View Full Version : Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game Ruleset - Bug reports, feedback, etc..
Wizards Ghost
June 22nd, 2020, 15:17
one minor bug in Table 1-3. Entry 55 'Halfling chicken butcher' applies to PC just as 'Butcher', not appyling the halfling traits.
I checked all other dwarv, elves, halflings and found them working.
#55 Halfling Chicken butcher does work from the 'Occupations' table.
This is in both, GM and Players Rulebook.
FGU issue: sometimes PC's dont to see Actions in their Actions tab, that gm sees.
June 23rd, 2020, 00:01
I've found in FGU some things don't appear in the tab until you scroll the mousewheel in that area of the tab. I assume that's a bug with FGU and not the DCC ruleset per se since it also happens in 5e ruleset.
June 23rd, 2020, 02:23
one minor bug in Table 1-3. Entry 55 'Halfling chicken butcher' applies to PC just as 'Butcher', not appyling the halfling traits.
I checked all other dwarv, elves, halflings and found them working.
#55 Halfling Chicken butcher does work from the 'Occupations' table.
This is in both, GM and Players Rulebook.
FGU issue: sometimes PC's dont to see Actions in their Actions tab, that gm sees.
Thanks, Chris! I will fix this... appreciate the bug report ;)
June 26th, 2020, 12:13
I updated the ruleset in the test channel:
[Fixed] NPC spells not displaying in Combat mode.
DCC Core Rules
[Fixed] Broken links in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table for shortbow and sling ammo.
[Fixed] Halfling chicken butcher occupation linking to butcher in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table.
[Fixed] Broken image link for 'Ithha, Prince of Elemental Wind' image in Supernatural Patrons section.
DCC Core Rules - Player
[Fixed] Broken links in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table for shortbow and sling ammo.
[Fixed] Halfling chicken butcher occupation linking to butcher in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table.
[Fixed] Broken link for random ghost encounter removed in 'Supernatural Influence Manifestation' table.
I am still working on the issue with duration units in effect actions dropped to the combat tracker. I believe the new line issue with casting results in the chat window is a Unity issue, not a ruleset issue. As always, I appreciate everyone's help with reporting bugs!
June 26th, 2020, 12:55
Whops that Bugreport went into the wrong Stickyed Topic...moved to the proper one now
Wizards Ghost
June 26th, 2020, 12:59
Thanks for your work leozelig :)
Do you think its possible to get the luck modifiers automated sometimes?
I still hope that DCC will attrack much more players, its mechanics works, is fun and avoids lots of the problems that systems like DnD, PF, DSA have.
At least i try my best, and will go on offering DCC adventures on FG.
June 26th, 2020, 17:21
I updated the ruleset in the test channel:
[Fixed] NPC spells not displaying in Combat mode.
DCC Core Rules
[Fixed] Broken links in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table for shortbow and sling ammo.
[Fixed] Halfling chicken butcher occupation linking to butcher in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table.
[Fixed] Broken image link for 'Ithha, Prince of Elemental Wind' image in Supernatural Patrons section.
DCC Core Rules - Player
[Fixed] Broken links in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table for shortbow and sling ammo.
[Fixed] Halfling chicken butcher occupation linking to butcher in 'Table 1-3: Occupations' table.
[Fixed] Broken link for random ghost encounter removed in 'Supernatural Influence Manifestation' table.
I am still working on the issue with duration units in effect actions dropped to the combat tracker. I believe the new line issue with casting results in the chat window is a Unity issue, not a ruleset issue. As always, I appreciate everyone's help with reporting bugs!
I'll be DMing (jugding? GMing? ;) ) DCC this Sunday for the first time ever, using FG and your ruleset. Three of the players are already FG players and GMs, but never played DCC; the fourth player is a DCC judge, but never used FG. Thank you for making DCC on FG possible!
:- )
June 27th, 2020, 00:46
Thanks pablomaz... Have a great time, and cheers to you for running some DCC!
June 27th, 2020, 00:53
Thanks for your work leozelig :)
Do you think its possible to get the luck modifiers automated sometimes?
I still hope that DCC will attrack much more players, its mechanics works, is fun and avoids lots of the problems that systems like DnD, PF, DSA have.
At least i try my best, and will go on offering DCC adventures on FG.
Hi Wizards Ghost! I think you are referring to lucky rolls?? Those are tricky because there are so many possible applications, and some house rules ignore penalties to lucky rolls (i.e. it’s either a bonus or nothing), so I chose not to automate it. If I misunderstood that, feel free to clarify ;)
It’s always good to hear from DCC judges - there are never enough to go around!!
Wizards Ghost
June 28th, 2020, 18:24
-Problem solved-
i feel stupid in the moment, but i fail to get a D3 (for unarmed attack) to the actions tab.
For sure there is a simple solution, that i just dont see.
Please enlighten me someone, please.
Okay, got it. Get it via D6, rather than D4 -1d.
June 29th, 2020, 03:58
Yep... d6/custom dice/d3
June 30th, 2020, 12:59
I'm still working on this effects bug with sUnits not transferring over. I'm having a little trouble nailing down the issue exactly. The last time I checked, only effects with duration units "turn" were failing to populate in the CT correctly. Some users have reported different issues than I am seeing.
I submitted an update for the Test channel, so let me know what you have after the update, and I will keep working on it!
June 30th, 2020, 15:30
Thanks pablomaz... Have a great time, and cheers to you for running some DCC!
We had a great time, indeed!
Maybe I should have dropped the grid? Maybe I should reconsider using grids at least for funnels (Portal under the stars, in this case).
June 30th, 2020, 16:55
I like to use close, near, far as my movement. A person can usually move anywhere within a room and attack. Often they can move to another room and attack (if there is nothing blocking movement), or they can rush two rooms away.
Wizards Ghost
June 30th, 2020, 17:11
So, you killed tons of poor townsfolk, that now is never getting an adventurer ? ;)
Jut ran 'Starless Sea', same here ;)
How do you proceed from there? I think i go on with "Doom of the savage Kings"
July 1st, 2020, 01:57
Yeah, I'm just now running my first 1st level DCC adventure after several funnels, and chose Doom of the Savage Kings. It's an awesome adventure!
July 1st, 2020, 02:04
I run a Dungeon Crawl Classics game and I've noticed that the armor check penalties do not apply correctly to my thief or hafling skills. I've read a bit on the forums and folks suggested updating to the new ruleset but my version is totally new and was installed well after said posts were made.
Any ideas?
Wizards Ghost
July 1st, 2020, 06:42
Yeah, I'm just now running my first 1st level DCC adventure after several funnels, and chose Doom of the Savage Kings. It's an awesome adventure!
Ah your going the same route than. I too think Doom is a good Adventure, but i have one concern with my Group.
I really fear that my Player Point at two weak spots:
1st: The beast is killing the townsfolk too often. The Village would be empty in no time at this killrate.
2nd: Why does the townsfolk not just leave the place at all.
To 1 i will simply expand the time between the offerings, for 2 i have a vague plan like: the jarl (or some other ) had cursed the town so whoever stays in the area over night simply can't leave anymore. (Ist playing 'Hotel california' in the Background.)
Curse is broken when the beast is killed.
Any thoughts?
July 2nd, 2020, 00:04
Ah your going the same route than. I too think Doom is a good Adventure, but i have one concern with my Group.
I really fear that my Player Point at two weak spots:
1st: The beast is killing the townsfolk too often. The Village would be empty in no time at this killrate.
2nd: Why does the townsfolk not just leave the place at all.
Any thoughts?
In my understanding the beast was "released" 3 months prior to the PCs arriving. The Village had a population of 300 or more; current population 200. After the initial slaughter, the sacrifices began; 1 sacrafice every 3 days, over 3 months would only be 30ish people sacrificed at most, so the initial slaughter was 70+. Remote towns in an isolationist society is how DCC seems to portray villages, so leaving seems beyond comprehension or where are you going to sleep that first night in the wilderness, what's the hound's range? Would you rather be caught out in the open at night or within the walls of the village? Perhaps some of the initial 100 lost did leave but probably not many and likely none survived.
July 2nd, 2020, 15:43
Is there effects coding available in the DCC ruleset? If so can we get a link to the effects available?
July 4th, 2020, 12:37
I run a Dungeon Crawl Classics game and I've noticed that the armor check penalties do not apply correctly to my thief or hafling skills. I've read a bit on the forums and folks suggested updating to the new ruleset but my version is totally new and was installed well after said posts were made.
Any ideas?
Hi Captain Beikoku,
The rules are a little vague about which skills apply an armor check penalty as I recall. Climbing does of course, and I think based on 3.5E, you could assume some others. I have tended to not automate these things if the rules are not explicit about them.
But I am always willing to change it based on feedback. If anyone else feels this should be automated, please let me know...
July 4th, 2020, 12:53
Is there effects coding available in the DCC ruleset? If so can we get a link to the effects available?
Hi Baufrin,
I will look that up and post them here. The user guide states that attack modifiers are applied per Table 4-1 (page 78), so that would mean...
Modifiers Menu ('+/-' button in upper right corner)
Medium Range = -2
Long Range = -1d
Firing into Melee = -1
Effects on Attacker:
Invisible = +2
On Higher Ground = +1
Squeezing = -1d
Entangled = -1d
Effects on Defender:
Behind cover = -2
Entangled = +1d
Helpless, Paralyzed, Sleeping, Bound, Grappled, Restrained, Stunned, Unconscious = +1d
Kneeling, Sitting, Prone = +2 melee, -2 ranged
The one exception from the table is 'Blinded' because there are so many different applications of that effect described in the rules. If you feel this should apply the +2 modifier as described in Table 4-1, post your thoughts.
Another possibly overlooked function is the 'Short Range' button in the modifiers dialog box. This applies your STR modifier to damage for a ranged attack. The item description states whether this rule applies to a specific weapon (typically thrown weapons like handaxes).
Hope this helps!
July 4th, 2020, 12:59
I finally identified the issue with effect duration units! It's amazing how a simple error can elude you for so long, even when you've looked right at it a dozen times... So, you should get an update on the Test channel soon. I also cleaned up some of the spell actions; right-click for existing spells on your char sheet and select 'Reparse' from the radial menu to apply these.
Let me know if you find any other issues. Otherwise, I will ask to push this to the Live channel in the next week or two. Thank you for your patience!
July 4th, 2020, 17:22
While on the Live FGC I noticed the "heal" action for Powers does not work. When I add a heal Action for an ability (Lay on Hands) on the Actions Tab it creates a button as usual but when I apply that action I receive the following error: Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_damage.lua"]:966: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil); and nothing happens. This results in the Judge having to manually change characters hit points when they are healed.
I also checked FGU; the heal action has no effect there either but there is no error displayed.
July 4th, 2020, 17:25
That clearly needs to work. I will look at it.
July 4th, 2020, 19:55
I fixed the healing issue - apologies for my amateur coding ;)
This should download with the next update on the Test channel...
July 11th, 2020, 23:56
Hello Leo, I just would like to tell you that I am running DCC on FG Unity and my group of players and I love it! Thank you SO much for all the hard work that you are doing. Do you know if more modules from Goodman Games are going to make it in the FG store at some point? I really like how they are laid out. Anyways, just wanted to say thank you. Cheers, Ryan
July 12th, 2020, 13:52
Thanks, Ryan! Goodman Games has taken over the adventure module conversions, and it seems like they are working on quite a few. I don’t have any direct knowledge of which ones or when they will be released, but they are coming. I agree that running DCC games on Fantasy Grounds is really nice - the Goodman Games print/pdf format sometimes needs that extra bit of organizing that FG brings.
July 12th, 2020, 13:55
The latest update (release 5) should go live from the Test channel on Tuesday, July 14.
Wizards Ghost
July 12th, 2020, 14:14
My Table will start 'Doom of the savage Kings' Tonight.
Thank you for your good work.
July 14th, 2020, 22:25
July 15th, 2020, 02:59
Bugs with 7/14/20 update.
