View Full Version : Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game Ruleset - Bug reports, feedback, etc..
April 25th, 2019, 00:09
This thread is dedicated to bug reports, feedback, help, and suggestions for the official DCC RPG ruleset.
I will post here with any updates to the ruleset or core rules modules, including the adventures The Portal Under the Stars, The Abbot of the Woods, and Yddgrrl's Maze.
A user guide for the DCC RPG ruleset is available for download here (
Tutorial videos are available on YouTube (
Github DCC Wiki here (
April 25th, 2019, 04:17
Sorry if I'm just missing it, and I think there's only one update so far, but is there a changelog?
I really like the ruleset so far. Thanks!
April 26th, 2019, 01:07
Not yet. I will post future updates in this thread.
April 27th, 2019, 13:07
I submitted updates for April 30, 2019:
[Fixed] Top half of Main tab 'Edit' and 'Roll Ability Scores' buttons not clickable.
[Fixed] NPC size category not applied to map token.
[Added] Yddgrrl's Maze adventure from the 7th printing.
April 27th, 2019, 13:24
I am working on spell actions for the next update. So far, every effect duration is random (e.g. 1d4+1 rounds) and the duration often increases for the same effect with higher spell check rolls. My plan is to avoid duplication of effects when only the duration has changed and to leave the duration set to 0. The duration will need to be entered in the combat tracker after applying the effect to the target. If multiple creatures are targeted, the player can edit the duration on the character sheet and then click the button to apply the effect. Feel free to offer suggestions if you know a more efficient way to handle this.
April 27th, 2019, 17:01
In the Reference Manual, under Might Deeds of Arms (under Combat) in the section beginning "Performing a Deed" point #2 is an incomplete paragraph. Reference the DCC corebook, p. 88 (4th printing).
April 28th, 2019, 14:24
Thanks ProfDogg, I will add that to the Tuesday update.
May 1st, 2019, 13:47
I have a list of future updates that I will be working on in case anyone is wondering...
Improved parsing for spell actions. I have run through all the spells and just need to check them. You can expect something in the next update or two.
Chat messaging for spell check results. You will no longer need to manually reference a table. This will take a little time due to the volume of data.
Dialog window for tracking ability score loss on the character sheet. You will be able to track temporary and permanent (which isn't always permanent) ability score damage, as well as spellburn and luck (for thieves and halflings). The appropriate spellburn and luck fields would update with an overnight rest, ideally.
Extension with additional desktop decals. I have a folder with 6-8 images that would work well as a decal, including the Peter Mullen alternate cover.
NPC types and subtypes. Although the core rules do not officially specify these, this allows for use of IF and IFT conditional effects in the combat tracker and easy sorting of NPC lists for spells like animal summoning.
Entries for spell-related NPCs and items (e.g. golems, the Blade of Atropos). These typically only apply to higher-level games, which are uncommon in DCC, making this lower priority but still on the list.
These are somewhat in order of priority, but I might bump up a simpler feature if something requires more time. Ability score loss might take some time, for example.
May 2nd, 2019, 04:36
NPC types and subtypes. Although the core rules do not officially specify these, this allows for use of IF and IFT conditional effects in the combat tracker and easy sorting of NPC lists for spells like animal summoning
There are the categories used for the monster critical tables in chapter 9 (starting with table 9-10); humanoids, dragons, demons, giants, un-dead, and other. But, like with a lot in DCC, I believe the intention is these are just a few major categories to get things started, and the player/judges are encouraged to further create their own tables and categories.
May 2nd, 2019, 23:29
I agree with your comment, TheSwartz. My plan right now is to assign the type 'animal' to a bat or a wolf, which is probably the biggest extrapolation I will make. Elementals, demons, and giants are lumped together in the monster section, so I think those are appropriate for a type as well. Un-dead NPCs can be identified as having 'un-dead traits' in their special properties. I don't know if I will go beyond that really.
There is quite a lot of ambiguity in the core rules, which presents some challenges. Damage types for spells are very inconsistent. A lightning effect might be described as dealing 'lightning' damage or 'electricity' damage, for example. I assume these are intended to be the same thing. In these cases, I have referenced the 3.5E rules for clarification, which uses electricity and not lightning as a damage type. To make things more interesting, Harley Stroh has been known to refer to damage types for weapons in his adventures, which is a thing in 3.5E but not officially in DCC.
May 2nd, 2019, 23:52
I would be interested in hearing some feedback about actions for spell effects... In the case of cause earthquake, for example, the spell can result in a -2 penalty to AC, and the simplest form of that effect action would be:
AC: -2
My personal preference is to attach the spell name to the effect because combat can get confusing when spells start flying. So, that would look like this:
Cause Earthquake; AC: -2
But of course, spell effects are typically much more complicated than that in DCC, so some additional notation can be helpful. This effect gives a much more complete idea of the effect:
Cause Earthquake; AC: -2; NOTE: No attacks or spell casting possible
Currently, I am setting up spell parsing to create effect actions like the last example, which is still a fairly simple effect. If people have opinions otherwise, I am happy to go with a simpler form and let the players flesh things out according to their own preferences.
May 3rd, 2019, 03:13
...Currently, I am setting up spell parsing to create effect actions like the last example, which is still a fairly simple effect. If people have opinions otherwise, I am happy to go with a simpler form and let the players flesh things out according to their own preferences.
This is a bit of a challenge. I'm not very familiar with other rule sets licensed with FG, but I don't think any of them are nearly as complicated (and chaotic?) in these regards as DCC. Which, is a plus for those who like it!
I think attaching the spell name is a good idea.
I'm still a newb, so I'm not adept with the effects capabilities... I don't know how it would best be done, but adding the spellcheck would then allow anyone to pull up the table for that spell name and know the full extent of the effect; in the case that it's too complicated to summarize in a simpler form.
May 6th, 2019, 19:39
This might be a bit much for spell effects. Spell names and notations are non-essential for effects (but helpful?). I could certainly remove one or both of those to save space. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions, please share...
May 12th, 2019, 16:49
Here is a preview of the update planned for 5/14/19:
May 14th, 2019, 17:44
Updates for May 14, 2019:
Improved parsing for spell actions
Added option to show the casting table result for spells in chat (default is 'on')
Added NPC types for demons, elementals, giants, and un-dead
Added NPC critical hit tables and dice based on Table 9-10
Added rollable tables for random spell determination
Fixed minor typos
May 15th, 2019, 20:56
Thanks for all the hard work on getting this DCC official setup. It is looking great.
So, now that I have created characters, campaigns, modules with the un-official DCC rules how do I move that campaign over to the official DCC rules?
I tried changing the <ruleset></ruleset> from "DCCRPG" to DCC RPG" and it seemed to work for my modules, but my campaign only partially converted? Do I have to make sure to modify all the modules I have run, plus the imported character sheets and the campaign all at the same time to get a correct move to the official?
May 16th, 2019, 04:16
Just starting recreating my players characters in the new the Random Number Generator for HP working correctly? I added 3 level of Elf to a character and go +2HP for each. Not definitive proof...but suspicious.
Also, in the items, did you plan on putting the "second" damage value for the "Stealth" weapons (Blackjack, blowgun, Dagger and Garrote)?
Love the spell casting results in chat...
Do you have the crit/fumble table have the option to roll automatically on the appropriate tables?
May 16th, 2019, 05:41
So, now that I have created characters, campaigns, modules with the un-official DCC rules how do I move that campaign over to the official DCC rules?
I tried changing the <ruleset></ruleset> from "DCCRPG" to DCC RPG" and it seemed to work for my modules, but my campaign only partially converted?
Changing the ruleset name doesn’t convert anything, it just allows you to open your old data in the official ruleset. If there are any changes in data format or name then your original data might not come across with everything populated in the new campaign.
leozelig can maybe comment, if it’s easy to do so, on any changes that have a significant impact when data from the previous ruleset is directly loaded in the new ruleset.
May 16th, 2019, 18:55
I did not change any of the data fields, so as long as you change the ruleset defined in the campaign.xml file, I would expect your campaign to fully convert.
The random number generator is part of the core software, so I would chalk that up to bad luck...
Regarding stealth weapons, the library list for weapons (Click the Library sidebar icon - Equipment - Weapons) displays the second damage value, which is also linked in the Reference Manual. I will plan to include that in the item record as well - thanks for the suggestion.
I don’t believe that you can prompt a table roll from a lua script, but I could be wrong. If you hear otherwise, let me know, and I will work on it.
May 17th, 2019, 09:31
I just wanted to say this is awesome work. I just discovered the DCC system, and am anxious to find a FG game. I am an older player going back to Original D&D etc, and am really excited by what I am reading. If anyone knows a group with a space. I would love to try this!!!
May 17th, 2019, 23:22
I just wanted to say this is awesome work. I just discovered the DCC system, and am anxious to find a FG game. I am an older player going back to Original D&D etc, and am really excited by what I am reading. If anyone knows a group with a space. I would love to try this!!!
Thank you, Hawker73! It sometimes takes awhile to find a game, but keep trying - something will work out eventually.
May 18th, 2019, 00:02
So, I have been looking at adding ability damage fields for the char sheet. I removed this from an earlier version of the unofficial ruleset because most players in my games struggled with the setup, which is a reflection of code limitations. Similar to the HP field, the char sheet can show the base ability score, ability damage, and the resulting ability modifier - but not the current ability score.
In the screenshot, the 4 points of temporary Str loss has reduced the character's base Str of 13 to 9, resulting in a modifier of +0 instead of +1.
May 18th, 2019, 20:57
2e reflects ability reductions on the character sheet for the DM but keeps it hidden from the player. Might that coding be useful to look at?
May 22nd, 2019, 03:28
2e reflects ability reductions on the character sheet for the DM but keeps it hidden from the player. Might that coding be useful to look at?
Yes, definitely. Thank you for making me aware of that - I will take a look at it.
June 8th, 2019, 15:04
Here is a list of updates coming soon - this might wait for CoreRPG 3.3.8, or not:
Compatibility with CoreRPG 3.3.8
[Added] Stat Loss dialog box for tracking permanent and temporary ability score damage. Ability scores with stat loss applied display as a highlighted field and are read-only (see screenshot).
[Added] Luck die field to Stat Loss dialog box, which automatically updates with class drops for level advancement.
[Added] Second damage clause to item record for "stealth" weapons.
[Added] Chat message for critical hit and fumble table results (see screenshot).
[Added] Item records for potions.
[Added] NPCs from spell descriptions with complete stat blocks: golem (wood, clay, stone, iron, flesh, precious metal, and gemstone), unerring hunter (lesser and greater), trollish spearman, brownie slinger, hob footman, pixie archer, fomorian, toad hoard, snake swarm, three-headed snake, and tree-man.
[Fixed] Damage clause for troll claw attack with incorrect format.
[Fixed] Strength scores for air elemental, water elemental, man-bat, manticore, minotaur, and ogre not displaying on the NPC record.
June 8th, 2019, 18:01
These updates look great. Thanks, leozelig!
June 11th, 2019, 03:05
I'm completely new to FG but I knew I had to make the switch now that there's a DCC ruleset. Thanks for all your hard work on it, leozelig!
Not sure if this is even possible but it would be pretty neat to be able to launch tables from the chat window. For example, a player rolls a crit and the chat displays: "[CRITICAL] (d8/Table III)" - it would save a few clicks to be able to click "(d8/Table III)" to call up that table.
June 12th, 2019, 21:01
Not sure if this is even possible but it would be pretty neat to be able to launch tables from the chat window. For example, a player rolls a crit and the chat displays: "[CRITICAL] (d8/Table III)" - it would save a few clicks to be able to click "(d8/Table III)" to call up that table.
Thanks, yougotnick! I like your idea, but I do not believe it is possible to link to a table from a chat message.
You might know this already, but... The ruleset has a setting to auto-roll crits and fumbles. Table text for the roll result will display in the chat window. If you want to roll these yourself, all of the the crit/fumble tables are included in the ruleset. Drop the relevant table links to a hotlink at the bottom of your virtual desktop for quick access. Happy gaming!
June 12th, 2019, 22:54
Thanks, yougotnick! I like your idea, but I do not believe it is possible to link to a table from a chat message.
You might know this already, but... The ruleset has a setting to auto-roll crits and fumbles. Table text for the roll result will display in the chat window. If you want to roll these yourself, all of the the crit/fumble tables are included in the ruleset. Drop the relevant table links to a hotlink at the bottom of your virtual desktop for quick access. Happy gaming!
I realized this shortly after I posted; super helpful! Thanks also for the tip about the hotlinks, I hadn't noticed those down there.
June 23rd, 2019, 23:20
Has anybody tried creating new classes? I attempted to copy one of the existing classes to create a class from the Umerican Survival Guide but realized that I don't know how to link the new class to a table like "Table 1-10: Warrior" for the character sheet to pull the bonuses and saves from. Would appreciate any guidance!
July 2nd, 2019, 22:10
Just purchased the DCC Rule set and on Startup I get these errors.
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (rF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (gF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (bF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (pF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Any idea what to do to fix them.
July 3rd, 2019, 01:04
Just purchased the DCC Rule set and on Startup I get these errors.
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (rF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (gF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (bF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (pF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Any idea what to do to fix them.
Please provide a screenshot of the chat window upon loading your campaign so we can see exact ruleset versions and any extensions loaded.
Note: I've deleted your other post reporting this exact error, so we can keep the report and any feedback all in one place.
July 3rd, 2019, 01:10
Here ya go. And there were multiple post because I could not actually Find the DCC support section and thread at first. But here is the screen shot yoiu asked for.
