View Full Version : Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game Ruleset - Bug reports, feedback, etc..
January 23rd, 2021, 17:48
I'm wondering if spell manifestations and mercurial magic effects are supposed to roll automatically? I see an early screenshot you shared, leozelig, and it looked like that's the case. That doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using Unity and have spell manifestations and mercurial magic effects turned on. I've attached a screenshot.
January 23rd, 2021, 23:42
I'm wondering if spell manifestations and mercurial magic effects are supposed to roll automatically? I see an early screenshot you shared, leozelig, and it looked like that's the case. That doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using Unity and have spell manifestations and mercurial magic effects turned on. I've attached a screenshot.
Hey kleinksw,
Thanks for your question. The chat message simply displays the content of these fields from the spell record, so no rolling involved.
You should roll for your spell manifestation and mercurial magic effect when you first learn the spell. After you drop the spell to your character sheet, open and unlock the spell record, and then edit these fields based on the specifics for your character. That text will display in chat when you roll a successful spell check.
Hope that clarifies things!
January 25th, 2021, 01:00
leozelig -
I have trouble remembering what fields are visible to players vs judge on some things. I'm thinking in regard to items specifically. It's not clear to me what becomes visible after Items are ID'd.
Is there some documentation for this somewhere?
If not, would it be possible to have a tooltip or some indicator as a reminder?
January 25th, 2021, 01:14
If you unlock the item record, you will see a non-id name and description. These will display instead of the regular name and description. The bonus field will also be hidden. The other fields are displayed for both conditions.
January 25th, 2021, 03:05
Hey kleinksw,
Thanks for your question. The chat message simply displays the content of these fields from the spell record, so no rolling involved.
You should roll for your spell manifestation and mercurial magic effect when you first learn the spell. After you drop the spell to your character sheet, open and unlock the spell record, and then edit these fields based on the specifics for your character. That text will display in chat when you roll a successful spell check.
Hope that clarifies things!
Perfect. Thanks, Leo.
Emperor Mox
January 25th, 2021, 07:38
I'm running the DCC Rule set with no extensions enabled. When I make any dice rolls for PC's, the result is in chat, but the following error shows up in the Log:
Script Execution error: ["String "Scripts/manager_action_init.lua"]:105: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a table value)
Any ideas what's going on? I've created a new campaign, a new PC, and still get the same error. Any help would be appreciated.
January 25th, 2021, 17:37
I cant reproduce this. You are clicking the PC sheet to roll the dice correct? Is there a specific roll your doing?
January 25th, 2021, 18:41
You should roll for your spell manifestation and mercurial magic effect when you first learn the spell. After you drop the spell to your character sheet, open and unlock the spell record, and then edit these fields based on the specifics for your character. That text will display in chat when you roll a successful spell check.
Thats a great feature I had no idea about, I will use it with my players!
Is there any document with all this kind of tips?
Emperor Mox
January 26th, 2021, 00:10
I cant reproduce this. You are clicking the PC sheet to roll the dice correct? Is there a specific roll your doing?
Yes, through the character sheet. Ability, Init, Saves, and weapon attacks produce the error. Oddly enough, Crit, fumble and Spell Check rolls, do not produce the error. Also, rolls from outside the character do not produce the error.
January 26th, 2021, 15:30
I'm just spitballing because I can't produce the error. Can you delete the ruleset and run an update to download again? I have no idea if this will fix it but it can't make it worse.
January 27th, 2021, 18:35
I tried adding a custom spell with the new format and I get a “cannot read spell table” output to the chat box. I looked it over several times and can’t see that I’ve mis-entered anything. Anyone else having this problem?
Also, a thought on the Fleeting Luck mechanic. If you could tie a visual element to it, that would be helpful in my opinion. Similar to how the 5e Ruleset does Inspiration, you check a box and a gold star appears on the UI character portrait.
Emperor Mox
January 28th, 2021, 03:23
I'm just spitballing because I can't produce the error. Can you delete the ruleset and run an update to download again? I have no idea if this will fix it but it can't make it worse.
Thank you for the suggestion, but that didn't work either. I have a player join the game and take control of the character, but they get the same errors on their computer.
January 28th, 2021, 04:01
Thank you for the suggestion, but that didn't work either. I have a player join the game and take control of the character, but they get the same errors on their computer.
Do they have the Player DCC rules module open?
Emperor Mox
January 28th, 2021, 05:04
Do they have the Player DCC rules module open?
Good thought. Yes, I tested turning the core and players versions on and off in every combination I could conceive.
Good New, it looks like the error is gone. I installed and reinstalled, but the campaign and other data files were still there (and so was the error). So I went on a deleting rampage and deleted all rule set files, several things in the Vault, Extensions, etc. I ran the update and no errors! There was some file in there messing things up.
Glad it's gone, thanks for all the support!
January 28th, 2021, 11:54
Thats a great feature I had no idea about, I will use it with my players!
Is there any document with all this kind of tips?
There is a user guide in the first post of this thread. Some of the newer features haven’t been added, but there are a couple tutorial threads in the forums.
January 28th, 2021, 11:56
I tried adding a custom spell with the new format and I get a “cannot read spell table” output to the chat box. I looked it over several times and can’t see that I’ve mis-entered anything. Anyone else having this problem?
Also, a thought on the Fleeting Luck mechanic. If you could tie a visual element to it, that would be helpful in my opinion. Similar to how the 5e Ruleset does Inspiration, you check a box and a gold star appears on the UI character portrait.
That would be the plan with fleeting luck.
I couldn’t reproduce the spell error. Maybe you can walk me through it.
January 29th, 2021, 15:46
Hello there slashers,
are there any plans for adding traps as an NPC type (like other rulesystems)? In DCC adventures there are a ton of traps and hazards and it would be nice to have a trap specific template. And thank you leozelig for your excellent work on the rulesystem!
January 30th, 2021, 01:09
I couldn’t reproduce the spell error. Maybe you can walk me through it.
Haha, that would be one of those ID10T errors. I was testing using a custom Invoke Patron spell which I set into a separate spell category so I can place a limitation on the number of times it can be cast per day. Some how when I switched out the spells the Group Type was set to Abilities instead of Spells, or maybe the previous way of doing things allowed for an Abilities setting. Anyhow, it wasn't picking up the spell table because it wasn't a "spell". Problem solved. Awesome improvement as always!
EDIT: Core spells work with an Abilities setting on the Group Type, Custom spells do not.
January 30th, 2021, 21:34
Glad you figured that out Tab... I left some of the old code for core spells, so it’s possible the result when the spell is set to Ability is coming from the data file. I plan to remove that eventually.
Hi Papi. Thanks for the suggestion. I considered doing this once before, but in the end, I wasn’t sure if it was worth adding a layer of complexity to the ruleset. I have created NPCs for traps in my games, using only the Attacks field and maybe the SP (special properties) field. Let me know which ruleset has a good trap/hazard template, and I will take a closer look at it.
January 30th, 2021, 21:44
One question I ran into with changing the spell record is how to deal with cleric abilities that use a spell check but aren’t really spells - lay on hands, turn unholy, canticles from the DCC Annual. Right now, you can drop these from your features list on the Abilities tab to quickly create a power on the Actions tab, but the “casting” result is still dependent on the data file. I might have to look at 5E to see if there is anything similar.
February 1st, 2021, 17:48
We just made a new spell for Lay on Hands.
Turn Unholy doesn't come up often enough in game for it to be an issue, so we just roll and look that one up manually.
February 1st, 2021, 20:45
Glad you figured that out Tab... I left some of the old code for core spells, so it’s possible the result when the spell is set to Ability is coming from the data file. I plan to remove that eventually.
Hi Papi. Thanks for the suggestion. I considered doing this once before, but in the end, I wasn’t sure if it was worth adding a layer of complexity to the ruleset. I have created NPCs for traps in my games, using only the Attacks field and maybe the SP (special properties) field. Let me know which ruleset has a good trap/hazard template, and I will take a closer look at it.
Pathfinder 1st edition ruleset has three different NPC types. Characters , traps and vehicles.
February 1st, 2021, 22:03
Thanks Papi, I’ll take a look.
February 2nd, 2021, 18:14
Excellent! And one more thing. Is it possible to make a custom effect for a specific saving throw in the DCC ruleset? I have been trying this syntax: "Ability; SAVE: 3 will" and it is not working for me. "Ability; SAVE: 3" increases all saves by three and this is not convenient for what I have in mind.
February 2nd, 2021, 21:57
Excellent! And one more thing. Is it possible to make a custom effect for a specific saving throw in the DCC ruleset? I have been trying this syntax: "Ability; SAVE: 3 will" and it is not working for me. "Ability; SAVE: 3" increases all saves by three and this is not convenient for what I have in mind.
Hey Papi, it's SAVE: # willpower; or reflex; or fortitude
February 2nd, 2021, 23:58
Regarding traps, here's a thought... Entering "trap" or "hazard" as the NPC type would hide the initiative, saving throws and abilities fields and the spells tab when the record is locked. My only reservation is that it's not as intuitive as a checkbox, but it's cleaner and simpler to code. I will probably set it up for the next update and let you try it. There are some changes coming to CoreRPG, so I'm waiting until those hit the Test channel before dropping any more updates.
February 3rd, 2021, 11:37
Thank you Patreons leozelig and tabarkus! 100 die rolls will be sacrificed in your name today!
February 4th, 2021, 00:13
Hey Leo,
I noticed a few minor bugs today.
1) Under the equipment list; "Mounts and Related Gear" cannot be dragged into the character sheet by the player or the judge. The judge has to do it from the main item list.
2) When organizing the character sheet inventory to give items in a location an additional blank inventory line is created each time you input a location. Not a big deal as you just have to delete it but...
February 4th, 2021, 22:42
when someone/something is died (in combat), I can't find a way to remove it from the game (from the CT, map, playing characters etc) with just one easy and immediate click.. In other rulesets there is a button in the Combat Tracker to delete a guy from the game with just one click (when that guy is killed in combat). I think it could be useful to have such option also in DCC (especially for the large number of player characters at 0 level).
Any news about this?!
February 4th, 2021, 23:28
Any news about this?!
It is a two click process in all the rulesets I've seen. For a PC you right click the 'shield icon' associated with the PC which brings up a radial menu with a 'delete item' option.
see: 43477
When an NPC dies a 'delete item' button shows up at the end of the NPC's entry. Double click this button to remove the NPC from the combat tracker and its token from the map. see: 43476
February 5th, 2021, 13:06
I am working on a few bug fixes for the next update. You will also see some minor changes to the desktop icons from a CoreRPG update. I am going to save some of the feature updates for March (after Spawn of Cyclops Con).
February 5th, 2021, 14:34
I also noticed the “0” damage is back? I didn’t test it thoroughly I just saw it several times in a game.
February 5th, 2021, 18:42
I also noticed the “0” damage is back? I didn’t test it thoroughly I just saw it several times in a game.
That’s weird - I’ll fix that.
February 6th, 2021, 00:01
I submitted a few minor updates:
[Fixed] Trade good 'Trowel' for grave digger occupation currently links to weapon 'Trowel (as dagger)'.
[Fixed] Case format for farmer occupations does not match other occupations (i.e., capitalize first letter only).
[Fixed] Thieves’ cant not capitalized when added to language list for first-level thief class drop.
[Fixed] Backstab bonus not applying to weapon attack bonus when applicable.
February 6th, 2021, 00:19
Minimum damage works for me when I make a basic roll from the character sheet. I double-checked the code, and everything looks correct there, too.
Here are a few things I'm planning for the next update:
Show ability scores in combat tracker entry.
Change visibility of NPC record fields for type 'trap' or 'hazard' - for example, hide ability scores.
Add race field to Notes tab (before gender) and auto-populate on occupation drop.
When backstab skill updates, adjust relevant weapon attack modifier.