1) None of the DCC Annual spells seem to generate a "Cast" button; also if you create a cast button the table results are not displayed when cast.
2) Homebrew custom spells also do not read the table (Not sure if they were suppose to do so).
1) The funky spacing on cleric's Lay on Hands and Turn Undead results is back.
July 18th, 2020, 05:52
Question about Effects syntax. Is there a modifier for identifying a specific type of save bonus to differentiate between the Fort, Ref, and Will saves? Such as, Effect: FORTSAVE: 2; instead of just SAVE: 2
If not, it sure would be nice to have one.
July 21st, 2020, 15:50
DCC game coming up! Openings are still available.
Fantasy Grounds College is celebrating its 3rd Anniversary which we call “Founder’s Day Weekend.” We are inviting players to book a spot at one of our more than 2 dozen games. All you need is at least a Fantasy Grounds Classic Demo, a working headset & microphone and be signed up on both our Discord & Website to join in the fun. All info is available at:
July 26th, 2020, 20:29
I was wondering if there is an extension or mod file made yet for adding custom classes, I found the mod for adding spells, and I saw there was one for custom classes in the old thread, and a few mentions of a class extension here, so I'd really like to know how to add new classes with drag and drop functionality, for that matter, i'd like to add a few new Critical tables as well, firearms and such. I think I got way too used to adding my own 5e extensions in Par5e.
July 27th, 2020, 09:08
Hi leozelig, I don't know if you're aware of this issue: when I select a PC's Mini Sheet in FG Classic, the following error message appears in the console:
Script Error: [string ""]:1: attempt to index field 'tabs' (a nil value)
July 27th, 2020, 12:19
Hi leozelig, I don't know if you're aware of this issue: when I select a PC's Mini Sheet in FG Classic, the following error message appears in the console:
Script Error: [string ""]:1: attempt to index field 'tabs' (a nil value)
I am not, so thanks for reporting it. Are you selecting it as the judge/host? I will check that.
July 27th, 2020, 12:36
I was wondering if there is an extension or mod file made yet for adding custom classes, I found the mod for adding spells, and I saw there was one for custom classes in the old thread, and a few mentions of a class extension here, so I'd really like to know how to add new classes with drag and drop functionality, for that matter, i'd like to add a few new Critical tables as well, firearms and such. I think I got way too used to adding my own 5e extensions in Par5e.
I have started working on the class record. My plan is to create a class skills list that resembles the features list (instead of skill proficiencies), and then add some level advancement number/dice fields to the skill records. Some of the more common level advancement fields will be added to a new tab in the class record - for example, attack bonus, saving throws, and crit dice/table. This could get messy and take some time.
For crit tables, the best way to do this is to create a rollable table and use that - you probably know that already. I know it's nice to automate the crit roll with your attack roll, but there really isn't an available mechanism to do this without modifying the data files on the back end. This is easy with 5E since the ruleset code is visible in your app data folder, but that's not the case with DCC. I don't disagree that it would be a great feature.
I am also adding a combat tracker effect for dice chain modifiers, similar to the desktop buttons but more open-ended. For example, 'DIEATK: 2' would increase your attack die 2 places on the dice chain (e.g. d20 to d30), and similar effects would be available for the other "actions" like spell checks, ability checks, and skill checks. I will probably throw in saving throws and initiative as well. This is still a work in progress, so all of this is subject to change.
July 27th, 2020, 13:56
I am not, so thanks for reporting it. Are you selecting it as the judge/host? I will check that.
Yes, as Judge in offline mode when I created some level-0 characters for fun. The Mini Sheet opens, but the aforementioned message always pops up (also when expanding the sheet back to normal).
July 27th, 2020, 21:30
Very nice! Thanks for the reply :)
August 1st, 2020, 22:55
So, here is a look at a very basic skill record that incorporates level advancement bonuses/dice. I'm looking for feedback/suggestions on the layout...
Note that I have modified the basic dicefield to identify the dice when you hover over it. This feature isn't in the current version but will be included in the next update.
August 2nd, 2020, 03:08
Typos: incorrect table entries on the Elf Class Table 1-16; the Attack bonuses per level are the wrong progression. As currently entered in FGC and FGU they are the same as the wizard and the Elf table is significantly different. The wizard's progression is +0, +1, +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, +4, +4. The Elf's progression should be +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, +4, +4, +5, +5.
The combat tracker effects would be a nice addition.
August 2nd, 2020, 15:19
Typos: incorrect table entries on the Elf Class Table 1-16; the Attack bonuses per level are the wrong progression. As currently entered in FGC and FGU they are the same as the wizard and the Elf table is significantly different. The wizard's progression is +0, +1, +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, +4, +4. The Elf's progression should be +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, +4, +4, +5, +5.
Thank you Tabarkus. Fixed. I will notify the team to update this asap.
August 2nd, 2020, 15:23
Here is a look at a class record with a customizable table...
This looks easy, but things get complicated if you want to add a deed die, improved critical threat range, spell progressions, or a luck die. That's still relatively easy, but I need to update my scripts to access these values when the class is dropped to the character sheet. As long as I don't run into any major problems there, it should be feasible.
August 2nd, 2020, 15:34
I decided it would be better to use string fields for skills so you can use dice or bonus (or a combination) without requiring the extra row of data.
August 2nd, 2020, 20:59
Here is a screenshot of the class record with all possible fields shown. The fields with checkbox options at the top are displayed only when that option is selected. My plan is to hide the attack column if the deed die option is selected. All fields will display as read only (so the frame outline is not visible) when the record is locked. I haven't scripted the visibility settings yet, so formatting could be a nightmare if I haven't planned this properly. After that, I just need to change the scripts for class drops (i.e. level advancement) so that this data is applied to the character sheet - another potential coding disaster so hopefully the DCC gods are feeling generous... ;)
August 2nd, 2020, 22:06
These look terrific Leozelig. I am very excited for this!!!
August 3rd, 2020, 15:28
Thanks, pauljmendoza!
Continuing to make progress with the new class record...
Here, you can see that the special column options are only visible when the record is unlocked...
And here is an example of what the warrior class table would look like...
Hopefully I don't run into any major snags with the scripting for class drops to the character sheet, which is next on the list!
August 3rd, 2020, 17:25
Damn nice :)
August 4th, 2020, 21:50
Just another update...
I think I have all of the class drops working now. If I didn't mention it before, I am removing skill proficiencies from the class record and adding a skills list (similar to features). This field was something I borrowed from 5E, but it really lacked functionality for DCC purposes. I also noticed that 'Heightened Senses' is not in the features list for elves - I will fix that.
Because of the way class records will be structured now, we will need three separate classes for thieves since the skill bonuses vary by alignment. So, you will see something like Thief (Lawful), Thief (Neutral), and Thief (Chaotic) in the class list and Backstab (Lawful), Backstab (Neutral), and Backstab (Chaotic) in the skills list. I will trim out the parentheses when you drag and drop them.
You will be able to drop skills and features onto class records (from the skills list, other class records, or character sheets). So, if you want to mix some dwarf features with some cleric features to create a dwarven priest class, you can open the relevant class records and drag what you want onto the new class.
If you have any suggestions regarding these changes, please feel free to share...
August 6th, 2020, 02:16
The features you are adding are awesome, thank you for the hard work. You are really opening this up to allow DCC 3rd party integration with the custom classes and such.
August 6th, 2020, 02:30
Totally, thank you for putting in this much work, this is amazing!
August 6th, 2020, 23:44
Thanks guys! It is a lot of work, but I think a lot of DCC fans are going to enjoy the class customization. I have been adding all of the new data fields to the core rules modules for the past couple days, and I'm feeling a little cross-eyed at this point. I just need to do some more testing on my end, and I can probably have this in the test channel by the next update on Tuesday, August 11. Typically, things go live the Tuesday after that, barring any major issues.
Here is a screenshot of what you can expect to see in the classes and skills lists after the update. Blame the thief class for the explosion of skills. As you can see, the description in parentheses is removed when the skills are dropped to the class record. Same for dropping classes to the character sheet. Might be a nice feature for dropping NPCs to the combat tracker so judges can append notes to NPC names...
August 7th, 2020, 01:22
Appending notes to NPC names sounds great! Also, whats good about all this customization, is when players wish to use the "Thief, My Way" rules from Crawl #6. We can just make their version from whichever is the correct progression chosen.
August 7th, 2020, 23:07
There are some great 3rd party classes out there. This has been on my "to do" list for a long time, so I'm glad to finally be getting to it.
Just throwing this out for feedback... Here are the dice chain modifiers I am adding for combat tracker effects:
DIEATK = attack rolls
DIESPELL = spell checks
DIECHK = ability checks
DIESAV = saving throws
DIESKILL = skill checks
I tried to limit them to 6 letters, but SPL and SKL seemed a little awkward. If the effect reads, 'DIEATK: 2', then you will roll a d30 instead of a d20, which is the same as the desktop button '+2d' but stays active as long as the effect exists. Also, in theory, you can have 'DIESKILL: -4' if you're horribly cursed or something, rolling a d10 instead of a d20, which is not possible with the desktop buttons...
Last thing... I decided to trim text in parentheses for classes, NPCs, and skills when dropped to the relevant windows.
August 8th, 2020, 23:52
I finished testing the changes on my end and will upload it tomorrow. I ran into a few more wrinkles than I thought I would, but everything seems to be working now. I might have missed the deadline for getting this out on Tue Aug 11. If so, the update will be waiting for you in the Test channel the following Tue Aug 18. Whatever the case, it will go Live the Tue after that if all goes well.
Here is the final list of updates for v1.1.4 (release 6)...
[Added] CT effects to modify the dice chain: DIEATK (attack rolls), DIESPELL (spell checks), DIECHK (ability checks), DIESAV (saving throws), and DIESKILL (skill checks).
[Added] Level advancement table to Other tab in class record, and moved previous Other tab content to Abilities tab.
[Added] Skills list to class record to replace skill proficiencies.
[Removed] Skill proficiencies field from occupation records.
[Updated] Hovering over a dicefield displays the dice value as tooltip text.
[Updated] Class drops to char sheet apply data from level advancement table.
[Updated] Drops for classes, NPCs, and skills will now remove text in parenthesis from name (which may be used for supplemental info).
[Added] Heightened senses to features list for elf occupations and classes.
[Updated] Class records in core rules modules with new advancement tables and skills lists.
[Updated] Giant Ant NPC names to Giant Ant Worker, Giant Ant Soldier, and Giant Ant Queen (i.e. removed parenthesis from each).
[Updated] Character codes 128-159 with Unity-compatible symbols.
[Fixed] Incorrect attack bonuses in 'Table 1-16: Elf'.
August 9th, 2020, 03:41
I purchased the ruleset long ago, and am just getting around to using it. Recognizing the spells are VERY complex, I'm wondering if they have been neglected or if my particular install is corrupt or something. When I load the spell Choking Cloud, it seems to only have the random durations for the "SELF" entries....shouldn't it also roll the duration when it targets an enemy?
August 9th, 2020, 14:11
I purchased the ruleset long ago, and am just getting around to using it. Recognizing the spells are VERY complex, I'm wondering if they have been neglected or if my particular install is corrupt or something. When I load the spell Choking Cloud, it seems to only have the random durations for the "SELF" entries....shouldn't it also roll the duration when it targets an enemy?
Hi phloog,
Thanks for the comments. Based on my interpretation of how the spell works, targets can enter and leave the cloud at various times, and the effect ends instantly when they leave the cloud. The overall duration is determined when the spell is cast, hence the duration-tracking effect is applied to [SELF]. This concept applies to any sustained area of effect spell.
Specifically for choking cloud, you have the following effect for a roll of 12-17 that is applied whenever a creature is in the cloud: 'Choking Cloud; ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SKILL: -1 SAVE: -1'. You would then delete this effect when the creature leaves the cloud. The tracking effect that is applied to the caster (i.e. self) just notes the spell name and has a duration of 1d4 for spell check result 12-13, 1d4+2 for 14-17, etc. When the tracking effect expires, the cloud dissipates.
