizing ships, slaves, and treasures. She eluded all who tried to capture her, from daring knights errant to master wizards of Sasserine. Finally, while still spry in her sixties, she disappeared… never to be seen again…

Captain Haven, it seems, made her last journey to this uncharted isle…

October 8th, 2006, 03:09
The Ballad of the Pirate Maid, a Sasserine Sea Shanty

O come list a while, and you shall hear,
By the rolling sea lived a maiden fair.
Her father had followed the pirating trade,
Like a warlike hero that never was afraid.

Now, in sailor's clothing young Jane Haven did go,
Dressed like a sailor from top to toe
Her aged father was the only care
Of this female pirate who never did despair.

Alongside, a Sasserine warship came.
Cheer up,' cried Jane, 'we will board the same;
We'll run all chances to rise or fall,'
Cried this female pirate, who never feared a brawl.

With a swift leap she went aboard.
And by her side hung a glittering sword,
In her belt two daggers; well armed for war
Was this female pirate, who never feared a scar.

Their dashing captain against her appeared,
And for her life she did greatly fear.
When he did find to his great surprise
'Twas a female pirate had fought him in disguise.

Then this brave captain to her father went,
To gain her hand he asked his consent.
His consent he gained, so the brave captain
And the female pirate, are one forevermore.

(Adapted from Lesley Nelson-Burns, “The Female Smuggler,” a sea shanty circa 1680s. https://www.contemplator.com/sea/fsmugglr.html)

October 8th, 2006, 03:14
Another Sasserine City Guard walks up the trail to join you.

He is Burga (a half-orc ranger played by Aberto2k)


October 11th, 2006, 02:27
"Ahoy there mates!" The half-orc cheerfully says as he approaches you following the path from the shore.

"The capt'n wants a status ..." Burga's speach slows as he reaches you and surveys the area," ... ree - port."

The young half-orc walks tall, without hint of the slouch or swagger typical of an orc. His facial features - unmistakenly orcish by the light of day, but fine enough that by night or low-light he could likely pass for human. Dressed in travelling clothes, with a well trimed beard and long briaded hair you too can almost forget his lineage.

With a grunt the newcomer pauses as he fills his pipe with tabacco - his eyes scanning the village, "Well now," he continues as he lights his pipe and looks at you, "it seems we've got a wee spider problem now don't we?"

He puffs at his pipe as he crouches, smoke billows around his head as he studies the spider more closely.


Be seeing you,


Ciladric Spellflinger
October 16th, 2006, 21:54
Sorry guys. I got a job and I think I'm going to end up with scheduling conflicts...so I'm out :( Good playing with you though!


October 17th, 2006, 00:34
Sorry guys. I got a job and I think I'm going to end up with scheduling conflicts...so I'm out Good playing with you though!


Easier to find a game than a job so I think we'd understand. Good luck on the new job.


October 20th, 2006, 00:12
Well, this week we are down three players due to work-related conflicts, and I am not feeling well this evening, so we will postpone the game one week.


October 20th, 2006, 01:28
its ok, life happens :)

October 22nd, 2006, 18:14
Ciladric, good luck with your new job!

October 22nd, 2006, 18:25
You hoped to find supplies at Haven-Fara, but the town seems in great peril. Villagers thank you warmly for lifting the siege of giant spiders, but whole families are missing. Nearly half the village has been carried away and the villagers fear witchcraft may be involved...

When we play on Thursday, your characters will start in the Good Fortune Inn speaking with the mayor, Captain "Cap" Galen. After that, how you wish to explore this mystery and attempt to obtain ship repair supplies from the villagers is up to you.

Since your characters are city guards, you are familiar with investigating odd circumstances. If you like, you can gather information from townspeople, explore the village to look for clues, etc.

October 24th, 2006, 06:07
Noticed that many of you were using the 3eProfiler at my Sylnae site, so wanted to give you a heads up, sylnae will be shutting it's doors soon. However, Fal and another fellow are going to move all the data and scripts to a new domain here soon. Once the change has taken place, we will probably be putting up a redirect to the new site.

Oh, and sorry to interupt your game!

October 26th, 2006, 01:04

Thanks for the notice about Sylnae.net.

Mad God's Key Players: Please back up your characters by printing them out.

With luck the new site will be up soon or it may be possible to use a replacement like the Tangled Web site 3e profiler.