I've been thinking about the backstab skill and weapons on the Actions tab. Currently, backstab entries are created in the weapons list if the item does additional damage for backstab. I was thinking that the additional entry should happen for every weapon if the character has the backstab skill. I was also thinking that the crit die should auto-roll when you hit with a backstab attack, which could be determined by the weapon name including the word backstab. I'd be interested in hearing thoughts on improving backstab features... Are the additional backstab entries useful, or are they cluttering up your weapons list? How are people handling backstab attacks in their games?
February 6th, 2021, 01:15
Screen shot r/t 0 damage result, off a straight damage roll from character sheet: 43496
It was a 0-level character, on the combat tracker with an enemy targeted.
February 6th, 2021, 01:26
I'd be interested in hearing thoughts on improving backstab features... Are the additional backstab entries useful, or are they cluttering up your weapons list? How are people handling backstab attacks in their games?
IMHO, the additional backstab entries are useful for the "thief" weapons which give additional damage. I don't think I would want them for every weapon, but it's no big deal if they were added, as they are easily created/deleted if one of my players does or doesn't want them. Since the thief weapons give additional damage on a backstab having them show up on the Actions Tab is a good reminder to thieves to use them. So I like them showing up for the sake of new players and/or new thieves. Making backstabs auto-roll crits would be very nice as well, for the same reasons. Since thieves usually don't have much in regards to spells or other powers I don't find the Backstab additions to be cluttering.
On second thought, I think having them added for all weapons would be newbie friendly for both new players and new judges.
February 6th, 2021, 12:16
Screen shot r/t 0 damage result, off a straight damage roll from character sheet. It was a 0-level character, on the combat tracker with an enemy targeted.
Running on the Test channel? I will try it with targeting and see what happens. Thanks T
February 6th, 2021, 12:23
I will definitely keep the additional entries when the damage is different. One awkward situation is for ranged weapons with a second entry for backstab - the ammo counter is not linked so you need to synch them manually.
I wonder if there’s a place for a backstab button in the same row as the crit/fumble/deed buttons. It wouldn’t be a roll button - more like the modifier buttons (on higher ground, firing into melee, etc.) but on the char sheet. You would still need the second entry for backstab damage, but the skill bonus and auto-crit would be triggered by the button.
February 6th, 2021, 16:10
Running on the Test channel? I will try it with targeting and see what happens. Thanks T
No that's on Live. I'm sorry did that fix not go Live yet? I think I'm getting lost on what's gone live and what's on Test. :confused:
I just loaded Test and I get the same 0 damage result.
February 6th, 2021, 16:22
No that's on Live. I'm sorry did that fix not go Live yet? I think I'm getting lost on what's gone live and what's on Test.
Me too... It should have gone Live weeks ago, but if it’s working on the Test channel, then theoretically that bug should be temporary. I will test it with targeting and see what happens, but I wouldn’t expect that to matter.
February 6th, 2021, 16:31
I just checked Test. I got a 0 damage result there too.
February 6th, 2021, 17:40
I see - the min damage is only triggering when the dmg result is less than 0. I will try to include this in the update I just submitted.
Here is a screenshot of the combat tracker with attributes.
February 6th, 2021, 22:57
February 7th, 2021, 14:25
This is what I am thinking for traps as NPCs... If the type is 'trap' or 'hazard' then initiative, HP (if set to 0), saving throws, and ability scores will hide when the record is locked. Damage caused by the trap is entered as an attack. In most cases, you will only click the damage clause, but theoretically a hazard could make an attack roll. You can enter details about the trap in the SP (special properties) field or on the Notes tab. I have used NPC records for traps before, but it looks much better without the extra number fields. This doesn't really add any new functionality other than the appearance.
February 10th, 2021, 07:25
Can effects be added to equipment? Example let's save the players find a curious item similar to hand crossbow with no ribs. They fiddle with it and find that it fires energy. They discover that it changes the energy discharged when it clicks. Sum up Player have found laser with different settings aside from Making multiple weapons is there a way to use effects to do different damage values?
February 10th, 2021, 11:53
Can effects be added to equipment? Example let's save the players find a curious item similar to hand crossbow with no ribs. They fiddle with it and find that it fires energy. They discover that it changes the energy discharged when it clicks. Sum up Player have found laser with different settings aside from Making multiple weapons is there a way to use effects to do different damage values?
Currently not possible, but it’s a good idea. I think 2E has this - not sure about other rulesets. This is a fairly popular request so I can see it becoming part of the ruleset at some point. In the meantime, the player with the item should set up a power entry on the Actions tab with the different damage type effects.
February 10th, 2021, 16:49
What is the best introductory adventure for DCC, possibly with pre-made characters?
February 10th, 2021, 22:10
What is the best introductory adventure for DCC, possibly with pre-made characters?
I would say Portal Under the Stars is the best 0-level funnel for an introduction to DCC. Sailors Under the Starless Sea is also a classic. If you choose to bypass the funnel and start at level 1, I really like Doom of the Savage Kings.
You would need to create your own characters, but it only takes a few mins once you get the basics down.
February 11th, 2021, 10:28
I would say Portal Under the Stars is the best 0-level funnel for an introduction to DCC. Sailors Under the Starless Sea is also a classic. If you choose to bypass the funnel and start at level 1, I really like Doom of the Savage Kings.
You would need to create your own characters, but it only takes a few mins once you get the basics down.
Thank you
February 11th, 2021, 11:05
In case you didn't see this, the Test channel is updating on Feb 16:
The latest updates to the DCC ruleset will be released then as well. This includes a few minor bug fixes:
[Fixed] Minimum damage not applied when damage equals 0.
[Fixed] Rolling a natural 1 on a spell check displays wrong casting table result.
[Fixed] Deed result not adding to attack and damage bonuses.
[Fixed] Trade good 'Trowel' for grave digger occupation currently links to weapon 'Trowel (as dagger)'.
[Fixed] Case format for farmer occupations does not match other occupations (i.e., capitalize first letter only).
[Fixed] Thieves’ cant not capitalized when added to language list for first-level thief class drop.
[Fixed] Backstab bonus not applying to weapon attack bonus when applicable.
I believe the mighty deed bug resulted from the Feb 16 update, so you might not see that one.
I am hosting a Zoom webinar at Spawn of Cyclops Con, and this will include some of the updates planned for early March (see posts #543 and #545). Test channel updates typically go live the following Tuesday. The naming convention for ruleset versions is changing to the date, so it will be easier to tell which version of the ruleset you are running.
February 12th, 2021, 12:23
I want to add a backstab modifier button to the ruleset, and I think the best place for that is below the weapons header where the crit and fumble roll buttons live. The other option would be the modifiers window (+/- button in the upper right corner of the desktop), but it's a little less accessible that way. Ideally, this button will only display when you have the backstab skill. I was also thinking it would be nice to update the damage die for weapons with backstab damage when the button is pressed, rather than creating a new entry.
I'm also thinking about adding the thrown weapon category to weapon entries - same as 5E. Two reasons for this... The first is that I want to mirror the 5E ruleset as closely as possible so players don't need to learn a whole new ruleset interface to join a DCC game. Most games on FG by far are 5E. The second reason is that it looks like we will be able to measure distance between source and target tokens in the future, and it would be great to apply range modifiers to targeted attacks/damage at some point. Thrown weapons add your strength modifier to damage at short range in DCC. I know DCC doesn't officially designate a thrown weapon, but we all know what they are - daggers, handaxes, etc.
February 12th, 2021, 16:30
My preference for the backstab button is where it is shown in your picture. The +/- button in the upper desktop is clunky and hard to remember.
February 13th, 2021, 16:06
Yeah, I agree with RaSep. I would rather see the Backstab button on the character sheet instead of in the Modifiers Window. The less widows people are juggling the better. And thrown weapons make sense mechanically.
February 13th, 2021, 19:38
So, this display would never happen, but I'm leaning towards this option for the top of the weapons list. I think the checkboxes will be easier than the modifier button for scripting.
I'm trying to make these alternate attack modes (2WF and backstab) more intuitive. When two-weapon fighting is active, the attack die could be auto-adjusted from a d20 based on your agility score. The ruleset already does that for effects that alter your agility. In theory, you could make both attacks with one entry by toggling the hand icon between primary and off-hand. Right now, the weapons list gets too jammed up with different entries.
February 14th, 2021, 02:33
That would be nice, two-weapon fighting and backstab together take up a lot of space on the character sheet.
February 14th, 2021, 13:22
True, I could shorten the 2-Weapon Fighting label to 2WF, 2-Wpn Ftg, or 2-Weap Fight. Still working on that.
I’m also wondering if it’s necessary to have duplicate entries for thrown weapons rather than just toggling the type icon from melee to thrown. I’ve been following 5E convention so probably will stick to that, but just wondering...
February 14th, 2021, 15:35
1) I didn't mean the labels on 2WF and Backstab, I meant the multiple entries of weapons; but shortening the labels works too as we may find other labels we want to add eventually.
2) I think having the weapon attack type (melee, thrown) display out is ok, because it's newbie friendly and a knowledgeable player can simply remove that and toggle for themselves if they want. Plus with adding thrown to the toggle, that would be a 4 click process to go full circle, a bit annoying for some folk. I think for newbies, the less clicking the better.
3) On a side note I noticed that when setting up new skills there is not a default "dice" field entry and so it creates a null value error if you forget; it would be nice to have a default entry of either d20 or d10.
February 14th, 2021, 20:44
I’m going to follow the 5E ruleset when it comes to adding weapons, which means separate melee and thrown entries. I plan to remove the TWF type, so there will be 3 types - melee, ranged, and thrown.
Edit: I fixed the script error for new skills - the roll assumes a d20 if not specified. When you drop a skill directly to the char sheet (not from a class drop), it will now add the dice or modifier for your current level.
February 16th, 2021, 04:17
Everything seems to be working here... When you click the backstab checkbox, the attack bonus (and damage dice if applicable) will update. I'm going to set up the crit die to auto-roll when you hit. Next on my list is two-weapon fighting. I hope to have that ready to go by early March!
February 17th, 2021, 00:40
On today's update I noticed some funkiness with the "edit" button on all the tabs, except the main tab, seem to be "stuck" open, continuously showing the blue "add weapon" and "add power" buttons on the actions tab all the time and the green + button on the other tabs. It is doing this on my 5e ruleset too so is this intended or an across the board FGU bug?
Moon Wizard
February 17th, 2021, 00:45
This is intended. Add buttons have been made always visible; so that users can find them easier.
February 17th, 2021, 08:32
MotD button seems to have been cut off in this update. Might be good to fix that for the new folks.
February 17th, 2021, 12:15
Thanks Baufrin, I will fix that.
EDIT: I submitted a fix for the Message of the Day button issue. You should see it on the Live channel Tue Feb 23.
February 20th, 2021, 15:36
More features planned for the next update...
Results tables can be added to class features - for example, 'Lay on Hands'.
When a class feature with a results table is added to the character sheet, a new power entry is created with the group name 'Abilities'.
The class feature 'Divine Aid' will automatically create a new power entry (group name 'Abilities').
The class feature 'Sword and Board' will automatically create the 'Shield bash' weapon entry.
I'm holding these until after Spawn of Cyclops Con, so looking at early March.
February 26th, 2021, 17:42
Minor typo in Yddgrrl's Maze; the large group of sleeping orcs doesn't have the close parenthesis ")" on their spear attack.
March 3rd, 2021, 00:26
One of the new DCC guys I've been helping teach FG noticed that "drag & drop" spell casting doesn't work. You get a "cannot find spell table" result. Casting the spell via the button works fine.
March 3rd, 2021, 12:35
Thanks for the report... What is he dragging exactly - the roll button or the string field? I am working on uploading the latest update, and then I will take a look at it.
March 3rd, 2021, 16:07
The roll "cast" button; I tested it myself. It either gives a script error or a can not find table error.
March 3rd, 2021, 21:32
It returns 'Unable to find casting table result.' on a failure and a script error on a success:
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_action_power.lua"]:432: attempt to concatenate local 'sMercurial' (a nil value)
I will work on it. Thanks again.
March 3rd, 2021, 21:45
Fixed. I'll include it in the latest update.
March 5th, 2021, 22:35
I'm having some issues getting the latest updates uploaded to Smiteworks. I will post an update when we get things resolved!
