View Full Version : d20 Modern - two Possibilities

September 16th, 2006, 01:52
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the FG fold and would like to start something up here.

I'm looking to run a d20 Modern campaign very soon, using FG. This will be a d20 Modern Dark*Matter horror-esque campaign. Players would work for the Hoffman Insititue the campaign would be structured much like a TV show (such as X-Files or Supernatural), whereas each session would be the equivelant of an episode. (Episodes that run longer than a session would be much like the "....to be continued." epsiodes of a TV show). In addition, I will be using OSIRS.net for both in-session and outside of session use. (all in-character). Its a great site that will really add to the roleplay element of being Hoffman Institute employees.

Only the MSRD or d20 Modern Core book would be required (though the d20 DarkMatter book would be helpful for players as well)

Books I would be using for this idea would be:
- d20 Modern Core book
- d20 Menace Manual
- d20 Weapons Locker
- d20 Dark*Matter
- I may use some bits and peices from the other d20M books for flavor. Depends on what I would need for an Episode.

Note: The second idea, of a d20 Modern Dragonstar campaign, has been put on the backburner.

September 16th, 2006, 03:01
I plan on using Digital Adventures' wonderfully crafted MSRD ruleset for this game.

Thanks Cyber! :)

Good luck with your game.

September 16th, 2006, 03:10
I could do either of your options; I have all of the Dragonstar and the old Dark Matter stuff. I didn't know the d20 version of Dark Matter was out yet though there is some conversion stuff from Polyhedron floating around out there. I am not certain which one I would rather do, both are interesting settings. If I was forced to make a pick I would probably go with Dark Matter though. Is there much conversion to do with Dragonstar? It is a d20 setting anyway. In any case, it sounds like fun.

September 16th, 2006, 03:49
Thanks Cyber! :)

Good luck with your game.

No! Thank you! The ruleset is magnificent.

I could do either of your options; I have all of the Dragonstar and the old Dark Matter stuff. I didn't know the d20 version of Dark Matter was out yet though there is some conversion stuff from Polyhedron floating around out there. I am not certain which one I would rather do, both are interesting settings. If I was forced to make a pick I would probably go with Dark Matter though. Is there much conversion to do with Dragonstar? It is a d20 setting anyway. In any case, it sounds like fun.

I'm pretty much in the same boat :) I really like both of the options and have some a very good idea of what I would do with a campaign in each. (I think I may be a little more partial to DM, though, having read through the d20 DM book now). (I wasn't aware that the d20 DM book was out either...it was on the shelf at my FLGS this morning :P)

Is there much conversion to do with Dragonstar? It is a d20 setting anyway. In any case, it sounds like fun.

There really isn't all that much conversion after looking through some things. Its more or less just fitting the background and setting to the d20M rules.

September 16th, 2006, 09:07
I would be really interested in the secount one. Though i dont know what the times your gonna set this up. Im est and free around 10pm

September 16th, 2006, 14:14
I'm not sure what Dragonstar is, but I am interested in playing a d20 modern game.

September 16th, 2006, 17:58
I would be really interested in the secount one. Though i dont know what the times your gonna set this up. Im est and free around 10pm

Seems like most are interested in the second idea as well. (I'll have to admit, after going through the d20 Darm*Matter book and bringing back the memories of the Alternity days, I've been leaning more towards d20DM.) I'm in EST as well. At this time, I'm probably looking to game on friday nights. I'm just waiting to start my new job in the next few weeks and to put together the start of the campaign.)

I'm not sure what Dragonstar is, but I am interested in playing a d20 modern game.

Dragonstar is a shortlived d20 setting by Fantasy Flight Games

Excerpt from FFG's website
Welcome to Dragonstar, a boundless universe of magic and machine, science and sorcery. Intrepid adventurers explore the Outlands in starships powered by fusion fire and arcane rituals. Dwarven prospectors work veins of pure adamantite in remote asteroid belts, and elven loremasters conduct secret experiments in living space stations. Grizzled mercenaries augment their bodies with bioengineered spellware, and orc raiders armed with pulse lasers massacre innocents on isolated colony worlds.

