View Full Version : Player LFG D&D5E or CoC7E

April 27th, 2019, 03:21
FG License: Ultimate.
Time Zone: AEST (GMT+10).
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any, Weekly, and Flexible.
Term: Free, Private, and Long Term Only. No Paid, Public, and Streamed or Adventurer's League and One-Shot Games.
Voice: Discord, No Camera.

Game System Preferred: D&D5E or CoC7E.
Game System Experience: I have extensive experience with the former as a player and DM, and next to none with the latter. I enjoy D&D5E a fair bit and prefer it, but I do have an interest in CoC7E for something different.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've spent just shy of four years using the program, and have amassed around 4825 hours doing so via Steam. I have rather extensive knowledge of its design, and often make some pretty complex effects.

Character Type Preferred: I consider my characters individuals, not part of a collective, as they should be. Which means I will make them with either extensive histories or strong personalities. I build them with a purpose in mind, not to cater to the needs of a party or its players expectations. I prefer to have them work towards meshing with the party over time, and build a bond with the other characters, rather than have it established already. I also don't hold a rather narrow-minded view of alignments, and take them with a grain of salt. So I can play just about anything and still work with a party, even if they have their own agenda behind the scenes. I'm perfectly capable of playing a Paladin that isn't an over-zealous control freak, acting lawfully stupid, as much as I can do the same class in an evil mindset that still works well with others. I know the difference between what a character does and what a player is doing, and don't seek to sabotage a group through a character, even if they have a questionable approach to the campaign. Those I play with simply need to understand this, and learn to do the same with me.

About me: I prefer long campaigns with narratives I can invest in. I like it when a DM brings part of my character into that as well, even if it's not a homebrew adventure. I can enjoy heavy roleplay or combat equally, so long as it fits. If one session is just a constant battle with enemies, fine, if it matters. If another is just us sitting in a tavern talking and bonding, great, if it's meaningful. I want to feel invested and keep it that way, instead of just turning up to yet another game to play. I'm loyal and turn up to every session, usually on time, and like to see others do the same. I also do it with my undivided attention and don't do other things in the background. Most of all, I leave any baggage or worldly differences at the door, and have no interest in dealing with people who can't see the difference in what I'm doing as a player and the actions of the character being portrayed. I'm willing to play full weekends, like I did many years ago, if we start somewhere in the morning and end later in the afternoon. Otherwise I tend to prefer nightly games of about four hours play per week, on any one day chosen.

I think that covers most of what needs to be. If there's anything else you want to know, or need to tell me, then send me a private message. If you prefer more continuous contact, attach your Discord Tag and Number to that message, and we can go from there.

At this stage, I'm also looking for similar players in the same time zone. I may be running something in the near future as a DM, and depending on what that is, I might need a couple players committed ahead of time, so I can work with them and the other two I have on standby.

In any case, that's all for now. Thanks!

May 2nd, 2019, 06:50
I am still interested in a group for either D&D5E or CoC7E, if anyone's out there and you think I'd be a fit for your group. Just let me know here or via private message.

May 31st, 2019, 07:39
I'm still interested in finding a suitable group to play in. Willing to also extend my interest into AD&D2E. Again, just drop me a private message if you have an open and provide me with the relevant details.