View Full Version : LFG / LFP D&D 5e gestalt, rotating DMs. Interested?

April 28th, 2019, 04:16
Alright, since I can't get any, and I mean -ANY- interest by just posting a LFG, I'm going to try this:

Game System: D&D 5e, gestalt.
Fantasygrounds License Required: At least standard. Anyone who joins will be required to take a turn DMing the game.
If new game, planned start date: Couple of months. Need to sort a few things.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hour session, weekly.
Term: Very long term if the group holds together (To level 20, And BEYOND!!!).
Voice software used: Discord preferably, or Skype if Discord doesn't work.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? I'll leave this up to the group. I'll record the sessions, keep things straight, but if we post them will be up to the group.
Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50.
Number of Players in game & needed: At least six, preferably eight.
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1, standard gear.
Character restrictions: Any official book. Unearthed Arcana will require group permission.
Details of your scenario: The world will be a mix of the various modules, blended together. The characters will have the Adventure League stats (15,14,13,12,10,8), gestalt of course (think the multiclassing rules).

The other important part is that the group will rotate who is the acting DM. I'll start, and run the Out of the Abyss module up to a point. To be fair, everyone who joins the party will have a slot on the DM roster. If you're new to DMing you can have one of the later slots, but if you apply you will be running a game eventually.

April 28th, 2019, 04:39
I'd be interested and I have both and DMing experience

April 28th, 2019, 04:40
I like this idea. I am a veteran DM at a real table and would be up for DMing once I get a handle on FG. What time frame would you be looking at?

April 28th, 2019, 04:47
Not entirely sure yet. That's part of why the start time will be in a couple months. My schedule's about to go through an upset, and I don't know when I'll be available. Safe bet that it'll be in the evenings though. I'm PST, and figure a start time would be around 7pm.

April 28th, 2019, 10:41
PST, What day(s) and time(s). I am intersted. Ultimate, plus bundel d&d5e

April 28th, 2019, 17:39
Check above please. This is something I'll start in a couple of months, once my schedule evens out a bit.

April 29th, 2019, 17:15
This would be very interesting to me, depending on the day of week. I'll watch the thread, or feel free to PM when you figure out the schedule. It might be helpful to post what FG license would be required. If everyone takes a turn at DM, then standard or ultimate would be required. (I have ultimate, so no problem here...)

Gog the Orc
April 29th, 2019, 21:56
hey this seemed cool are you still looking for players?I'm new to fantasy Grounds and you got to start some where.

April 30th, 2019, 03:19
I'm interested. I'm fairly new to Fantasy Grounds but have been doing a game with one group right now. I have always been interested Gestalt but only seen it in 3.5 and have been to scared to try(If by gestalt you mean level 2 classes like 1). My schedule right now will be open during the next couple months but I will be trying to find work. If I am accepted I will keep you updated on it.

Oh you might want to put what License you have like lordjeb said.

May 1st, 2019, 09:53
I'm intrigued. I'm genuinely new to Fantasy Grounds yet have been completing a diversion with one gathering at the present time. I have dependably been intrigued Gestalt yet just observed it in 3.5 and have been to terrified to try(If by gestalt you mean dimension 2 classes like 1). My calendar right currently will be open amid the following couple months yet I will attempt look for some kind of employment. On the off chance that I am acknowledged I will keep you refreshed on it.

Goodness you should need to put what License you have like lordjeb said.

May 2nd, 2019, 18:20
I would be intrested in this Depending on the Days and Time. i HAVE 10 + years of DM experience

May 2nd, 2019, 21:50
I would be interested I have been dming for about 4 years now and 2 of those have been on FG and of course I love playing as well. It just depends on the schedule. I am free Most days after 6pm est

May 5th, 2019, 13:19
Great plan! I am currently running another campaign on FG and have the ultimate license with all books. Please contact me if you are planning on Friday evenings (starting time after 7 pm EST). I am reliable and communicate well with others. I would also be in this for the long run. Those players on this thread who can play on Fridays are welcome as well if MeKonopa is unable to play on fridays.

May 5th, 2019, 20:39
Whoop, sorry everybody, been insanely busy the past few days. Having read the replies I've missed out on, I'll be editing the opening post with the fantasygrounds license as well as noting it here.

Standard or Ultimate, as everyone will be expected to take a turn DMing.

May 5th, 2019, 21:25
Alright, now for a bit of a bigger update, since the game idea's been bouncing around in my head and has built upon itself a bit, particularly in how this'll work out.

As we'll all be DM's, pretty much everybody will have a say in how the game's run once I've got the ground work laid out. House rules, rule interpretations, and the like will be left up to a group vote. My role will be that as 'Overworld DM.' I will be responsible for ensuring the continuity across the various games (Say someone accidentally fireballs an orphanage. In previous such set-ups I've played, that person wouldn't suffer the consequences of their actions once a new DM ran. Now, I'll be there to go, "No, you totally blew up a building before. You're seriously wanted by the town guard."), as well as being the tie breaking vote.