Dragonstar is a unique space-fantasy campaign setting for the d20 System, from Fantasy Flight Games. Written by verteran designers Matt Forbeck and Greg Benage. Prepare to take your adventure to the stars!

For more info you can visit the official DS site at https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/dragonstar.html

As it seems...I'm probably going to be running with the d20 Dark Matter (d20 Modern), as most people are wanting that one.

September 17th, 2006, 03:43
I'm glad to hear that Friday works for you. That is my best open night right now and I am in EST also.

September 17th, 2006, 03:58

Dark Matter sounds good, and Fridays will work for me depending on the time, so put me down as a maybe. I have a couple of the old Dark Matter books. Thanks


September 18th, 2006, 16:31
I have decided....d20 Modern Dark Matter will be my upcoming game. It will be on friday nights. The time han't been decided but it will be sometime 8pm EST or later...dependant on what the final group would prefer.

Now that I have made the decision of what to run, I am starting to put together the foundation of the campaign I am going to run.

September 19th, 2006, 03:51
I set up the campaign on the FG Calender. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=120. :)

September 19th, 2006, 11:09
Im more then in, hopefully my work place will keep me on the same times now (promise me 3-9pm but i aint trusting them)

September 19th, 2006, 18:37
I would love to play but I'm already running a campaign on Friday nights, but it sounds like its going to be a fun time!

September 20th, 2006, 02:16
I would love to play but I'm already running a campaign on Friday nights, but it sounds like its going to be a fun time!

I hope it is! :) While I've DM D&D since the beginning of second edition, Shadowrun since 1st edition, and d20 Modern since it came out....this will be the first Campaign I have ever run online for anyone. Until I found Fantasy Grounds, I thought I never would even attempt it! :)

The campaign will be episode based (much like a TV show), so if you ever have a friday off from your own game or something, you're more than welcome to pop in as for a session or so as a special guest character.

September 20th, 2006, 02:23
Updated the Calender listing with an Announcement:

This will be a game using the d20 Modern rules and the d20 Dark Matter setting. We'll be playing using the Complete MSRD Fantasy Grounds ruleset from Digital Adventures, LLC.

I am currently putting together a campaign website. More info on that soon.

Characters will be humans starting at first level and can draw on material from the following books: d20 Modern Core Rulebook, Urban Arcana, and d20 Dark Matter.

As long as you follow the above guidlines, you can make any character that would enjoy playing.

All characters, regardless of background, would have experienced some drastic encounter with the unknown and recruited by the Hoffman Insititute. Just write up a little background, story, or idea (I can help flesh it out if you need) about how they came to become a recruit.

Being employeed by the Hoffman Insitiute does grant you the following items for free:
- an untraceable 9mm handgun (your choice from the d20 Modern Core book or d20 Weapons Locker).
- holster for gun chosen above
- 2 boxes of 9mm ammunition
- a Hoffman Cellnet issued cellphone
- Hoffman Insitiute ID card

As soon as you have a character made up, I'll enter you into my OSIRS.net account as a player.

I've also edited my prior posts to reflect the fact that the game will be d20 Modern Dark Matter.

September 20th, 2006, 03:00
Where can i get the Weapon locker or Dark Mattter book? (I've learn pretty fast, i seen some the Dark Matter stuff from a Prd on making a resident evil campain)

September 20th, 2006, 04:03
Where can i get the Weapon locker or Dark Mattter book? (I've learn pretty fast, i seen some the Dark Matter stuff from a Prd on making a resident evil campain)

You should be able to get them at your FLGS. In addition, I know the last time I was in Borders or Barnes and Noble they both had them as well. There's always the infamous Amazon.com as well.

