View Full Version : IMHO... RP = let the dice decide, not that I need to be a drama major

April 24th, 2019, 06:28
D&D background...

I've played (or have wanted to get back to playing) since 1981. PnP consistently through 1987.
I took a long hiatus and didn't get back to D&D until BG, IWD, and NWN.
I started on FG in early 2017.
I know my way around FG as a player.
For now, I want to just be a player in FG, not DM.

Why I'm trying to get into a consistent game...

I am not a player that speaks in voice, nor buying into the expectation that me, as a player, needs to “be” the character.
For me, RPGs have dice because the dice decide the results of my actions/play, relative to the role I play in the party.
I'm leaving my D&D group because the DM expects me to speak for my characters, but I'm not very creative... not in my personality.
I play as more of a strategist--not min/max, but I build my PCs with the expectation that I'll roll dice to determine outcomes, not that *I* need to *be* my character and then have my dialogue (which is a challenge, full disclosure).


I'm a strategist, but definitely not a min/max player.
I want to be in a game that allows the dice to determine outcomes, and absolutely not that I need to be a pseudo-theater major to succeed.
I really just want to say that, "(1) my Orc Barbarian tries to Intimidate, (2) I roll a d20, and (3) does s/he succeed or not?" ... NOT (1) "DM: What does Brash say to the castle guards", then (2) if my me-response doesn't fit in-game, then I fail. (3) Brash doesn’t;’t know what he is saying?!?!
I realize that "RPing has different definitions for different people, but for me, I have "role" and the dice decide the "play".

Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday nights, hopefully beginning at 8:00pm Eastern (7:00pm is okay) and done at/by 11pm.

April 24th, 2019, 23:37
I really just want to say that, "(1) my Orc Barbarian tries to Intimidate, (2) I roll a d20, and (3) does s/he succeed or not?" ...

How about a third option, (1) I try to intimidate, (2) I roll a d20 etc.

April 25th, 2019, 18:58
Not that you started this thread to get people's input on how to handle intimidation checks, but as a DM I want to a least know a little about the broad content of the intimidation attempt. There is a big difference between a 3'6" gnome threatening to knock out a guard and a 3'6" gnome suggesting that the guard should cooperate or else his family might have an ... accident. I would lower the DC a point or two (5-10% increase in the chance the player succeeds) for the threatening family one. There is also the fact that skills can be used from different abilities. For example, intimidation is typically a charisma based skill, but intimidation via armbar and intimidation via word could key off strength or charisma respectively. And none of this require method actor levels of character immersion. Simply "I want my character to try to intimidate the bartender by threatening to destroy his stock" or "i want my character to threaten to hurt him".

TL;DR: a little context helps but doesn't require acting nor specific dialogue.

May 2nd, 2019, 19:37
Right there with ya GharanGrenloch. I understand some really enjoy the in-character theater stuff but I'm in it for the old school rough and tumble hack slash loot your way to glory. Each style has its place but I know my place is not on the theater stage.

May 4th, 2019, 17:17
I was surprised by the increase emphasis on performance when I came back to D&D. At least playing in the 80s, it wasn't common in my limited experience. Its certainly more entertaining to watch streams or podcast with comedian/improv/theater folks but taking on a theatrical performance is outside of my nerdy introverted comfort zone. I think a fun game can be had with or without it.

May 4th, 2019, 17:36
I think a fun game can be had with or without it.
Yep, we all enjoy different aspects of the RPG hobby and excel in our own particular areas.

As a note to the OP - usually when GMs mention "this game is heavy/light in role-playing", role-playing will usually mean playing the character, not playing a "role" in the party. Everyone has slightly different opinions on exactly what that means, and that's cool and all part of the hobby and enjoyment of playing with a wide range of people, but it's a generalisation and thinking that way may help misunderstandings when looking for a game to join and participating in your first few sessions. It's always good to ask the GM exactly what style their game is, but it's a good starting point to think "role-play heavy" means I won't be rolling the dice as much and will be expected to interact more in character rather than as a player describing their PC's action and rolling for the outcome.

May 4th, 2019, 19:22
The character is likely to be good at things that the player is not, so I'm in agreement with the OP to a certain extent about allowing the dice to speak more than a player's ability to act. This is the whole point of creating a character. To have a role in the story that may be completely different to the skills a player has in real life. A normally shy person can play a socially skilled and loquacious bard. Taken too far, though, the result can devolve into a roll-play board game not a role-playing game where the players are taking on a character in a story.

As a GM, I prefer to have players state their intent, roll the dice to decide the result of an encounter, and then have the player narrate the outcome. I give XP bonuses (or Fate point, Bennie, other in-game reward) for amusing or entertaining narratives. Failures often are more entertaining than successes, and I've had players dig themselves into far greater holes than I'd have thrown them into. Generally, this has made for a more interesting game. The main thing, as with any game, is that the GM and players have fun as a group.

May 10th, 2019, 01:26
I'm play and I DM -- but I prefer being a DM, I enjoy both. My ideal "dnd schedule" at any given time is at least one game I play in one day of the week and at least one day of the week where I'm the DM. I just don't have the time for more than that....wish I did but I don't.

The point is as both a player and a DM I can appreciate what the OP is trying to say. I'm terrible at voices so I don't do them. Oddly , and I can't tell you why this happens (though some of the reason is likely because I do a lot of prep when I DM) , I freeze up when trying to be creative far more as a player than when I DM . This is to say I'm not a quick wit of a player either. BUT all this considered was me trying to give some back ground of understanding for me to say this ... you don't have to do voices. You don't have to be a theater major. But , and I say this as respectfully as possible, how boring would a game be if all the party members were of the mindset of "Don't ask me to be descriptive -- I rolled the dice MR(S). DM -- just tell me pass or fail and get on with it!"....... Honestly without being descriptive in what your character is doing, that's not role playing. That's talking and rolling dice, letting such dice dictate the outcome. In my games I would 100% ask a player to explain their characters action and I 100% would not allow you put all decision on a dice roll. That's not DnD..sorry its just not.