March 6th, 2021, 13:29
Please excuse my quite uninformed question: I am new to fantasygrounds - and I don't find a comprehensive tutorial for DCC. Creating and modifying PCs, awarding XP, I really don't get it. Is there a specific tutorial / FAQ for DCC, not a generic one? Thank you!
March 6th, 2021, 14:52
I need to update the user guide in the first post of this thread. We also need some tutorial videos. Fantasy Grounds College is focusing on the DCC ruleset this month if you are interested.
The quick start version is this:
1. Click the Characters sidebar button and then the green button to create a new PC.
2. Click the brown button in the bottom right corner of the char sheet followed by the blue button to roll ability scores.
3. Click the Tables sidebar button and open the lucky roll table (Table 1-2). Roll on the table and drag the result from the chat message to the appropriate field on the Main tab.
4. Open the occupations table (Table 1-3) and roll. Drag the shortcut (brown circle) from the chat message to the Main tab to add the occupation, and drag the item shortcuts to the Inventory tab.
5. Click the Classes sidebar button and drag the brown circle for your desired class to the Main tab. Repeat to apply additional levels.
You can adjust the sidebar buttons in the Options window (upper right corner of the desktop) if you don’t see what you need. XP is entered manually - click the class field on the Main tab to access the XP fields.
Hope that clarifies things. For the basics, the 5E ruleset is fairly similar and can be a good resource if you are confused about something. When in doubt try double-clicking a field, push some buttons, right click, drag and drop... you can learn a few things that way too.
March 9th, 2021, 05:59
Please excuse my quite uninformed question: I am new to fantasygrounds - and I don't find a comprehensive tutorial for DCC. Creating and modifying PCs, awarding XP, I really don't get it. Is there a specific tutorial / FAQ for DCC, not a generic one? Thank you!
OlDie80, I've been teaching some FGU/DCC "classes" through Fantasy Grounds College (; but I'm happy to show you the ropes if our schedules match up. Let me know if I can help you in any way.
March 9th, 2021, 20:35
Thank you! Step by step I am getting into FG. Fantasy Ground College sounds great in a unique super nerdy way. I will let you know!
March 9th, 2021, 20:38
Thanks. I didn't have the sidebars - and without them seems to be impossible to assign classes and steps. Now I am getting closer to a smooth game experience.
March 10th, 2021, 19:49
Anyone else having trouble with the DCC CT not being able to delete things off of it? I right click on both PCs and NPCs inside the CT and no trashcan. Only close window and create item.
March 10th, 2021, 21:15
I uploaded ruleset update v2021-03-09 with the following changes:
[Fixed] Script error for NPC attacks if no action die is specified.
[Fixed] Message of the Day button cut off at bottom of Options window.
[Fixed] Typo for sap-infused orc spear attack in Yddgrrl’s Maze.
[Fixed] Script error or ‘unable to find casting table result’ message for dragged spellcheck rolls.
[Fixed] Mounts and related gear items not dropping to inventory from reference library.
[Updated] AC field moved to Offense/Active subsection in combat tracker.
[Updated] Edit and add buttons for classes moved to lower right corner of Class & Level dialog box.
[Updated] NPC type ‘trap’ or ‘hazard’ hides initiative, HP (if set to 0), saving throws, and ability scores when record is locked.
[Updated] Size auto-populates when occupation is dropped to char sheet; default is medium.
[Updated] Disapproval range hides in Combat mode when value is less than 1.
[Updated] Casting table header label changed to ‘RESULTS TABLE’.
[Updated] XP needed set to 10 when occupation record is dropped to char sheet.
[Added] Attributes subsection to combat tracker.
[Added] Ability scores display in Attributes subsection on combat tracker.
[Added] Race field to char sheet Notes tab and occupation record. Race will auto-populate when occupation record is dropped to char sheet; default is human.
[Added] Weapon handling button to weapon entries (primary and off hand).
[Added] 2-Weapon Fighting checkbox to top of weapons list. When selected, the attack die will update for melee attacks based on your agility score and weapon handling.
[Added] Backstab checkbox to top of weapons list. When selected, the attack bonus and damage dice will update with backstab values.
[Added] Backstab attacks that hit are treated as critical hits.
[Added] Thrown weapon type applied to weapon entries for melee weapons with a range value (e.g., dagger or hand axe).
[Added] Class features with a results table will automatically create a new power entry on the Actions tab with the group name ‘Abilities’.
[Added] Class feature ‘Sword and Board’ creates shield bash weapon entry on the Actions tab.
[Added] Class feature ‘Divine Aid’ creates corresponding power entry on the Actions tab.
[Added] Attack modifiers auto-apply for conditions invisible, behind cover, blinded, kneeling, sitting, and prone. All conditions in table 4-1 now auto-apply attack modifiers.
[Added] Untrained button in modifier list applies -1d attack roll adjustment for an untrained weapon.
[Added] Condition ‘Behind cover’ to effects list (same as modifier button Cover).
[Added] Senses field to char sheet Main tab.
[Removed] Defense subsection from combat tracker.
If you have any questions or feedback about anything, let me know.
March 10th, 2021, 21:26
I uploaded ruleset update v2021-03-09 with the following changes:
[Fixed] Script error for NPC attacks if no action die is specified.
[Fixed] Message of the Day button cut off at bottom of Options window.
[Fixed] Typo for sap-infused orc spear attack in Yddgrrl’s Maze.
[Fixed] Script error or ‘unable to find casting table result’ message for dragged spellcheck rolls.
[Fixed] Mounts and related gear items not dropping to inventory from reference library.
[Updated] AC field moved to Offense/Active subsection in combat tracker.
[Updated] Edit and add buttons for classes moved to lower right corner of Class & Level dialog box.
[Updated] NPC type ‘trap’ or ‘hazard’ hides initiative, HP (if set to 0), saving throws, and ability scores when record is locked.
[Updated] Size auto-populates when occupation is dropped to char sheet; default is medium.
[Updated] Disapproval range hides in Combat mode when value is less than 1.
[Updated] Casting table header label changed to ‘RESULTS TABLE’.
[Updated] XP needed set to 10 when occupation record is dropped to char sheet.
[Added] Attributes subsection to combat tracker.
[Added] Ability scores and saving throws display in Attributes subsection on combat tracker.
[Added] Race field to char sheet Notes tab and occupation record. Race will auto-populate when occupation record is dropped to char sheet; default is human.
[Added] Weapon handling button to weapon entries (primary and off hand).
[Added] 2-Weapon Fighting checkbox to top of weapons list. When selected, the attack die will update for melee attacks based on your agility score and weapon handling.
[Added] Backstab checkbox to top of weapons list. When selected, the attack bonus and damage dice will update with backstab values.
[Added] Backstab attacks that hit are treated as critical hits.
[Added] Thrown weapon type applied to weapon entries for melee weapons with a range value (e.g., dagger or hand axe).
[Added] Class features with a results table will automatically create a new power entry on the Actions tab with the group name ‘Abilities’.
[Added] Class feature ‘Sword and Board’ creates shield bash weapon entry on the Actions tab.
[Added] Class feature ‘Divine Aid’ creates corresponding power entry on the Actions tab.
[Added] Attack modifiers auto-apply for conditions invisible, behind cover, blinded, kneeling, sitting, and prone. All conditions in table 4-1 now auto-apply attack modifiers.
[Added] Untrained button in modifier list applies -1d attack roll adjustment for an untrained weapon.
[Added] Condition ‘Behind cover’ to effects list (same as modifier button Cover).
[Added] Senses field to char sheet Main tab.
[Removed] Defense subsection from combat tracker.
If you have any questions or feedback about anything, let me know.
I’ll have to get back to you with the exact script errors I’m getting also. I’m not in front of my PC at the moment. I know it referred to “defense” when I tried to add PC’s to the tracker. I’ll try and grab screenshots. My FGU is up to date.
March 10th, 2021, 21:30
Anyone else having trouble with the DCC CT not being able to delete things off of it? I right click on both PCs and NPCs inside the CT and no trashcan. Only close window and create item.
Hi omega1143,
Sorry for the issue. One of the files was being updated simultaneously, and we got our streams crossed. You should see another update that will resolve this error.
March 10th, 2021, 21:33
No need to apologize. I appreciate all the work you do. I’ll log tonight and see if that remedies all my issues.
March 10th, 2021, 22:48
Hopefully the image of my error log appears here. I tried to post a screenshot. Looks like after your update the CT now works like it should. However I still get an error when I try to equip armor to a PC. Syas something to the effect "attempt to call field 'calcitemarmorclass' (a nil value)
March 11th, 2021, 12:35
I uploaded hotfixes for the armor issue above and a script error for spellcheck rolls.
March 11th, 2021, 16:54
Looks like that fixed the armor problem! Thank you!
March 12th, 2021, 23:43
Hopefully everything is running smoothly now for the latest update. I changed how spell names are handled by spell check rolls since it was causing some trouble with chat messaging.
The cleric ability Divine Aid does not have a results table by design and will display the chat message 'Unable to find casting table result' on spell check rolls. This is not an error. Table 7-8 on page 358 of the rules has some DC guidelines that could serve as a results table, but I decided against that for now. If you think that would be helpful, let me know... Something like (1-9) Failure, (10-11) Very simple cantrips, (12-13) Minor mechanical effects, etc.
Looking ahead, I will probably work on a smaller update next. I am adding a field for Fleeting Luck to the char sheet with an option to turn this on/off (i.e., show or hide the field). This will look similar to the Inspiration field in 5E. I was thinking about how to abbreviate the label with only 4 or 5 letters... I'm leaning towards FLUCK, but feel free to share your suggestions.
March 13th, 2021, 02:18
Today I started a new DCC campaing in FG Unity (previous it was onFG Classic) and when a caster tries to cast a spell by pressing the dice it opens the console with this error message
[3/13/2021 2:04:02 AM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_action_power.lua"]:195: attempt to index global 'ActorManager2' (a nil value)
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
The error is exactly the same no matter the spell or the character class. It just happens when clicking the dice icon to cast the spell, if I drag the dice description to the chat it rolls as usual, the dice animation is a bit weird (it "warps") but there is no console error
I created new Characters in FGU in case it was an issue from importing the PCs from FGClassic, but the problem persist.
Any idea about what could be wrong?
March 13th, 2021, 03:08
Hi Jaume,
Very strange. The ActorManager2 script was recently renamed ActorManagerDCC, so I'm wondering if you need to update. I am not able to reproduce this on my end, but if updating doesn't fix the problem, let me know.
March 13th, 2021, 15:10
I have run the updated and the error was persisting. Yesterday the error was happening also in the clients of my players which made me the gut feeling it may be an interference with an extension
So I uninstalled all and loaded the campaign adding one extension each time
It results the problem is an extesion called DCC Custom spells.ext
This is an extension to add new spells based in a sample code you provided in this thread long time ago
So with your hint of the new name for ActorManager I opened the ext with notepad++ search and replace, update, launch, and it works like a charm!! :)
March 13th, 2021, 15:23
Ah, ok. You are welcome to continue using the extension, but the current ruleset version allows you to create custom casting tables directly on the spell record.
March 13th, 2021, 16:16
yes, it's fun to toy with the code but after posting the reply I realized with the upgrades you did on the ruleset the ext is completely redundant, you are right I will remove it
I have a different question:
I´m running my campaing in Lankhmar, since its a kind of sandbox I rely a lot in generate content with tables
For instance, a Food generator, I use a table for each component of the meal
ingredient: chicken/fish/veal/pork/duck
flavour: salted/marinated/fried/pickled
side: chips/lettuce/tomato/fried fishbone
Then I nest the three tables in another table ingredient/flavour/side to generated the meal
Currently I use output in the chat, but is not very sexy, example:
Food Generator =
Food ingredient 1
Food ingredient 2
Food ingredient 3
Food ingredient 1 = 7
Pork with
Food ingredient 2 = 8
Food ingredient 3 = 2
So two questions here:
1.- is it possible that the output is a new item in an item category?
