View Full Version : New Game - Saturday GMT

September 15th, 2006, 18:27
Gentlemen : an update for Saturday's game (8 PM start please UK time).

I have confirmed : Ferdia, Brokky, Loki, Tinker and Doodec, one more player yet to confirm.:)

Level Two characters please - to speed things up and get us all playing quickly I'd suggest you create a character off-line in the privacy of your own cyber spce and then just email me ([email protected]) the character xml.

This is found in your fantasy grounds "characters" folder - email me the entire file and I'll take it from there. If you can do this then we can get a good 3 hours of playing done.;)

I can run this about once a fortnight depending on work but I'm kinda hoping that if this slot works for us all the one of you brave souls can take over the DM-ing, and gosh darn it I might get a game as a player. :p


September 21st, 2006, 20:01
do you have an opening in this game or was the one more player someone specific?

September 22nd, 2006, 06:32
Still vacancies - you can create a character off line and email me the xml file before Saturday's game. PM me if still interested.

September 23rd, 2006, 10:40
An update for tonight's game starting at 8 PM UK time.
Please check out the FUM site where I post regular information and updates on the Qabbal campaign boards - this Saturday group is "Group 4".

Tonight's session could have anywhere between 6 to 9 players ... I regularly run FG games with 7 ... apart from time during combat turns (which will necessarily be a bit slower) FG should be stable enough but please bear with me !

Obviously a big group like this is not tennable for long so I will ask for volunteers to join my Thursday group (Group 3) ... and ultimately I hope one of you will take over DM-ing ... and let me play !

Please excuse me if I have mangledup character names and FG/email alias' ... trying to juggle 28 character names and 20 or so FG alias' is a bit tough at times...

Tonight confirmed from last session are Loki ("Aiden" a Human Monk), Ferdia ("Sitric" a Half Elf Wizard),
Brokky ("Brokky" Gnome Bard) ?,
Doodec ("Farviriol" Elf Rogue) absent.

New: Tiha ("Habric" Human Ranger), Daniel (FG alias ?) ("Ancanna" Human Ranger), ?forgot - sorry? ("DirtigGrimtock" Human Barbarian).

Also contacted me : Slayveen and Guy_Incognito ... one of you may be DirtigGrimtock .... my apologies.

See you tonight ... I can sort things out then !

I am absent until about 7 PM (rugby) but will try and log on around 7 PM.

PM me if there are problems.

September 23rd, 2006, 20:29
Stuart, if you look here, please check your email or PMs

September 30th, 2006, 21:39
Hmm ... this seems to be a problem with FG and especially new users/players ...

On paper ... tonight's game had 8 players and one NPC. I ended up playing with just two players and one NPC.

One player warned me in advance he could not play (thank you Slayveen - next Saturday ?) and one had connection problems (Loki - next Saturday ?). One logged in and then gave up after FG crashed (it was stable for the rest of the session - next Saturday Guy ?). One turned up almost an hour late ...

That leaves 4 players who were simply swallowed up by the ether ... please, please, please, please, please .... let me know (if you can) via PM at FG (or better FUM) that you are late/cannot make it/do not want to play/washing your hair/saving the world ... An FG module takes HOURS to prepare not minutes.

Please PM me as to your availability for next Saturday. Better yet register with FUM and respond to the Qabbal Group 4 posts ...

Thank you.

October 1st, 2006, 04:45
"Hmm ... this seems to be a problem with FG and especially new users/players ...

On paper ... tonight's game had 8 players and one NPC. I ended up playing with just two players and one NPC."

Stuart, that sucks. I have seen your games and I know that you provide great quality and preperation. Sometimes people have to cancel from a game. That's fine, life happens to all of us its only a matter of time when. But there is no excuse for failing to provide notice.

Would you PM me the names of the FOUR no-shows who didn't provide you any notice?? I promise not to share their names with others, but I would like to know them for myself to screen them from my games.

October 1st, 2006, 15:49
Thanks for the game Stuart. I realy enjoyed it. See you next Sat.

October 3rd, 2006, 02:37

I really enjoyed the session last Saturday, thank you, Stuart. But, it seems I had mistaken the time lag between GMT and JST. To date, I have attended your session twice and both time I was the last comer to the session. Actually, I thought I attended ON TIME, i.e. 8:00pm GMT, but maybe it wasn't...was it 9:00pm GMT when I connected to you??

By the way, starting from this weekend, I should be out running errands, from my house (where my computer and FG are) to an other distant prefecture on EVERY FRIDAY to MONDAY :o , and perhaps, there would be no environment to use FG to connect to your session. Off course, I will try to istall FG into the computer out there, but I cannot say for sure if I can manage it or not. I'm afraid I might not be able to attend the session. I will keep in touch to you by mail anyway. (if it is possible, please let me change the group from Saturdays to the other weekdays....maybe no vacancies?)

My apologies.



October 3rd, 2006, 05:04
(to Anyone}

By the way,what is FUM? I cannot figure it out yet...


October 3rd, 2006, 06:21
The ugliest site on the net:


October 3rd, 2006, 09:15

Thanks for the tip, I get it as last: FourUglyMonsters=FUM.


October 7th, 2006, 23:05
Thanks Stuart, great game last night... See you next Sat.

October 7th, 2006, 23:25
Thanks for a great game Stuart, was nice of you to guide me through my first session using using FG and introducing me to d20/3.5.

The players and GM were great and I look forward to enjoyable gaming sessions with you and the rest in the future.

October 8th, 2006, 08:49
Thanks guys - I'll post xp and a synopsis and a list of players and the next playing time etc over at FUM ... AND I guess with players not showing I can still accept a few more players.

We are short of mage and cleric power but frankly, if you are a new player (to either FG or 3.5) any character will do - please PM me.

October 15th, 2006, 02:08
Again very good performance. Thanks Stuart ( even that i was almost killed by stupid kobold:). I think that kobolds should not have a possibilility to hit critical...Its very uncomfortable:)

October 28th, 2006, 20:25
I started this game to offer new FG (and in some cases new rpg) players a chance tohave a go and try out the system. It has meant hours of work taking a 40 page module and coding it up plus re-drawing every map in DJ.

In the sessions that have been run 9 different players have joined in and 13 players have created characters ...

I know real life sometimes intrudes but ... 2 players out of a potential 6 made it last night only one absentee had the courtesy to let me know in advance (thank you).

So ... no surprise that I anounce that this game is now officially dead !:dead:

October 28th, 2006, 20:30
Yes, I waited two weeks to play this game. Im realy dissapointed. Curse on all the absent ones:) Anyway Stuart thanks for all your support. I really enjoyed playing with you. Regards. Hope to meet you soon.

October 30th, 2006, 10:50
Yeah thank you Stuart.
I at least got to play in one game before it went TU.:(
People should think about the amount of work and time put in by the DMs. and make some effort of their own. RL can be a real bind but there is seldom a good excuse for not letting you know they couldn't make it.
Thank you again I really appreciated and enjoyed my brief forray into Qabbel
speak to you soon

October 30th, 2006, 14:22
A reminder - there is a game available on Sunday afternoon (GMT) run Kalmarjan - needs a couple more players ...