Hope that clarifies things. If you guys feel I have misinterpreted how these work, let me know. I spent a ton of time going through each spell check result (i.e. hundreds of them) to create the effect actions, and I can acknowledge that this gets very complicated at times. Goodman Games does not follow a standardized format for spell effects nearly as much as D&D 5E does, so it's difficult sometimes to interpret what exactly is going on when a spell is cast.
Happy gaming!
August 9th, 2020, 14:58
Okay, that makes sense...coming from 5E so that long entry in the Actions was you'd click on the SELF to set the duration and assign it to the caster, and then manage the actual effect as folks bop in and out of the cloud. Thanks.
August 9th, 2020, 15:10
Agreed... the effect actions for spells are messy. Too much going on in those casting tables!
Myrdin Potter
August 9th, 2020, 18:50
I remember back when this was a fan labor of love project and you were trying to get any notice beyond people in these forums. The notice and ruleset has come a long way since then ...
August 9th, 2020, 23:22
I remember back when this was a fan labor of love project and you were trying to get any notice beyond people in these forums. The notice and ruleset has come a long way since then ...
Thanks Myrdin, it sure has!
August 12th, 2020, 02:33
Leo, the update to the Elf attack table 1-16 does not appear to have gone through on the live server. 8/11
It is on test, FGC at least. But when I level up Elf on FGC test I get the following script errors.
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:1221: attempt to index field 'attack' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:832: attempt to index field 'spellstat' (a nil value)
In fact I get that error for all classes.
August 12th, 2020, 03:17
Ok I’ll check out the ruleset folders. It’s possible that the ruleset updated and the modules did not. That was all working for me, so the issue must be with the updater.
August 12th, 2020, 17:25
Ok I’ll check out the ruleset folders. It’s possible that the ruleset updated and the modules did not. That was all working for me, so the issue must be with the updater.
The Dungeon Crawl Classics ruleset is scheduled to go LIVE next Tuesday.
August 12th, 2020, 22:14
This should be fixed in the Test channel - I missed a couple of files for the v1.1.4 update, so my mistake.
Edit: Check the class record to see if you have the latest version. It should have 3 tabs (Main, Abilities, and Other), not 2.
August 19th, 2020, 00:57
One minor bug I keep forgetting to mention, it's been around for a while. In the Character Selection window characters levels are listed as 0 even after they have leveled up. See image: all characters listed are level 1, not level 0.
Wizards Ghost
August 19th, 2020, 01:51
Hi, thanks for your good work, leozelig.
I found one very very small isuue: in table 1-3 of the Handbook, all trained weapons that are listed as (as dagger) do come with the Dagger Text. (thief, backstab, second value). Since These items are not rel Daggers, there is no second value given, wich later confused my poor rogues.
Maybe you delete this text from these items? (Urgency: None at all)
August 19th, 2020, 05:30
One minor bug I keep forgetting to mention, it's been around for a while. In the Character Selection window characters levels are listed as 0 even after they have leveled up.
I have noticed this for a long time myself, but I have not been able to figure this one out. Currently, the level will update if you open the classes detail on the character sheet (where the XP fields are) and then close and re-open the character list (PCs button in the sidebar).
I finally took a closer look at this and was able to fix it. Now, as with the 5E ruleset, you only need to close and re-open the character list for the level to update. I will include this in my next update. In the meantime, follow the solution above.
August 19th, 2020, 05:31
Hi, thanks for your good work, leozelig.
I found one very very small isuue: in table 1-3 of the Handbook, all trained weapons that are listed as (as dagger) do come with the Dagger Text. (thief, backstab, second value). Since These items are not rel Daggers, there is no second value given, wich later confused my poor rogues.
Maybe you delete this text from these items? (Urgency: None at all)
Thanks for pointing that out Wizards Ghost. I must have omitted the second damage clause from 0-level weapons. I will take a look and add it to the next update.
Sorry for the confusion :)
Wizards Ghost
August 24th, 2020, 00:40
With the latest FGU Update we sadly got a new bug..
'NPC Numbering: Random' is not working any moire, but giving error message:
[8/24/2020 12:36:26 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_combat2.lua"]:137: attempt to call global 'randomName' (a nil value)
Error occurs only in DCC, independent of Module tested.
August 24th, 2020, 01:02
With the latest FGU Update we sadly got a new bug..
'NPC Numbering: Random' is not working any moire, but giving error message:
[8/24/2020 12:36:26 AM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_combat2.lua"]:137: attempt to call global 'randomName' (a nil value)
Error occurs only in DCC, independent of Module tested.
Thanks for the bug report, WG. I will check it out...
August 24th, 2020, 18:14
I submitted the following bug fixes today:
[Fixed] Level not updating in the character list.
[Fixed] Script error when adding NPCs to combat tracker and 'Add: NPC numbering' option set to 'Random'.
Thank you again for posting these...
August 24th, 2020, 21:46
I am having a great deal of trouble making a custom class. Often, the skill advancement either seems to be at an invisible -3 penalty, or not advancing at all. It does seem to work to an extent if I use a re-written drag and drop copy of an existing class, that is until I attempt to add the magic feature to the class, then it totally breaks the sheet.
What should I look for when reporting a bug, and also, is there a proper way to build an existing class? an order I may not be following?
August 24th, 2020, 23:23
I am having a great deal of trouble making a custom class. Often, the skill advancement either seems to be at an invisible -3 penalty, or not advancing at all. It does seem to work to an extent if I use a re-written drag and drop copy of an existing class, that is until I attempt to add the magic feature to the class, then it totally breaks the sheet.
What should I look for when reporting a bug, and also, is there a proper way to build an existing class? an order I may not be following?
Hi pjm, thank you for posting this issue. Could be a bug, I will certainly look into it.
I tested with a custom class that I built from scratch, so starting from an existing class isn't essential. If I determine that this is not a bug, then I will post a tutorial in a separate thread for creating a custom class. Sometimes, there are some basic formatting issues that may not be obvious. Also, some options are only visible when the record is unlocked, so make sure you haven't overlooked anything there. This is where a tutorial would be helpful...
I can tell you from my personal testing experiences, if a skill shows a -3 penalty on the character sheet immediately after adding a class, it might indicate that there was an issue with recognizing the ability modifier from the skill record.
August 25th, 2020, 12:09
I created a custom class and didn't have any problems. Maybe a screenshot or two would help identify the issue? I will work on a tutorial in the meantime.
August 25th, 2020, 18:44
Leo, I noticed today that when I use a Custom Spell I can extraneous output to the chat box (see image below). This didn't happen previously when I first created the Custom spells. I created a new Custom spell and the same error duplicated. Also when I create a custom spell it does not automatically produce a Cast button when dragged to a character sheet. The Effects buttons are created but the Cast button is absent and I have to create one after it is on the character sheet. It does this in both Classic and Unity. Pic shows the display and the body of the spell results table. 38811
August 26th, 2020, 00:28
Looks like I left a Debug function running, T - I will fix that. I did not set up the auto cast action for custom spells for a specific reason, which I can't seem to remember now. I can set it up easily enough.
August 26th, 2020, 23:10
I added the two fixes from post #328 to the next update.
I also created a tutorial for custom classes here ( If anyone is having trouble getting this to work, read through the tutorial to make sure you are doing everything correctly, and post any issues there.
August 29th, 2020, 14:34
I am going to work on displaying the NPC spells/powers list in the combat tracker for my next update. The screenshot below shows a very early attempt at this. No guarantee I will get it working, but I think I have a good start.
I also plan to update the desktop decals using the background art for Twitch gamers that Goodman Games posted on their website:
Some of those could be a formatting nightmare, but I will do my best.
For those who didn't see my post in 'The Commons', Goodman Games is hosting another online convention. Here is a link to the details...
August 29th, 2020, 15:03
Leo, I noticed that the group "ability check" roll on the Party Sheet is set for 'roll under the DC' for success. So for example, if I set the DC to climb a wall at 10; a roll of 11 is a failure. The rules are written as roll over equals success except for Luck. Is this intentional or a bug in FG. Having both options available would be nice as I know both styles are popular amongst different Judges.
August 29th, 2020, 17:56
Leo, I noticed that the group "ability check" roll on the Party Sheet is set for 'roll under the DC' for success. So for example, if I set the DC to climb a wall at 10; a roll of 11 is a failure. The rules are written as roll over equals success except for Luck. Is this intentional or a bug in FG. Having both options available would be nice as I know both styles are popular amongst different Judges.
Interesting - I will look at the ability check script. The only recent addition I have made is checking whether shift is pressed for a luck check, in which case a success is defined by rolling UNDER the DC and no ability modifiers are included. I would have expected that rolling from the party sheet would still function as a standard ability check. I can add this to the other things I am working on. That's a good suggestion to allow luck checks from the party sheet. I don't often use those functions because I want players to fail the roll themselves :)
August 29th, 2020, 18:19
I find Party Sheet checks and saves most useful when I'm running a funnel with 20+ characters.
August 29th, 2020, 20:13
Hello Leo, I have recently run into a problem with DCC in FG. I added my PC's to the combat tracker. Then using the module 'The People of the Pit', I attempted to add the encounter to the combat tracker (using the key for it)...and it came up with a bunch of errors. Maybe I have done something wrong, but it will only add one of the creatures to the encounter? I have tried this with a couple of the encounters and it only adds one. Any help really appreciated. cheers, ryan 38918
August 29th, 2020, 20:45
DMrabs, I saw this explanation posted on the DCC Rocks Facebook group. I think it is the solution for the problem you are experiencing. If you set the "Add: NPC Numbering" setting to "Random", this is what causes the crash. I switched this on last week so that explains everything. Setting it back to "Off" stops the issue happening.
August 29th, 2020, 20:59
Tabarkus!!! That was AWESOME!! thank you so much. i did exactly what you said and i could populate everything. PERFECT! I can't thank you enough. Cheers, ryan
August 29th, 2020, 23:20
Yes, thank you (again) Tabarkus, and thank you DMrabs for the bug report. I just uploaded a fix for this bug (see post #323), so as soon as the update goes live (Sept 1?), random NPC numbering will work again.
I also fixed the issue with rolling ability checks from the party sheet. You will be able to roll either type of Luck check, holding SHIFT for the 'roll under' variation. The list of NPC spells in the combat tracker is looking good, and everything seems to be working, so you can expect those updates soon.
August 30th, 2020, 00:41
Cool, glad I could help. It was actually Caledoniaman who figured it out. Leo, is there a way to add damage immunity to mundane weapons to a creature while making it vulnerable to magic or silver weapons? Such as in the 5e ruleset. I know DCC does not have damage types which probably makes this difficult or impossible. I've tried the !magic, !silver effects but they don't work. I don't know the Core syntax well enough. My current work around is to make an effect for the creature that gives Damage Resistance set high, ex. DR: 20; and then make an effect to add to a PC for DMG: 20 so that the normal weapon damage overrides the DR. It's cumbersome but doable.
August 30th, 2020, 05:59
Another request: can we get a Crit and Fumble button for NPCs/Creatures; and tie it to the auto crit roll option?
August 30th, 2020, 22:41
Cool, glad I could help. It was actually Caledoniaman who figured it out. Leo, is there a way to add damage immunity to mundane weapons to a creature while making it vulnerable to magic or silver weapons? Such as in the 5e ruleset. I know DCC does not have damage types which probably makes this difficult or impossible. I've tried the !magic, !silver effects but they don't work. I don't know the Core syntax well enough. My current work around is to make an effect for the creature that gives Damage Resistance set high, ex. DR: 20; and then make an effect to add to a PC for DMG: 20 so that the normal weapon damage overrides the DR. It's cumbersome but doable.