2.- when the ouput is on the chat, how I can get rid all the tables titles and just get the result, using same the example something like "Food generator = Pork with marinated scallions" or just "Pork with marinated scallions"?
March 13th, 2021, 17:40
So two questions here:
1.- is it possible that the output is a new item in an item category?
2.- when the ouput is on the chat, how I can get rid all the tables titles and just get the result, using same the example something like "Food generator = Pork with marinated scallions" or just "Pork with marinated scallions"?
Fun! It’s not possible to output to an item, but you can try output to Story to remove the column labels.
Myrdin Potter
March 13th, 2021, 19:55
I use story templates and tables to do that type of menu or other adventure seed output.
March 13th, 2021, 20:04
but if I choose output=parcel each table results is an item in the parcel, the problem is to "merge" them?
March 13th, 2021, 20:08
I use story templates and tables to do that type of menu or other adventure seed output.
I had no idea about Story templates, I´m just reading about how it works and looks like the kind of solution I need, thanks for the tip!
March 14th, 2021, 00:26
I like FLUK! For the Fleeting Luck indicator.
March 14th, 2021, 15:12
I like FLUK! For the Fleeting Luck indicator.
The gods planned this, I think...
I am going to automate disapproval rolls with an option to disable. Players need to manage disapproval manually because occasionally someone accidentally rolls a spell check twice, and that gets confusing. But it will roll the correct number of dice on the disapproval table modified by luck. Initially, this will only work for the default table in the core rules, and the module needs to be open. I can see this being extended to custom tables in the future, but for now, we will get it working with the default table.
March 14th, 2021, 18:51
Nice, yes, disapproval should be handed down from the gods themselves, not by the player's own hand (roll)! I like it.
March 20th, 2021, 23:16
Bug report... Two-weapon fighting not applying minimum agility 16 for halflings. I submitted a fix for this.
March 21st, 2021, 00:25
Bug report... Two-weapon fighting not applying minimum agility 16 for halflings. I submitted a fix for this.
Almost asked about this the other night bc we were rolling up a Halfling. Appreciate you! How does the deed dice work when rolling an attack in FGU? I saw the button for it. Does it also roll it separate as one dice roll automatically when attacking? Or do you have to manually roll it?
March 21st, 2021, 03:51
You roll the Deed die. it auto adds this to the attack roll and damage.
March 21st, 2021, 13:39
Credit to bayne7400 for the TWF bug report!
The deed die must be rolled before the attack. The roll result is stored in the Weapon Meta window (click magnifying glass in Weapons header) until a new deed is rolled. The reason is that you only perform one deed per round, and the result is added to all attacks and damage for that round. The ruleset cannot track time to determine when a new deed roll is needed, so the deed roll is not automated. It’s tricky when first learning the ruleset, but a necessary step.
March 21st, 2021, 18:47
Working on a log for the DCC legacy rules...
March 22nd, 2021, 15:58
Thanks for the deed info. Am I doing something wrong? Have the latest updated FGU, still when I roll attack for my level 1 halfling two handed it rolls a d14 and d12 respectively. I have two weapon fighting dot checked and using two handaxes. Have one designated primary and other offhand. Showing two-weapon fighting in features along with other halfling abilities.
March 22nd, 2021, 18:43
Thanks for the deed info. Am I doing something wrong? Have the latest updated FGU, still when I roll attack for my level 1 halfling two handed it rolls a d14 and d12 respectively. I have two weapon fighting dot checked and using two handaxes. Have one designated primary and other offhand. Showing two-weapon fighting in features along with other halfling abilities.
It’s a bug. I uploaded the fix which should be available next Tue. You can get it sooner on the Test channel.
March 26th, 2021, 02:15
New error. The error occurs when adding a weapon to the character sheet.
March 26th, 2021, 12:53
New error. The error occurs when adding a weapon to the character sheet.
Hotfix submitted. Thanks, bayne7400!
One persistent issue: When you delete a weapon from the inventory, it’s adding that weapon to the weapon list a second time instead of removing the existing entry. You can delete the items from the weapon list manually until I can figure out the problem.
March 27th, 2021, 07:50
I'm getting an error on NPC/mobs rolling a crit; rolling a fumble with or without a target on the combat tracker works as expected, rolling a crit without a target works as expected; rolling a crit with a target gives me an error: "Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager action critical.lua"]:76: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value.
No extensions in use.
March 27th, 2021, 12:44
Thanks, Tab... I’ll check it out.
Edit: Hotfix submitted. I figured out the issue with a second weapon entry adding to the weapon list when you delete it from your inventory. I will include this in the next update -- currently shooting for Tuesday, April 6.
March 27th, 2021, 14:08
I am currently adding actions for DCC Annual spells and canticles. I have 7 or 8 more patrons to get through, and then I will send the next update. This is probably low-yield in terms of usage, but it's been on my list for quite some time.
March 29th, 2021, 04:04
I am adding infravision as a vision preset for the new map features that are currently on the Test channel. The Senses field on the char sheet will auto-populate when you drop an occupation or class with the Infravision feature, and NPCs with the infravision special property will gain the appropriate effect when dropped to the combat tracker. Note that characters who already have this feature on their char sheet will need to update the Senses field manually.
Creating spell actions for the DCC Annual content is taking longer than anticipated, so I am going to put that on hold for now. I have 7 more patrons (27 spells) to cover, and you can expect to have those before too long. That means the next update will hit the Test channel by the middle of this week.
Myrdin Potter
March 29th, 2021, 04:25
Goodman games has a few "VTT packs" with color maps and tokens. Are there plans to update the modules (like Sailors on the Starless Sea) to the nicer maps and tokens?
March 29th, 2021, 11:56
Goodman games has a few "VTT packs" with color maps and tokens. Are there plans to update the modules (like Sailors on the Starless Sea) to the nicer maps and tokens?
Hi Myrdin,
That’s a good question — I’m not aware of any plans to do that. Since the VTT packs are sold as separate products, I’m guessing they will remain that way, but I don’t have any official knowledge of that.
Myrdin Potter
March 29th, 2021, 15:41
In the case of the FG version of this module, even the B&W players maps still have all the keys still there. They were not even photoshopped to get rid of that (I do that when I convert old modules for use on VTT). I previewed a competing VTT version of this module this weekend and they used the VTT pack.
Other publishers sell VTT asset versions separately, but usually those assets were used in whatever official VTT version that was published. I did not look to see who converted the module originally, but since this is one of the marque funnels, it might be good to have the best maps and tokens in it.
I can buy the maps and add in LOS myself (and maybe even lighting), but hopefully someone can ask Goodman Games and the VTT versions here can be enhanced.
March 29th, 2021, 15:49
Myrdin you should go with on Goodman games discord and ask them there. Surely this would require their permission. Your right the goodman sailors VTT map is very cool. Can you say what VTT this was on?
Myrdin Potter
March 29th, 2021, 16:07
It was on foundry. The automation and background features of Fantasy Grounds are still better (there is no auto check for hits and damage, for example). I am not aware if this was just the ruleset conversion and the Judge was using the VTT art pack to run the module but that will not be for sale.
However, the maps are significantly nicer for VTT play than the older B&W ones. Foundry has similar lighting effects as the test version of FG and there are parts of the color maps where this really came across well.
Compared to Roll20, Foundry looked quite good. Other than keeping the pressure on Smiteworks to keep innovating, I did not see anything other than the player interface being the browser that would make me want to switch. And that is not that compelling.
March 29th, 2021, 16:13
Was the foundry module sold directly on Goodman's store or is this a fan created unofficial module? If it is one they created I bet we could make this happen! Some of the stuff on foundry is being shared from person to person and is not really on the up and up.
Edit: This is what I found.
"Note that this system does not contain content from copyrighted DCC products, only rollable character sheets. Work is in progress to support a paid module containing copyrighted Goodman Games content ready for out-of-the-box use. In the mean time, please see the user guide for how to import content from the PDF rulebook for your personal use."
So I am wondering if what you found was legal to share.
Myrdin Potter
March 29th, 2021, 16:17
I don't want to speak for the guy running the game. He said that he is working on the ruleset and I got the impression that more would be coming, but that is between Goodman Games and them (and he seems to be working with them).
I am not going to go onto their discord and chase them. I do that for other publishers that I work with for conversions (5e). In this case I am just a customer.
March 29th, 2021, 21:18
The game you played on Foundry must have used the VTT pack you can buy in the GG store. That’s not the same as purchasing a full VTT module with those art assets included. Foundry does not sell any DCC adventures yet. They are still working on the basic ruleset, and it looks like a worthy competitor so far.
I ran Shadow of the Beakmen on FG recently, and I used the VTT map and token pack from the GG store. I really don’t think that GG will throw in a $7 VTT pack with a $10 adventure module for free, but that’s just my opinion. They have no vested interest in any particular VTT, so if that changes, I would expect equal access for Roll20, FG, and Foundry.
I agree with you that a paid FG conversion should include untagged maps. DCC maps are really challenging because the art is created physically by hand and scanned in later, so the tags do not exist in a separate image layer that you can simply hide. I have always done my best to photoshop out traps, secret doors, and area labels in my conversions. (For the record, I did not convert Sailors.) I feel like untagged maps should be a requirement if you’re going to submit a conversion for the store.
Myrdin Potter
March 29th, 2021, 22:07
I always use untagged maps myself as well for all adventures on the store. I found a photoshop expert on fiverr that is better and quicker than I could ever be.
The art pack is $4.99 for Sailor and it makes the VTT experience much better. I would say that for $9.99 I would get the printed module and the PDF, so for $9.99 for a VTT I don’t see why they would not want the best product for their customers to encourage them to buy more.
The foundry ruleset looked decent, but I still think yours has the edge and is improving every day.
March 30th, 2021, 03:51
The VTT packs are nice, and you have a point. The PDF only version of an adventure sells for $7 - that must be what I'm thinking of. Shadow of the Beakmen only gave me the interior map, not the village, but that one map saved me a lot of work! I'm thankful that Goodman Games is giving some attention to virtual tabletops, and hopefully they will expand their VTT offerings in the future.
Foundry looks nice, and they are very active on the Goodman Games Discord server, which seems to generate a lot of interest. But it runs more like Roll20, and I'm not sure it will ever be as feature-rich as Fantasy Grounds. Still, for some reason folks love those browser-based VTTs.
March 30th, 2021, 04:00
I submitted the next update for the DCC ruleset:
[Fixed] Deleting a weapon from your inventory adds a second entry to the weapon list instead of deleting the original.
[Updated] Senses field auto-populates on char sheet for occupations or classes with Infravision feature.
[Updated] NPCs with infravision special property gain corresponding vision effect when dropped to combat tracker.
[Added] Results table to Divine Aid class feature.
[Added] Fleeting luck (FLUK) field to char sheet, with option to show or hide this field; default is off.
[Added] Auto-roll disapproval, with option to enable or disable this feature; default is on.
[Added] Log tab to char sheet and adventure record for DCC Legacy rules.
If all goes well on the test channel, these will go live on Tue, Apr 6...
April 1st, 2021, 07:18
Hey Leo, I noticed a typo on the Color Spray spell results table. It looks like the "12-13" result has the result from Choking Cloud instead of Color Spray. Choking Cloud is correct.
April 1st, 2021, 14:10
Thanks, Tab. My computer is down for a couple days, but I will fix that this weekend.
I have a couple big DCC-related projects I want to work on, but I don’t have any major feature updates planned at the moment. I will keep working on spell misfire and corruption tables and potentially automating those.
I have set up a YouTube channel and plan to start a weekly series of tutorials. I made an intro video, but it needs work. I hope to get into a routine with these because the ruleset desperately needs a user guide, and I think short videos are the best medium for that.
I will continue fixing bugs as always, and I appreciate the constant feedback and bug reports from the awesome community here.
April 6th, 2021, 01:47
I submitted a fix for the color spray casting table (see post #623), which should hit the Test channel tomorrow.
I started combing through the Mutant Crawl Classics rulebook because I want to make the DCC ruleset more compatible with MCC.