A lot of the rules and what I'm going to set in stone are going to be aimed at eliminating uber-power-gaming. I just recently had the honor of playing with the two most toxic players I've ever met, and both were into uber-power-gaming. Even after getting them out of the group we still nearly fell apart due to the other power gaming players there, and I don't want that to happen here. Now, I know gestalt is 'power gaming made easy,' but 5e is a lot more balanced than 3.5e and I'm hoping to capitalize on that so that everyone will have more powerful characters but no one will be, "I AM GOD!!!"

Finally, the possible game times. Please note, these are in no way set in stone. I start my new job tomorrow but I don't know my schedule yet (except for tomorrow), but these are the most likely times I'll have open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, starting at 7pm, PST. I'll be online tomorrow night to edit those times into something a little more likely.

May 5th, 2019, 23:44
I know it's early but Friday would work the best for me.

May 6th, 2019, 00:58
I thought gestalt was for small parties (2 or 3 players) in order to compensate for the small numbers. Why would you want gestalt and minimum 6 players?

May 6th, 2019, 01:12
I thought gestalt was for small parties (2 or 3 players) in order to compensate for the small numbers. Why would you want gestalt and minimum 6 players?

Two reasons: I have more fun playing a gestalt character, and I have more fun playing with more people.

May 6th, 2019, 16:01
So I have done a little research (because I'm old and have never heard of gestalt characters before) and I would like to join the group if that is possible. I'm getting back into gaming after about 30 years of RL. I'm familiar with FG and 5E; I haven't been a DM in 30 years so I need cliff notes on how to run the FG DM aspect.

If I'm not a good fit for you and your group, please excuse me and thank you for your time.

Dan (aka Paxman)

May 7th, 2019, 23:02
Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to participate until later in the evening (8 pm est)on Fridays but I would like to steal your idea MeKonopa if that's ok? I plan to run the more traditional 5e ruleset (no gestalt) but still with the rotating DM's.

May 18th, 2019, 20:19
So I have done a little research (because I'm old and have never heard of gestalt characters before) and I would like to join the group if that is possible. I'm getting back into gaming after about 30 years of RL. I'm familiar with FG and 5E; I haven't been a DM in 30 years so I need cliff notes on how to run the FG DM aspect.

If I'm not a good fit for you and your group, please excuse me and thank you for your time.

Dan (aka Paxman)

I don't see why not. Nothing's set in stone yet, this is all just getting the idea out there. Play might start in about a month or so, and I'm looking for the group to be about six to eight people.

Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to participate until later in the evening (8 pm est)on Fridays but I would like to steal your idea MeKonopa if that's ok? I plan to run the more traditional 5e ruleset (no gestalt) but still with the rotating DM's.

I don't mind you borrowing the idea of the rotating DM's, in fact I think the idea should be more out there so go ahead. As for you not being able to join this group, the dame won't start until 7pm on the WEST coast. If you're still interested the time difference means you should be able to join us no problem.

Alright, so, sorry I've been offline so much, new job's putting me through the wringer but things are starting to even out a bit. Figured I should hop online and get the ball rolling on this, get things voted on and what not.

So, game time will be at 7pm on the west coast, 10pm on the east coast I think. First game I think should be on either June 28th, or July 5th.

The gestalt rules we'll be using : https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Gestalt_(5e_Variant_Rule)

I've counted about eight or so people who have said they're interested. I'm be PMing each of you, see if you are still interested, and be creating a discord chat shortly to get the voting process under way so we can get the rules and what not finished and people can start creating characters.

May 19th, 2019, 00:02
Alrighty then, PMs sent to everyone who's shown interest so far, which is twelve people. As such, I'm not going to accept anymore requests to join at this time, until everyone's gotten back to me and let me know if they're still interested, or able to play in that time slot (or we as a group decide to move the slot a bit).

Sy Tarn
May 19th, 2019, 02:42
okay some questions.

would you allow sylvan secrets? my character has a fey blessed family heirloom. and when i dm could we do something in the feywild when i dm?

and can i do point buy instead?

also this character will be a barbarian/ranger and has a sabertooth tiger as a companion. if thats acceptable i'll join.

also i take master herbalist from the natures remedy book i would like to request that one as well.

if a slots open lemme know i guess i was too late.

May 22nd, 2019, 04:15
Hello. My name is Chris and I would be interested in joining your campaign. I have some experience with fantasy grounds but I haven’t played with it yet. I’ve mostly just experimented to see how to operate it. I have been playing dnd since the beginning of 5th edition and I’m currently dming my own local game (it’s soon to be over once shaggy gets the infinity gauntlet) so I’m down to dm in the future.

May 22nd, 2019, 15:30
Love the idea. Times work out I am up for this. If others don't work out.

June 12th, 2019, 00:09
Welp, that's frustrating. I'm going to be closing this game out for now. Every other player who said they'd be game has withdrawn, and a few didn't actually sign up after all. Part of the responsibility resides with me, as I haven't exactly been pushing the game the past couple weeks (new job has been grinding me into the ground).

Once I'm more aclimated to the new job (and possibly have fewer hours so I can breathe), I'll restart this. Until then, see you all around.