View Full Version : LFG for Sunday game (preferably later today!) - 1 longtime gamer who has no games

June 2nd, 2019, 11:44
Ive been playing 18 years, and am a 5 year vet of Roll20, but find myself with no more games left, as the games I was in either fell apart or came to an end. So, time to try Fantasy Grounds again. Honestly, I am open to most systems, but will only have a free account as of this time (this may change later)

Most times on Sunday should be fine for me ( I am CDT ) and have the entire day free, have voice availability (Discord Hungrygnome#9176)

June 5th, 2019, 17:11
My name is Dan and I'm in a group that plays on Sundays at 4 pm CDT. It's a 5E home brew and we have 4 people right now, but room for another (just started last Sunday) so it wouldn't be to hard to get you up and going if your willing.


is our discord invite, I'm Lokie, our DM is Eric and we hope you are able to join us.