I haven't played nearly as much MCC as DCC, but as far as I can tell, many differences are just name changes (spells = wetware programs, Common language = Nu-Speak, gold pieces = creds). Some aspects of MCC work with the existing ruleset, like occupations and skills. Class drops currently do not account for the Rover attack bonus or the Mutant initiative bonus, but some minor ruleset changes should fix that. Wetware programs and mutations should mostly work with the existing spell record, but I might want to create a separate data library for mutations so they aren't all lumped together in one list.
Parts of MCC do not allow for automation to the same degree as DCC - for example, players making an artifact check would need to account for the Complexity Modifier using the modifier box. I don't see a way around that. Artifacts are a pretty broad category, but most of them could be added to the char sheet (manually) as powers, with units of power counted as uses - think magic wands and charges in 5E.
If anyone else has any insights, feel free to share.
April 7th, 2021, 16:34
I submitted a fix for the color spray casting table (see post #623), which should hit the Test channel tomorrow.
I started combing through the Mutant Crawl Classics rulebook because I want to make the DCC ruleset more compatible with MCC.
I haven't played nearly as much MCC as DCC, but as far as I can tell, many differences are just name changes (spells = wetware programs, Common language = Nu-Speak, gold pieces = creds). Some aspects of MCC work with the existing ruleset, like occupations and skills. Class drops currently do not account for the Rover attack bonus or the Mutant initiative bonus, but some minor ruleset changes should fix that. Wetware programs and mutations should mostly work with the existing spell record, but I might want to create a separate data library for mutations so they aren't all lumped together in one list.
Parts of MCC do not allow for automation to the same degree as DCC - for example, players making an artifact check would need to account for the Complexity Modifier using the modifier box. I don't see a way around that. Artifacts are a pretty broad category, but most of them could be added to the char sheet (manually) as powers, with units of power counted as uses - think magic wands and charges in 5E.
If anyone else has any insights, feel free to share.
This is pretty cool! I have very fond memories of playing the original Gamma World but haven't checked out MCC yet. Seems like a perfect fit. I really wish someone would take up the abandoned Basic Fantasy ruleset for FGU, too!
Thank you for all of your hard work!!
April 8th, 2021, 00:46
1) Question/Suggestion on auto-Disapproval; can you make a editable field for the table this rolls on so we can use custom deity disapproval tables?
2) When I roll the "Attack all" button on the main tab of the Partysheet, I get the following error [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:134: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil).
April 8th, 2021, 12:25
1) Question/Suggestion on auto-Disapproval; can you make a editable field for the table this rolls on so we can use custom deity disapproval tables?
2) When I roll the "Attack all" button on the main tab of the Partysheet, I get the following error [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:134: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil).
Yes, custom disapproval tables are the next logical step. I know the DCC Annual Vol. 1 uses those. I was going to add a field similar to crits and fumbles where you can specify the table name.
Thanks for the bug report. I will take a look at it later today.
April 9th, 2021, 12:25
Fixed party sheet attack bug.
April 10th, 2021, 14:55
Working on some MCC features...
I am trying to decide whether Artifact Check would work better as a skill or a power. It has a class and level bonus progression that argues for making it a skill, and it has a results table associated with the check result that argues for making it a power. The downside of making it a skill is that you would need to look up the table result, and the downside of making it a power is that you would need to manually enter your artifact bonus. Right now, I'm leaning towards making it a power since you will be using the results table much more than you will be entering a new level bonus. I can create a single bonus field on the Actions tab to make the manual entry easier.
I think I will eventually create a unique mutation record based off the power record. It will have a Type field but no Corruption, Misfire, or Manifestation fields. When added to the char sheet it can create a power group named "Mutations." These will also live in their own data library (ie, unique sidebar button).
NPC records will need an AI Recognition field. We won't need Alignment, but I will leave this field in there since it auto-hides when blank.
I think it will be useful to create specific item records for artifacts -- artifact_weapon, artifact_armor, artifact_equipment, and artifact_vehicle. That way, when they are dropped to your inventory, I can either create a weapon entry or a power depending on what fields the item has. This is how items work for DCC, but it would add additional categories to handle drops more specifically.
That's all for now. As always, feel free to share any thoughts about making the DCC ruleset work better for MCC.
April 10th, 2021, 17:09
Leo, Might be easier to write an extension for MCC and not tinker with the ruleset.
April 10th, 2021, 17:25
Leo, Might be easier to write an extension for MCC and not tinker with the ruleset.
That was another big question for me. My concern with the extension is that I will need to update both with duplicate changes, and I’m worried I will miss something or double my work by creating an extension. My plan is to run MCC from within the DCC ruleset the same way Pathfinder is (or was originally, not sure now) an option in the 3.5E ruleset.
April 10th, 2021, 17:32
Yeah I guess it depends on what all you have to change. Like that Lankhmar extension. When they redid the sidebar it threw me for a loop but I was able to eventually figure it out. Had it just been some fields on the character sheet it would hardly need to be maintained:).
April 14th, 2021, 02:18
After running it by a few people who are smarter than me, I realized that MCC needs it's own ruleset, which would include the core rules module. I can make the character data match up with the DCC ruleset in case you want to run a crossover game. If MCC is an extension or option within the DCC ruleset, someone who only wanted to play MCC would need to buy the DCC ruleset and the MCC core rules module. Creating a standalone ruleset for MCC means you only need to buy one product in that scenario.
April 16th, 2021, 13:02
So MCC will be a standalone ruleset that includes the core rules. You should be able to import DCC characters, but that might be a later stage feature. Here's a preview of what's to come...
May 13th, 2021, 05:05
Hey Leo, I noticed in my game tonight that Halflings crit hitting on a roll of 16 is not functioning. When I changed the meta data on the weapon itself and unchecked the Two-weapon fighting box the crit still would not happen even when I set the Crit On number to 2. Would you please look into this.
May 13th, 2021, 12:33
Yes, I thought I had that fixed. Is it the primary or offhand attack that is not working? There is some debate about whether a halfling’s offhand attack can crit. Other classes cannot. Since the rule is unclear for a halfling, I do not automatically count the offhand nat 16 as a crit so judge’s can rule how they want. Let me know when you get a chance...
May 13th, 2021, 18:31
Neither primary nor off-hand were critting for me. I've always interpreted the rule as written: "Unlike other characters, when fighting with two weapons, a halfling scores a crit and automatic hit on any roll of a natural 16" Emphasis mine. That clearly implies either weapon attack to me, especially when the base two-weapon fighting rules specifically limit it to the primary hand. But each to their own interpretation.
May 14th, 2021, 00:31
Some people focus on the “automatic hit” aspect of that statement. With Agility 16-17, non-halflings need to roll a 16 on the d16 AND hit the target, whereas halflings automatically hit with a 16 regardless of target AC. The halfling class description says that with an Agility above 16, normal two-weapon fighting rules apply - ie, a PC with Agi 18 rolls a d20 and crits on a nat 20 regardless of target AC. In all cases, only the primary hand crits. It’s the phrase “any roll of a natural 16” that creates confusion. Are they referring to primary/off hand or the attack hitting the target’s AC?
I don’t have a strong feeling personally, but when it comes to automation, I have tried to code the more restrictive interpretation. The manual crit roll is easy enough.
Anyway... I submitted a fix for the halfling class not applying a minimum Agility score of 16. :)
May 14th, 2021, 00:47
cool, thanks man; yeah I can see the other interpretation; and coding to the conservative interpretation makes sense.
May 14th, 2021, 12:44
I think I ended up coding it to crit with both hands for a halfling after all. I think it’s the same either way - ignore the off hand crit roll if you like.
May 18th, 2021, 22:21
Ok the crit on the primary hand is working for halflings on a natural 16; however the offhand is rolling a d14 to hit when it should be a d16; when I switched the to hit die to a d24 it rolled the d16 and produced a crit on a natural 16 for the offhand. I tested several builds with different Agility scores and it seems to be assigning the to hit die for the off-hand from the "standard" 2-weapon fighting table. An agility score of 10 produced a to hit die of d12 or -3 dice, a 12 agility score was at -2 dice; instead of assigning it as if the halfling had an agility of 16.
May 19th, 2021, 01:05
Thank you Tabarkus. I will keep working on this. One of these days I’ll get it right!
May 19th, 2021, 03:40
Bug fix submitted:
[FIXED] Incorrect off hand attack die for halfling class.
May 19th, 2021, 05:34
haha, it's all good, suddenly I have 3 halflings in my game when before I had none.
May 19th, 2021, 12:44
Doing some much needed playtesting!
May 25th, 2021, 23:26
Yay! Halflings are now functioning properly!
May 26th, 2021, 00:16
Awesome! Thanks for the help on that one Tab ;)
June 3rd, 2021, 06:26
I just updated to V3.3.15 and the DCC ruleset is missing from the client. When I look at the list it is not present at all. Is this an issue with the update or my client?
June 3rd, 2021, 12:04
I just updated to V3.3.15 and the DCC ruleset is missing from the client. When I look at the list it is not present at all. Is this an issue with the update or my client?
Hi Boobrother,
I’m guessing the update is the issue. Are you running FG classic? Try posting your problem in the House of Healing forum and see if you get an answer there. I haven’t submitted any changes to the ruleset recently.
June 3rd, 2021, 20:11
I checked my Classic version and the DCC ruleset appeared as normal. I could open an existing campaign and start a new one. Not sure what that problem could be.
June 3rd, 2021, 22:43
I checked my Classic version and the DCC ruleset appeared as normal. I could open an existing campaign and start a new one. Not sure what that problem could be.
Thanks for checking that, Tab! I suspect the issue is not the ruleset.
June 17th, 2021, 05:10
Hey Leozelig, in playing tonight I had to keep fiddling with the Modifier +/- window to effect ranged combat and I got to wondering if there is any way to make this a more stream-lined process. I don't have any definite solutions at this time but just feel like there could be someway to make these tools more readily available such as having them display on the combat tracker, the map, and/or on players sheets. It seems like to many buttons to put on a character sheet, but displaying on the map like the targeting buttons do would possibly be useful. Also is there any way to link a ranged weapon on an NPC sheet to the item to see its range easily. I likely just need to write the ranges for a weapon on future monsters so that it shows up on the combat tracker. Thoughts anyone?
Another ruleset does this (see imgae) where you can click on the item link to show you the details of the weapon:
June 17th, 2021, 13:10
I agree that the modifier buttons are a little clumsy to use. You should be able to drag a modifier button to a hotkey, although I’ve never tried this myself. Some things are easier to do manually - for example entering a -2 penalty in the modifier box for a med range attack.
For NPC attacks, Goodman Games often lists the range in the damage clause, but probably not for basic ranged weapons. For the record, keep that text when it’s there because it doesn’t disrupt the damage parsing in FG. You can create a hotkey for the weapons list from the library link - the one with all the weapon ranges that matches the rulebook format. I’m sure you know this, but for others who might not, if you find yourself pulling something up repeatedly during a session, hotkeys are very useful (and possibly under appreciated) and can be used for just about anything including reference manual pages.
I tried to preserve the Goodman Games format for NPC entries rather than copy the 5E ruleset, which is also setup to mostly match the NPC entries from that system. Changing that now would require a ton of work and possibly disrupt a bunch of other products. WotC was organized enough to apply a consistent format to everything from items to spells to monsters, which happens to make converting to a VTT much easier. Goodman Games’ editing and layout is much more inconsistent to say the least. Even certain effects like blindness don’t have a well-defined mechanic.
June 17th, 2021, 19:06
Gothcha, the modifier buttons don't drag but I can recreate them in the custom Effects and drag those to the hotbar easy enough. I've been using my hotbar extensively for quick reference manual links but now that I know DCC better I can relegate most of those to the Shift-Ctrl-Alt hotbars and use the main one for quick effects; and then make a note with ranged weapons and add that to the hotbar too. Thanks for helping me think it through, I knew there would be a good work around!