July 3rd, 2019, 10:30
Has anybody tried creating new classes? I attempted to copy one of the existing classes to create a class from the Umerican Survival Guide but realized that I don't know how to link the new class to a table like "Table 1-10: Warrior" for the character sheet to pull the bonuses and saves from. Would appreciate any guidance!
For a custom class to auto-update with char sheet drops, you would need to create an extension with the table info in the scripts/data_common file. Copyright would prevent you from sharing that extension without permission from the publisher.
For the table, try creating a link in the formatted text (right-click for radial menu) and drag the table to that link.
July 3rd, 2019, 10:35
I will fix that error, msbranin - thank you for reporting it. With the latest Core RPG update, many of the dice previously defined by the ruleset are now defined in Core RPG. This will be a simple fix. The dF is not used anywhere in the ruleset, so apart from the annoying error, the ruleset should still function properly.
July 3rd, 2019, 11:12
Just purchased the DCC Rule set and on Startup I get these errors.
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (rF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (gF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (bF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Ruleset Error: die: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (pF) does not match an existing die. Skipped. File (gameelements.xml)
Any idea what to do to fix them.
One more question: Are you running on the Test channel? Release of DCC RPG v1.1 was supposed to be held until CoreRPG v3.3.8 is ready, but I see from your screenshot that you are running DCC RPG v1.1 and CoreRPG v3.3.7. It's easy enough to revert to the previous gameelements.xml file if necessary.
July 3rd, 2019, 16:13
One more question: Are you running on the Test channel? Release of DCC RPG v1.1 was supposed to be held until CoreRPG v3.3.8 is ready, but I see from your screenshot that you are running DCC RPG v1.1 and CoreRPG v3.3.7. It's easy enough to revert to the previous gameelements.xml file if necessary.
I am not currently running on the test channel, sorry I did not see anywhere that I was supposed to. I just brought the DCC Addon and tried to use it and got those errors.
Also... How do I roll the extra dice. Such as the d30 ect.. Its my first time using a system that does not use traditional dice
July 3rd, 2019, 16:43
I am not currently running on the test channel, sorry I did not see anywhere that I was supposed to. I just brought the DCC Addon and tried to use it and got those errors.
Also... How do I roll the extra dice. Such as the d30 ect.. Its my first time using a system that does not use traditional dice
We've rolled this back to the previous version. If you run an update it should fix any problems you are having. Let us know if this resolves the issue.
July 3rd, 2019, 19:27
I just ran an update 3 times. there is nothing to update.
July 4th, 2019, 03:22
We've rolled this back to the previous version. If you run an update it should fix any problems you are having. Let us know if this resolves the issue.
I just opened FG for the first time in a few days and updated (9:22PM EST) and now I'm getting the same error as msbranin. The module loads despite the error but it's running slowly for some reason. Moving dice and other elements around is jerky instead of smooth, if that makes any sense.
July 4th, 2019, 16:42
For a custom class to auto-update with char sheet drops, you would need to create an extension with the table info in the scripts/data_common file. Copyright would prevent you from sharing that extension without permission from the publisher.
For the table, try creating a link in the formatted text (right-click for radial menu) and drag the table to that link.
Thank you, leozelig. The scripts/data_common.lua file is encrypted so I can't take a look at it. Would it be possible for you to share one of the base classes so I use that as a template? This will be my first foray into coding for FG and I'm still finding my legs.
July 4th, 2019, 16:55
Duplicate post, sorry.
July 5th, 2019, 12:37
Thank you, leozelig. The scripts/data_common.lua file is encrypted so I can't take a look at it. Would it be possible for you to share one of the base classes so I use that as a template? This will be my first foray into coding for FG and I'm still finding my legs.
Sure, I will work on it this weekend.
July 5th, 2019, 12:45
Sorry for the trouble. The dice errors are due to premature release of the next version of the DCC ruleset, which included a CoreRPG 3.3.8 compatibility update for the dice. Try running on ‘Test’ mode and see if that fixes everything. You can adjust that in the Settings which is accessed from the launch screen. When CoreRPG 3.3.8 is released, you can change it back.
Zocchi dice are accessed through the custom dice menus - right click on the d10 to find the d30. The locations of these are based on the Goodman Games guidelines for generating Zocchi dice results using standard dice.
July 5th, 2019, 18:17
I've reverted the LIVE version to the oldest version we still have. See if that fixes it for those that don't want to run in TEST.
July 5th, 2019, 18:35
the test version works fine. and thank you for explaining how to reach the unusual dice.
July 8th, 2019, 20:31
Thanks, yougotnick! I like your idea, but I do not believe it is possible to link to a table from a chat message.
You might know this already, but... The ruleset has a setting to auto-roll crits and fumbles. Table text for the roll result will display in the chat window. If you want to roll these yourself, all of the the crit/fumble tables are included in the ruleset. Drop the relevant table links to a hotlink at the bottom of your virtual desktop for quick access. Happy gaming!
From the chat window you can roll on a table using the /rollon command.
/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d [NdN+N]> <-hide>
Roll on the campaign table named, and display the result. If column name is specified, only display the results from that column. If d option specified, then use that die roll instead of the default table die roll. If hide specified, then only display the results to the GM.
July 29th, 2019, 23:00
Update to version 1.1.0 planned for August 6, 2019!
[Added] Stat Loss dialog box for tracking permanent and temporary ability score damage. Ability scores with stat loss applied display as a highlighted field and are read-only.
[Added] Luck die field to Stat Loss dialog box, which automatically updates with class drops for level advancement.
[Added] Chat message for critical hit and fumble table results.
[Added] Character mini sheet (see screenshot).
[Added] Extension with additional desktop decals (see screenshot).
[Changed] Deed roll and deed bonus buttons are hidden from the weapon list unless the deed die field is populated.
Core Rules Module
[Added] Second damage clause to item record for "stealth" weapons.
[Added] Item records for potions.
[Added] NPCs from spell descriptions with complete stat blocks: golem (wood, clay, stone, iron, flesh, precious metal, and gemstone), unerring hunter (lesser and greater), trollish spearman, brownie slinger, hob footman, pixie archer, fomorian, toad hoard, snake swarm, three-headed snake, and tree-man.
[Fixed] Damage clause for troll claw attack with incorrect format.
[Fixed] Strength scores for air elemental, water elemental, man-bat, manticore, minotaur, and ogre not displaying on the NPC record.
August 22nd, 2019, 03:53
I see that the Weapons table and item sheet have the Stealth damage values. Thanks for that.
How do you use it on the Action tab? I don't see the higher damage stealth dice rolls as something I can drag to Chat or Monster.
August 22nd, 2019, 04:30
I see that the Weapons table and item sheet have the Stealth damage values. Thanks for that.
How do you use it on the Action tab? I don't see the higher damage stealth dice rolls as something I can drag to Chat or Monster.
You would need to set it up manually as a separate action. By design, only one attack action is created when you drop a weapon to the character sheet. Most players will rename the alternate attack - for example, Dagger (Backstab). Don't forget to include your backstab bonus in the attack line.
I hope to start posting some tutorial threads for the DCC ruleset soon. This is a good one to cover.
August 23rd, 2019, 22:43
I thought I had both damage values showing up when I created the Item XML back on my unofficial DCC ruleset. I think I listed the damage like [Dagger 1d4 slashing (1d10 slashing)] or some such.
Both damage lines showed up in the Action tab and the user just had to select the correct one to drag to the Creature/Chat when resolving the attack.
I will look again.
August 24th, 2019, 12:53
I didn't change the weapons list coding with the conversion from unofficial to official. I have mirrored the 5E ruleset whenever possible since many players are familiar with that.
August 25th, 2019, 16:12
First, I have to thank you, leozelig, for the conversion! :- )
Is it possible to use another theme?
September 10th, 2019, 22:58
How long has this been available officially. Just bought it yesterday!
September 11th, 2019, 02:47
How long has this been available officially. Just bought it yesterday!
Not too long, maybe late April/early May. It has been nice to have all of the official content available, definitely a huge upgrade. If you have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to share!
September 11th, 2019, 02:50
First, I have to thank you, leozelig, for the conversion! :- )
Is it possible to use another theme?
The DCC ruleset could use a unique theme. I actually like the default 5E theme, but an alternate theme would be great. Graphics are a weak spot for me, and themes require a large investment of time, so this has been low on my list. I don't think there's anything stopping a motivated fan of DCC from creating a theme as long as you avoid any protected art assets ;)
September 11th, 2019, 04:04
I have never done a theme before, are the templates for the buttons and their states easy to follow as far as dpi and size, etc? Is their a guide?
September 26th, 2019, 19:37
I don't have anything relevant to add here, I just wanted to stop by, say "Hello" and Thank You for all the hard work you've put in to making DCC for FG a reality.
I just purchased DCC. Some of our regular Friday night group are missing tomorrow night, so I plan using the time introducing the system to my players.
September 27th, 2019, 01:23
I don't have anything relevant to add here, I just wanted to stop by, say "Hello" and Thank You for all the hard work you've put in to making DCC for FG a reality.
I just purchased DCC. Some of our regular Friday night group are missing tomorrow night, so I plan using the time introducing the system to my players.
Happy gaming! Let me know if you need any help with the ruleset...
Myrdin Potter
September 28th, 2019, 17:41
I am hoping that a DCC game or two will be run at the next FG-Con.
October 1st, 2019, 00:38
I am hoping that a DCC game or two will be run at the next FG-Con.
Same here. The new Halloween module would be a good one.
October 1st, 2019, 09:10
I just bought the Ruleset yesterday and tried it, but something odd is happening...
If I roll a D4 at +2D in the chat box, the die rolled and depicted is a D6, as it should be, with according results. But when I use the dice tower, it displays a D4 and even after 30+ attempts on that roll, the max result was a 4. On 30 attempts with a D6 (after applying the +2D), I would expect at least 2 or 3 higher results than a 4 - on average there should be 10 of these, but with randomness at least an occasional 5 or 6 should show up.. Then I tried a D10 at -2D - and got a 9!
It looks as if the dice tower ignores the dice step bonus?
October 5th, 2019, 00:06
I just bought the Ruleset yesterday and tried it, but something odd is happening...
If I roll a D4 at +2D in the chat box, the die rolled and depicted is a D6, as it should be, with according results. But when I use the dice tower, it displays a D4 and even after 30+ attempts on that roll, the max result was a 4. On 30 attempts with a D6 (after applying the +2D), I would expect at least 2 or 3 higher results than a 4 - on average there should be 10 of these, but with randomness at least an occasional 5 or 6 should show up.. Then I tried a D10 at -2D - and got a 9!
It looks as if the dice tower ignores the dice step bonus?
It does sound like the dice tower is ignoring the dice swap. I will check it out.
October 9th, 2019, 14:24
I am a new FG user after using Roll20 for several years and maptool for several years before that. I really appreciate the work you are doing.
How can I set my players up to use Lay on Hands and Turn Unholy? Is there a wiki page for this Module?
October 9th, 2019, 23:41
Those should be set up as class abilities on the Actions tab. Click the brown edit button on the bottom right, then add power. Rename the power group ‘Cleric Abilities’ or something like that. Add a new power for this group, and set the base modifier to SpChk+ (and the ability modifier to Luck where applicable). The base spell check details under Magic (click magnifying glass button) is where you would set Personality as your ability mod for spell checks.
That’s the short version. I need to start an FAQ, but for now I will try to create a new thread with images to walk you through this. It’s probably a common question unless you have 5E ruleset experience.
Tutorial here:
October 9th, 2019, 23:43
I am working on the dice tower bug posted above. I’m not sure why it’s not registering the dice swap.
October 14th, 2019, 17:01
I was surfing the store this morning and noticed there is no ability to search/sort the products by the DCC rule set as exists for the other rule sets.
October 15th, 2019, 00:31
I was surfing the store this morning and noticed there is no ability to search/sort the products by the DCC rule set as exists for the other rule sets.
I will point that out. Thanks, JohnD!
November 10th, 2019, 13:50
Hello everyone. I'm new to DCC, have never played or DMed, though I've been DMing for 35 years in other systems and have been using FG for 4 years. Thanks Leozelig for bringing this system to FG! In trying to figure out DCC in FG I have a request. I noticed in the Crit tables that Crits sometimes increase the damage output up the dice chain, for example d6 damage instead of d4. However the dice chain modifier buttons in the lower left of the interface do not seem to effect damage rolls. Is this possible or practical? Not knowing DCC well I'm not sure how frequent a +/- 1 or 2 die change to damage will come up.
Also, I'd love to get in a game if anyone might have openings.
November 10th, 2019, 18:15
Hello everyone. I'm new to DCC, have never played or DMed, though I've been DMing for 35 years in other systems and have been using FG for 4 years. Thanks Leozelig for bringing this system to FG! In trying to figure out DCC in FG I have a request. I noticed in the Crit tables that Crits sometimes increase the damage output up the dice chain, for example d6 damage instead of d4. However the dice chain modifier buttons in the lower left of the interface do not seem to effect damage rolls. Is this possible or practical? Not knowing DCC well I'm not sure how frequent a +/- 1 or 2 die change to damage will come up.
Also, I'd love to get in a game if anyone might have openings.
Thanks for the suggestion, Tabarkus! I should be able to work that in for the next update. I'm planning to update the DCC RPG ruleset soon after Core RPG 3.3.9, probably in the next couple weeks.
November 10th, 2019, 21:26
I discovered a bug with "Halfling dyer" occupation. I received the following error when trying to place it into the Occupation field on a character sheet: "Unable to find record to match link dropped. Check to make sure the correct modules are open."
