View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Mon Wed and/or Fri CDT US Time Zone prefer PF

June 2nd, 2019, 18:39
FG License: Have Regular License.
Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Able to play every afternoon/evening my time except Tues & Thurs. Weekends available but not preferred. Can play multiple times a week too.
Term: Long term if possible or at least a month or two.
Voice: Have and would prefer voice chat.

Game System Preferred: Prefer PF and wouldn't mind trying out PF2e. Can do 5e but would much rather do a PF system.
Game System Experience: Current DM for a Pathfinder group but they don't play often enough for me. So I am looking to play more on my own.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Tried it out a little and semi familiar but will have a little bit of a learning curve. Really looking forward to getting better with it (but have no one to play with on it)

Character Type Preferred: Usually play a ranged Nature type (Druid, Ranger), or Paladin. Paladin is my fav but due to alignment constraints can be hard on party so don't always like playing it depending on the groups morals. But honestly I am willing to play anything.

About me: I may be a little quiet at first trying to feel out other players but I joke around a little out of character but mainly I try to focus on what my character would do and stick to it. I am pretty easy going and probably wont want to be "party leader" but can direct if needed. I like heavy combat but I don't want all combat. My role play voices are horrible but that doesn't stop me from trying. If at all possible I try to say things as my character when he talks.

June 2nd, 2019, 18:41
If you're willing to start out at a higher level, I'm running a Pathfinder Monday night campaign (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?36739-LFP-for-Monday-Night-Pathfinder-Campaign-(8-EST-7-CST-5-PST)) at 7:30 CDT.

June 2nd, 2019, 18:44
Any particular party needs?

June 2nd, 2019, 18:52
Level 12.

Party has a sword and shield Paladin, supporting Time Oracle, blasting Draconic Sorcerer, supporting Incanter, and an Alchemist.

So much pretty anything would work. Including a Paladin buddy for the existing Paladin so he's less lonely in melee.

June 2nd, 2019, 19:01
Closing thread for now... looks like I got a game. Thanks!