View Full Version : Did kick starter, How does FG know to attach info to our FG account???

Emerald Viper
May 30th, 2019, 22:04
Did kick starter, How does FG know to attach info to our FG account???

May 30th, 2019, 22:13
In the next several days or week you will receive an email with either a series of questions or a link to a questionnaire. Follow the instruction in that email to fill out the requested info. I suspect they will ask for your license key as well as your forum username/email account if you over pledged what add-ons you wanted.

May 30th, 2019, 22:22
Actrually, there is detailed info on what will happen next in the KS itself, the update that was just posted. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/smiteworks/fantasy-grounds-unity/posts/2522779

Especially this part;

This will take some time to assemble but I'm going to try very hard to get this all ready by the end of June. I will be sending those emails out in batches, but I will also post an update here when I send those emails out. You will be able to message me through Kickstarter if you don't get the email for some reason (aggressive spam filters, etc.) and I will be able to send you the custom code and URL directly through here.

Emerald Viper
May 30th, 2019, 22:34
Thank You

May 30th, 2019, 22:39
Thank You
You are welcome :)