June 18th, 2021, 03:00
No problem, Tab! It’s not perfect, but it works. I wish it was as sleek as the 5E ruleset, but there are clearly different editing standards at play with the two publishers ;)
July 1st, 2021, 06:30
Hey Leozelig, I noticed the filters for the DIECHK: effect are not working; i.e., adding strength, agility, etc to the effect disables it. So, "DIECHK: 1" works but "DIECHK: 1 strength" does not work. The filters work for the other effects.
July 1st, 2021, 12:25
I will take a look - it’s possible that I set it up without filters, which would be easy to fix. I plan to catch up on some updates for the DCC ruleset now that MCC is finished.
July 8th, 2021, 05:30
I'm trying to change the fumble die on an NPC but I can't seem to get it to take. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Tried d16, 1d16, Banded mail, and (Banded mail). Tell me the secret phrase please!
July 8th, 2021, 12:25
d16 in the Fumble field or (banded mail) appended to the AC value. The format for the Fumble field is the same as Crits: <die>/<table>. The default fumble table is assumed if not specified.
The ruleset is due for some maintenance. I haven’t changed anything recently, so it would be strange if it suddenly stopped working, but let me know if that doesn’t work.
July 9th, 2021, 06:05
Damn, I knew it was simple what I was missing.
July 10th, 2021, 15:10
Here's a more complete answer to adding fumble dice to NPCs...
There are 3 ways to do this:
1. In the AC field, append '(fumble d#)' to the AC value. Example: AC = '14 (fumble d12)'.
2. In the AC field, append '(<armor name>)' to the AC value. Example: AC = '14 (scale armor)'. This only works for the armor from the core rules.
3. In the Fumble field, you can designate a table and die using the format '<table name>/<die>'. Example: Fumble = 'Custom Fumble Table/d12'. If you just want to use the default table and specify a die, it's a little awkward, but it looks like this: Fumble = '/d12'. So, that's a slash followed by the die (no table name). Note that the table names are case-sensitive if you use a custom table.
Hope that helps!
July 10th, 2021, 23:23
Awesome, yes; I've been keeping a notebook of "how to's" and the fumble category was a bit bare.
July 14th, 2021, 20:53
Small update submitted today:
[Added] Filter for ability check dice swaps (eg, DIECHK: 1 strength).
[Fixed] NPC saving throw labels cut off at the top.
I will work on a more thorough update once Lankhmar is finished.
July 24th, 2021, 18:35
Hey Leo. I am working on an extension for DCC shops and noticed something with the character sheet inventory. The actions window does not populate or depopulate when you toggle the carried control. When you create a weapon on the inventory page it cannot be equipped and shown in the actions window. The only way for a weapon to show in actions is to create it in items and drag it to the inventory. Unequipping the item has no effect. You have to delete the item from your inventory to remove it from your actions tab.
I figured this out because my extensions populates the character inventory automatically. The weapons will not display in actions. lastly is it possibly triggering off of the "reftype" control?
Armor and shields work fine.
Edit. I can actually drag the created item from the shops menu and it works. So it must be the trigger you are using to create the window in the actions tab?
July 24th, 2021, 19:46
Assuming it works in 5E? I’ll see if something is different, but the functionality is intended to be the same as 5E.
July 24th, 2021, 20:01
ok your right 5e has same functionality. Its only accepting drags and does not delete the record when you unequip. I just put a sword into my wizards inventory and he equipped it and it popped on the actions tab with no way to get rid of it except delete the entry.
July 26th, 2021, 04:42
Hello, looking forward to introducing my friends to DCC! Are there any plans to add a visual representation to the "funky" dice like the d30 instead of it showing the fate dice, until you get the number displayed in the chat?
July 28th, 2021, 02:04
Hello, looking forward to introducing my friends to DCC! Are there any plans to add a visual representation to the "funky" dice like the d30 instead of it showing the fate dice, until you get the number displayed in the chat?
Hi Ramza,
Great question. I know the dice are pretty much set in stone. I believe it has something to do with the 3d engine that handles the animation, but I’m not sure if I have a solid grasp of the issue there. I don’t know if Unity opens any doors, but for the time being, the standard dice workaround is what we have.
Cheers! Leo
August 2nd, 2021, 01:51
I submitted an update for the DCC ruleset today.
DCC RPG v2021-07-31 (release 14)
[Fixed] Weapon meta damage bonus not adding to melee and missile attacks.
[Fixed] Divider displaying on NPC record when type and size fields are empty.
[Added] Deed die field to NPC record and CT entry.
[Added] Two-handed weapon handling type. Two-weapon fighting does not apply for weapons with '2-handed' handling type.
[Added] Charge modifier button adds +2 to attack and applies effect ‘Charging; AC: -2’ with duration 1 round to PC.
[Updated] Desktop decals moved from extension to ruleset.
[Updated] Ruleset icon to Goodman Games logo.
Post any questions here.
August 2nd, 2021, 02:04
Looking ahead, here are a few things I plan to work on:
* Consolidate the core rules modules to eliminate duplication of library data.
* Auto-roll deity disapproval using custom tables.
* Auto-roll the target saving throw on a successful spellcheck.
* Combine power counter functionality for abilities and spells since (1) DCC does not use spell slots the same way 5E does, and (2) some PCs can cast invoke patron more than once per day.
As always, thank you for all the great suggestions! Most of them find their way into the ruleset eventually ;)
August 3rd, 2021, 18:23
Looking ahead, here are a few things I plan to work on:
* Consolidate the core rules modules to eliminate duplication of library data.
When this is implemented, which is an awesome improvement, will it be necessary to restructure adventure modules we have already created to accommodate the change? It seems to me information will be pulled from a new or different location, but... my knowledge is slim.
August 3rd, 2021, 18:50
Only the occupation and class links will change, but the version manager script should handle this for you. It looks like the rest of the library data is copied to the charsheet/campaign, but you can open the db.xml file for your campaign and search ‘@Dungeon Crawl Classics’ to find the module links.
August 4th, 2021, 13:21
I took another look at the db.xml file, and there are some image links in spell descriptions that might not work. I don't think any of the items have images so those should be fine. It's not a critical issue, but I will see if I can get that to update as well. I don't want to overwrite the whole spell record because the players might have added a mercurial magic effect or edited the manifestation field. The class and occupation links are updating properly in my workshop version.
August 4th, 2021, 20:57
Thanks this is huge.
August 4th, 2021, 23:22
The version updater will fix any module links for occupation, class, features, and items.
Today, I created a Magic Meta dialog box for the base spell check calculation and added a field for a custom disapproval table, which is opened by clicking the magnifying glass button in the MAGIC header (red circle in screenshot). The disapproval table name should be left blank for the default table - a tooltip displays this info when you hover over the label.
I also merged the ability and spell counters since DCC doesn't use spell slots like D&D. The extra functionality is unnecessary for DCC. This will also allow players to specify more than 1 casting per day for spells like invoke patron.
August 6th, 2021, 09:00
I'm getting this error:
[8/6/2021 3:58:32 AM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/char.lua"]:34: attempt to index global 'fleetinglucktitle' (a nil value)
Whenever I: Turn on or off the Fleeting Luck option, or when I try to use the mini-sheet option.
August 6th, 2021, 12:33
Thanks Dr0W, I’ll check it out and post here when I sort it out.
August 6th, 2021, 12:46
I’m not able to reproduce this on the Test channel. Is anyone else seeing this? Running any extensions?
Try updating to the latest version and disabling all extensions if you haven’t already. If that doesn’t work, check back.
August 6th, 2021, 15:16
I am continuing to work on simplifying powers to sync better with DCC game mechanics. I have tried to mirror the 5E ruleset as much as possible to make it easier to transition from one ruleset to another, but DCC spells do not work the same - no spell slots, memorization, etc. DCC spells also have instances where multiple save DCs are possible depending on the spell check result, and the DCC ruleset has come up short in this case. You will still need to roll the save separately because it usually depends on the spell check result one way or another, but this will allow a spell to have multiple save actions, and these will be visible in the combat tracker NPC entry. Players will need to reparse their spells after the update. I don't want to force that in case they have customized their actions. If you have any thoughts about this, feel free to share.
In the screenshot, you can see the separate Will save action for Turn Unholy. The spell check action will use the "attack" button, and the save keeps the "roll" button so you can distinguish between them in display mode 'Actions'.
August 8th, 2021, 07:18
It's still there. I've attached a screenshot showing my version. I've tried deleting all files starting with 'GGDCC' from my Vault and re-downloaded them all. The screenshot and error are from a new campaign with no extensions at all. Right now I'm changing and updating to Test to see if it works there.
EDIT: On test the problem doesn't happen. So I guess all I gotta do is for it to hit Live? :P
August 8th, 2021, 12:05
It's still there. I've attached a screenshot showing my version. I've tried deleting all files starting with 'GGDCC' from my Vault and re-downloaded them all. The screenshot and error are from a new campaign with no extensions at all. Right now I'm changing and updating to Test to see if it works there.
The test version goes live on Tue, and the error should go away after you download that.
August 8th, 2021, 22:19
Here is a preview of some changes to the combat tracker. I am changing the 'Spells' label to 'Powers' since it is really an all-purpose section. You will be able to double-click the power name to append the '[LOST]' label, similar to rechargeable powers in 5E. You can remove the [LOST] label by double-clicking again. You can also see that the save button is now separate from the cast button, so the judge doesn't need to open the NPC record to roll a save for the target.
August 11th, 2021, 23:12
I have been promoted to the rank of purple sorcerer! Not a bad set of rolls...
August 12th, 2021, 16:09
But I foresee that 1 hit point causing pain and sadness!
August 12th, 2021, 16:10
Ah so true ;)
August 13th, 2021, 04:20
Ruleset updated (v2021-08-12)
[Fixed] NPC saving throws not linking to combat tracker.
[Fixed] Minor typos (missing hyphens) in core rules module.
[Updated] Core rules modules consolidated into a single module to eliminate duplication of library data. Character sheet links will auto-update with correct paths.
[Updated] Yddgrrl’s Maze adventure module eliminates duplicate spell and image records.
[Updated] Spell Calc dialog box on Actions tab renamed Magic Meta. Moved details button to open dialog box to MAGIC header.
[Updated] Power counter functionality merged for spells and abilities.
[Updated] Changed ‘Cast’ label to ‘Chk’ for power actions on char sheet.
[Updated] Changed ‘Spells’ label to ‘Pwr’ for NPC powers in combat tracker.
[Updated] Separated cast and save actions; each power can have multiple save actions. NPC powers display save buttons in the combat tracker, allowing the judge to roll a save for the target without opening the NPC record.
[Updated] Double clicking the NPC power name in combat tracker appends the ‘[LOST]’ label (or removes existing label).
[Updated] Bonus hit points from ‘Bountiful harvest’ birth augur applied at character creation and level advancement. Starting luck modifier must be appended to lucky roll field on char sheet – for example, ‘Bountiful harvest: Hit points +2’.
[Updated] Bonus languages from ‘Birdsong’ birth augur applied at character creation.
[Updated] Bonus languages are determined randomly at character creation and advancement to level 1. Duplicate results add entry ‘One additional randomly determined language’ to language list.
[Added] Custom disapproval table field added to Magic Meta dialog box. Leave blank for default table.
[Added] Slash command ‘/funnel <user> <#chars>’ created for 0-level character generation. Parameters are optional.
The 0-level character generator is lots of fun!
August 14th, 2021, 21:17
I started the process of setting up a website for the DCC ruleset. I'll post more details once I get the basic framework up and running.
August 15th, 2021, 14:22
For the next update, I will be focusing on magic. I'm going to add a separate library module containing all the spell tables (manifestation, corruption, and misfire) and allow the corruption and misfire tables to be linked to these fields on the spell record for easy access. The reason for the separate module is because not everyone is a spellcaster and this would significantly increase the load time for the core rules module. I don't think the manifestation table needs to be linked because you roll this once when you acquire the spell. The other feature I'm thinking of adding is auto-rolling the mercurial magic effect when you drop a spell to your char sheet. I feel like that's always an inconvenience in character creation, but maybe that's just me. I would rather just open the spell record on my char sheet (or set the Display mode to Summary) to see what I got.