November 13th, 2019, 21:12
Try again after updating, and let me know if it still isn't working for you.
December 1st, 2019, 16:28
Question concerning the display of table roll results when rolled by players. When a player rolls on a table, including but not limited to a Crit table, or the results of casting a spell, these results do not display in the DM's chatbox. Is it possible to make these display for the DM? I've tried every combination of existing settings in options but there doesn't seem to be a setting to make this happen.
December 2nd, 2019, 12:20
Question concerning the display of table roll results when rolled by players. When a player rolls on a table, including but not limited to a Crit table, or the results of casting a spell, these results do not display in the DM's chatbox. Is it possible to make these display for the DM? I've tried every combination of existing settings in options but there doesn't seem to be a setting to make this happen.
Just to clarify, you are referring to rolls made from the character sheet that display the table result in a chat message, correct? I set it up to only display for the player because some of the entries are quite long, but I will take a look at it for the next update.
As a workaround until then, you can drag-and-drop a chat message back onto the chat window, and it will display for everyone. Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but close.
December 3rd, 2019, 00:14
Yeah, personally I'd prefer it to display to the GM as well as the player though not every GM might want that. Is it possible to toggle it via the Options? The times I see myself using it as a GM is for those players who are uncomfortable reading or have language barriers, makes it easier for me to narrate but I guess it's just as easy for player to drag and drop to chat when/if needed.
December 3rd, 2019, 01:34
I have no DCC experience to speak of, but as someone who GMs more often than not, it seems strange that a player would be able to generate a random result that the GM wouldn't see without player assistance. The opposite case, where the player generates a result that they can't see unless the GM permits it is far more common I would have thought. It's an interesting conceptual discussion. :)
December 3rd, 2019, 12:50
It’s specific to the DCC ruleset. Normally, you would roll a “crit die” if your attack results in a critical hit, then reference a crit table to determine the effect. DCC loves its tables... I created a data file that auto-references the crit result, but only displays the chat message on the player side. The regular FG rollable tables are available as an alternative, but each player needs to set up the crit die + ability modifier and then roll manually after each crit. This result will display for the GM in the chat window. The advantages of rolling the crit die from the char sheet are the option to auto-roll on a critical hit and the adding of any effect modifiers for luck from the combat tracker (probably rare).
I will change this to show for the GM, which appears to be more in line with other ruleset conventions...
December 3rd, 2019, 14:27
So, here is what it looks like with the change. I will submit this ahead of the next update since it's such a minor change. It's a little late to go through today, so expect to see this with next Tuesday's update.
December 4th, 2019, 00:40
Cool, thanks Leo!
December 5th, 2019, 03:16
Is there a way to "automate" Lay On Hands? To either create it as a spell or table such that you roll the Spell Check (modified appropriately to the character casting it 1d20 + PER + CL) then have "effects" that correlate to the 1 Dice, 2 Dice, 3 Dice etc. It sounds challenging as you have to know the Caster Alignment, Recipient's Alignment and Recipient's HD.
December 5th, 2019, 04:14
When creating our own spells, or typing in new spells from DCC books and modules that I have purchased, how do I get it to "roll on the table" to type out the effect of the Spell Check? It is not obvious from looking at the spells you created in the Base Rulebook how you get those to roll Spell Check Results. I assume it is deep down in the LUA files that you created these, am I right?
December 6th, 2019, 06:02
Is there a way to "automate" Lay On Hands? To either create it as a spell or table such that you roll the Spell Check (modified appropriately to the character casting it 1d20 + PER + CL) then have "effects" that correlate to the 1 Dice, 2 Dice, 3 Dice etc. It sounds challenging as you have to know the Caster Alignment, Recipient's Alignment and Recipient's HD.
It might be possible to code this into the ruleset. The player would need to have the recipient targeted and set up an action for lay on hands. I have a few other things I am working on right now, but this might be a good project down the road - thanks for the suggestion.
December 6th, 2019, 06:10
When creating our own spells, or typing in new spells from DCC books and modules that I have purchased, how do I get it to "roll on the table" to type out the effect of the Spell Check? It is not obvious from looking at the spells you created in the Base Rulebook how you get those to roll Spell Check Results. I assume it is deep down in the LUA files that you created these, am I right?
Yes, casting table results are coded in the scripts/data_spell.lua file. It's not too complicated to add a spell to this file, but it would require you to create an extension.
December 8th, 2019, 22:46
I noticed there is a "0 or less" result on many of the DCC tables but FG doesn't seem to allow for a 0 or less result. Thus, these rolls produce no output result. Can this be fixed? Also, currently the FG damage output can fall to zero whereas in the DCC ruleset it should be a minimum of one (1). Thanks again Leo for the effort you are putting in to bring DCC to FG!
December 11th, 2019, 12:41
Thanks for the feedback, T... I will check the table results. As I recall when I tested these, the output for a roll of 0 or less was the lowest table result even if the table starts at 1. I didn't realize damage could be zero in DCC. I guess it never came up in my games. Do you happen to know where in the rule book that is stated, just out of curiosity?
Those are easy fixes - I will add them to my list. I am working on some new content, but I will get to the ruleset updates soon.
December 11th, 2019, 22:53
Sorry, I wasn't clear. The lowest damage possible in DCC is 1 damage, but currently in Fantasy Grounds the damage output is 0 if the STR modifier is negative and the damage die roll is low.
EDIT: Hey Leo, I rechecked the table output with the latest update and it is outputting results properly for "0 and less results"; so I'm not sure what issue I was seeing, sorry if I sent you on a wild goose chase on that one. However I did verify that damage output on FG can result in 0 on both STR and AGI based weapons; when it should be a minimum of 1 damage per DCC rules.
December 16th, 2019, 12:05
Ok, I will take a look at that.
December 16th, 2019, 18:29
So I have yet to buy this official ruleset (I plan to soon), but had a question before I did so. Does this ruleset contain the rulebook needed as well? Or a slimmed down version of it? I only have experience with PF2 in FG where the ruleset was free, but if you wanted to have the entire functionality you would buy the rulebook to have access to everything in game. And then as a GM you could share your player rulebook with players in case they don't have a copy or don't want to buy one for a one off session.
I'm guessing this is probably obvious to most experienced FG players, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find anything before posting this. I haven't bought any of the other rulesets like Traveller or Rolemaster, so I don't have any other experience to base this off of. Thanks.
December 17th, 2019, 01:43
thelagermeister, yes the full rule book is included, with a players version to share; and includes 3 adventures
December 17th, 2019, 01:45
Yes, casting table results are coded in the scripts/data_spell.lua file. It's not too complicated to add a spell to this file, but it would require you to create an extension.
Do you have an example data_spell.lua that you can share? I know the one packed in the *.DAT file is password protected. Or, better yet, do you know if Libram Arcanum is being converted for FG?
December 19th, 2019, 20:51
Is there some instructions for this rules set. I'm very familiar with FG, since I've had it for 14 years or so, and I've been running 5E for a few years now.
So, I rolled up a warrior with the DCC rules, working through it, and I just can't understand how the application arrived at the warrior's attack modifier.
Its either +4 or +6 depending on whether I click the Deed Dice star. With a strength of 17, that's +2.. and then a d3 is suppose to be how it goes. Where
are the extra +2 or +4 coming from??? Is there a way to roll deed dice and attack dice at the same time? Its rather confusing. Is there a note card somewhere that
explains this?
Thanks for any help in advance.
December 21st, 2019, 20:06
Hey Captcorajus, I tried to duplicate what you are getting by creating a warrior with 17 STR and rolling the Deed die. However, I get a +3 to +5 at first level. What level is your Warrior? The Deed die increases with level so if you are higher level the Deed die is different, but I see no combination that would yield a +2 to +4 result. Have you checked the "WeaponMeta" entry for a possible errant +1 on the Deed die? It has a bonus field. Or an errant +1 on the weapon itself or an errant Ability Score entry on the attack stat? I know you said you're very familiar with FG but I find I still make mistakes filling in data on occasion.
December 28th, 2019, 17:06
I'm completely new to Fantasy Grounds but have managed to figure out most everything I've needed for running a DCC funnel using the ruleset. However, I'm a bit stumped on how to handle initiative for a funnel. Is the assumption that we'll just use the normal per-character initiative, or is there a way to handle group initiative for each player's mob of characters?
Another detail that would be nice for funnels is if luck were visible on tokens. I think for this I'm just going to enable character names on tokens, and add the character luck score to the player name—that will give me an at-a-glance reference for luck-based targeting provided the players don't mess with it. If there are better options I'd love to hear them.
December 28th, 2019, 17:40
Hey Tuirgin, I've run a few funnels and I have found that having the Judge roll for all initiatives is the quickest method for handling initiative. Group initiative would be nice but there is not a way to do that in basic FG and I'm fairly certain there is not an extension that does this for the DCC Ruleset.
Displaying Luck would be nice; I tend to keep the Party Sheet open for quick reference, but I have multiple large monitors. Token icons tend to be too small for my old eyes to see, but your mileage may vary.
December 28th, 2019, 17:57
Thanks, Tabarkus. How do the players feel about having the Judge roll all initiatives? My fear was that it'd feel like some player agency was being taken away. On the other hand, at the beginning of a funnel where you've got up to two dozen characters maybe the expediency of auto-rolled initiative is well worth it.
I'm trying out putting luck at the beginning of the character names; i.e. "[09] Shortlived Monsterfodder". It does get scaled pretty small when you have a map scaled to fit so many tokens on screen, but it's the best solution I've come up with for quick reference. I'm definitely making good use of my newly acquired progressive lenses. ;)
December 28th, 2019, 18:53
I've not had a single player complaint when Judge control of initiative was introduced as an expediency issue. Even with players who are new to me as a Judge/DM.
December 28th, 2019, 18:55
Awesome. I'll stop worrying about it, then, and just roll with it. Thanks!
December 29th, 2019, 01:16
Do you have an example data_spell.lua that you can share? I know the one packed in the *.DAT file is password protected. Or, better yet, do you know if Libram Arcanum is being converted for FG?
I am not aware of any conversion, but that doesn’t mean much. Can you access the .pak file in the rulesets folder? You should be able to open the file in Notepad++ or any xml editor.
December 29th, 2019, 01:20
Is there some instructions for this rules set. I'm very familiar with FG, since I've had it for 14 years or so, and I've been running 5E for a few years now.
So, I rolled up a warrior with the DCC rules, working through it, and I just can't understand how the application arrived at the warrior's attack modifier.
Its either +4 or +6 depending on whether I click the Deed Dice star. With a strength of 17, that's +2.. and then a d3 is suppose to be how it goes. Where
are the extra +2 or +4 coming from??? Is there a way to roll deed dice and attack dice at the same time? Its rather confusing. Is there a note card somewhere that
explains this?
Thanks for any help in advance.
I have a user manual from the unofficial ruleset that I can share. The most recent deed die roll is saved and applied to attack and damage when you activate the star icon. If you want to reset this, click the magnifying glass icon in the weapons header and set the ‘Result’ field to 0.
December 29th, 2019, 01:32
I'm completely new to Fantasy Grounds but have managed to figure out most everything I've needed for running a DCC funnel using the ruleset. However, I'm a bit stumped on how to handle initiative for a funnel. Is the assumption that we'll just use the normal per-character initiative, or is there a way to handle group initiative for each player's mob of characters?
Another detail that would be nice for funnels is if luck were visible on tokens. I think for this I'm just going to enable character names on tokens, and add the character luck score to the player name—that will give me an at-a-glance reference for luck-based targeting provided the players don't mess with it. If there are better options I'd love to hear them.
I posted a blog entry about my experience with running funnels in FG. I used the party sheet to reference luck scores - it’s also useful for looking at occupations. I used one initiative per player (using the best init bonus from their batch of zeroes), and each player used the same token for all of their PCs for my own sanity. You don’t need to assign init to every PC in the combat tracker, just one PC per player. That’s just what worked for me.
December 29th, 2019, 01:46
I posted a blog entry about my experience with running funnels in FG.
Thanks, I'll check that out.
December 29th, 2019, 03:54
I have attached the user guide for the DCC RPG ruleset. I will link this in post #1 as well.
December 30th, 2019, 17:52
I posted a blog entry about my experience with running funnels in FG. I used the party sheet to reference luck scores - it’s also useful for looking at occupations. I used one initiative per player (using the best init bonus from their batch of zeroes), and each player used the same token for all of their PCs for my own sanity. You don’t need to assign init to every PC in the combat tracker, just one PC per player. That’s just what worked for me.
I ran my first session on FG last night, and it was also my first time running DCC, and I had quite a few people in the session. There was bound to be some rough patches. My players rolled with it admirably. Rather than one portrait per player, I went with unique portraits with a set of color coded tokens I made up, and I threw everyone in the combat tracker thinking that would make handling targeting and roll resolution easier. In practice, it was a bit of a hot mess trying to manage all of that, so with the next session I'm definitely going to try the things you suggest in your blog entry: 1 portrait and token per player, and only adding to the combat tracker the character with the highest initiative per player. I think this means, though, that any tokens on the map are just representational and not linked and you handle all the rolling manually like you would in a face-to-face game? I suppose you could put the one combat tracker token on the map, but for funnels that would only work if each player's mob stayed together. How do you handle effects when going this route? Best I can tell, effects can only be applied to and seen from the combat tracker.