I have included damage types in the ruleset code even thought the DCC core rules do not officially recognize these. The list of valid damage types includes "magic" and "silver" so it should work. For example, the effect 'VULN:silver' should apply double damage from silver weapons, and 'IMMUNE:!magic' should apply immunity to all non-magical weapons. I am reviewing the damage script to make sure I haven't left anything out.
August 30th, 2020, 22:49
Another request: can we get a Crit and Fumble button for NPCs/Creatures; and tie it to the auto crit roll option?
Currently NPCs should auto-roll crits based on the crit die/table info in the NPC record. Describe how you would use these buttons in-game so I can understand better.
August 31st, 2020, 23:43
Ah, I had the auto-crit roll turned off that's why I missed that feature! We all good man, you're way ahead of me!
September 1st, 2020, 01:14
Ah, I had the auto-crit roll turned off that's why I missed that feature! We all good man, you're way ahead of me!
Ah good, then I can focus on some desktop decals. I will post some screenshots because the images are really big. Might need some feedback...
September 2nd, 2020, 12:23
Here's an example of one of the new decals - I believe this is from the DM screen. The originals are very large images, and decals are not (900 x 600 px). The image in the screenshot is in the middle of the range for size. I have about 10 that I want to add, and I might tweak (or replace) some of the existing decals.
September 3rd, 2020, 00:45
This is the new lineup of decals I am working on. The backgrounds are all transparent so ignore the black background on some of the images. Should have another update with these before the end of the month...
September 3rd, 2020, 04:29
Leo, while playing tonight we found that the "Color Spray" spell entries for Manifestation, Corruption, and Misfire are mixed up. See attached pic:39022
The Manifestation entry should be corruption; the Corruption entry should be misfire; and the Misfire entry should be manifestation.
The decals look cool, I use those for the "green screen" backdrop when I'm doing a video chat.
September 4th, 2020, 12:15
Weird... Thanks for picking that up. I will fix it!
September 5th, 2020, 03:21
I submitted updates for v1.1.5 which will be available on Tuesday in the Test channel for 1 week before going Live:
[Added] 'Spells' section to NPC combat tracker entry.
[Fixed] Reversed success threshold for Ability checks (roll higher) and Luck checks (roll lower).
[Added] New images for desktop decals extension.
[Fixed] Color Spray manifestation, corruption, and misfire fields transposed in spell record.
Incidentally, Color Spray (p. 153) does not follow the same format as the other spells in the rule book (Corruption-Misfire-Manifestation instead of Manifestation-Corruption-Misfire) - hence the confusion.
September 5th, 2020, 03:29
I am running 2 games at the virtual convention "Bride-of-Cyclops Con" next month. Registration opens September 20, and the convention runs from October 16-18 if anyone is interested!
I am not planning any feature updates for the ruleset before then (other than bug fixes) to avoid any issues during the con.
September 6th, 2020, 00:49
Leo, is it possible to have specific Combat Tracker Effects for SAVE and CHECK so you can add/subtract modifiers to individual stats, for example SAVE: Will 2 or SAVEWILL: 2 or CHECKAGI: 2 something like that? Right now the + Ability Effect works for raising or lowering the actual Ability Score not the Modifier itself. CHECK works but raises all modifiers at the same time.
Also, making the Cast Button on the Actions Tab (when in Actions Display) display only a Spellcheck or a Save cast depending on which one has data entered into it? If both, then both display.
September 6th, 2020, 04:46
Leo, is it possible to have specific Combat Tracker Effects for SAVE and CHECK so you can add/subtract modifiers to individual stats, for example SAVE: Will 2 or SAVEWILL: 2 or CHECKAGI: 2 something like that? Right now the + Ability Effect works for raising or lowering the actual Ability Score not the Modifier itself. CHECK works but raises all modifiers at the same time.
Hi Tabarkus... Yes, this is possible, and you were on the right track. The format should be 'SAVE: 2 willpower' or 'CHECK: 2 agility'. You can also specify bonuses for melee or ranged attacks - for example, 'ATK: 2 melee' or 'ATK: -2 ranged'.
Also, making the Cast Button on the Actions Tab (when in Actions Display) display only a Spellcheck or a Save cast depending on which one has data entered into it? If both, then both display.
That's a good idea, I can definitely do that.
I am also going to add the crit and fumble roll buttons to the NPC sheet, and allow GMs to specify the fumble die in the Armor Class field. You will be able to either enter the AC as '12 (leather)' to describe the type of armor worn, or simply enter '12 (fumble d8)' to specify the die more directly. Your previous comment got me thinking about how crit and fumble rolls for NPCs are only really triggered by the attack roll, and it would be good to have some manual control over that.
September 7th, 2020, 04:18
Just want to say I got Fantasy Grounds Unity specifically to run DCC on it. and after getting the Ruleset I'm pretty excited to get it going. Thanks!
September 8th, 2020, 02:35
Another minor display issue, not sure if it's a bug. When casting wizard spells, the spell table results are not displayed in the chat box when it is a failure. It just reads [LOST, FAILURE, AND WORSE!] or [FAILURE] as opposed to the table results such as [Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-2) corruption; (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (4+) misfire.]; [Lost. Failure.], or [Failure, but spell is not lost.]. It would be nice if the failure results also printed to chat, especially as a reminder to new Judges that a spell is lost or not. I keep forgetting this result for wizards in my games.
September 8th, 2020, 18:58
Harley Stroh has been known to refer to damage types for weapons in his adventures, which is a thing in 3.5E but not officially in DCC.
That was actually used in D&D2E. In the PHB pg90, Table 52, there is a small chart "Weapon Type vs. Armor Modifiers". Its actually quite neat allowing certain small +/- modifiers when certain weapons (Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeon) are used against certain armors. We still use it to this day. Its fun. Opens up a lot of doors for unique weapons and armors.
September 9th, 2020, 01:46
Another minor display issue, not sure if it's a bug. When casting wizard spells, the spell table results are not displayed in the chat box when it is a failure. It just reads [LOST, FAILURE, AND WORSE!] or [FAILURE] as opposed to the table results such as [Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-2) corruption; (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (4+) misfire.]; [Lost. Failure.], or [Failure, but spell is not lost.]. It would be nice if the failure results also printed to chat, especially as a reminder to new Judges that a spell is lost or not. I keep forgetting this result for wizards in my games.
That’s a good suggestion, Tabarkus. I have it set up for successful spell checks only, but I hadn’t considered the finer details of a failure. I can include that in my next update.
September 9th, 2020, 01:53
Just want to say I got Fantasy Grounds Unity specifically to run DCC on it. and after getting the Ruleset I'm pretty excited to get it going. Thanks!
I think you’ll like it, Ogrebeef! Let me know if you need any guidance. Once you get the basics down, it’s not too bad, but we can help if you need it...
September 9th, 2020, 01:56
That was actually used in D&D2E. In the PHB pg90, Table 52, there is a small chart "Weapon Type vs. Armor Modifiers". Its actually quite neat allowing certain small +/- modifiers when certain weapons (Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeon) are used against certain armors. We still use it to this day. Its fun. Opens up a lot of doors for unique weapons and armors.
Ah yes, that’s a classic table. I think 1E had that too. We mostly ignored it, but I am familiar with that gem :)
September 19th, 2020, 16:21
Hey leozelig, I've come up with a couple of other ideas I'd love to see.
1) I am currently using the Note field of the Spell window of each spell on the Actions Tab (see image) to record the Manifestation and Mercurial Magic results so the player can easily remember them. I love the automation of Fantasy Grounds and though it would be great to have Manifestation and Mercurial Magic results have their own fields that could be toggled to print to the chat display when a spell is cast. Perhaps in a different font to allow for better differentiation between the three elements of spellcasting: Manifestation/Mercurial Magic/Spell Results. I like the dynamics that manifestation and mercurial magic add to the DCC game and this would bring them out more prominently in game play.
2) Creating cascading table results for when a spellcheck is a natural 1 so any results for Corruption and/or Misfires would be automatically rolled and displayed to the chatbox would be awesome as well. Just like Critical Hit rolls currently work. This one sounds like a lot of work creating the tables but I think it'd be cool. I love the automation of Fantasy Grounds which is why I use it because it really speeds up combat.
September 19th, 2020, 18:14
Hey leozelig, I've come up with a couple of other ideas I'd love to see.
1) I am currently using the Note field of the Spell window of each spell on the Actions Tab (see image) to record the Manifestation and Mercurial Magic results so the player can easily remember them. I love the automation of Fantasy Grounds and though it would be great to have Manifestation and Mercurial Magic results have their own fields that could be toggled to print to the chat display when a spell is cast. Perhaps in a different font to allow for better differentiation between the three elements of spellcasting: Manifestation/Mercurial Magic/Spell Results. I like the dynamics that manifestation and mercurial magic add to the DCC game and this would bring them out more prominently in game play.
2) Creating cascading table results for when a spellcheck is a natural 1 so any results for Corruption and/or Misfires would be automatically rolled and displayed to the chatbox would be awesome as well. Just like Critical Hit rolls currently work. This one sounds like a lot of work creating the tables but I think it'd be cool. I love the automation of Fantasy Grounds which is why I use it because it really speeds up combat.
Those are good suggestions and yes, a hefty investment of time... but possible. I have considered changing the Notes field to Mercurial Magic, which is really the intended purpose of that. After you drag the spell to your char sheet, you can change the manifestation field to only show the specific one for you. That would simplify the coding for a chat message for those two fields. We would probably want an optional setting for showing these or not.
I have wanted to include misfire tables for spells in some form, possibly making rollable tables, although that would vastly increase the number of tables. I like your idea of entering these in a data file much better.
I have a couple products I’m working on, but I will see what I can do. Thanks as always for helping to improve the ruleset!
September 19th, 2020, 18:17
I finally fixed the minisheet script error. It fell off my radar for awhile, but all good now...
September 19th, 2020, 19:28
Hello I'm trying to figure out some effect coding. I'm trying to Ignore 2 point of damage received from each attack and raise Fort saves one die higher on the die chain. For the Ignores 2 point of damage I attempted to use DR but it appeared that it would only stop the first 2 damage received. For the die increase of the fort save I was able to use "DIESAV:1" to raise all the saves, but could not figure out how to make it effect Fort only.
September 20th, 2020, 13:01
Hi Boobrother,
Thanks for the question... To raise only your Fort saves, use the effect 'DIESAV:1 fortitude'. That works for attacks (melee or ranged) or abilities (strength, agility, etc.) also - for example, 'DIEATK:1 melee' raises the action die for melee attacks only. The same goes for numerical modifiers (i.e. 'SAVE: 2 fortitude' for +2 bonus to fortitude saves).
Can you clarify what you want the damage reduction to do? Is the NPC dealing damage more than once on its turn and only the first damage is being ignored? It's possible that FG cannot do what you need, but I want to make sure I understand the question first. Post more details for me if you can...
September 20th, 2020, 18:50
The effect is for a 3rd party Drunken Monk class. When drunk they get the following effects: "When under the effects of alcohol a drunken monk ignores 2 point of damage and makes all attack and physical rolls (including Fort saves) at a d24". I read it as each time they are attacked they reduce the damage taken by 2. Thanks in advance. On facebook people were talking about the advantages of different VTT programs, I listed your assistance, availability, and continual feature upgrades as a major selling point of DCC Fantasy Grounds!
September 20th, 2020, 22:41
The effect is for a 3rd party Drunken Monk class. When drunk they get the following effects: "When under the effects of alcohol a drunken monk ignores 2 point of damage and makes all attack and physical rolls (including Fort saves) at a d24". I read it as each time they are attacked they reduce the damage taken by 2. Thanks in advance. On facebook people were talking about the advantages of different VTT programs, I listed your assistance, availability, and continual feature upgrades as a major selling point of DCC Fantasy Grounds!
I appreciate that Boobrother!
I feel like DR:2 should work for that, but I will check it out. I did recently update the damage script so maybe something is off. Certainly the intention is for that effect to do what you’re asking.