August 16th, 2021, 00:21
@leozelig Do you by any chance have a list of what products are in the pipeline for DCC/MCC? Smiteworks used to have a list of projects and who was working on them but now I can't find anything new. I figured you've got the bulk (if not all) of anything currently under development. There are some DCC VTT aids on sale right now at Drivethrurpg but I'd rather wait to buy them from the Smiteworks store if they're already in development.
August 16th, 2021, 02:01
@leozelig Do you by any chance have a list of what products are in the pipeline for DCC/MCC? Smiteworks used to have a list of projects and who was working on them but now I can't find anything new. I figured you've got the bulk (if not all) of anything currently under development. There are some DCC VTT aids on sale right now at Drivethrurpg but I'd rather wait to buy them from the Smiteworks store if they're already in development.
I’m actually only working on the rulesets, and I don’t have any inside info on projects in development. Maybe you can try emailing Smiteworks. I’m sure if you have questions about a specific product, they would be able to tell you if it’s in the works.
August 17th, 2021, 01:55
Hey Leo, checking things on Test server:
1) I noticed under the radial menu to "Add Action" on a spell the new option of Save does not have a mouse over label "Add Save" when all the other options have one.
2) On the Character Sheet on Actions Tab under the Magic meta entry the "Last Roll" field has no label or mouse over label; thus may be confusing for new players/judges as to what it is.
3) I'm assuming the Birth Augur automation for Bountiful harvest and Birdsong only work with the /funnel generation; with manual generation it does not work.
4) I do not see the field for the Custom disapproval table field in the Magic Meta dialog box. I tried both basic 'cleric' and the cleric classes from the Annual.
5) I am also assuming that the Slash command ‘/funnel <user> <#chars>’; the parameter of <user> only works when the player is connected, and <#chars> is less than 10.
Otherwise looks great!
August 17th, 2021, 05:21
Hey Tab! I’ll check it out and try to get those fixes in by Wed afternoon.
Regarding the funnel command, you are correct that the player needs to be connected for the judge to assign zeroes to them. There is no max for #chars, but I should definitely do that. We can call it 10 - is that gongfarmer’s max?
August 17th, 2021, 05:23
Planning to run the DCC Day #2 module if anyone is interested. We can test the /funnel command ;)
August 17th, 2021, 06:15
Definitely interested in playing in a game! I found the /funnel didn't make 10 characters; when I put in 10 it only made 1. So it seemed to only read 1 digit, I didn't really test beyond that. The Gongfarmer's extension? It only makes 1 at a time, but it does it as fast as you can click it. Also I love the names, the Gongfarmer extension is awesome but it uses Welsh names and they hurt my brain.
August 17th, 2021, 12:20
It looks like a couple of files did not update, including the strings file, which explains problems 1, 2, and 4. Working on the others.
August 17th, 2021, 13:23
The character generator works for me. There were a number of strings missing from the chat message (see post #696), but no other issues. The character names come from Appendix S, and the column is based on your race and ability scores - higher Str/Agi (or dwarf/halfling) pulls from Warriors & Thieves, higher Per/Int (or elf) pulls from Clerics & Wizards. I set the max number of 0-level characters generated to 24. You can expect some lag with a higher number of characters, but this sets a limit at least.
Birdsong should work with the char generator and manual occupation drops. Bountiful harvest works for those, plus class drops. For occupation drops, birdsong and bountiful harvest pull the luck bonus based on your luck score (since this should be your starting luck). For class drops, the bountiful harvest bonus reads directly from the lucky roll field since your starting luck score might have changed, so you should append '+1' or whatever your starting luck bonus is to the string. The character generator does this automatically.
August 23rd, 2021, 20:41
I am running the DCC Day adventure Beneath the Well of Brass on Sunday, August 29 at 7 PM EDT/UTC-4 if anyone is interested.
I'm working on some magic-related stuff for the next update. I created a ton of spell tables (manifestation, corruption, and misfire) that I will package in a separate module so it doesn't weigh down the core rules module too much. I might include spell "fumble" tables as well. You will be able to link corruption and misfire tables to the spell record. I might try to auto-fill the manifestation and mercurial magic fields when you drop a spell to the char sheet - depends on how complicated that gets.
August 24th, 2021, 06:03
Noticed two small things while adding a power for an NPC:
The "Add Save" does not show up when hovering the radial menu option for adding a save . Add Cast/Damage/Heal/Effect do show up on hover. Easily ignored except my small brain that saw the cancel logo and decided if I clicked it it would just close the menu hahaha (I figured it out)
When a single entity is targeted by a power/spell that triggers a save for no damage on success it does not remove the target. When multiple entities are targeted it does remove those who succeed on the save. This may be intentional since you just don't roll the damage or place the effect on a save.
Question time. Is there a way to target several people and automate a luck check against a DC? Can you have an effect that modifies checks/damage up or down the die chain? Thank you for the work you've been putting into the DCC ruleset!
August 24th, 2021, 16:53
Is there a way to add a RESIST effect to an NPC just for the "untyped" damage (done with non-magical weapons?). I am trying to create some monsters that are immune to certain types, and resist non-magical, but getting stuck.
August 24th, 2021, 21:02
Is there a way to add a RESIST effect to an NPC just for the "untyped" damage (done with non-magical weapons?). I am trying to create some monsters that are immune to certain types, and resist non-magical, but getting stuck.
Try ‘RESIST: !magic’
I wrestled with this awhile back and had trouble getting it to work. The resistance should apply to anything without damage type = magic.
August 24th, 2021, 21:10
Noticed two small things while adding a power for an NPC:
The "Add Save" does not show up when hovering the radial menu option for adding a save . Add Cast/Damage/Heal/Effect do show up on hover. Easily ignored except my small brain that saw the cancel logo and decided if I clicked it it would just close the menu hahaha (I figured it out)
When a single entity is targeted by a power/spell that triggers a save for no damage on success it does not remove the target. When multiple entities are targeted it does remove those who succeed on the save. This may be intentional since you just don't roll the damage or place the effect on a save.
Question time. Is there a way to target several people and automate a luck check against a DC? Can you have an effect that modifies checks/damage up or down the die chain? Thank you for the work you've been putting into the DCC ruleset!
Thanks Ramza, I’ll check those out. I had a little misfire with the strings file during the last update, so the missing ‘Add Save’ text is probably related to that. I’ll check the targeting question. The effect ‘DIEDMG:##’ should move the first damage die up/down the dice chain. The party sheet allows you to roll an ability check for the PCs vs a fixed DC.
August 24th, 2021, 21:11
Try ‘RESIST: !magic’
I wrestled with this awhile back and had trouble getting it to work. The resistance should apply to anything without damage type = magic.
Thanks for the response! Unfortunately, still can't get it to work right for a basic weapon. I think it's because the weapons, as is, have no type. Although FG is rendering it as "untyped", I wonder if maybe items need to be specifically typed for it to work?
August 25th, 2021, 01:21
I’ll try a few effects, I feel like I got it working but maybe not.
August 25th, 2021, 05:04
Noticed two small things while adding a power for an NPC:
The "Add Save" does not show up when hovering the radial menu option for adding a save . Add Cast/Damage/Heal/Effect do show up on hover. Easily ignored except my small brain that saw the cancel logo and decided if I clicked it it would just close the menu hahaha (I figured it out)
When a single entity is targeted by a power/spell that triggers a save for no damage on success it does not remove the target. When multiple entities are targeted it does remove those who succeed on the save. This may be intentional since you just don't roll the damage or place the effect on a save.
The 'Add Save' text is working for me. The latest update should have hit the Live channel today, so let me know if that doesn't fix the issue.
Targeting is working as intended. The default "remove on miss" option is 'Multi'. This option only works when more than 1 target is selected. Setting the option to 'On' will remove missed targets regardless of how many are targeted.
August 25th, 2021, 13:42
I will change the 'Add Save' radial menu icon for powers. Here's a screenshot - I think this is less confusing...
August 28th, 2021, 22:04
Is there an issue with darkvision in the latest FGU update? I just tried messing around with a map and adding ambient light and a mask for darkness for the dungeon, but noticed my infravision characters had no vision. I tried changing the "Senses" to 'Darkvision 60' but no dice. Is it working for others?
Edit: It still works in my 5e games, just not working right in DCC for me.
August 29th, 2021, 03:17
oh I like the new "Add Save" radial menu icon!
August 29th, 2021, 12:18
oh I like the new "Add Save" radial menu icon!
Thanks Tab! Coming soon…
August 29th, 2021, 12:20
Is there an issue with darkvision in the latest FGU update? I just tried messing around with a map and adding ambient light and a mask for darkness for the dungeon, but noticed my infravision characters had no vision. I tried changing the "Senses" to 'Darkvision 60' but no dice. Is it working for others?
Edit: It still works in my 5e games, just not working right in DCC for me.
Did you try infravision? I haven’t tested it much because I’ve been busy with other updates, but I will check it.
August 29th, 2021, 17:33
Did you try infravision? I haven’t tested it much because I’ve been busy with other updates, but I will check it.
Thanks! Yes I tried both "Infravision" and "Infra-vision" as well as an effect, "VISION: 60 darkvision" and other variations. I tried other maps too, in case it was that, but nothing worked for me. :(
August 30th, 2021, 12:05
I’m working on a fix for infravision. I missed some CoreRPG changes , so it shouldn’t be too difficult to get this working again.
Thanks for reporting this seansps!
August 30th, 2021, 14:15
I’m working on a fix for infravision. I missed some CoreRPG changes , so it shouldn’t be too difficult to get this working again.
Thanks for reporting this seansps!
No problem! Thanks for looking into it!
September 1st, 2021, 14:19
Vision is all sorted out.
September 1st, 2021, 23:41
Vision is all sorted out.
Thank you! Has the latest version been published? My updater on macOS seems broken due to the latest FG update so I’m also still waiting on that to get fixed to test.
September 2nd, 2021, 03:00
It should hit the test channel early next week and go live the Tue after. The red won’t be quite that intense on the finished version.
September 2nd, 2021, 23:02
It should hit the test channel early next week and go live the Tue after. The red won’t be quite that intense on the finished version.
Awesome, can’t wait!!
September 3rd, 2021, 18:15
I submitted the vision fix separately from the next update. The Live channel should see this by Tuesday. I changed the intensity to 80%. I will keep experimenting with different color options, but at least it’s working now. Feel free to share any suggestions.
September 8th, 2021, 21:17
I submitted the vision fix separately from the next update. The Live channel should see this by Tuesday. I changed the intensity to 80%. I will keep experimenting with different color options, but at least it’s working now. Feel free to share any suggestions.
Awesome! Thank you! Confirmed it is working great.
September 9th, 2021, 04:52
Leo, I noticed tonight that the Halfling auto crit does not read the table properly. It makes the roll but states "unable to find the table". This same crit table works for the other classes that use it. It is just the halfling that can't read it.
September 14th, 2021, 05:14
Leo, I noticed tonight that the Halfling auto crit does not read the table properly. It makes the roll but states "unable to find the table". This same crit table works for the other classes that use it. It is just the halfling that can't read it.
That's weird, it's working for me. If crit table III works for the other classes, then maybe there is something wrong with the halfling character sheet. Make sure the crit table is set properly in the Weapons Meta dialog box and the player has the core rules module open.
September 14th, 2021, 05:17
Updated to v2021-09-13:
[Fixed] Party sheet ability score not adjusting for ability damage.
[Fixed] Critical hit threshold not adjusting for dice swaps.
[Fixed] DIEATK not targetable for conditional (ie, IFT) effects.
[Fixed] Script error for IMMUNE to all damage effect with exclusions – eg, ‘IMMUNE: all, !magic’ for immunity to all non-magical damage.
[Fixed] Slash command /funnel applying fumble modifier from lucky roll with inverted sign.
[Fixed] Luck label on party sheet truncated.
[Updated] Slash command /funnel assigns random alignment to 0-level character.
[Updated] Changed radial menu icon for ‘Add Save’ to power.
[Updated] Group categories added to core rules tables list.