My goal, really, is to run more theater-of-the-mind style combat. I'm still grappling with how to manage this with online play, and admittedly I've only run theater-of-the-mind with PbtA games where combat is a lot more fluid and loose. Those games, when done online, went without a VTT, and just relied on video chat, with 1 character per player and a group "character keeper" in a shared google drive. Running trad RPGs with a VTT begs for some kind of graphical representation, even if it's completely abstract. If anyone has insight on this, or can point to good sources of info, I'd appreciate it.
One technical snafu I had was that players were able to manipulate other players' tokens. I didn't think this was supposed to happen. I assume I set something up wrong.
December 30th, 2019, 18:05
One thing my group noticed last night is that when rolling a Luck check from the character sheet, FG handles it in the normal check-against-DC way; i.e. a d20 is rolled and has the luck modifier applied to it and the gm is left to determine if it's a success. If I understand it correctly, in DCC a Luck check is actually 1d20 evaluated against LUCK+modifier, where d20<=LUCK+mods is a success. If this is, in fact, the way it's handled, it seems it could be automatically resolved since it's a roll against a known value (LUCK+modifier) rather than a Judge-determined DC. Is this something that's even technically feasible on the dev side?
December 31st, 2019, 02:56
Congrats on your first game! I'm still experimenting with how to run large numbers of PCs. I've been using FG for nearly 5 years now and have a large monitor so handling a large number on characters on the combat tracker feels fairly easy to me. I'm sure things will change over time for you but just try experimenting and you'll find what works for you now. Sometimes I find targeting for my players with less FG experience helps things flow more smoothly; and I've dropped everyone on a blank map just because map targeting is easier for some people than combat tracker targeting.
For Tokens: "Players can move their own and Allied (Friendly) tokens on the map. You can lock Token movement and this will stop them moving other tokens, (though you still create a 'movement request' line to be drawn, it's just easier to correct this) - and then you will have to approve each move." EDIT: Also, there is an extension written that prevents moving other friendly tokens that a player doesn't own and also manages issues with token stacking. I'm not sure if it works with the DCC ruleset though. I think it's called the Generic Token Swapper - Critically Awesome Essentials
Luck: I've only been playing DCC for a short time but it is my understanding that Luck can be used either as a roll to hit a DC# or a value to be rolled under on a d20 to accomplish some Lucky action or avoid some unlucky occurrence. So I just adjudicate it as I choose to use it in the instance. I'm not sure if there is a clear cut distinction between when to use one method or the other. EDIT: perhaps I read this elsewhere but the rulebook uses the phrase "usually resolved by" in reference to rolling under the value of your Luck on a d20.
December 31st, 2019, 03:42
Thanks! There were some moments where I was seriously struggling to stay on top of a lot of things and felt like I was floundering. However, all 7 of my players want to continue playing. I was hoping for at least a few after having months of struggling to find anyone to play something other than the behemoth everyone knows. One of the 7 can't make the same day as the rest of the party going forward, so guess who's getting a new campaign going... To struggle as much as I did and then have every single person want more is really encouraging.
For this first session, I dropped people into the game with pregens and minimal discussion of the UI and just went for it. I tried to talk them through things as they came up, and I had a few people figure some things out that they were able to share. I targeted for people until they figured out how to do it, themselves. It worked. But for the 2nd campaign that's getting started, I'm going to keep it to a smaller party and do a Session 0 and walk everyone through rolling DCC characters and basic use of the UI.
Tokens: Ah! Okay... I missed that about being able to manipulate allied tokens. Right now I'm leaning towards not using player-manipulated tokens at all. Even if you start without a grid enabled and are just using tokens to indicate loose and relative positioning, the instinct seems to be to go into grid-combat mode. So I may use tokens and maps when needed to clarify a complex situation, but have players stick to verbal descriptions of where they move and what they do. Honestly, I'm debating how much of FG's automation I want to employ. DCC's mechanics are simple enough that there's really no need to rely on the baked in UI super-powers.
Luck: Hrm... I've never heard of Luck being tested against a DC. I'd only ever heard of it being used as a roll-under check. But I haven't dived into the numerous zines for DCC, either. At any rate, it's easy enough to just have the players roll a d20 resolve it manually.
December 31st, 2019, 06:03
I have no DCC experience but just wanted to say I picked up the ruleset yesterday... am looking forward to seeing what it is like. May pick up a printed version if the NSFLGS has a copy.
December 31st, 2019, 17:50
After picking up the ruleset I made a bunch of portraits and tokens from the original artwork. I contacted Goodman Games to see if and under what conditions they were okay with distributing them. I was thinking perhaps they could be included with the ruleset or something. They told me to go ahead and post them to the Goodman Games forums, and if permissible, to Fantasy Grounds, as well. I posted a thread with the info about them over here:
Bottom line is that there's a set of just under 180 matching portraits and tokens which are derived directly from the original artwork.
December 31st, 2019, 22:00
Here's an interesting thing I found.
Access Library > Modules > Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game and click Load, then close Data Module Activation
From the Library, select the core rules manual to list the contents in the Library's bottom right panel, then click on the Tables link
Select Table 1-3: Occupation: what appears is a static text-only table—no links.
Click the Tables button from the Campaign Data sidebar, then locate and open Table 1-3: Occupation: what appears is a roll table which includes columns of linked items and a call on the equipment table to generate the L0's random equipment.
The roll-table version of the list can also be accessed from the "Reference Manual".
It appears that all of the tables listed at step 3 are static. This confused me at first. Apparently when I first tried creating characters with the FG DCC ruleset I accessed the static version of the occupations table and ended up going and creating my own roll tables to help generate characters faster.
I wondered what the reason was for having two different sets of the same table, so I loaded up the "5E Sample Campaign" and checked out the entries in the Library to see if the Table list from the library provided static tables, too. I was thinking that maybe it was just an FG thing which escapes me as a new user. Those tables, however, were roll-tables with active links. So now I'm wondering if this is a minor bug, or if maybe there's a reason for it.
A brief instruction on creating new characters for DCC wouldn't be a bad thing. Is the Wiki the appropriate place for that? If so, all of the "Store" rulesets are locked, and DCC isn't listed among them. I don't mind helping out providing documentation of what I learn as I go, but I also don't want to just jump in and make a mess due to having so little experience with FG and the community here.
January 3rd, 2020, 19:17
Possible bug/missing info:
- monstrous manual, 3 entries for blue dragon (hatchling, juvenile, old) but all three list the same THACO (7).
- Monstrous manual, entry for zombie, monster missing damage per attack (4-16 per hardcopy of monstrous manual).
(also, I'm new here; if this isn't the place for this sort of thing someone please drop me a note!)
January 3rd, 2020, 20:46
Possible bug - monstrous manual, 3 entries for blue dragon (hatchling, juvenile, old) but all three list the same THACO (7).
I think you might have meant to post in this thread:
This thread is specifically for the Dungeon Crawl Classics ruleset—no monstrous manual here, and DCC uses ascending AC.
January 6th, 2020, 12:09
Here's an interesting thing I found.
Access Library > Modules > Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game and click Load, then close Data Module Activation
From the Library, select the core rules manual to list the contents in the Library's bottom right panel, then click on the Tables link
Select Table 1-3: Occupation: what appears is a static text-only table—no links.
Click the Tables button from the Campaign Data sidebar, then locate and open Table 1-3: Occupation: what appears is a roll table which includes columns of linked items and a call on the equipment table to generate the L0's random equipment.
The roll-table version of the list can also be accessed from the "Reference Manual".
It appears that all of the tables listed at step 3 are static. This confused me at first. Apparently when I first tried creating characters with the FG DCC ruleset I accessed the static version of the occupations table and ended up going and creating my own roll tables to help generate characters faster.
I wondered what the reason was for having two different sets of the same table, so I loaded up the "5E Sample Campaign" and checked out the entries in the Library to see if the Table list from the library provided static tables, too. I was thinking that maybe it was just an FG thing which escapes me as a new user. Those tables, however, were roll-tables with active links. So now I'm wondering if this is a minor bug, or if maybe there's a reason for it.
A brief instruction on creating new characters for DCC wouldn't be a bad thing. Is the Wiki the appropriate place for that? If so, all of the "Store" rulesets are locked, and DCC isn't listed among them. I don't mind helping out providing documentation of what I learn as I go, but I also don't want to just jump in and make a mess due to having so little experience with FG and the community here.
I included the reference tables in case anyone wanted to simply look something up - the rollable tables are hard to read, especially the longer ones like occupations. I have been busy with some other content, but the core rules module is next on my list for updating. The static tables will be removed if they have a rollable counterpart, so no more confusion.
I'm not sure how to create a new wiki entry. You can create a forum thread with a character creation tutorial - I would really appreciate that since my free time is very limited these days.
Also, regarding luck checks... Sometimes judges use a DC target for the luck check, so that option needs to be in there. I have considered creating a 'Luck Check' button on the character sheet in the past that uses the more typical "roll under" method, but since it's just a straight d20 roll, it seemed unnecessary.
January 6th, 2020, 15:03
I included the reference tables in case anyone wanted to simply look something up - the rollable tables are hard to read, especially the longer ones like occupations. I have been busy with some other content, but the core rules module is next on my list for updating. The static tables will be removed if they have a rollable counterpart, so no more confusion.
That makes sense—I've been experimenting with making some homebrew refs and looking at tables in documentation vs roll-tables and understand a little better the trade-offs there. And, yeah, the tables with cascading table calls are highly useful but unintelligible as readable documentation, so it's making sense. Thanks for
I'm not sure how to create a new wiki entry. You can create a forum thread with a character creation tutorial - I would really appreciate that since my free time is very limited these days.
I've got a party of players that are new both to DCC and FG (as am I), so am considering how to teach folks what they need to know in order to handle leveled characters. I'm considering writing tutorials per class to give some tips about basic management in the character sheets. If I do that, I'll make sure they make it to the FG forums or wiki or both.
Also, regarding luck checks... Sometimes judges use a DC target for the luck check, so that option needs to be in there. I have considered creating a 'Luck Check' button on the character sheet in the past that uses the more typical "roll under" method, but since it's just a straight d20 roll, it seemed unnecessary.
That makes sense, and I agree—easy check that automation wouldn't dramatically improve. Re: Luck against a DC, I wasn't aware it was a thing people are doing, but I'm really new to the DCC scene. Lots to learn all around.
Thanks for your help!
January 7th, 2020, 00:52
Guys, how do I roll the funky dice? I'm aware of the command (/die), but this not practical at all...
January 7th, 2020, 01:14
If yoou right-click a die, in the radial menu you can find the funky dice connected to that clicked die...
January 7th, 2020, 01:23
Guys, how do I roll the funky dice? I'm aware of the command (/die), but this not practical at all...
To add to the last response, here's as much as I've figured out.
You can access the zocchi dice by clicking on the standard dice, then navigating into the custom dice. The placement of the zocchi dice is based on the DCC rulebook's instructions for how to roll the funky dice values without actually having them. Once you know that, you can do the following:
Manually go through each of the dice and drag the custom dice to your hotkeys.
Use chat commands: /die 1d5
Use the +1d/-1d/+2d/-2d modifiers and then roll one of the standard dice
January 7th, 2020, 10:01
They are organized according to a Goodman Games forum post about how to get Zocchi dice results from standard dice. This is described in the 'Desktop' section of the user guide (see post #1).
d6 - d3
d8 - d7
d10 - d5, d30
d12 - d24
d20 - d14, d16
Use hotkeys or dice swap buttons as Tuirgin suggested if you need quick access.
January 7th, 2020, 14:33
I'm sorry. I didn't see the user's guide on the first page...
January 8th, 2020, 16:22
I've been referring to the 5E_Effects ( page while exploring how effects work. But is there any way, without access to an unencrypted version of the ruleset, to determine which modifiers, descriptors, etc. are available for use with the DCC RPG ruleset?
January 11th, 2020, 21:00
I believe the user guide lists the descriptors associated with effects, such as ‘Prone’ and ‘Squeezing’. Most of the basic effects should work, like AC, ATK, SAVE, etc. You can specify ‘ATK: 2 melee’ for a +2 bonus to melee attacks only, or ‘SAVE: 1 fortitude’ for a +1 bonus to fortitude saves. Abilities are STR, AGI, STA, PER, INT, and LUCK.
DR should work for damage reduction.
Conditional effects should work.
RESIST, IMMUNE, and VULN work, but resistance in DCC is complicated. If you have 5 fire resistance, it absorbs 5 hp fire damage per round, but the ruleset applies resistance like 3.5E and 5E (per attack). I don’t know how to code it per round, or if that’s even possible. Resistance is sometimes shared by the whole party, just to really complicate things.
CRIT and SCOVER are not in there. None of the 5E-specific effects are, like CONC or ADV/DISADV (obviously).
If that doesn’t answer your question, let me know.
January 11th, 2020, 21:18
Thank you, leozelig. That helps.
I also just found the latest unofficial DCC ruleset. Are you able to comment regarding differences between the unofficial and the official versions of the ruleset, for example is the official version basically the unofficial ruleset with the addition of licensed text and images (reference manual, tables, spells, NPCs, etc), or is it substantially different? I ask, because if it shares a lot of the same code, I can always drop into the code and try to answer my own questions as they come up.
January 16th, 2020, 02:50
You might learn a few things by looking at the code. You can see what features have been added by going back through my posts in this thread. I fixed a few bugs along the way. The official ruleset is a million times better. Only an insane person would try to enter the entire DCC rulebook into FG themselves ;)
January 18th, 2020, 23:13
I discovered a bug with "Halfling dyer" occupation. I received the following error when trying to place it into the Occupation field on a character sheet: "Unable to find record to match link dropped. Check to make sure the correct modules are open."
