View Full Version : LFG 1player Weeknight mon thru thurs EST AUS (GMT +10) D&D 5E

June 6th, 2019, 12:00
Hi, New to FG and roleplaying in general looking to find a group willing to show a new guy the ropes.

FG License: Standard
Time Zone: EST Australia
Availability: I'm looking for a weekly or biweekly game and am open any time Monday thru till Thursday.
Terms: I'm looking for a long term game be it a module or Homebrew campaign. I'm interested in D&D 5e. I would also be interested in a few one shots or short term games to help with my learning.
Experience: None brand new.
Character Type: since I'm new a Melee class or hybrid class.

I'm looking to learn FG and D&D and make some new friends whilst I'm at it. I live in a small town and most Irl tables are hours away so i want to join one online.