Below is the links to the offical product pages for them:
d20 Weapons Locker (https://ww2.wizards.com/Company/Products/Default.aspx?doc=881570000)
d20 Dark Matter (https://ww2.wizards.com/Company/Products/Default.aspx?doc=107697200)

September 20th, 2006, 06:40
How many points do we have to buy attributes? I am assuming you will be using points instead of rolling because we would need to be connected to you for rolling so you could monitor the die rolls. ;) But you never know, maybe I really did roll those 6 18s. :p

September 20th, 2006, 16:14
How many points do we have to buy attributes? I am assuming you will be using points instead of rolling because we would need to be connected to you for rolling so you could monitor the die rolls. ;) But you never know, maybe I really did roll those 6 18s. :p

Hmm. Forgot about that. I'm going to use the "Planned Generaion" method from the d20 Modern.

All Ability scores will start at 8 and you get 30 points to spend on increasing stats based on the costs below.

8 = 0pts
9 = 1 pt
10 = 2pts
11 = 3pts
12 = 4pts
13 = 5pts
14 = 6pts
15 = 8pts
16 = 10pts
17 = 13pts
18 = 16pts

September 21st, 2006, 04:34
I've started a Story Hour for the campaign over at EnWorld. https://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=175287. I'll be updating it with each session once we get things going.

As it stands I hope to get things rolling towards the beginning of October. I start my new 10am to 7pm job on October 2nd. I'm currently working 3pm to Midnight (the change is much needed).

September 21st, 2006, 22:07
I've been brainstorming and putting together the peices for the campaign and things are looking good. I'm eager to run you guys through them. :)

When you get a chance, please feel free to send your character (even if its just a name and concept) to me. my email is jhamilton at grymn dot com. Once I have character names and email addresses, I'll set you guys up as players in my OSRIS.net campaign and update the Calender listing.

Basically, you are all going to be relatively new recruits to the Hoffmann Insitute. (We can do a one on one session through FG or just through email if you want to flesh out how you came to be with the Insitute.)

September 22nd, 2006, 04:04
Soon. Very soon now, Boss.

Lord Robert of Worcester
September 28th, 2006, 00:05
i'm curious. The Moderns is psion is set 3.0ish, and the 3.5 is an improvent. (by my estimation.) Are going to update the paion mechanics or leave as is?

October 4th, 2006, 19:09
So when do we start this thing up? :P

October 6th, 2006, 03:44
Hey everyone, sorry I have updated or been on for a few....I just started the new job and am adjusting to from my old 3 to Midnight schedule to my new10am to 7pm schedule.... I've received both Mr-Void and Mitchifter's characters and the character concepts for a few of the rest of you.

How do you guys feel about getting together next friday night as a meeting of sorts? If thats cool with you all we would need to just set a time.

I like to use the first session as more of a pre-game meeting then actual gaming. It would gives a chance to chat about characters, about the game, about what you guys are looking/hoping for out of the game, etc etc. I alwys like knowing what my players want from the game.

If that sounds good to you guys, let figure out a time. I'll get off work around 7pm...and be home no later than 8pm. I'm good from 8pm to whenever (I tend to not sleep much friday nights anyways :P ).

October 13th......hmm. Group meeting on friday the 13th..should be fun!

October 6th, 2006, 08:24
My character is done, he just sitting on my laptop atm. Umm friday sound fine, i wont be home till 9:15pm or so.. but i'll deffently come.

October 8th, 2006, 18:12
I am in similar situation. I start a new job this week and I do believe that I am working until the evening of this Friday, but will make a valiant effort to join the conference when I can. My official schedule remains unconfirmed for future employment so I remain hopeful that I will still be available to this group.
Should I assume that my character was acceptable to your perusal, Boss? I may have altered some skill point allocation and added a wee bit more detail regarding her personality quirks, but otherwise she is as she will be.


October 9th, 2006, 00:24
I will be there Friday at eight.

October 15th, 2006, 17:14
Did I miss it or did it not happen on Friday?


October 15th, 2006, 19:20
Did I miss it or did it not happen on Friday?


I dont think it happened.

October 15th, 2006, 22:02
Then my heart is breaking.
Why can't we have the nice things we want?

Brimming with Sorrow,

October 16th, 2006, 02:28
Dont know, all i know is this the secount campain i was post play and it never happen. Sucks because i use be a in a few really good ones that crashed and burned. I aint play DD for about 2 months. blah.