Try again after updating, and let me know if it still isn't working for you.
I just purchased the ruleset today (01-18-2020) and did a fresh update to gain access etc. and discovered this same error when entering in a 0-level. Came to forums to see if anyone had already reported it and found this entry. So it still appears to be a thing.
January 22nd, 2020, 11:03
I will look into the halfling dyer bug and make sure this is fixed for the next update. I have been busy with my real job, but I should have more time soon.
January 26th, 2020, 23:02
I ran into an issue running the DCC ruleset in Unity:
The "/die" command doesn't work in the chat box - neither with regular dice (e.g. "/die 20"), nor with special DCC dice (e.g. "/die 14").
I see the following output in the error console:
[1/26/2020 1:53:28 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Lua section stack mismatch [dragdata:getDieList] (0(+1) != 2)
Rolling dice using the UI works fine, including special DCC dice.
In addition, I see some font and button related errors in the log when starting FG Unity with the DCC ruleset:
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (subwindowtitle). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (subwindowsmalltitle). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (subwindowsmalltitle_disabled). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (list-empty-ct). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (list-empty-ps). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-title). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-subtitle). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (modcollector). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (modcollectorlabel). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (windowtitle). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-h). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-r). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-i). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-b). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-bi). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-b-large). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-header). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-groupdesc). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:03 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] font: Missing TTF tag for font (reference-groupsubdesc). [DCC RPG] [graphics/graphics_fonts.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:07 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Unable to locate ruleset file. [DCC RPG] [common/template_buttons.xml]
[1/26/2020 1:44:33 PM] [WARNING] Frame hotkeytitlebox contains out-of-range values in Middle.
[1/26/2020 1:44:33 PM] [WARNING] Frame hotkeytitlebox contains out-of-range values in Right.
Any insights?
January 27th, 2020, 11:53
The DCC ruleset is only compatible with FG Classic. As far as I know, I don’t have access to FGU to make the necessary changes - I believe beta testing is limited to certain rulesets.
January 27th, 2020, 17:14
Thanks for the info. I just found a similar thread in the Unity playtest forum and will update this instead, so we can keep the current thread for discussing the working FG classic version.
Note that the demo version of FG Unity is publicly available for testing at this point:
January 29th, 2020, 18:23
I don't know if this is a bug or just me being a noob at FG DCC.
I follow all the steps in the user guide to create a new spell (page 13), and the spell works but I fail to make the Spell Check Table result to show in the chat when the spell is cast.
Example, on a roll of 19, it says:
[CAST] That_awesome_spell (d20)[SUCCESS]
Instead of
[CAST] That_awesome_spell (d20)[SUCCESS] roll a 1d8 to see how many times the head of your enemy bounces on the ground
I even copy-paste tables from existing spells, format them in table (since its pasted in body text format) but without success.
Is this a bug or something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for the help
January 31st, 2020, 23:57
I don't know if this is a bug or just me being a noob at FG DCC.
I follow all the steps in the user guide to create a new spell (page 13), and the spell works but I fail to make the Spell Check Table result to show in the chat when the spell is cast.
Example, on a roll of 19, it says:
[CAST] That_awesome_spell (d20)[SUCCESS]
Instead of
[CAST] That_awesome_spell (d20)[SUCCESS] roll a 1d8 to see how many times the head of your enemy bounces on the ground
I even copy-paste tables from existing spells, format them in table (since its pasted in body text format) but without success.
Is this a bug or something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for the help
Hi Jaume,
You're not doing anything wrong. The chat message only works for spells in the DCC rulebook. The ruleset does not read this from the table in the spell entry - those are there as a general reference. There is a data file that contains all of the casting table results. The same is true for crit and fumble tables.
February 3rd, 2020, 05:55
Random question about extension development:
I'm exploring writing an extension to randomly generate level 0 characters, which should speed up prep for funnels. I originally considered simply writing a Python (or similar) script outside of FG that would output an XML file containing multiple characters, which could then be manually imported using the FG UI. But I figure being able to do this within FG itself would be even more convenient. Say all of a player's gongfarmers died and we need to replenish characters from rescued prisoners - simply click a button (or run a chat command) and now there's a fresh level 0 character.
One thing I'm stumped on is where to find the DCC ruleset files, so I can figure out what existing hooks I can leverage. All the other rulesets seem to be in the "rulesets" directory, but I can't find the DCC files anywhere.
Can you point me in the right direction?
Any insights into how feasible this would be?
February 3rd, 2020, 16:40
Random question about extension development:
I'm exploring writing an extension to randomly generate level 0 characters, which should speed up prep for funnels. I originally considered simply writing a Python (or similar) script outside of FG that would output an XML file containing multiple characters, which could then be manually imported using the FG UI. But I figure being able to do this within FG itself would be even more convenient. Say all of a player's gongfarmers died and we need to replenish characters from rescued prisoners - simply click a button (or run a chat command) and now there's a fresh level 0 character.
One thing I'm stumped on is where to find the DCC ruleset files, so I can figure out what existing hooks I can leverage. All the other rulesets seem to be in the "rulesets" directory, but I can't find the DCC files anywhere.
Can you point me in the right direction?
Any insights into how feasible this would be?
The DCC ruleset is a commercial ruleset and therefore the code is not readily available to the public.
You can however create a record of each type and then save your campaign and look at the campaigns db.xml to see data paths.
February 4th, 2020, 08:42
Got it, thanks.
The db.xml file shows me the structure of characters (for example), but it seems like I'd still need to know the necessary functions etc. in order to be able to hook into these. But I'll play around with this first and see how far I get.
February 4th, 2020, 18:50
The DCC ruleset is a commercial ruleset and therefore the code is not readily available to the public.
Thanks for clarifying that, lokiare. I was under the impression the ruleset files were visible after purchase for some reason...
Got it, thanks.
The db.xml file shows me the structure of characters (for example), but it seems like I'd still need to know the necessary functions etc. in order to be able to hook into these. But I'll play around with this first and see how far I get.
Try exporting a character and looking at that code. I feel like you should be able to make it work with just that information.
February 4th, 2020, 19:12
I am working on some updates to the Core Rules module that I hope will be available before the end of the month. Besides fixing the issue with the halfling dyer occupation, I am adding a handful of secondary tables (see screenshot), improving keywords and expanding monster entries in the ref manual, and exchanging the text-only tables in the library list with the corresponding rollable tables. Most of these things are housekeeping tasks that I have not had time to address before now.
February 5th, 2020, 06:34
Try exporting a character and looking at that code. I feel like you should be able to make it work with just that information.
Sounds good, thanks - I'll start there.
February 27th, 2020, 00:21
Thanks for all your hard work on the rules update Leozelig! I look forward to checking it out!
February 29th, 2020, 13:38
Here is the list of updates planned for CoreRPG 3.3.10:
DCC RPG Ruleset v1.1.2
[Added] d18 and d22 custom dice (for compatibility with supplemental content).
[Fixed] NPC critical hit rolls not parsing for multiple crit dice (e.g. V/3d10).
[Fixed] NPC critical hit rolls not accounting for PC's luck modifier.
DB value for '<ability>_total' re-assigned to 'abilities.<ability>.total'.
[U]DCC Core Rules Modules
[Added] Sub-table rolls to tables when appropriate.
[Added] Individual 'Titles' tables for wizard, cleric, warrior, and thief classes.
[Added] 'Tail spikes' and 'barbed tail' attacks to manticore NPC record.
[Added] 'Constrict' attack to giant boa constrictor NPC record.
[Fixed] Multiple minor typos.
[Fixed] Halfling dyer occupation link from 'Table 1-3: Occupations'.
[Fixed] Colossal leech image showed an underdark slug.
[Fixed] Missing result range 82-86 from 'Table 8-8: Sword Powers, Type II: Combat'.
[Fixed] Result range 91-93 (previously 91-9) in 'Table 8-10: Scroll Contents'.
[Updated] Expanded keywords for reference manual.
[Updated] Text-only tables in library list replaced with corresponding rollable tables when one exists.
[Updated] Expanded monster entries in 'Chapter 9: Monsters' section of reference manual.
[Updated] Bracketed dice rolls applied to tables when appropriate.
February 29th, 2020, 13:52
I am considering adding tables for random dragon, demon, and magic sword generation to the DCC Core Rules module. The results would output to a Story entry, but it would require several tables. Currently, Purple Sorcerer Games has tools for this on its website ( I don't know if there is an advantage to having a similar tool built into the ruleset considering that you still need to transfer the Story output to another (item or NPC) record. Let me know if this is something you want to see.
Screenshot of a theoretical dragon generator below...
February 29th, 2020, 18:40
Thanks for your continued updates, leozelig!
One question about this one:
[Added] d18 and d22 custom dice (for compatibility with supplemental content).
I'm curious about which DCC supplements make use of these. In any case, just to make sure: When using the +1d / -1d buttons and rolling a d20, would this result in rolling a d22 / d18 now, instead of d24 / d16? I think it's important that the +/- die buttons continue to be based on the official DCC dice chain, as this could lead to unintended results otherwise.
Along those lines, a minor feature request: Would it be possible to indicate the actual die rolled in the chat window? Currently, it outputs "Judge: [+1d]". But I'd be a lot more confident that I rolled the right die if it said something like "Judge: [d24]", or perhaps both, i.e. "Judge: [+d1 = d24]". Thoughts?
February 29th, 2020, 18:57
Another minor bug / feature request:
I love how when rolling a Farmer on the Occupation table, it automatically rolls a d8 to determine the specific farmer type, e.g. Rutabaga Farmer. However, when dragging that specific type to the character sheet, it just shows up as "Farmer". Would it be possible to have it show up as "Rutabaga Farmer" in the Occupation field on the character shield, but still link to the Farmer entry on the Occupation table?
Along those lines:
Most level 0 trained weapons from the Occupations table are improvised and listed as something like "Pitchfork (as spear)" or "Chisel (as dagger)". When dragging these to the character's inventory, the behavior is kind of reversed from the above issue: It only shows up as "Pitchfork" or "Chisel" - with all the right stats. But as above, I think it would actually be ideal to have it show up exactly as in the table (i.e. "Pitchfork (as spear)"), as it's useful to know what melee weapon this emulates, to facilitate rule lookups outside FG later, etc.
March 2nd, 2020, 12:22
Thanks for your continued updates, leozelig!
One question about this one:
I'm curious about which DCC supplements make use of these. In any case, just to make sure: When using the +1d / -1d buttons and rolling a d20, would this result in rolling a d22 / d18 now, instead of d24 / d16? I think it's important that the +/- die buttons continue to be based on the official DCC dice chain, as this could lead to unintended results otherwise.
Along those lines, a minor feature request: Would it be possible to indicate the actual die rolled in the chat window? Currently, it outputs "Judge: [+1d]". But I'd be a lot more confident that I rolled the right die if it said something like "Judge: [d24]", or perhaps both, i.e. "Judge: [+d1 = d24]". Thoughts?
The dice swap buttons only use the standard dice chain. The d18 and d22 are used as attack dice for a couple of NPCs from the DCC Annual. Without adding them to the ruleset, these would be impossible to run inside FG.
I would need to reconfigure my dice roll scripts to add the dice description to a general dice roll. In what cases are you rolling dice directly from the desktop AND swapping them? I expect that the vast majority of rolls originate from a character sheet or NPC record and therefore already have the die identifier in the description.
Another minor bug / feature request:
I love how when rolling a Farmer on the Occupation table, it automatically rolls a d8 to determine the specific farmer type, e.g. Rutabaga Farmer. However, when dragging that specific type to the character sheet, it just shows up as "Farmer". Would it be possible to have it show up as "Rutabaga Farmer" in the Occupation field on the character shield, but still link to the Farmer entry on the Occupation table?
Along those lines:
Most level 0 trained weapons from the Occupations table are improvised and listed as something like "Pitchfork (as spear)" or "Chisel (as dagger)". When dragging these to the character's inventory, the behavior is kind of reversed from the above issue: It only shows up as "Pitchfork" or "Chisel" - with all the right stats. But as above, I think it would actually be ideal to have it show up exactly as in the table (i.e. "Pitchfork (as spear)"), as it's useful to know what melee weapon this emulates, to facilitate rule lookups outside FG later, etc.
Noted. The farmer occupations are a good idea. The second one seems like more of a personal preference that could go either way. Without being able to poll every DCC user, it becomes a "developer preference" sort of thing.
March 2nd, 2020, 17:44
The dice swap buttons only use the standard dice chain. The d18 and d22 are used as attack dice for a couple of NPCs from the DCC Annual. Without adding them to the ruleset, these would be impossible to run inside FG.
I would need to reconfigure my dice roll scripts to add the dice description to a general dice roll. In what cases are you rolling dice directly from the desktop AND swapping them? I expect that the vast majority of rolls originate from a character sheet or NPC record and therefore already have the die identifier in the description.
Great, thanks for confirming that the dice swap buttons will only use the standard dice chain.
You're right, most rolls should originate from the character sheet etc., and I just realized that those already have the die identifier in the description. I'm mostly thinking of various ad-hoc rolls I need to make as a GM (say to roll on a random table that lives outside FG), or possibly ask my players to make.
Noted. The farmer occupations are a good idea. The second one seems like more of a personal preference that could go either way. Without being able to poll every DCC user, it becomes a "developer preference" sort of thing.
