View Full Version : LFG 1 Player, Tue/Wed/Thu GMT+1(BST), DCC/MCC

April 29th, 2019, 11:34
FG License: Ultimate Licence
Time Zone: UK, GMT/UTC+1 (BST)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any evening 19:00 - 00:00, don't mind frequency.
Term: Don't mind term, willing to play in a campaign
Voice: Have a mic, Discord and TeamSpeak already installed, willing to install other VOIP software.

Game System Preferred: Dungeon Crawl Classics or Mutant Crawl Classics
Game System Experience: Own and read both rulebooks, run some funnels, played some games at conventions.

Character Type Preferred: Don't mind, willing to play anything the group requires (or a funnel grants). DCC I would potentially lean towards Cleric as the mechanics sound fun.
About me: Been and GM for 3E/Pathfinder 1E for years with some short stints as a player in various games/systems. Really fallen in love with the DCC/MCC style and rules and would like to get some time playing it. Mature attitude and good mic etiquette.
I've previously read/run some published material which I can talk to the Judge about beforehand.

May 8th, 2019, 08:49
Still looking for some DCC/MCC games. Will have more free evenings after the first week of June if there are any groups with additional free nights which match up.

September 9th, 2019, 15:45
Updated thread as I have much more free time now and still actively looking for a game.

December 20th, 2019, 16:38
Oh yeah I'd be up for some MCC!