[Updated] Power label [CAST] changed to [SPELL] for spell checks.
[Updated] Host/GM-only condition applied to slash command /funnel. Clients are unable to write to database.
[Updated] Infravision color settings changed for vision effect.
[Updated] Effects expire at the end of a turn instead of the beginning. Self-targeting spells with duration of 1 round will remain in effect during the next turn. Durations updated in DataSpell script; reparse spell actions to apply.
[Added] Spell manifestation, corruption, and misfire tables (247 total) added to core rules module.
[Added] Additional spell actions for DCC Annual Vol. 1 spells.
[Added] Table links added to Corruption and Misfire fields on spell records. Drag a table to the field to create the link and right-click to remove the link using radial menu.
[Added] Tooltip to d16 initiative die field on char sheet and NPC record.
[Removed] Save section removed from power cast detail as separate dialog box exists for save detail.
[Removed] DCC Lankhmar desktop decal removed due to license restrictions.
Post here with any issues.
September 14th, 2021, 05:26
Here's a look at the new infravision color. The other one (see post #714) was a little too intense.
September 14th, 2021, 05:58
That's weird, it's working for me. If crit table III works for the other classes, then maybe there is something wrong with the halfling character sheet. Make sure the crit table is set properly in the Weapons Meta dialog box and the player has the core rules module open.
Hmm, yeah, I can't duplicate it either now though I could during our last game. Must be he doesn't have the rules loaded. Thanks for looking at it.
September 15th, 2021, 22:29
Maybe they just angered the gods. Glad it's working now!
October 17th, 2021, 06:42
I have a question on custom classes. I am adding a bunch of cleric subclasses for my games (similar on the DCC Annual). I noticed in the conversion of the DCC Annual, the canticles have extra effects, etc., for each. In the implementation of my own, how can I add effects to an ability in the class features so that they don't need to be added manually upon getting those new features? (Can this only be done via XML currently?)
October 17th, 2021, 17:22
Hi seansps,
The spell actions are defined in a data file. I could share the DataSpell file with you if you want to add more of your own as an extension. The 5E ruleset is able to parse actions from the text, but the DCC rulebook is much more unstructured in its spell formatting. Maybe this is something I can work on.
October 17th, 2021, 17:27
Hi seansps,
The spell actions are defined in a data file. I could share the DataSpell file with you if you want to add more of your own as an extension. The 5E ruleset is able to parse actions from the text, but the DCC rulebook is much more unstructured in its spell formatting. Maybe this is something I can work on.
Hi! Yes, I figured it was probably much harder to do w/ DCC because of that-- but that's ok! That would be awesome if you could share the DataSpell file with me. As a coder myself I should be able to figure out how to add the XML needed to get the coding for my custom canticles and such. Is this just an XML blob I can add to the mod's db xml file?
October 17th, 2021, 17:49
It’s very similar to the 5E script file data_spell. You would need to create an extension, but it’s only that 1 file. I’ll message you with a link to grab the file. If you need any help packaging it into an extension, let me know.
October 18th, 2021, 00:22
It’s very similar to the 5E script file data_spell. You would need to create an extension, but it’s only that 1 file. I’ll message you with a link to grab the file. If you need any help packaging it into an extension, let me know.
Thanks! That would be perfect. I've already finished the mod file (for my 12 new cleric "classes") so doing the extension with the canticle coding is the last missing piece :)
October 27th, 2021, 21:16
Sorry for the delay on this. Here ( is a link to an extension with the spell data file. If you want spell actions to auto-populate when a non-core spell is dropped to the char sheet, add them to the LUA file. There are instructions at the top of the file. Do not replace anything in the file (unless you want to change something from the core rules) - just add your own to what's already there.
Post here if you have any issues.
October 27th, 2021, 23:20
Sorry for the delay on this. Here ( is a link to an extension with the spell data file. If you want spell actions to auto-populate when a non-core spell is dropped to the char sheet, add them to the LUA file. There are instructions at the top of the file. Do not replace anything in the file (unless you want to change something from the core rules) - just add your own to what's already there.
Post here if you have any issues.
Thanks again! This will help a bunch. It seems like it'll be pretty easy for me to follow these examples and add all my custom stuff. I am noticing some errors though with the provided file:
Console complains about the comments at the beginning of the spell file (it seems like it's trying to parse them) removing those, it gets furhter
I am seeing errors in the console every time it encounters the '&' in "warp & weft" I suspect it may need to be escaped somehow?
May be other errors after that, but haven't looked further yet
October 28th, 2021, 00:13
I didn’t really test it, but I will check it out.
October 28th, 2021, 00:59
Fixed. Try re-downloading from the same link. It should work now.
October 28th, 2021, 03:18
Fixed. Try re-downloading from the same link. It should work now.
Perfect, thanks so much! It worked! And I added the effects for my first custom canticle... dozens more to go, haha.
October 28th, 2021, 05:10
I'm noticing one weird thing with spell effects (maybe I am doing it wrong.)
As an example I have this effect:
{ type = "effect", sName = "Cadence of Defense; AC: 1", sTargeting = "self", sDuration = "1d4+CL" },
I tested it on an enemy, and it does seem to roll 1d4 and add the caster's level to the duration (in rounds, as desired) but I noticed each round, the duration was deducted by two! Not sure what's going on there. Any ideas?
October 28th, 2021, 11:48
Thanks for reporting the duration issue. I submitted a hotfix for this.
October 28th, 2021, 13:40
Thanks for reporting the duration issue. I submitted a hotfix for this.
Awesome, thank you!!
October 29th, 2021, 03:00
I may have noticed another bug!
I have this status effect, which seems to be the format for lowering the dice chain of an NPC or Player's specific saving throw:
DIESAVE: -1 willpower
This doesn't seem to work, however, "SAVE: -1 willpower" works for just numerical penalties/bonuses.
October 30th, 2021, 00:58
DCC ruleset seems to give an error
[10/29/2021 3:55:32 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/data_desktop_dcc.lua"]:7: attempt to call field 'setSidebarDockCategoryIconColor' (a nil value)
[10/29/2021 3:55:32 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/data_library_dcc.lua"]:201: attempt to call field 'setRecordViews' (a nil value)
[10/29/2021 3:55:33 PM] RULESET: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG ruleset (v2021-11-15) for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2012 Goodman Games
[10/29/2021 3:55:33 PM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC
[10/29/2021 3:55:33 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 1361.1655
No modules/extensions. Simply create a new DCC campaign and you get the error.
October 30th, 2021, 00:59
Are you on Test?
Moon Wizard
October 30th, 2021, 16:36
A Test version of the DCC ruleset was inadvertently pushed by someone else internally to Live trying to do a patch fix. However, any fixes to the ruleset are on hold until the beta completes, since we can only do builds for what is currently in source control, not per file updates.
I've rolled back the build to the original Live version from 9/29.
October 30th, 2021, 19:46
A Test version of the DCC ruleset was inadvertently pushed by someone else internally to Live trying to do a patch fix. However, any fixes to the ruleset are on hold until the beta completes, since we can only do builds for what is currently in source control, not per file updates.
I've rolled back the build to the original Live version from 9/29.
That was my guess. :) Thanks for the rollback.
@damned - I originally thought I was. (as I was earlier in the day) but low and behold I was live.
October 31st, 2021, 00:58
I may have noticed another bug!
I have this status effect, which seems to be the format for lowering the dice chain of an NPC or Player's specific saving throw:
DIESAVE: -1 willpower
This doesn't seem to work, however, "SAVE: -1 willpower" works for just numerical penalties/bonuses.
Try this:
DIESAV: -1 willpower
The 'E' at the end is the problem. I used 5E advantage effects as a guide, substituting DIE for ADV:
DIEDMG (applies to first damage die only)
The dice swap effects support numbers only (no dice). Hope that helps!
November 23rd, 2021, 00:12
Hi everyone,
First time reporting/asking for help. Here it goes:
I created some spells for DCC, complete with tables, and when dropped in the character sheet allows me to roll checks, effects, and damage. I assumed that since it works in standard FG it would work in FGU, so I copied the module I created in standard FG into my FGU module folder.
However, when I drop a homebrew spell on a character sheet it does not allow me to roll for checks, effects, or damage. I did something wrong but can't quite put a finger on it. If anyone could help it would greatly appreciated.
Hope this post finds everyone happy and healthy. Cheers!
November 23rd, 2021, 00:28
Try this:
DIESAV: -1 willpower
The 'E' at the end is the problem. I used 5E advantage effects as a guide, substituting DIE for ADV:
DIEDMG (applies to first damage die only)
The dice swap effects support numbers only (no dice). Hope that helps!
Thanks leozelig! This works for me!
November 23rd, 2021, 00:43
Hi everyone,
First time reporting/asking for help. Here it goes:
I created some spells for DCC, complete with tables, and when dropped in the character sheet allows me to roll checks, effects, and damage. I assumed that since it works in standard FG it would work in FGU, so I copied the module I created in standard FG into my FGU module folder.
However, when I drop a homebrew spell on a character sheet it does not allow me to roll for checks, effects, or damage. I did something wrong but can't quite put a finger on it. If anyone could help it would greatly appreciated.
Hope this post finds everyone happy and healthy. Cheers!
Hi there! I've made custom spells w/ actions so I think I can help you. (All seems to be working on my end.)
If you are just making spells (and not class abilities w/ actions) I was able do it all within a .mod file by doing the following:
1. Create the spell in the Spells category under a folder for your Mod
2. Add the spell to a test character
3. Add all your actions to the spell on the character's copy of if it (under their actions tab)
4. Drag the spell from your character to your Spells list
5. This should create a copy (w/ the effects still linked to it) -- delete the old one
6. Confirm that the new one has all your effects by dragging it onto the Actions tab of a new character, it should add the spell with the custom actions and effects!
Alternatively, if you are creating a class w/ custom effects for their abilities, you must do so by creating an extension that has a modified data_spell.lua file. I did this for my Fantasy Grounds module that adds cleric options for all the other gods. You can check that out at:
1. Download the Fantasy Grounds module and extract the zip
2. Change the extension on the .ext file to .zip and extract it
3. Open the data_spell.lua file and add all your spell's custom effects here to the very bottom (don't remove any of the others) -- you can use the originals and the ones I created as examples
4. Repackage all the files from the .ext file as a .zip, change the extension back to .ext
5. Bring the .ext file to your Fantasy Grounds "extension" folder
6. Load your campaign, but first, ensure the Extension is loaded
7. In your campaign, ensure your module w/ your custom spells is also loaded, and then drag the spell to a character, it should have the effects you coded to in the extension
8. If you want to change the name of the extension to match your module feel free to remove the name I gave it and rename it, in the extension.xml file of the .ext file
November 23rd, 2021, 00:46
I created some spells for DCC, complete with tables, and when dropped in the character sheet allows me to roll checks, effects, and damage. I assumed that since it works in standard FG it would work in FGU, so I copied the module I created in standard FG into my FGU module folder.
However, when I drop a homebrew spell on a character sheet it does not allow me to roll for checks, effects, or damage. I did something wrong but can't quite put a finger on it. If anyone could help it would greatly appreciated.
Hi PJ!
Good question - I think I can help you with that. The ruleset codes actions for the core spells, but homebrew spells require the player to add the actions manually. If you right click on the spell entry on the char sheet, you should get a radial menu. Select Add Action, which will bring up another radial menu. Select the action you want to add - Add Check is a good place to start. You should now be able to roll your spell check. Next add the effects. You will need to click the magnifying glass button in the far right column of each effect action to enter the description, duration, and targeting details.
It’s a little bit of work, but I’m working on automating some of this for the next update. It’s a little more complicated than 5E, which follows a very structured format for the wording of everything.
Let me know if you still have questions!
November 23rd, 2021, 00:48
I was too slow! More help is not a bad thing ;)
November 23rd, 2021, 00:50
I was too slow! More help is not a bad thing ;)
Hehe :D indeed- I forgot to mention *how* to add the custom effects on the character's copy of the spell, so your response is still relevant! Let us know if you're still struggling, PJ.
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