Fair enough, thanks. :)
March 3rd, 2020, 00:32
Regarding the chat description for generic dice rolls... I will add this to my list in case I have extra time. I think it's a good suggestion. For now, rest assured that the dice swap buttons work as expected ;)
March 9th, 2020, 08:32
Just a quick note that I completed my extension to generate random level 0 DCC characters. Seems to work well, but would love to hear everyone's feedback or bug reports. :)
Details in this post (
Please post your feedback / bugs in that post, so we can keep this one focused on the overall ruleset.
March 13th, 2020, 19:47
I have found a little typo in the scolls table for when you do your next pass, roll of 91 - 9.
Really impressed with the work on this rulest Leozelig :)
March 14th, 2020, 20:31
I have found a little typo in the scolls table for when you do your next pass, roll of 91 - 9.
Really impressed with the work on this rulest Leozelig :)
That should have been fixed with the last update - see post #137.
Are you running v1.1.2? It’s odd if the module update I submitted didn’t work, so double-check that you updated to the latest DCC ruleset (with CoreRPG 3.3.10) and let me know.
March 15th, 2020, 10:34
I am running CoreRPG 3.3.10 but even with deleting and re-downloading the ruleset it only re-downloads v1.1.1
March 15th, 2020, 13:32
I am running CoreRPG 3.3.10 but even with deleting and re-downloading the ruleset it only re-downloads v1.1.1
Somehow, the updates I have been submitting have not been transferring over. I now have direct access to the files, so hopefully that will help. This would explain why that halfling dyer occupation link keeps getting reported as broken when I fixed it a long time ago.
I think updates go out on Tuesday. If you want to be certain you have the latest module files, open the monsters chapter - you should see pages for all of the monster entries instead of just dragon, demon, and a few others.
March 18th, 2020, 11:33
The updater seems to be working now. You should see v1.1.2 of the DCC ruleset by 3/24/20 at the latest...
March 21st, 2020, 08:33
It shows 1.1.1 for me too.
Bug report: The spells Runic Alphabet, Fey and Mortal, whenever a success is rolled, it shows this error: "Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_power.lua"]:317: attempt to index a nil value" and no result
Edit: I just got the update to 1.1.2, and it fixed the problem.
March 23rd, 2020, 19:54
Excited to try this game with my friends in isolation! Thank you.
The auto update for Fantasy grounds still reports v. 1.1.1 of the ruleset.
March 24th, 2020, 18:26
Excited to try this game with my friends in isolation! Thank you.
The auto update for Fantasy grounds still reports v. 1.1.1 of the ruleset.
Currently the new version is in the TEST channel (Launcher setting->TEST). It should go LIVE today if there are no issues.
March 24th, 2020, 23:59
Thank you. Sorry I misunderstood.
March 25th, 2020, 08:11
I've got 1.1.2 since march's 21st, and I'm on live.
March 25th, 2020, 12:00
Everyone should be updated to 1.1.2 now. I am going to focus on new DCC content for the next few months, but if anyone has any problems or requests, post here.
March 25th, 2020, 17:16
New content - very exciting! Looking forward to it. I saw Goodman Games' post where they stated they're going to double down on digital, given all gaming is moving online right now.
March 25th, 2020, 22:26
I have a request! I've worked on other rulesets creating extensions for the LPak program to translate it to my native language.
Can I have at least the Strings files (if you used that), so I can make an extension that translates DCC?
I know that some inner workings won't be possible for me to translate (because I can't see the code), but having at least a superficial translation could be nice.
March 28th, 2020, 02:12
Thank you, leozelig. The scripts/data_common.lua file is encrypted so I can't take a look at it. Would it be possible for you to share one of the base classes so I use that as a template? This will be my first foray into coding for FG and I'm still finding my legs.
Hi leozelig. Just wondering if you ever provided this? I'm looking to create some custom classes. Thanks.
March 29th, 2020, 19:43
Does this work with unity? I find items dragged to character sheets don't seem to auto populate. Particularly magic items. also, where is the spell tab for spellcasters that lists known and/or prepared spells? No auto calc on AC. No autocalc for leveling up? No autocalc for weapon or non weapon proficiencies, etc? Maybe i am missing something in the ruleset?
March 29th, 2020, 22:33
Does this work with unity? I find items dragged to character sheets don't seem to auto populate. Particularly magic items. also, where is the spell tab for spellcasters that lists known and/or prepared spells? No auto calc on AC. No autocalc for leveling up? No autocalc for weapon or non weapon proficiencies, etc? Maybe i am missing something in the ruleset?
Maybe there's something wrong on your end. I've just ran two DCC game sessions and all this worked. Only very few Unity related bugs, but the ruleset seems to be working fine.
March 31st, 2020, 18:47
I have not had any problems with Unity.
I need to work on making the code more open to custom classes, but I am focusing on other things at the moment. I can create an extension that allows some customization, but I don’t think I’m allowed to share the data file from the ruleset.
To clarify, this is for auto-filling the character sheet when you gain a level. You can create custom classes now and manually update the character sheet when you level up.
April 2nd, 2020, 02:05
I have not had any problems with Unity.
I need to work on making the code more open to custom classes, but I am focusing on other things at the moment. I can create an extension that allows some customization, but I don’t think I’m allowed to share the data file from the ruleset.
To clarify, this is for auto-filling the character sheet when you gain a level. You can create custom classes now and manually update the character sheet when you level up.
If it's not too much trouble, an extension would be great. I've been entering classes from KitN and other sites. It would be cool if the saves could auto-populate on the character sheets with a drag and drop.
April 4th, 2020, 16:05
I recently purchased a Unity subscription and DCC ruleset. I can start a server no problem and things seem to work fine. But clients take over 10 hours to load files, if at all.
Same server/clients can load 5E basic ruleset in just a minute or two. Any idea what's going on here or how I can fix this problem?
I'm running Unity Ultimate, clients are Unity demo.
Macs and Windows have same problem.
Here is the tail end of the log on the client side. On the client side, it had run for 12h 15m, with dialogue box for retrieving files up with no progress.
On the server side, it said he was still connected but activity stopped. It did not say he was disconnected.
April 4th, 2020, 18:21
Ooh I see a credentials error. Would this be for FGU licensing credentials or campaign login? Did something timeout after 12 hours?
12 hours is unacceptable, but let's cross that bridge later and figure out why it's not finishing.
Any ideas?
Server: FGU Unity on iMac 4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-03-26)
Client: FGU Unity on Windows 4.0.0 FREE (2020-03-26)
I'm beyond frustrated and $40 deep here.
April 4th, 2020, 22:22
New member to FG here, and an avid DCC fan. I'm now wondering which FG I should use for best experience with DCC... FGC or FGU? The last post here is not encouraging.
April 4th, 2020, 22:57
Whichever version you feel like. I've ran over 4 sessions of DCC on FGU with 0 problems.
April 4th, 2020, 23:07
New member to FG here, and an avid DCC fan. I'm now wondering which FG I should use for best experience with DCC... FGC or FGU? The last post here is not encouraging.
Tim, users need to remember that FGU is still in early access beta. Smiteworks has a great team but it isn't even close to having the size and resources of a AAA production house. FGU is still at the bug/error fixing stage and hasn't had much, if any, optimization done on it. Regardless of what ruleset/game you're looking at this is likely the case.
In time FGU will improve, but there's a reason that it's still in beta - and that's a beta beta, not a AAA "beta" where you get essentially 95% of the finished product to play early.
Whatever gets you gaming is the right choice is my personal opinion, but long term FGU will be the right move.
April 5th, 2020, 02:41
Unity bug report:
The columns on the rollable Occupations table don't wrap / scale properly, so it's really hard to read. See attached screenshot.
April 5th, 2020, 12:32
Unity bug report:
The columns on the rollable Occupations table don't wrap / scale properly, so it's really hard to read.
It looks like the contents are not re-sizing with the window, but I don’t know why. Maybe this should be reported in the Unity thread.
April 5th, 2020, 12:49
Ooh I see a credentials error. Would this be for FGU licensing credentials or campaign login? Did something timeout after 12 hours?
12 hours is unacceptable, but let's cross that bridge later and figure out why it's not finishing.
Any ideas?
Server: FGU Unity on iMac 4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-03-26)
Client: FGU Unity on Windows 4.0.0 FREE (2020-03-26)
I'm beyond frustrated and $40 deep here.
Well that is very frustrating! Maybe this is a cross-platform issue between iMac and Windows. The first connection always takes a little longer, but certainly not 12 hours - shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.
A couple troubleshooting tips:
- Disable all extensions in the launch screen. I don’t know if Unity has too many extensions to worry about right now, but it’s always a good starting point.
- If you have custom tokens, check the file size. They should be in the range of 10’s of kb, ideally 15-20 kb. Even 1 large token can disrupt load times substantially.
- Check that you don’t have too many modules loaded. I don’t know for sure that this would affect load times unless you really go overboard.
- Try the connection with FG Classic if you haven’t already. If it works fine there, the problem might be with Unity and not the DCC ruleset. Post in the Unity bug thread for advice.
Hope this helps!
April 5th, 2020, 16:36
Well that is very frustrating! Maybe this is a cross-platform issue between iMac and Windows. The first connection always takes a little longer, but certainly not 12 hours - shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.
A couple troubleshooting tips:
- Disable all extensions in the launch screen. I don’t know if Unity has too many extensions to worry about right now, but it’s always a good starting point.
- If you have custom tokens, check the file size. They should be in the range of 10’s of kb, ideally 15-20 kb. Even 1 large token can disrupt load times substantially.
- Check that you don’t have too many modules loaded. I don’t know for sure that this would affect load times unless you really go overboard.
- Try the connection with FG Classic if you haven’t already. If it works fine there, the problem might be with Unity and not the DCC ruleset. Post in the Unity bug thread for advice.
Hope this helps!
Thanks. It doesn't appear to be a platform issue, it also happens with Mac clients. I have the DCC ruleset loaded and one adventure module loaded(no player download for the adventure) with the player version of the rules set for player download. No custom anything yet. Could the problem be that the clients are downloading the apx. **** ton of artwork that exists in the DCC rules? If so, how would one turn that off?
Newb question: If I turn off something like the DCC Player version for player download, will that affect functionality during play or character creation? If I turn it on during a session after players are connected will that be a huge delay/download?
April 5th, 2020, 18:51
It looks like the contents are not re-sizing with the window, but I don’t know why. Maybe this should be reported in the Unity thread.
Sounds good, I'll post this in the Unity forum. I mentioned it here first, because (based on a brief skim at least) I haven't noticed this problem in the D&D 5e ruleset, for example.
Myrdin Potter
April 6th, 2020, 07:57
Goodman Games is holding an online convention and is looking for event submissions.
April 6th, 2020, 08:09
There was a unity update yesterday that solved a similar problem to the one you are experiencing Tkinzer, might be worth running it and seeing how it is today?
April 6th, 2020, 08:53
There was a new networking update released.
Everyone in your group should update to the newest build 2020-04-04
If your FGU doesnt show that after updating you might have to uninstall and reinstall again from a new webinstaller.
So long as you havent pointed your Data and Program files at the same folder manually that should be safe to do.
April 7th, 2020, 00:52
FGUnity the "Trips and Throws" table is missing the description for the first entry #3.
April 7th, 2020, 00:55
Leo, are there plans to add NPC spell functionality to the ruleset? Currently I'm making NPC spellcasters as PCs if they use the PC spells. I know you're working on content right now but was just curious for future plans.
April 9th, 2020, 20:10
Leo, are there plans to add NPC spell functionality to the ruleset? Currently I'm making NPC spellcasters as PCs if they use the PC spells. I know you're working on content right now but was just curious for future plans.
Thanks for the Mighty Deeds bug report - I will fix that.
I will add NPC spells to my project list. I want to work on a few adventure conversions for now, but I like your suggestion and should be able to make it work.
April 9th, 2020, 20:19
Goodman Games is holding an online convention and is looking for event submissions.
This looks amazing, thanks for sharing Myrdin!
April 13th, 2020, 11:29
Any chance of adding/changing the monster HP options for GM in the following way?
Random & Fixed.
If HP field is blank (left at 0) random HP is rolled from the HD, if there is a value in that field it uses that value.
I would really love to have the bosses in my games have set HP but all the random monsters have random HP. I could have sworn the Pathfinder ruleset worked this way but I could also be misremembering.
April 13th, 2020, 15:39
There was a unity update yesterday that solved a similar problem to the one you are experiencing Tkinzer, might be worth running it and seeing how it is today?
FYI: This update did fix my "loading forever" problem. Product is working as advertised now.
April 16th, 2020, 02:05
This, when I try to Heal (Cure Light Wound).
April 18th, 2020, 14:52
Hi Leozelig,
I tried to find which option enables the Shield Bash attack for Dwarves. How you handle this attack?
I tried to add a new weapon called "Shield Bash", but I cannot add the required D14 attack die...
I'm not sure if I'm wrong, but if this option is still not implemented, have you though about implementing it soon?
Thank you for your wonderful ruleset and all your effort!
April 18th, 2020, 16:00
FCastellanos: I am able to add Shield Bash as a weapon on the Actions Tab. You can add the d14 (which is in the custom option for the d20) by dropping it in the "dice" slot for the attack once you open the detail window on the weapon by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the listing for the weapon. I was not sure if you were uncertain as to the details of how to do that so I included those. You add the damage die in the same way by dropping the d3 under the Damage heading it will auto populate. Hope this helps.
April 19th, 2020, 03:30
Any chance of adding/changing the monster HP options for GM in the following way?
Random & Fixed.
