View Full Version : Looking for Polish users (if any :)

September 11th, 2006, 17:50
Hi! I come from Poland and I wonder if there is anybody in this country using FG. I left Poland some time ago so Im not very familiar with current RPG situation there. If you're a Polish DM looking for players just to run a game or just for testing, send me PM. THNX & RGDS for all users.

September 16th, 2006, 15:44
I'm Polish and up to this point I thought I was the only one Pole here. But I'm neither playing nor running games right now, just lurking around. D&D is not for me and I'd rather play Warhammer or Vampire. And the very reason I'm not running anything now is the lack of Polish players, of course. I did run a game in English, played in two and... it's not the same, unfortunatelly. :( So I stepped away and was watching 2.0 progress ever since.
I don't think there are any other Poles in FG community. I highly doubt it, unless those are some who bought FG for their party and never cared to speak up.

September 16th, 2006, 16:34
Przynajmniej dobrze ze jest ktos jeszcze. Jak by sie sytucja zmienila dam ci znac. Moze znajdzie sie jeszce jeden czy dwoch polskich graczy. Wtedy bedzie mozna cos sprobowac ustawic i przygrac w ojczystym jezyku. Pozdrawiam

September 16th, 2006, 21:05
Isn't Darkstar from Poland to?

A clever fellow of infinite patience and many many posts on these boards.

September 16th, 2006, 23:24
Yes, I presume he is. Ziomek of mine. :)

July 30th, 2007, 17:52
Ja bym sobie pyknął ;)

July 30th, 2007, 17:53
Ja bym sobie pyknął

August 1st, 2007, 21:15
I am also Polish, currently testing FG2 with my old P&P group.

April 10th, 2009, 19:12
Trochę stare te wasze posty ale pomyślałem, że odpowiem. Sam chciałbym rozkręcić ekipę pod WFRP set, także jeśli ktoś byłby chętny zapraszam do pogadania. Pozdrawiam.A

April 14th, 2009, 21:57
I may sign up to.

Jak w coś pograć... to ja chętnie w weekendy :P

July 6th, 2009, 20:09

Chetnie dolacze jezeli temat jeszcze aktualny...