September 21st, 2020, 04:03
The "reflex", "fortitude", and "willpower" designators do not seem to be working with SAVE or DIESAV; on either platform FGC or FGU. I know they were working before. In fact I am getting script errors when using any of these designators with an effect. Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_string.lua"]:81: attempt to get length of local 'set' (a nil value)
September 21st, 2020, 12:29
I fixed the DR issue. It wasn’t applying when the damage was higher than the DR value. The update will hit the Test channel this Tuesday or next and then Live the Tuesday after that.
I updated the save script to fix the DC bug with Luck checks and get the party sheet saves working. The changes were not much, so I’m sure it’s a simple fix.
Thanks for the bug reports...
September 21st, 2020, 12:33
Just a side comment... Damage reduction for DCC isn’t really addressed in the core rules to my knowledge. As I recall, it’s mentioned in the mummy NPC stats and description, but it’s unclear if it functions like 3.5E rules. I have implemented it as a straight damage adjustment without the nuances of 3.5E DR. If anyone has a different understanding of this, let me know!
September 22nd, 2020, 01:51
I submitted a fix for the script error generated by typed modifiers in effects bonuses (i.e. SAVE:2 fortitude). The normal testing process takes a couple weeks before you will see this in the Live version, but you can get this in the Test channel sooner - I'm guessing next Tuesday for Test, and 10/6 for Live.
September 25th, 2020, 18:50
Hello Leozelig! I hope you are doing well during these crazy times!! I just want to thank you for all of your hard work on DCC. Its awesome and totally appreciated!
I have a wizard that gets to use a D30 roll when casting one of his spells. So, when cast normally (with the spell roll using a d20), everything works as it should. The spell effect comes into the dialouge box and everything! Its awesome. However, for that particular spell, when we hit the +2 die, then cast the spell from the tab under his spells, the die roll works no problem (a D30 result comes up). However, none of the spell effects come into the dialouge box. I also tried to change the actual spell 'die' for that spell to d30 on the PC sheet. I was not able to do that. At least, i couldnt figure that out? Maybe if I did that it would work as intended? Not sure. Either way, it would be good if we could see the spell effects with changes in the dice chain whether down or up if you get what i am saying?
I hope I have been clear enough and you get what I mean? If not, please let me know and Ill try and explain differently.
September 26th, 2020, 05:17
DMrabs, I tested this in live Unity. The +2d button did not produce a chat display from the spell table. However, when I went in and changed the die on the character sheet it worked properly. The way you change the spellcheck die manually follows:
1) On the Actions Tab of the Character sheet open the spell details by clicking on the 'magnifying glass' at the end of the spell entry; this lists out the cast action and spell effects individually.
2) Click on the 'magnifying glass' at the end of the Cast/Save entry; this opens a SPELL/ABILITY CHECK window that details the CHECK/SAVE/ON SAVE information.
3) Right click the 'Dice' field on CHECK and use the radial menu to "Clear Dice".
4) Drag and Drop the d30 die into the 'Dice' field and you're all good to go.
Hope this helps.
September 26th, 2020, 05:33
Bug Report: Using FG Unity and FG Classic; with the DCC RPG Annual "specialty" cleric (such as Cleric of Shul), when dragging and dropping level advancement the 'Attack' field and 'Spellcheck' field do not update properly and I get the following error.
"Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:1336: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)
It works properly for the standard cleric from the Core rulebook.
September 26th, 2020, 18:39
Tab!! Thank you SO much! Im such a rookie. its ridiculous actually. I followed what you did and it now works perfectly. Thank you again! Sorry for wasting peeps time with this one. Cheers, Ryan
September 26th, 2020, 20:05
It's all good man, I learn new things about FG and specific rulesets continuously. The questions you ask may be the same one someone else has.
October 11th, 2020, 20:48
I have several one-shot games using the DCC RPG ruleset for an online convention hosted by Goodman Games next weekend, October 17 & 18! There is a small fee for attending the convention $5 for a badge and $4 per game. Not many games are available on Fantasy Grounds. See my listed games here:
October 20th, 2020, 00:02
I have several one-shot games using the DCC RPG ruleset for an online convention hosted by Goodman Games next weekend, October 17 & 18! There is a small fee for attending the convention $5 for a badge and $4 per game. Not many games are available on Fantasy Grounds. See my listed games here:
How did the games go, Tabarkus? It looked like you were able to mostly fill your games. I had a full table for Shadow Under Devil's Reef on Friday night, but then I only had 2 players sign up for Blood for the Serpent King on Sunday so we cancelled. I also played in the DCC Open Tournament (Return to the Starless Sea) and a playtest game with Michael Curtis, and those were tons of fun.
Also, thanks for helping with DMrabs' question. I'll have to check on why the casting table results don't show with the dice swap desktop button. I usually get an email when someone posts but not this time, and I have been busy the last few weeks so I missed that post.
I assume your DCC Annual bug occurred after I submitted my update a few weeks ago, but I will check on that.
I picked up a few minor bugs myself, so I will knock these out soon:
* Backstab attack for blowgun generates script error when item dropped to inventory
* Item 'Hammer, small' in Equipment table (Table 3-4) links to hammer weapon (from Trained Weapon column in Occupations table)
* Formatting issue for 'Patron Bond' casting table
* Skill die for 'Cast spell from scroll' not adding to thief skills on class drop
I should have another round of updates out soon. I am a little backed up with new features, but feel free to make suggestions if you have them...
October 22nd, 2020, 00:56
I had originally scheduled 4 games; two of those didn't pan out so I cancelled them. It's a tough call on whether to leave a game up hoping on last minute players. But the two games I ran went very well, good strong group that ran well together. And the games I cancelled allowed me to join two as a player including Blood for the Serpent King which was a ton of fun.
Looking forward to the upcoming updates!
October 26th, 2020, 06:38
I expect to submit an update this week, which includes a bunch of minor updates and bug fixes.
Here is a partial list:
Crit and fumble roll buttons on NPC sheets.
NPC sheets can specify the fumble die in the AC field.
Placeholder text will be added for bonus languages due to Intelligence.
New spells are automatically marked as prepared when dropped to the char sheet.
Blank saving throw actions for spells are hidden in 'Combat' mode.
Specific invoke patron spells for each patron.
NPC entries for the four types of familiars.
Casting table results will now display in the chat window when a dice swap button is pressed (bug fix).
That's probably half of them. I'm going to save the spell failure chat message for the next update because it involves a lot of data entry, and I will try to include some of the other chat message options for spells in that update as well, such as displaying the mercurial magic effect and manifestation. I haven't abandoned the idea of auto-rolling misfire and corruption results, but I believe that would involve a massive amount of data entry (if it's even possible).
October 27th, 2020, 04:55
I created a module for "Lost, Failure, and Worse" nested tables with Corruption, Misfire, and Patron Taint tables for every core spell. Then I somehow corrupted the module and lost it all. So I have to redo it. That was a lot of data entry!
October 27th, 2020, 13:24
I created a module for "Lost, Failure, and Worse" nested tables with Corruption, Misfire, and Patron Taint tables for every core spell. Then I somehow corrupted the module and lost it all. So I have to redo it. That was a lot of data entry!
I recommend celestian’s Table Import extension if the data is in table format. That won’t help with misfire tables of course. I need to start breaking things down into categories - tables, items, npcs... The library has become enormous at this point. Thank goodness for the search bar!
October 28th, 2020, 20:22
I submitted a bunch of updates that should hit the 'Test' channel on Tue Nov 3 and go live on Tue Nov 10 if testing goes smoothly. I will try to post some screenshots of a few updated features before it goes out.
Looking ahead, I have a list started for the next update that you can expect probably in December:
Generate a chat message for failed spell checks based on casting table results
Create an option to generate a chat message for the spell manifestation and mercurial magic effect on a successful spell check roll
Parse the NPC crit threshold from the special properties field using the format 'crit on <threat range>' (the format in the core rules)
Add new art from 8th printing
Keep in mind that is just a working list and not final in any way...
October 28th, 2020, 22:58
Awesome! I will hold off on redoing my own tables for spell corruption and misfire! Thankfully, that's a lot of data entry.
October 28th, 2020, 23:15
I was leaning towards auto-rolling corruption/misfire based on the spell check result and using a data file for chat messaging rather than creating (tons of) rollable tables, which would make the core rules modules enormous. It takes a little while for the modules to load from the library as it is.
October 29th, 2020, 00:48
Here is the list of updates for DCC RPG 1.1.6:
[Updated] Fumble die for NPCs may be specified in ‘AC’ field – for example, ‘11 (fumble d8)’ will roll a d8, and ‘15 (scale mail and shield)’ will roll a d12.
[Added] Buttons created on NPC sheet for crit and fumble rolls.
[Added] Placeholder added for bonus languages based on intelligence – for example, ‘Two additional languages for Int bonus’.
[Updated] No additional languages other than Common are added to the char sheet for occupation/class drops when Int score is less than 8.
[Updated] ‘Notes’ label in spell record changed to ‘Mercurial Magic’.
[Removed] Tooltip text for ‘Notes’ field in spell record.
[Fixed] Spells on Actions tab were not displaying in ‘Combat’ mode for wizards and elves (i.e. when ‘Spells by Level’ values all equal 0).
[Updated] Save actions are hidden in ‘Combat’ mode if no saving throw is specified.
[Updated] New spells are automatically marked as prepared (i.e. not lost) when dropped to char sheet.
[Updated] ‘Prepared’ value in power group dialog box on Actions tab is automatically set to 1 for new spell groups and updated to ‘Spells by Level’ value if applicable for existing spell groups.
[Fixed] Script error generated for ranged backstab weapons (e.g. blowgun) when dropped to char sheet.
[Fixed] Skills with dice strings in ‘Advancement’ section (e.g. ‘Cast spell from scroll’ for thief class) were not applying to the skills list for class drops.
[Fixed] Casting table results do not display in chat window when dice swap desktop button is pressed.
[Updated] General rolls from the desktop will display the die value when a dice swap button is pressed.
[Fixed] ‘Hammer, small’ result in Table 3-4: Equipment links to the trained weapon item from the occupations table instead of the equipment item.
[Fixed] ‘Patron Bond’ spell record displaying extra column lines in casting table for result 12-13.
[Updated] Trained weapons include parenthetical phrase from ‘Table 1-3: Occupation’ – for example, ‘Hammer (as club)’.
[Added] NPC entries created for familiars (guardian, focal, arcane, and demonic).
[Added] Specific invoke patron spells created for each supernatural patron.
October 30th, 2020, 22:57
A question/thought Leo, is it possible in FG to make the chat display of Spell Manifestation and Mercurial Magic display in a different color and/or font? Seems to me that that would help with chat text differentiation with a large volume of text.
October 30th, 2020, 23:05
Yes that’s the plan... I’ve never done it for a chat message, but I believe it’s possible.
November 10th, 2020, 15:54
Hey guys,
Thank you for all of the fantastic updates and work that has been going on! I can tell you fully that the crew loves it.
Not sure if its just on my end, however we did run last night (first time since last update), and we had a lot of problems. None of us could make our attack rolls or damage rolls on tokens or creatures in the game (dragging the die or attack/ damage onto a token). Every time one of us tried we would get multiple errors or it simply would not let us. It did not matter because we could still roll the dice in the 'dice box' normally, and then manually input everything. BUT nothing was working for any dice rolls or effects on actual PC's or monsters if that makes sense.
Anyways, all good. I am sure it will sort itself out. Again, thank you all for the hard work with these incredible updates. Just letting you know that something is def not right with my game at the moment.
November 10th, 2020, 18:58
Hey guys,
Thank you for all of the fantastic updates and work that has been going on! I can tell you fully that the crew loves it.