If HP field is blank (left at 0) random HP is rolled from the HD, if there is a value in that field it uses that value.
I would really love to have the bosses in my games have set HP but all the random monsters have random HP. I could have sworn the Pathfinder ruleset worked this way but I could also be misremembering.
Hi turelus, thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty sure NPC hit points work that way now, if I understand your question correctly. It's been awhile since I've looked at that particular feature, but I modeled the NPCs after 3.5E/Pathfinder so it should be the same.
April 19th, 2020, 03:33
This, when I try to Heal (Cure Light Wound).
Graphics error? That script is not part of the DCC ruleset and must be running from CoreRPG. There was a recent update, let me know if that didn't resolve the issue.
April 19th, 2020, 03:50
Hi Leozelig,
I tried to find which option enables the Shield Bash attack for Dwarves. How you handle this attack?
I tried to add a new weapon called "Shield Bash", but I cannot add the required D14 attack die...
I'm not sure if I'm wrong, but if this option is still not implemented, have you though about implementing it soon?
Thank you for your wonderful ruleset and all your effort!
Thanks for the kind words, FCastellanos - appreciate that :)
I think Tabarkus covered it pretty well, but just in case...
Create a weapon called 'Shield Bash', and then click the magnifying glass to the far right, which will open a dialog window with attack and damage details. To find the d14, right-click on the d20, select Custom Dice, and then select the d14. Drag the die over to the attack dice field and left-click to drop it. This should set your action die for that attack to the d14.
April 20th, 2020, 05:04
Another minor bug: in the Library Module window, Yggdrrl's Maze is marked with a green check mark as "allow player load" by default each time the campaign is started. Unless the Judge remembers to mark it as "block player load" a player can load it; however it causes problems if a player loads it. It is an adventure which should only be available to the Judge and should default to the red X, "block player load".
April 20th, 2020, 17:07
Another minor bug: in the Library Module window, Yggdrrl's Maze is marked with a green check mark as "allow player load" by default each time the campaign is started. Unless the Judge remembers to mark it as "block player load" a player can load it; however it causes problems if a player loads it. It is an adventure which should only be available to the Judge and should default to the red X, "block player load".
Is this a part of the core rules product?
April 20th, 2020, 17:12
Is this a part of the core rules product?
Yes, it is. It's an alternative adventure that comes in place of The Abbot of the Woods in some special printings of the book.
April 22nd, 2020, 00:06
Hi there,
I was wondering if is it correct for a wether melee/long range weapon (such as dagger) to have the same thac0 modifiers. For instance, this dagger can be used with strenght modifier in a melee fight but with a dex modifier if used as long range. Am i right? In my campaign if a PC has a dagger it comes with a strenght modifier for both long range/melee. Is there any way to make it automatically calculated or should I modify manually?
April 22nd, 2020, 20:31
Another thing I noticed. It seems that the surprise roll is not modified by dexterity (reaction adj.).
April 23rd, 2020, 02:04
Another minor bug: in the Library Module window, Yggdrrl's Maze is marked with a green check mark as "allow player load" by default each time the campaign is started. Unless the Judge remembers to mark it as "block player load" a player can load it; however it causes problems if a player loads it. It is an adventure which should only be available to the Judge and should default to the red X, "block player load".
Thanks Tabarkus. That will be fixed.
April 23rd, 2020, 02:07
Davide87, I'm going to assume you are talking about the 2E ruleset.
April 23rd, 2020, 10:22
Yes, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
April 23rd, 2020, 23:18
Yes, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
I believe you are in the wrong thread then. This one is about Dungeon Crawl Classics, not Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
April 24th, 2020, 10:08
Sorry, my fault then! Thanks
April 26th, 2020, 18:34
Leo, I have a request that I don't know if it is possible. Is it possible to add an additional tab to the character sheet that can only be read by the Judge/DM. This would allow me to make character specific notes directly on the character sheet.
Thanks, Tabarkus
April 27th, 2020, 03:30
Leo, I have a request that I don't know if it is possible. Is it possible to add an additional tab to the character sheet that can only be read by the Judge/DM. This would allow me to make character specific notes directly on the character sheet.
Thanks, Tabarkus
I know that the Rolemaster character sheet has a section of the Notes tab that is viewable by GM only.
April 27th, 2020, 11:18
Hi turelus, thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty sure NPC hit points work that way now, if I understand your question correctly. It's been awhile since I've looked at that particular feature, but I modeled the NPCs after 3.5E/Pathfinder so it should be the same.
Thanks for the reply Leo, I double checked yesterday to make sure I wasn't getting something wrong, and TBH I could just be misremembering how Pathfinder worked (it's been a year since I used it).
The functionality I am seeing now is.
Standard - Uses HP from HP box
Random - Always rolls HD randomly, even if a HP value is entered.
Max - Uses max HD value
What I am looking for is an option which is kind of a mix of Standard/Random in which if the HP box is empty is chooses random, if the HP box has a value it chooses that rather than random. In my mind I am sure I've played with a ruleset which did that but honestly I could be misremembering (I wouldn't put it past me).
April 27th, 2020, 20:20
Thanks for the reply Leo, I double checked yesterday to make sure I wasn't getting something wrong, and TBH I could just be misremembering how Pathfinder worked (it's been a year since I used it).
The functionality I am seeing now is.
Standard - Uses HP from HP box
Random - Always rolls HD randomly, even if a HP value is entered.
Max - Uses max HD value
What I am looking for is an option which is kind of a mix of Standard/Random in which if the HP box is empty is chooses random, if the HP box has a value it chooses that rather than random. In my mind I am sure I've played with a ruleset which did that but honestly I could be misremembering (I wouldn't put it past me).
You're right. I thought the standard option rolled random HP unless a HP value was specified. I will work on that...
EDIT: This will be in the next update (1.1.3)! The standard setting will be to roll random HP when an NPC is dropped to the combat tracker if HP = 0.
April 27th, 2020, 20:30
Leo, I have a request that I don't know if it is possible. Is it possible to add an additional tab to the character sheet that can only be read by the Judge/DM. This would allow me to make character specific notes directly on the character sheet.
Thanks, Tabarkus
I'm sure it's just a matter of setting visibility conditions, but I will see what I can do. Would you settle for a GM-only section under the existing 'Notes' tab? My thought is that not every Judge will use this feature, and I want to keep the char sheet as simple as possible so it is less intimidating to new players.
EDIT: I added a screenshot. The last section (JUDGE'S NOTES) is visible only to the host/judge but not the client/player. Would that work? It's a great suggestion, and I have added this to the next update.
April 27th, 2020, 20:47
I know the Fantasy Grounds store has been a little quiet with new DCC offerings, but I expect that to change and hopefully soon. For the record, I am not speaking in any official capacity - I know about as much as any other DCC fan, but at Cyclops Con last weekend, Goodman Games seemed more committed than ever to expanding their presence in online gaming. They even have an official Twitch channel ( now, which is encouraging.
April 27th, 2020, 21:45
Another minor bug: in the Library Module window, Yggdrrl's Maze is marked with a green check mark as "allow player load" by default each time the campaign is started. Unless the Judge remembers to mark it as "block player load" a player can load it; however it causes problems if a player loads it. It is an adventure which should only be available to the Judge and should default to the red X, "block player load".
This has been fixed. It might be too late to go out this week, but you should see it next Tue (5/5) at the latest. There should be the complete module that blocks player load and a player version that contains the new spell sorcerous sap and nothing else.
April 27th, 2020, 21:54
I know that the Rolemaster character sheet has a section of the Notes tab that is viewable by GM only.
One solution for this is to create a note in the note window and name it the same as the character. If you choose not to share it the players won't be able to open it.
April 28th, 2020, 03:01
Leo, the Judge's section on the Character sheet notes tab would be quite adequate! Thanks!
April 28th, 2020, 03:08
Lokiare, thanks for the suggestion. That is what I am currently doing. That idea works with a small number of players and characters but I have a large number and would rather not spend the time searching notes during a game. It's just a convenience factor.
April 28th, 2020, 03:47
So, here is what a Spells tab would look like on the NPC record.
You need to resize the sheet to display the right border of the 'Save' field, but otherwise it works the same as powers on the char sheet. I have mixed feelings about the added complexity since few published NPCs really have spells, but I am interested in hearing what other DCC fans think. The rulebook discourages giving actual spells to NPCs on p. 383 (in favor of unique powers), and yet they do turn up every so often in published adventures.
April 28th, 2020, 04:21
Would this tab give Judges the ability to create powers with a "Casting" roll button, Saving throw button, and damage and effects buttons in the way that the 5e Ruleset does? While NPCs may not have the spells of a PC having the ability to automate unique powers to a certain degree would be nice.
April 29th, 2020, 13:08
Would this tab give Judges the ability to create powers with a "Casting" roll button, Saving throw button, and damage and effects buttons in the way that the 5e Ruleset does? While NPCs may not have the spells of a PC having the ability to automate unique powers to a certain degree would be nice.
Yes, you could create a group for special properties with saves and effects. The tab could probably be labeled 'Powers' or 'Actions' rather than 'Spells'. I want to keep the attack line the same for now since it's modeled after DCC monster entries, but maybe this will eventually morph into something closer to 5E. The combat tracker entry will need to be updated at some point to look a little more like a 5E NPC entry.
April 29th, 2020, 13:13
I have been thinking about a way to parse ability score loss from damage clauses - for example, the giant ant soldier has a poisoned stinger that does 2d4 Stamina damage. You can roll 2d4 and add the effect 'STA: ##' manually, where ## is the 2d4 roll result. Alternatively, you can have the player add the roll result to the ability score damage section of the char sheet. Most NPCs don't specify ability scores, so the mechanics are tricky if it happens to them. I feel like it would be a nice feature if I can pull it off.
Please comment if you have any thoughts on how you would want this to work.
April 30th, 2020, 00:19
Here is what I threw together this afternoon...
Technically, this can be coded in the attack line as: poisoned stinger +6 melee (2d4 stamina). Using the 'Spells' tab for a special attack is a little awkward but does automate the saving throw. When I borrowed the 5E code for powers, I merged melee and ranged spell attacks into a single cast action. Perhaps that was a little short-sighted since those would be useful here, but I don't see myself reverting back to the 5E code just yet.
April 30th, 2020, 04:17
I don't have much experience with running DCC combat yet. However, I think I like the "Effect" approach especially if the ability score loss has a time limit measured in rounds or turns. But does all ability score loss only heal with a full night's sleep or are some of a shorter time frame that would be more easily tracked with the combat tracker? Hmm, I think I don't have enough knowledge and experience to have a solid opinion here.
May 1st, 2020, 20:45
Thanks for the kind words, FCastellanos - appreciate that :)
I think Tabarkus covered it pretty well, but just in case...
Create a weapon called 'Shield Bash', and then click the magnifying glass to the far right, which will open a dialog window with attack and damage details. To find the d14, right-click on the d20, select Custom Dice, and then select the d14. Drag the die over to the attack dice field and left-click to drop it. This should set your action die for that attack to the d14.
Hi I had same problem setting up my Dwarf PC.
While following your instruction I realized in the rulebook is a difference between how the Deed die works for Warriors and Dwarves.
While the Warrior adds the Deed die to the attack roll, the Dwarf adds the value to the attack roll and the damage roll (see page 51 of the rulebook paragraf "Attack Modifier")
When I create the weapon called "Shield Bash" I don´t see how I can add the Deed die value to the damage
May 1st, 2020, 22:41
Hi I had same problem setting up my Dwarf PC.
While following your instruction I realized in the rulebook is a difference between how the Deed die works for Warriors and Dwarves.
While the Warrior adds the Deed die to the attack roll, the Dwarf adds the value to the attack roll and the damage roll (see page 51 of the rulebook paragraf "Attack Modifier")
When I create the weapon called "Shield Bash" I don´t see how I can add the Deed die value to the damage
I can't speak to the ruleset, but I don't think your first statement is correct: Both Warriors and Dwarves should add the deed die to both attack and damage rolls. The Attack Modifier section on p.42 in the Warrior description contains the same info as the corresponding section on the Dwarf description.
May 2nd, 2020, 03:08
I can't speak to the ruleset, but I don't think your first statement is correct: Both Warriors and Dwarves should add the deed die to both attack and damage rolls. The Attack Modifier section on p.42 in the Warrior description contains the same info as the corresponding section on the Dwarf description.
edit: ok disregard my question, I just found it :-)
May 2nd, 2020, 15:48
Click the star icon on the attack window to add deed die results to attack and damage rolls. If you need to adjust the bonus for any reason, open the weapon details by clicking the magnifying glass to the right of the WEAPONS header, and enter a new value for 'Result'.
May 2nd, 2020, 16:02
Here is an update on a few other changes I have planned for v1.1.3 of the DCC ruleset:
Dropping a weapon to the inventory list will create separate melee and ranged entries in the weapons list for thrown weapons (daggers, handaxes, etc.), similar to the 5E ruleset. I am also going to create a backstab entry if the PC is a thief and the weapon has a second damage value, indicating that it can be used to backstab. This weapon entry will append the text '(Backstab)' to the name and add your current backstab bonus to the attack bonus.
I am changing the duration field for effect actions to a string (from a number) to allow for random durations, which are very common in spell descriptions. I am also adding the spell name to effect actions for clarification in the combat tracker as this is standard practice in my experience.
Finally, a possible change to the GM portrait image. Two options are shown in the screenshot, but that's just for demonstration purposes.
Feel free to post your opinion on these changes - nothing is set in stone at this point.
May 2nd, 2020, 17:01
Leo, the attachment 34765 is invalid.
