View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight or Weekend (CST Prefered) Game, prefer Starfinder AP

May 6th, 2019, 14:24
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I am fairly open here, but would like one day a week or at least once every other week (or weekly). I am open to weeknight as well as weekend games, depending on time.
Term: Long term/adventure path/campaign
Voice: Prefer Discord but am open to other options, definitely prefer use of voice during sessions

Game System Preferred: Starfinder but am open to 5e for some campaigns
Game System Experience: I have played 3e and 5e D&D before but want to take the plunge into Starfinder's setting and game mechanics
Fantasy Grounds Experience: New/basic but have enough understanding to play the game with no, or minimal, operating questions

Character Type Preferred: While I prefer to play a melee, tank, or warrior/barbarian type role, I am more than happy to fill any gap there is in the party. I have recently drafted a Ysoki Mechanic with a combat drone that is fun to play...but again I'm open
About me: I prefer games with a good mix of RP and combat, something around 50-50 or 60-40 (or 40-60). I do enjoy out of character jokes and talking out of character sometimes (though this can be done via chat rather than voice). I often take a light hearted approach and like to make jokes and laugh while we game. I do prefer my games more "PG13" or with some adult and mature content rather than "G" or "PG". I wouldn't say I'm a rule lawyer per se, but I do appreciate understanding the rules and following the agreed upon ones (as house rules can be fun or even required). This comes from my more tactical nature to combat and having a understanding of the game mechanics and the "realities" of the universe help in making tactical decisions. This said, cannot stand games where it is "all by the book," and by this I mean the DM has to be able to adapt to the players and not stick to the exact words of the AP...for as any good DM can tell you, improvising for what your players want to do is where the magic happens.