Not sure if its just on my end, however we did run last night (first time since last update), and we had a lot of problems. None of us could make our attack rolls or damage rolls on tokens or creatures in the game (dragging the die or attack/ damage onto a token). Every time one of us tried we would get multiple errors or it simply would not let us. It did not matter because we could still roll the dice in the 'dice box' normally, and then manually input everything. BUT nothing was working for any dice rolls or effects on actual PC's or monsters if that makes sense.
Anyways, all good. I am sure it will sort itself out. Again, thank you all for the hard work with these incredible updates. Just letting you know that something is def not right with my game at the moment.
Thanks for the report. I will definitely check that, Are you using the Unity version? Was there an error message, or did it just not work? I didn’t intentionally change anything with targeting and attack/damage rolls, but it sounds like that’s where the issue is. I will do some testing on my end and get back to you.
November 10th, 2020, 19:50
Leo!!! Whats up!!?? ;)
Yes, we were using Unity. All of us got script error messages when we did it, all players on their end and me as well. I am not sure how to copy the error messages for you to see? Thanks for checking regardless.
Cheers, ryan
November 11th, 2020, 01:48
There is a copy to clipboard button in the console window that pops up when the script error occurs, but I will check it out. Thanks again for the report - hope it didn’t mess with your game night too much!
EDIT: I wasn't able to reproduce the script error. Maybe you can paste the error message from the console window for me, and I can figure it out from there.
November 11th, 2020, 03:53
"General rolls from the desktop will display the die value when a dice swap button is pressed."
When I roll a die from the desktop with a dice swap button pressed I get a script error.
November 11th, 2020, 12:34
Ok, I see the error - it's the same problem in both cases DMrabs and Tabarkus, and it seems to be unique to FGU. Here are the errors:
Handler error: [string "scripts/manager_action_attack.lua"]:403: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a table value)
Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_actions2.lua"]:11: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a table value)
In both cases, they point to this line of code:
rRoll.sDesc = rRoll.sDesc .. " (" .. rRoll.aDice[1] .. ")";
...which simply appends the string value of the first die rolled to the chat message. I suspect this is probably a widespread error, since this line of code exists anywhere the die value is displayed in the chat message. Interestingly, this line of code has not changed since before DCC became an officially-supported ruleset, so I suspect this is a Unity conflict and not a bug with the latest updates for DCC. Regardless, I will get it fixed.
Thanks for the bug report...
November 11th, 2020, 13:16
you probably want one of these:
rRoll.sDesc = rRoll.sDesc .. " (" .. rRoll.aDice[1].value .. ")";
rRoll.sDesc = rRoll.sDesc .. " (" .. rRoll.aDice[1].result .. ")";
Im guessing...
November 11th, 2020, 13:28
It works with my test ruleset, and I believe the syntax is correct - see screenshot. It looks like Unity automatically displays the first die value, so maybe I don't even need this code any more - that would be wonderful.
EDIT: To clarify, it works in the Live channel using a copy of my updated DCC ruleset. I'm wondering if the conflict is with the Test version of CoreRPG...
Moon Wizard
November 11th, 2020, 17:46
The dragdata dice data object returned by FGU always returns the dice data in the format { #1 = { 'type' = 'd6' }, #2 = { 'type' = 'd6' }, ... } or { #1 = { 'type' = 'd6', 'result' = #4 }, #2 = { 'type' = 'd6', 'result' = #2 }, ... }. In FGC, it fluctuated between a straight string list { #1 = 'd6', #2 = 'd6' } and the other format, depending on where it is in the roll cycle.
Since that information gets saved under rRoll.aDice; then any manipulation or usage of the rRoll.aDice field needs to check the type (i.e. type(rRoll.aDice[1]) == 'table')) before maniuplating or using.
November 11th, 2020, 18:45
Thank you, JPG - that helps a ton actually. Looks like damned was correct, so thanks to him, too.
I am going to consider whether we still need that in the roll description since it now displays over the die icon. Or maybe for now I will just submit a fix.
EDIT: I'm just going to remove those lines of code since they are redundant with the default roll output now. I do need to update some other bits of code based on that info however - for example, the dice chain CT effects are probably not working.
November 12th, 2020, 22:35
I submitted the bug fix today. According to Smiteworks policy, you will get this on Tue Nov 17. Sorry for the disruption, I was not aware that the dice data format had changed.
November 13th, 2020, 18:39
In addition to fixing the bug for dice rolls, I added a couple more things to the Tue Nov 17 update:
[Fixed] Filters for ability check effects were not working - i.e., 'CHECK: 2 strength' was applying to all ability checks instead of strength checks only.
[Updated] Dice chain effects now accept filters as follows:
DIEATK: melee, ranged
DIECHK: strength, agility, stamina, personality, intelligence, luck
DIESAV: reflex, fortitude, willpower
DIESKILL: <skill name>
So, adding the effect 'DIEATK: 1 melee' increases your action die for melee attacks from a d20 to a d24, but ranged attacks still roll a d20. Don't ask me why you would want to do that, but now it's possible ;)
Moon Wizard
November 13th, 2020, 18:43
I've pushed the updates to the Test channel for the most recent updates that @leozelig made.
November 13th, 2020, 18:54
I've pushed the updates to the Test channel for the most recent updates that @leozelig made.
Oh nice, thank you Moon!
November 23rd, 2020, 04:31
This is still very much a work in progress, but I am working on the chat message for spell manifestation and mercurial magic. I created an option for each - set to off by default, so nothing to do if you don't want this feature. These will display if the spell check is successful, the option is turned on, and the field is not blank on the spell record. After dropping a spell to your character sheet, you will need to update the 'Manifestation' field so it only shows the specific manifestation for your character.
Feel free to leave suggestions...
November 23rd, 2020, 13:41
Awesome! Thanks for the updates. Players will love this for sure!
November 26th, 2020, 15:54
Another feature I'm working on... Custom crit and fumble tables! You can use the buttons on the char sheet or NPC record to roll, or it will auto-roll based on your attack roll if that option is enabled. The NPC sheet is on the left, and the char sheet dialog box (linked from Attacks header on Actions tab) is on the right:
November 26th, 2020, 16:10
Custom crit and fumble tables, awesome! I can't wait to add in the Umerica Explosive and firearm tables. Once again you are going above and beyond. Thank you.
November 26th, 2020, 18:27
So I'd be able to create Star Crawl classic crit tables?!!
November 28th, 2020, 15:49
Yes, crits and fumbles will auto-roll from tables, so anything that can be a rollable table can be a crit or fumble table. Nice, huh...
November 28th, 2020, 16:21
I am working on the chat messaging for spell results. I decided to separate the casting table message from the roll message, and I created separate messages for the manifestation and mercurial magic effect. I'm still deciding on the colors, which I pulled from Stefan Poag's space van art. I'm leaning towards failure = red, success = green, manifestation = pink, and mercurial magic = blue. Don't ask why my cleric has a mercurial magic effect, he's just special...
I also changed the prepared (or more accurately, lost) button for spells since the checkbox was pretty small, unexciting, and maybe a little confusing.
November 28th, 2020, 19:16
That's so nice, thank you! What's the ETA on this feature?
November 28th, 2020, 19:54
Planning to hit the test channel by Tue Dec 7. I am trying to finish auto-rolls for spell misfire and corruption, but that might have to wait.
November 28th, 2020, 19:56
Nice! Thank you for all this work!
November 28th, 2020, 23:29
Actually, I was just reviewing the corruption section, and I found this:
Some results will further direct the player to roll on one of the corruption tables: minor, major, or greater. If this is required, the roll is 1d10 minus the spell’s level plus the wizard’s Luck modifier.
I will need to let this one incubate a little longer. My main concern right now is the large number of misfire and corruption tables needed to run this. The core rules module already takes a few seconds to open due to its size. Patron taint might need to remain a manual roll since you can theoretically have more than one patron - not sure how common that is though.
December 2nd, 2020, 22:44
Update 1.9 submitted for your approval...
[Updated] Chat message displays casting table results for failed spell checks
[Added] CRIT effect for improved critical threat range, same as 5E ruleset (i.e. ‘CRIT: 18’ applies improved critical threat range 18-20)
[Updated] NPC improved critical threat range parses from NPC special properties "crit on #-#" if not specified in attack line
[Fixed] NPC attack die not parsing from ‘Action Dice’ field if not specified in attack line
[Fixed] Class field not displaying on minisheet
[Updated] Mercurial Magic label in spell record shortened to Merc. Magic
[Added] Options created to display manifestation and mercurial magic effect in chat on successful spell check
[Added] Char sheet fields for custom crit and fumble tables in Weapon Meta dialog box - name must match the table name exactly (case-sensitive) for auto-roll option
[Updated] NPC Crit Table/Die field will accept custom crit table name - must match table name exactly (case-sensitive) for auto-roll option
[Added] NPC Fumble field to specify custom fumble table and die, format <table name>/<fumble die>
[Updated] NPC fumble roll button moved from AC to Fumble field
[Updated] NPC crit and fumble roll buttons hide if associated fields are empty
[Updated] If NPC Fumble field is empty, fumble die parses from AC parenthetical text or defaults to d4 and rolls on the standard fumbles table
[Updated] Spell preparation icons on char sheet Actions tab changed from checkbox for improved visibility
[Updated] Chat message for casting table result separated from spell check roll with unique font color
[Added] NPC record for Animated Rope (from Ropework spell)
[Updated] Character minisheet button moved to upper right corner
[Added] New art from 8th printing to reference manual and image library (old art remains in the image library)
[Updated] Option ‘Attack: Auto crit/fumble roll’ moved to Combat category, and option ‘Chat: Show casting table result’ moved to Game category in Options menu
(Expected availability on Test channel Tue Dec 8)
December 2nd, 2020, 22:48
In case you don't already know, there is a hidden message spread among the art in the core rules. I believe the message was updated for the latest printing and is contained in the new art assets, which are labeled in the image library as 8th Printing. It requires some decoding, which is most of the fun.
December 4th, 2020, 23:55
Cool stuff! Thanks again for all the work. One question: is there a way or could there be a way to make mass NPC saving throw rolls for NPCs that are on the combat tracker? My players were facing 20+ beastmen the other night and an Invoke Patron spell covered the whole lot of them. I ended up just rolling 20d20s but if it were automated it would be much easier to assign effects after the fact.
December 5th, 2020, 00:28
I believe if the player targets them all, and then clicks the save button for the spell, it will roll saves for all the targets. If the “remove on miss” option is enabled, it should un-target any NPCs that make the save.
December 5th, 2020, 02:35
You're absolutely correct. I can't believe I didn't realize that mechanism works the same as the 5e ruleset. Now I feel dumb; delighted but dumb. And it adjusts the DC to the spellcheck rolled; awesome!
December 5th, 2020, 12:52
It’s probably a commonly overlooked feature. If a player targets before the spell check, it will auto-roll saves if the check is successful. Useful as long as the spell doesn’t have different saves based on the roll result...
The base spell check detail has fields for last and best rolls. The last roll field is where the save DC comes from. Best is just for fun.
December 8th, 2020, 16:38
Working on the next update.
I am adding fields for melee/missile attack and damage modifiers to allow an easier way of entering those lucky roll modifiers. You can find this in the Weapon Meta dialog box linked in the Attacks header on the Actions tab...
December 8th, 2020, 17:59
Also planning to clean up the skills list. The blank field will look similar to the spell check roll summary, but it's blank in the screenshot for now. I am going to add a class bonus field separate from the miscellaneous bonus for clarity. If you prefer the current skills list, let me know. I want a more streamlined look personally.
December 8th, 2020, 21:32
In case you don't already know, there is a hidden message spread among the art in the core rules. I believe the message was updated for the latest printing and is contained in the new art assets, which are labeled in the image library as 8th Printing. It requires some decoding, which is most of the fun.
Just loaded up the latest DCC ruleset and was paging through the Reference Manual and got "Database Error: Invalid file xxx" messages throughout the book. I think they are on the new assests... we don't appear to have come through.
NOTE: Spoiler to hidden message maybe?