May 3rd, 2020, 01:41
Click the star icon on the attack window to add deed die results to attack and damage rolls. If you need to adjust the bonus for any reason, open the weapon details by clicking the magnifying glass to the right of the WEAPONS header, and enter a new value for 'Result'.
thank you for the reply, this is really helpful!
May 4th, 2020, 16:45
Regarding ability damage, in most cases this is temporary and recovers with rest. You would probably want to transfer any ability score damage to your character sheet at the end of combat since the CT effect will go away the next time you rest. I don't know how people are doing this now - I have just handled it manually by rolling dice from the desktop and applying to the character sheet.
The random effect durations will be nice I think, but I need to do more testing. One of the things I struggle with is the complexity of spell effects. The number of possible effects can be overwhelming, and in many cases, the only difference is the duration. Currently, the parse data that auto-populates spell effects on the char sheet does not specify a duration if it's random, which simplifies things in a way. Adding this feature might lead to several more effects populating under a spell. See below...
May 4th, 2020, 16:46
Attachment in post #218 fixed.
May 10th, 2020, 13:35
You're right. I thought the standard option rolled random HP unless a HP value was specified. I will work on that...
EDIT: This will be in the next update (1.1.3)! The standard setting will be to roll random HP when an NPC is dropped to the combat tracker if HP = 0.
Thanks Leo, really appreciate the work you're doing on this ruleset for everyone in the community. :)
May 14th, 2020, 19:15
Is there a way to have it roll the deed die when they roll their attack? So players can drag it to the quick bar at the bottom or something. Sorry if it's an obvious question, I'm new to Fantasy Grounds.
May 15th, 2020, 03:48
Is there a way to have it roll the deed die when they roll their attack? So players can drag it to the quick bar at the bottom or something. Sorry if it's an obvious question, I'm new to Fantasy Grounds.
Hi yippyjoe,
Good question. Short answer is not with a single click.
I had originally set the deed die to roll with the attack, but things break down with additional action dice. You get one deed per round, but that bonus might apply to 2-3 attacks at higher levels or with a haste spell, so the deed roll needs to be separated from attack/damage rolls. I think that’s what you’re asking - if not, let me know...
May 15th, 2020, 04:19
Hi yippyjoe,
I had originally set the deed die to roll with the attack, but things break down with additional action dice. You get one deed per round, but that bonus might apply to 2-3 attacks at higher levels or with a haste spell, so the deed roll needs to be separated from attack/damage rolls. I think that’s what you’re asking - if not, let me know...
That is what I was wondering, I didn't think about the times when it applies to multiple attacks. That makes sense! Thanks
May 16th, 2020, 22:54
is it possible to grant an NPC an extended crit range?
May 19th, 2020, 12:16
Yes, the format is the same as 3.5E - in the damage clause add ‘/##-20’. The extended crit range is based on a d20 even if the action die is different, which can be a little awkward. So for example, giant NPCs show a crit range of 16-20, but this becomes 20-24 with the d24 action die. I have been thinking of pulling this from the special properties field, which would simplify things a lot, but for now that’s how it works.
May 25th, 2020, 06:58
Is there a Effects modifier that will allow you to raise the attack die chain? ultimately I would like to increase a players Ranged attacks by a die for a specific number of rounds. I'm playing Cyber sprawl classics so each character has firearms that allow multiple shots. I know that I can have each player click the +1d before each attack, but after a few rounds we are looking at pressing it 50 - 60 times.
May 25th, 2020, 14:44
Is there a Effects modifier that will allow you to raise the attack die chain? ultimately I would like to increase a players Ranged attacks by a die for a specific number of rounds. I'm playing Cyber sprawl classics so each character has firearms that allow multiple shots. I know that I can have each player click the +1d before each attack, but after a few rounds we are looking at pressing it 50 - 60 times.
It's on my list - something like 'DATK: 1' or 'DIEATK: 1'. Currently, what you're doing is the only way.
May 25th, 2020, 15:22
I anticipate releasing the latest ruleset update within the next couple weeks.
One of the updates allows the ruleset to handle random durations for spell effects (see post #221). Updating the spell actions that populate when you drop a spell to the character sheet has been an enormous task. The randomness of spells in DCC is fun, but this has made me wonder if they went a little overboard :)
I created a basic Spells tab for NPCs (see post #208), but I doubt this will be ready for the next update. Looking ahead to future updates, I have a few other features in mind... I really want to restructure class and skill records to incorporate level advancement data so custom classes don't sacrifice that functionality. It would also be cool if casting table results for spells were pulled directly from the spell description rather than relying on a database file. The dice chain CT effect mentioned above is another good one.
I appreciate all the feedback. Don't forget about DCC Days next month!
May 25th, 2020, 19:59
That is great news. You are doing a wonderful job listening to and adapting the program to the needs of the users. I appreciate it.
June 3rd, 2020, 13:05
I anticipate that the next release will be available on June 16. Adding all the new spell effect actions with random durations was a big job, but it’s a nice feature. DCC Days Online is running from June 11-14, and I don’t want to drop a bunch of updates on judges right before a big event.
June 4th, 2020, 02:15
Awesome new content Leo! Thanks for all the work. I’m looking forward to running a funnel for DCC Days Online! And I was able to get into two games; one run by Michael Curtis and the other, a Dark Trails game run by David Baity!
June 7th, 2020, 16:19
Awesome new content Leo! Thanks for all the work. I’m looking forward to running a funnel for DCC Days Online! And I was able to get into two games; one run by Michael Curtis and the other, a Dark Trails game run by David Baity!
Wow, those premiere games filled up QUICK... Very jealous!
June 7th, 2020, 16:30
Since I am holding up the next release until after DCC Days, I am going to add the 'Spells' tab to the NPC record. It will take me a little more time to update the combat tracker to display the spells in the NPC entry, but it's progress at least.
I should also be able to set up parsing of the casting result chat message directly from the spell description. No more need for the custom spells extension, which will be very nice!
June 7th, 2020, 21:17
Awesome! Yes it will be very nice to be able to add new spells easily!
June 12th, 2020, 21:58
Hello, just wanted to draw your attention to an issue I reported in the main FGU forum that seems to be specific to the DCC ruleset under Unity. In FGC, you can drag and drop features into the feature list on a character's abilities tab, e.g. from the class features list in a class entry or even from one character's feature list to another. This does not appear to be working in FGU, where the only way I've been able to successfully get a feature onto a character (other than manually typing one in) is by dragging a class onto them, which auto-adds all the level-appropriate features for that class. This behavior is working in both FGC and FGU for other rulesets, such as 5e.
June 15th, 2020, 23:47
I have attempted to get in contact with the developer to investigate your bug.
June 17th, 2020, 00:20
Hello, just wanted to draw your attention to an issue I reported in the main FGU forum that seems to be specific to the DCC ruleset under Unity. In FGC, you can drag and drop features into the feature list on a character's abilities tab, e.g. from the class features list in a class entry or even from one character's feature list to another. This does not appear to be working in FGU, where the only way I've been able to successfully get a feature onto a character (other than manually typing one in) is by dragging a class onto them, which auto-adds all the level-appropriate features for that class. This behavior is working in both FGC and FGU for other rulesets, such as 5e.
Thanks for the bug report crleonhard! I will take a look at it and keep you updated...
June 18th, 2020, 11:53
Release 5 is available on the 'Test' channel and will go live on June 23, 2020...
[Added] Luck check (i.e. roll equal to or less than Luck score) can be made by holding the SHIFT key while performing the roll.
[Added] Dropping a class feature to the Actions tab will create a new power with group name 'Abilities'.
[Added] Reparse option to radial menu for power entries on Actions tab.
[Added] Actions and chat message results for cleric abilities (turn unholy, lay on hands, and divine aid).
[Added] 'Judge's Notes' section to Notes tab on char sheet, visible only to the judge.
[Added] Ability score damage types, which are applied to the target as a combat tracker effect.
[Added] Spells tab to NPC sheet.
[Updated] Additional ranged entry created in weapon list for thrown weapons (e.g. handaxe) when item is dropped to char sheet.
[Updated] Additional backstab entry created in weapon list for thief class when relevant item is dropped to char sheet.
[Updated] Effect duration field in actions changed from a number to a string to allow random values (e.g. 1d6+CL). The duration is calculated when the effect is dropped to the CT.
[Updated] Duration is appended to the CT effect when longer than minutes using the format '[D: <duration> <units>]'.
[Updated] Additional spell effect actions created for random durations. (Right-click and select 'Reparse' option in the radial menu to apply updates to existing spells on your character sheet.)
[Updated] Spell names appended to effect actions.
[Updated] Casting results for custom spells are parsed from the formatted text table in the spell description for chat message.
[Updated] 'C' button removed from NPC ability scores. Double-click or drag NPC ability score field to roll an ability check (i.e. same as char sheet).
[Updated] NPC special properties moved to the active/offensive subsection of combat tracker entry.
[Updated] Standard setting for 'CT: NPC hit points' option rolls random HP when an NPC is dropped to combat tracker and HP are set to 0.
[Updated] New GM 'Road Judge' icon for chat window.
[Updated] Skill record with 'Ability' field.
[Added] Chat message results for DCC Annual canticles/spells and Goodman Games 2019 Yearbook spell.
[Added] Class data for DCC Annual clerics.
[Fixed] Minor typos.
[Updated] Abilities added to skill records where applicable.
June 18th, 2020, 12:48
No luck understanding the feature drop issue with FGU. I did make a small change to the abilities tab file with the latest release, so when that goes live next week, I will check this again. If it still doesn't work, I will ask someone smarter than me ;)
June 19th, 2020, 04:35
Wow! That is an awesome update!
June 19th, 2020, 11:17
Wow! That is an awesome update!
Thanks Tabarkus! I have had a little extra time the last few months... I will keep trying to make it better.
June 20th, 2020, 15:28
Leo, I went onto the Test Server today and tested the new functions. I found a few bugs/typos. This is in UNITY!
1) The lack of spacing or punctuation in the Turn Unholy results for clerics was confusing. An extra space or semicolon before each listing of HD effected would be helpful. What I saw on the results looked like this:
Turn Range = 60'1 HD = T1d6+CL2
HD = T1d3+CL
So better isolating the "1 HD" and the "2 HD" would be helpful.
2) Effects are not being applied, neither from the "effects list window" nor the character/NPC sheets. Because of this I couldn't test any of the other cool things you've done with effects.
3) Spells are not being displayed when in "combat mode" on character/NPC sheets. They show up in Preparation and Standard modes.
Every thing else worked perfectly. Thanks for all the work! I'm excited for all the additions you've been making to the ruleset.
June 20th, 2020, 22:31
Leo, I went onto the Test Server today and tested the new functions. I found a few bugs/typos. This is in UNITY!
1) The lack of spacing or punctuation in the Turn Unholy results for clerics was confusing. An extra space or semicolon before each listing of HD effected would be helpful. What I saw on the results looked like this:
Turn Range = 60'1 HD = T1d6+CL2
HD = T1d3+CL
So better isolating the "1 HD" and the "2 HD" would be helpful.
2) Effects are not being applied, neither from the "effects list window" nor the character/NPC sheets. Because of this I couldn't test any of the other cool things you've done with effects.
3) Spells are not being displayed when in "combat mode" on character/NPC sheets. They show up in Preparation and Standard modes.
Every thing else worked perfectly. Thanks for all the work! I'm excited for all the additions you've been making to the ruleset.
Thanks Tabarkus!
1) I had each of those turn unholy blocks on a new line, so it looks like the new line is not registering for some reason.
2) Definitely need to check that. So are you saying that the effect 'AC: 1' for example is not applying a bonus to armor class, or the effect just isn't dropping into the combat tracker at all?
3) I will check that. In preparation mode, the spell needs to be selected, and the 'Prepared' field needs to be set to 1 or higher for Combat mode to work. I will look at it though...
Appreciate the testing, T!
June 20th, 2020, 22:46
FG Classic looks better, so it's Unity that's has problem 1) and 3). The Turn Unholy looks great in Classic!
FG Classic gets a script error when you try to apply an effect [Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_effect_dcc.lua"]:31: attempt to concatenate field 'sUnits' (a nil value)]
; it isn't dropping into the combat tracker at all. Neither is Unity.
Yes, I checked the Prepared field and Unity still does not show the spells in Combat mode.
June 21st, 2020, 13:08
FG Classic looks better, so it's Unity that's has problem 1) and 3). The Turn Unholy looks great in Classic!
FG Classic gets a script error when you try to apply an effect [Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_effect_dcc.lua"]:31: attempt to concatenate field 'sUnits' (a nil value)]
; it isn't dropping into the combat tracker at all. Neither is Unity.
Yes, I checked the Prepared field and Unity still does not show the spells in Combat mode.
I will check on the text formatting for Unity.
I can fix the spell visibility in 'Combat' mode.
The problem with effects occurs when Targeting is set to 'Targets' and one of the new duration units (turn, week, month, or year) is selected. It works for self targeting and the "standard" units of round, minute, hour, or day. I will continue to work on this.
June 21st, 2020, 15:59
I tried setting the Targeting on Effects to Self and still neither platform worked. I received the same script error in Classic and in Unity nothing happened.
June 22nd, 2020, 12:30
I am not sure about some of the different behaviors between FGC and FGU. For the casting table results, Unity is ignoring new line formatting, for example. I did make MoonWizard aware...
I'm still working on the issue with duration units for effect actions, and the update will remain in the Test channel until I figure it out. Thanks for your help and patience everyone!
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