View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Tue Wed or Thurs EST US Time Zone D&D 5E

April 29th, 2019, 06:20
FG License: Paid Fantasy Grounds License
Time Zone: EST, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Tue Wed (preferred) or Thurs Games, Weekly, starting at 9 PM EST
Term: Long Term Play
Voice/Video: Yes

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: D&D 5E with past experience with most of the older editions.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Advanced. Been using it bi-weekly for over a year.

Character Type Preferred: I ALWAYS fill, so this time, I'm looking to play a wizard for once.
About me: Currently looking for a DEDICATED group to go on an Epic Adventure with LOTS of action, a great (even good) story line,
downtime activities for characters to do until our next sessions with role playing included (If people are still
into that). Lastly, please...for the love of the Old Gods; hand out magic items every once in a while, even often.
They are in the books to be used, not one uncommon item for one person every 10 sessions. If you are looking for
my desired style of game, I would probably say Combat/Problem Solving/Role-Playing(storyline): 50/30/20.

I started playing 20 years ago with my dad who DM'd several groups for many years. Him and I would play pretty
often and even on long 6+ hour car rides back to my mom's house. Ranger, Rogue, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warrior, Wizard
(one shot)....I have played many classes, but looking to go on a long adventure with my true love...the wizard. I
got the itch to play again 2 years ago and found some local groups. I currently play every other Friday and every
other Saturday with 2 different groups, but life happens for a lot of people and it is very hard to keep the
campaigns going. Currently, I play about once a month between the two groups. I'm looking for more, my calendar
is open, and my body is ready!

I state 9 PM because I put my kids to bed at 8 PM and currently I coach Lob Baseball for my son and a bunch of other kids
until 8:30 PM EST on certain nights, so it would be easier to start at 9 PM. I can adjust it by an hour here and there
depending on the day and time. If you would like to play a one shot with me first to see how I operate, my personality,
etc...hit me up! I'm happy to hop on and play! I am ready to start tomorrow April 30th.

Cameron Holt AKA Ender