These are the images that did not come through on my update.
on the Credits page
on the Languages page
on the Equipment page
on the Critical Hits page
images/criticalhits8.jpg on the Critical Hits page
on the Spellburn page
on Bobugbubilz page
on Obitu-Que page
on A Sense of Scale page
Just thought I would let you know.
December 8th, 2020, 21:39
Just loaded up the latest DCC ruleset and was paging through the Reference Manual and got "Database Error: Invalid file (images/credits8.jpg)" on Credits page.
Just thought I would let you know.
Thanks, K-1! I will fix that. Leaving the art from the 7th printing in the library made things a little more complicated. I will take another look to see if I missed anything else. Here is a list of updated images if anyone is interested:
CH. 1
Languages p. 20
CH. 3
Equipment p. 70
Ammunition and Armor Tables p. 72
CH. 4
Critical hits p. 81
CH. 5
Spellburn p. 108
Binding p. 270
True Name p. 292
Righteous Fire p. 301
CH. 7
Bottomfeeder Bond p. 329
Azi Dahaka p. 332
Obitu-que p. 354
CH. 8
Magic Items p. 364
December 8th, 2020, 21:54
Wow, you got to my update before I finished editing for the other images that were missing. You are amazing!
December 8th, 2020, 22:06
Well maybe not so amazing... Some of the files (including the new images) failed to upload to Smiteworks last week - my fault not theirs. I fixed the problem and requested an update ASAP. Until then, my apologies for the Test channel chaos you will experience. You should probably stick to the Live channel until the update goes out.
December 9th, 2020, 13:03
A hotfix has been pushed to the Test channel - should be working now! Thanks for your patience.
December 9th, 2020, 13:26
If anyone wants to try and find the secret message in the new 8th printing, the key for reading the runes is in the art on the languages page. HINT: The message contains every letter of the alphabet and is commonly used to display font samples.
The new skill list is coming along. I might remove the row shading, but otherwise everything is working. You can click the roll button or the dice string to make the check...
Other things I'm planning or considering for the next update:
* Min damage set to 0 instead of 1 (bug fix)
* Label for custom fumble table name resized to fit
* Added melee/missile attack and damage modifiers to Weapon Meta dialog box (see post #417)
* Desktop dice swap buttons will apply to first die of damage and heal rolls
* Add funky dice roll buttons to the desktop?
* Add spell "fumble", misfire, and corruption tables? Auto-roll on spell fumble? So many tables (200+) will increase load time for core rules module, will test...
* Add categories for table, item, and NPC records?
December 9th, 2020, 20:48
I'd like to see what adding the funky dice buttons would look like; I have mixed feelings on that one.
December 9th, 2020, 23:20
Me too! I will post some screenshots before I commit to anything ;)
December 10th, 2020, 04:18
Two things I noticed in my game tonight Leo. The automatic crit roll is producing a script error: [string "scripts/manage action critical.lua"]:81: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil).
the second is the green color you chose for spell results output to chatbox is impossible to read. I have to copy and paste it back again to make it readable due to the color contrast.
December 10th, 2020, 12:22
Thanks for the bug report Tabarkus.
I can use the ooc and emote fonts for manifestation and mercurial magic.
The script error is an easy fix - I will send that out later today.
December 11th, 2020, 00:59
I am using fonts from CoreRPG for spell messaging... Feedback or suggestions are welcome.
December 11th, 2020, 01:17
I fixed the script error for critical hit and fumble rolls, so that should get to you on Tuesday.
December 12th, 2020, 04:35
Those colors and fonts are readable to me.
December 13th, 2020, 12:23
I am thinking of adding an effect modifier 'ALL' that applies to init, atk, spell, dmg, heal, save, check, and skill rolls. There are a few spell effects and other things (poison, curse, etc.) that affect all rolls, and one effect might be nice. Let me know if you have any thoughts on this...
December 13th, 2020, 12:37
I have been spending some time on the Goodman Games Discord server, and the virtual tabletop channel is dominated by Foundry VTT people. I am having a very hard time watching people ask for DCC features that FG does very well and not launching into a rant. The Foundry app costs $50 and no license for DCC content... I truly do not get it.
December 13th, 2020, 17:07
I like the ALL effect modifier! Yeah, I played in a game run on Foundry where the Judge had entered massive amounts of information himself just to make it work for DCC. It was still by far substandard to FG. If people were logical we'd live in a different world.
Also a request: can you make the spell results print to chat in the order of Manifestation, Mercurial Magic, and then Spell Results? Actually I just want Manifestation first, the order of the other two don't really matter.
December 13th, 2020, 18:10
Yes, any order is possible. I might have another update soon, so I can change it then. I need to add occluders to the core rules adventure maps - I’ve been putting that off for awhile, and it should probably take priority over new features.
December 13th, 2020, 20:28
I have been spending some time on the Goodman Games Discord server, and the virtual tabletop channel is dominated by Foundry VTT people. I am having a very hard time watching people ask for DCC features that FG does very well and not launching into a rant. The Foundry app costs $50 and no license for DCC content... I truly do not get it.
Foundry is the big new shiny object.
Maybe you don't have to rant, but gently mention that FG does what the people in question are asking for (or is that considered bad form or impolite?)?
December 14th, 2020, 11:55
I won’t really. I recently responded to someone who was shopping for a VTT. He had the impression that Foundry was clearly the best choice, so I told him about FG. One of the Foundry people made a snarky comment about FG, but I blew it off. I’m just amazed that anyone would pay $50 to input a bunch of table data manually.
December 14th, 2020, 12:19
There are a few FG refugees who have jumped from FG for whatever reason(s) and seem to evangelise and deride wherever they go
December 14th, 2020, 17:18
My group considered Foundry, Roll20, and FG for our DCC games, each has it's own advantages. For us, FG seemed to offer the best value. Thanks leozelig, your hard work and effort is much appreciated. We're looking forward to starting our first adventure this week on FG platform.
December 15th, 2020, 18:57
My group considered Foundry, Roll20, and FG for our DCC games, each has it's own advantages. For us, FG seemed to offer the best value. Thanks leozelig, your hard work and effort is much appreciated. We're looking forward to starting our first adventure this week on FG platform.
Have fun! Let me know if you need help with anything
December 15th, 2020, 19:01
I have been wondering if there is a better place on the char sheet for the luck die. Also whether a ‘starting luck’ field is of any use. Way back when this was an unofficial community ruleset, the feedback was that the starting luck field was unnecessary and confusing.
December 15th, 2020, 23:26
I just use the miscellaneous bonus field and then write a judge's note to remind myself why someone has a bonus or bonuses. I think the frequency of occurrence is fairly low for when it would be useful, but I could be wrong.
December 17th, 2020, 05:15
Two things I noticed in my game tonight Leo. The automatic crit roll is producing a script error: [string "scripts/manage action critical.lua"]:81: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil).
I'm still getting this script error, was this in the last update?
December 17th, 2020, 12:08
Thanks for the bug report... I did submit a fix, so I will check the script again.
Do you remember who was making the roll - PC or NPC? What was the crit table setting - table I or something else? Was it an auto-roll triggered by the attack roll, or was it initiated from the crit roll button on the Actions tab?
December 17th, 2020, 13:31
I'm thinking it was a PC with the crit table set to I. That one escaped me somehow, but it should be fixed now - will update on Tuesday. Let's hope that does it ;)
December 17th, 2020, 19:34
I'm thinking it was a PC with the crit table set to I. That one escaped me somehow, but it should be fixed now - will update on Tuesday. Let's hope that does it ;)
PC table I for sure (was testing 0 level guys), but I also got it with a Lvl 1 Warrior, so might be Crit table III as well. Not sure about NPCs
December 18th, 2020, 01:14
Ok thanks. The bug fix seems to work for me, let’s hope everything is fixed for your next game
December 19th, 2020, 15:48
Hey Leo, I saw this dice image while watching FG Twitch Map & Image Creation video: 42151 I love what they did with showing the die number, it helps newbies a lot. But I'm curious what the "+" die is as it shows up as a physical die and not a button. Just curious if something like this would work for DCC.
December 19th, 2020, 17:21
Hey Leo, I saw this dice image while watching FG Twitch Map & Image Creation video: 42151 I love what they did with showing the die number, it helps newbies a lot. But I'm curious what the "+" die is as it shows up as a physical die and not a button. Just curious if something like this would work for DCC.
That's a Fate die - plus, minus, and blank sides. I have had requests to bundle all of the funky dice under the Fate die radial menu. I'm not sure how they got the numbers to show like that.
December 22nd, 2020, 17:20
Hey Leo,
The CRITS aren't working in my game. For players and for monsters. we all rollled them last game and all we got was errors from both sides on the tables (we had to look up the crit results and roll them ourselves). All good. Just thought you should know that none of the crits were working on either side in anyway.
And on another note, is there a way to change the color of the font in the box on games? whenever a result comes up that I have to read as the GM from one of my players (whether they have cast a spell and gotten a favourable result, or crit result (which didnt work this game but of course has in the past), etc...) the font is usually in a green color or some color that makes it really hard to read. is there a way to change that?
December 22nd, 2020, 18:36
Thanks DMrabs... Already addressed - see recent posts from Tabarkus. The updates go to the test channel first, and the crit table fix is scheduled to go out today. If everything is working, these updates will go live the following Tue (Dec 29) - that’s the update policy. Sorry for the disruption, help is on the way!
December 22nd, 2020, 18:54
Thanks Leo! I always seem to be behind the eightball on the reports. Thank you again for all your hard work on this! I hope you have a great Christmas season if you are celebrating. Cheers, Ryan
December 24th, 2020, 14:20
This is what it would look like if I moved all of the Zocchi (funky) dice to the Fate die. I could change the custom die icons to show the names (d5, d7, etc.), but you get the idea. This might be good for an extension so you can choose whatever layout you want.
December 24th, 2020, 21:00
Oh yeah, I like that! I keep forgetting where to find the current custom dice and have to go hunting them each time. I'm sure I'll learn them eventually but this is easier and more newbie friendly I think.
December 24th, 2020, 21:50
Dragging them to hotkeys is always an option. I will include the funky dice extension in the next update!
December 26th, 2020, 17:09
I made an extension to group all of the funky dice under the Fate die. No idea why the radial menu organizes the dice that way...
December 27th, 2020, 02:16
You can download the extension for grouping the funky dice under the Fate die and post any bugs/suggestions here (
December 30th, 2020, 01:51
My group still seems to be having some issues with the crit die.
I have 3 players.
We are all using Standard edition of FGU.
One has the DCC ruleset and everything seems to be working fine for him.
The other 2 players do not have any additional content, and get a script error (or possibly a compile error?) whenever they roll crit.
December 30th, 2020, 12:49
Thanks, I will look into it. I ran a game recently and had no issues. When you get a chance, take a look at their char sheets (including the one who had no issues) and let me know what everyone has for their crit settings.
December 30th, 2020, 23:30
Doesn't work; Lvl 1 Warrior. d12 / III
Doesn't work; Lvl 1 Cleric. d8 / III
Works; Lvl 2 Warrior d14 / III (until last session was lvl 1, and worked then too)
One player cleared said he cleared his app data (I'm not sure what that means) and tried again.
Everyone is updated to latest version as well.
Luckily, we can just roll manually, so it's not game breaking.
December 31st, 2020, 12:39
Thanks, I will take a look at it. Are you running any extensions? If so, disable them and try again. In the meantime, I will test on my end.
January 1st, 2021, 04:02
Just your weirdo dice one.
January 1st, 2021, 15:05
RaSepReTep, I'm unable to reproduce this critical hit error on my system. I've tried every combination I can think of but get no errors. Can you post a picture of their character sheets with the Combat meta window open. That's the only area I could think of that would produce an error.
January 1st, 2021, 15:32
I can't reproduce it either. Make sure you are running the latest version of the DCC ruleset (v1.9), which displays in the chat window on load. If we can't sort it out with a screenshot, you can export one of the PCs triggering the error and send me the xml file.