October 28th, 2006, 15:35
Our old character host, Sylnae.net, is closing soon, so I'd ask that all Mad's God's Key players please transfer your characters to the new Roguepenguin RPG Profiler website. This is very easy to do. In character options, download a backup copy of your character and save it on your computer.

You will find the new Roguepenguin RPG profiler at the following URL:

Create a login name and password, then make a new character with the same name as your original one.

Go to the character options screen (click "details" from the list to get there) and upload your old character. Your uplaoded backup character file will replace your new character.

Please make your character publically viewable and editable by Arawen. The program also allows you to set your character as a member of the Mad God's Key campaign. That will make it quicker for me to refer to all of our campaign characters in a group.

Thank you,


October 29th, 2006, 14:24
Mad God's Key Player Spot Open

We have one player spot open. Application process is by PM. Send a brief character description and an experience that made your character an adventurer.

Current Party:

aberto2k, Kralor "Burga" Dubbin, Half-Orc Ranger
Dedeko, Mahalland Creyer, Human Cleric
Pilsnerquest, Pejon "Pilsnerquist", HumanFighter
lethian, Luton Jerm, Barbarian

Game Time on Game Calendar:

October 30th, 2006, 04:58
come join us, and touch my 10 foot pole

October 30th, 2006, 09:19
I've sent words to Daina and hopefully i might join you all in your game. Oh, Dedeko... I think that would just scare people away ^.^ hehe.

October 31st, 2006, 02:55
The game calendar time was wrong due to daylight savings time ending in the US. Game time is 8-10pm (EST GMT-5). I have corrected the time.

I'd also like to welcome Varn Fury, our party's new rogue.

As always, connection info will be sent via PM shortly before game time.

November 3rd, 2006, 00:28
I regret that I have found out that I have to work late tonight, so we are postponing one week.


November 8th, 2006, 00:31
Folks, I've been informed that I have to attend a Thurs. evening event at work, so we have to postpone again until Nov. 16.

Please accept my apologies.


November 8th, 2006, 01:55
No problem, we can be patient.

Be seeing you,


November 8th, 2006, 02:28
Nov. 16th it is!


November 8th, 2006, 04:28
*Sigh* I'll keep what i want to say to myself but this bites.

November 9th, 2006, 00:41
Folks, I am very sorry about the unexpected conflict with my job this week.

I sincerely regret that both the job-related conflict and its late notice were entirely beyond my control.

I respect our game continuity and your time committment.


November 13th, 2006, 22:04
In case anyone missed it:

November 16th, 2006, 02:45
Thanks, Snikle.

To players in Mad God's Key:

Game on Thurs. Nov 15, 8pm EST (GMT-5).

November 17th, 2006, 00:16
Work is running late again, so I regret that I cannot play. Given my repeated schedule conflicts on Thursday evenings, I am canceling the campaign. Please accept my sincere apologies. It may be possible to accomodate players in my Sunday 7-9pm EST (GMT-5) game which is much easier for me to schedule predictably because of its weekend time.

Sunday Game, Swashbucklers of Sasserine, https://www.roguepenguin.com/forum/

Once again, thank you for your interest and best wishes to you all.


November 17th, 2006, 04:36
Hey Diana,

Well, we didn't get off to a great start did we. Anyways, I would like to get into a campaign with you as GM sometime. I don't know how people know you but it seems your a good GM especially when it comes to plot and RP campaigns. So, in the future I'll keep an eye on your games and hope to get into one again when our schedules are more convenient.



Artisan Alex
July 10th, 2007, 17:09
Hee, I wanted to PM this to you, but your message box is full :P I know the campaign is full at the moment, but I'd like to join up if space becomes avaliable!

I noticed that the group doesn't have any arcane casters yet, and while I prefer clerics, being a wizard might be a nice change of pace.

Brokk Gurdhammer, or Brokk the Seeker is a dwarven wizard who has left his community to explore the mysteries of the wider world. He has an insatiable curiosity for the mystical and unknown. Having found all that there was to find in his small community, Brokk departed and has been making his way ever since (though I'm not sure if he would have left on good terms or not, or if he'd even care).

Game term-wise, I'm tossed up between neutral good, or just plain neutral. I suppose it depends on how obsessed he is with his searching. He'd be a level 1 dwarven wizard, and thats about that ^_^

If any of this interests you, feel more than free to message me back. Hope the campaign goes well, regardless!