View Full Version : Looking to start something

September 14th, 2006, 05:39
I mentioned two days ago on someone else's post that I was going to layout an idea I had for Fantasy Grounds. I also mentioned that I would post that evening. I'm late.

In any case, the idea I had was this:

I'll host a "session" of FG where anyone can join in and get familiar with the program. I, too, need this time to aquaint myself with the program, and thus we help each other. This idea also has another side to it: you meet other willing players.

My personal goal is to link up with two or three other players. Buut the more that show up the merrier. There might be two or three groups that get made from this.

I'm not completely certain it's going to work for everyone. But it might be the start of something good.

I'll start this on Friday night. I'll see if about running both the Demo version and the Full version that evening. I can start rather early and run until late. At least have it open for a while so that I can meet people and such.

My time here is GMT -6:00. So I'll try to start both of them up at about 7:45pm. I'd like to see people try to visit at the top off each hour, starting at 8pm (GMT 2:00) and continuing for as long as I can (potentially 6 hours or so).

Everyone will be more than welcome to stay as long as they'd like. And i invite FG experts and veterans to show up and pass on some knowledge and tips.

So if this sounds interesting to you, then let me know. If you see a potential problem by doing this then, please point it out as well.

Thanks for your time.


September 14th, 2006, 05:59
Certainly sounds interesting to me. I don't know that I could attend on Friday but my partner is mildly interested in the program too and he could join. I do have one question, how do you intend to let those who want to join know your IP or alias that they have to connect to?

September 14th, 2006, 06:07
Certainly sounds interesting to me. I don't know that I could attend on Friday but my partner is mildly interested in the program too and he could join. I do have one question, how do you intend to let those who want to join know your IP or alias that they have to connect to?

Good question. And I did have an answer for that when I was writing that first post, but I forgot. I'll post it here. I have to install the demo and get that info soon.

Oh and if this goes well enough, then I should think something weekly/bi-monthly could be arranged. Like a support group. :D

September 14th, 2006, 06:55
Sounds like a workable plan. Now I just have to get my partner to sign up to the boards :)