A couple of announcements:
I will be sending the latest update (v1.10) soon, which should download to the Test channel by Tue Jan 12 and, if all goes well, will hit the Live channel on Jan 19.
In case you missed it, I posted ( another extension resurrecting a cool desktop decal I commissioned from the great fantasy artist Stefan Poag ( He creates a ton of art for Goodman Games, and I was pleasantly surprised he took me up on the offer.
For the funky dice extension, I updated the icon for the d14 in the radial menu so the spacing matches the other double-digit numbers... really minor but if you care about such things, just re-download from the Dropbox link. The thread for the extension is here (
Hoping to get some tutorial videos up soon!
Happy new year!
January 2nd, 2021, 02:33
It actually rolls fine for me too, it's just when the player initiates the roll from their sheet. I'll do some more investigation during our next session and see what I can find out.
January 2nd, 2021, 17:55
Great, let me know how it goes! I will test from the player side in the meantime.
January 2nd, 2021, 19:50
So, I'm pretty sure I figured out the issue with player crit and fumble rolls. The ruleset is trying to match the table name from the character sheet with a table in the library, and it's not finding one because the core rules module isn't loaded. Ask your players to load the core rules player module, and that should fix it. As an alternative, you can try setting the option 'Auto-roll crits and fumbles' to 'Both', which might access the table through the host/judge's library. But the bottom line is that the source module isn't loaded in the library.
I created a chat message for this, so if it happens in the future (with v1.10+), you will be prompted to load the source module.
January 4th, 2021, 04:20
....Ahh. so that's what the player module does!
Thank you, I'm almost certain this will work.
January 4th, 2021, 17:46
I will fix the script so it still rolls the crit or fumble die even if it can’t find the table. You would need to look up the result, but it won’t trigger a script error, just the “table not found” chat message.
January 5th, 2021, 03:54
Just confirming that crits are working. Thanks again for the help.
January 5th, 2021, 11:37
Great! Thanks for helping me figure that out RaSepReTep. I have set up the next version to still roll the crit/fumble die if the module is unloaded - you would just need to look up the result.
January 8th, 2021, 03:45
Good news - it looks like the ruleset updated sooner than expected!
DCC RPG v1.10
[Added] Item record created for scissors trade good – different than trained weapon scissors.
[Added] Melee/missile attack and damage modifier fields created in Weapon Meta dialog box for easier application of lucky roll modifiers.
[Added] Class field to skill modifiers – future class drops will apply skill bonus to Class (not Misc) field.
[Added] Effect ALL applies numerical modifier to all rolls – initiative, attacks, spell checks, damage, healing, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks.
[Added] Dice swap applied to first damage/heal die with DIEDMG or DIEHEAL effect, or with desktop dice swap buttons.
[Added] LOS occluders to player maps for core rules adventures.
[Added] Effect ‘RESIST: all’ applies resistance (half damage) to all damage types.
[Updated] Skill list layout changed for more streamlined appearance.
[Updated] Luck check (i.e., roll under) target in message displays as ‘vs. Luck score #’ instead of ‘vs. DC #’.
[Updated] Unity-friendly character substitutions for core rules adventures.
[Updated] Label width increased for Stat Loss dialog box.
[Updated] Spell name parsing simplified for chat message casting table results.
[Updated] Can specify exceptions to immunity or resistance to all damage using exclamation point – for example, ‘RESIST: all, !fire’ for resistance to all damage except fire.
[Updated] Default for ‘Auto crit/fumble roll’ option set to ‘Both’.
[Updated] Brackets added to dice clauses in player module crit tables.
[Fixed] Minimum damage was incorrectly set to 0 instead of 1.
[Fixed] Untyped damage not parsing correctly for rolls with multiple damage types.
Currently available on the test channel, this will go live on Tue Jan 12 if everything runs smoothly.
January 8th, 2021, 03:57
Screenshot from one of the core rules adventure maps with LOS active (taken from the judge's perspective).
January 9th, 2021, 04:18
Feature request? If possible. With DCC spells sometimes you can chose a lower result on the spell table. I notice some FG fields can be dragged and dropped to the chatbox and some cannot. Currently the spell table results can not be dragged. Is it possible to make the spell table field drag&drop? So if a wizard chooses a lower result the player or Judge can drag&drop the lower result to the chatbox.
January 9th, 2021, 12:14
I would need to check which fields are draggable - I suspect string fields are, but formatted text fields are not. It would require a pretty significant rewrite of the spell record if that’s the case. For example, I could make the casting table similar to the feature list on the class record. The level (number field) would be a roll result, and the feature name (string field) would be the result description. Maybe I will throw something together and see what you think.
EDIT: Screenshot added. The string fields are still not draggable, but I think I could make it work eventually. At the very least, you could select all (CTRL-A) for the desired result and paste (CTRL-V) to chat. Changing the spell record would require reformatting the spells in the Core Rules modules, which is no small task. For now, your players can open the link to the spell record from their character sheets, unlock the record, select the desired casting table result, and copy-paste to chat.
January 9th, 2021, 12:23
Bug reported... When the Manifestation field of a power is empty, a script error occurs. You will most likely see this for cleric abilities like Lay on Hands. I submitted a fix. In the meantime, disable the option ‘Chat: Show spell manifestation’ if you are getting this error. The fix should hopefully hit the Test channel on Tue and go live the following week (Jan 19).
January 9th, 2021, 16:16
Yeah, I figured it was either not possible or a ton of work to alter it. The work around is a bit clunky but functional. Though the Ctrl-A selects the entire spell table. So you have to highlight the desired result and Ctrl-C and paste. I'm not sure its worth your time and effort but I'll let you decide. But thanks for considering it.
January 9th, 2021, 20:00
I do like how it looks and it would simplify the scripts on the back end. It also makes custom spells a little more intuitive. I was thinking of doing some more work on auto-rolling spell misfires, etc. so maybe I can focus some time on this as well.
Also, you're right about CTRL-A. You would just highlight the table cell you want, but yeah - very clunky either way.
January 10th, 2021, 18:46
So, looking for opinions. I want to update the spell record to contain a casting table that looks more like a FG table and is easier to customize. You can drag and drop the result text to the chat window for spells that allow you to substitute a lower result. Basically what Tabarkus suggested in post #474 - and I think it's an excellent feature request. The downside is that players would potentially need to re-drag their spells to the char sheet after the update. If that's a major problem for anyone, please share your feedback.
January 11th, 2021, 21:19
Re-dragging spells isn't a big deal at all.
What about custom spells? Would those work as is without the new features or need to be re-made?
January 12th, 2021, 01:00
Yes you would need to move the text to the new table - do you have a lot of custom spells?
January 12th, 2021, 02:15
Only a handful. Being able to drag lower results seems well worth re-doing them though.
January 12th, 2021, 03:44
Just to give you an idea, the new spell record is on the right. Cantrip is a good example of a spell that you might opt for a lower result on the table.
January 12th, 2021, 13:42
Looks great!
January 13th, 2021, 12:58
when someone/something is died (in combat), I can't find a way to remove it from the game (from the CT, map, playing characters etc) with just one easy and immediate click.. In other rulesets there is a button in the Combat Tracker to delete a guy from the game with just one click (when that guy is killed in combat). I think it could be useful to have such option also in DCC (especially for the large number of player characters at 0 level).
January 13th, 2021, 17:26
Thank you for the report Galdor. I will look into this. I would consider this a bug because that feature should function like the other rulesets.
January 14th, 2021, 04:18
Just to give you an idea, the new spell record is on the right. Cantrip is a good example of a spell that you might opt for a lower result on the table.
When do you think you may have that new spell record available? I am working on creating a Reference Manual for the DCC Lankhmar Boxed set and being able to put in Rollable Tables in the Spell record would make entering the Spells from the Judge's Guide much nicer than me trying to figure out LUA.
January 14th, 2021, 23:51
Flexible. I can do an update with just this, and it would probably hit the TEST channel by Jan 26, and LIVE the following Tuesday if running smoothly. Sounds like that would help you so let’s do it!
January 14th, 2021, 23:55
FYI, running Shadow of the Beakmen on Sat Jan 23:!-Shadow-of-the-Beakmen-Sat-Jan-23-1-5-PM-EST-(UTC-5)&p=571210#post571210
January 15th, 2021, 19:54
FYI, running Shadow of the Beakmen on Sat Jan 23:!-Shadow-of-the-Beakmen-Sat-Jan-23-1-5-PM-EST-(UTC-5)&p=571210#post571210
I would be all over it but I am running a funnel at the exact same time! Would have been nice to play it before I ran it!
January 21st, 2021, 12:32
I submitted the following updates, which should download to the TEST channel on Tue Jan 26, and go LIVE the following week if no issues arise.
DCC RPG v1.11
[Added] Casting table section for spell/power records.
[Added] Image for whirling doom spell.
[Updated] Chat message for spell check result builds from corresponding casting table string instead of data file or formatted text table.
[Updated] Ability scores for core rules monsters set to 10 instead of 0 if not specified.
[Fixed] Demi-humans adding bonus languages for Int modifier at levels 0 and 1 instead of level 0 only.
I will post a forum thread with a tutorial for using the new casting table, but I think it will be intuitive since it resembles the rollable tables that everyone should be familiar with already.
January 22nd, 2021, 18:03
I submitted the following updates, which should download to the TEST channel on Tue Jan 26, and go LIVE the following week if no issues arise.
DCC RPG v1.11
[Added] Casting table section for spell/power records.
[Added] Image for whirling doom spell.
[Updated] Chat message for spell check result builds from corresponding casting table string instead of data file or formatted text table.
[Updated] Ability scores for core rules monsters set to 10 instead of 0 if not specified.
[Fixed] Demi-humans adding bonus languages for Int modifier at levels 0 and 1 instead of level 0 only.
I will post a forum thread with a tutorial for using the new casting table, but I think it will be intuitive since it resembles the rollable tables that everyone should be familiar with already.
If they were submitted for the Tuesday Update they should be in TEST by the end of today, and if they were sent in before Friday noon CST/CDT then they will go out this week.
January 22nd, 2021, 18:35
Great, thanks for the clarification! I submitted on Thursday. I will update the spells in the DCC Annual and 2019 Goodman Games Yearbook if all goes well with casting table changes.
January 22nd, 2021, 22:57
Sorry - I must be being dense - but how do you purchase/download find the DCC ruleset in Fantasy Grounds (FGU ideally)
January 22nd, 2021, 23:02
Its in the store!
January 22nd, 2021, 23:21
Sorry - I must be being dense - but how do you purchase/download find the DCC ruleset in Fantasy Grounds (FGU ideally)
Always good to see more DCC fans here!
January 22nd, 2021, 23:26
Thanks guys. Not so easy to find on home page of store.
January 22nd, 2021, 23:31
Looking ahead, I am going to add a "fleeting luck" field to the character sheet with an option to enable or disable this. Apologies to the Lankhmar fans out there who have been quietly working around this. I will also continue working on automating spell check "fumble" rolls - misfire, corruption, etc.
Continue to share your ideas for the ruleset, and don't forget to check out the online convention Spawn of Cyclops Con ( next month!
January 23rd, 2021, 15:02
I suppose this is a generic question for FG, but since I use it exclusively for DCC I decided to ask here.
I have around 200 items I want to add to my campaign (not weapons nor armors, mostly equipment, trade goods, etc)
There is a way to batch it? entering item by item could be a nightmare.
An xml file added as an extension may work?
January 23rd, 2021, 17:37
I suppose this is a generic question for FG, but since I use it exclusively for DCC I decided to ask here.
I have around 200 items I want to add to my campaign (not weapons nor armors, mostly equipment, trade goods, etc)
There is a way to batch it? entering item by item could be a nightmare.
An xml file added as an extension may work?
Hi Jaume,
That sounds like it would work as a module. I agree that the xml file would be easier if you’re familiar with module creation.
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