View Full Version : How to setup PCs position on different maps

April 24th, 2019, 05:21
So I have map #1 with the enemies inside an encounter placed exactly where I want them.

Then I have map #2 with its own encounter with enemies placed in their sneaky, hidey places.

Everything works fine. The combats are quick to load up and get running...except for the players.

Since the PCs exist just once in the Combat Tracker, I cannot get them to remain in place for setup in both map #1 and map #2.

Assuming for these battles I am not asking the players to place their own tokens, and I know just where they will start the battle, how am I suppose to handle this? Place the PCs on map #1, try to remember where they belong on map #2, and then when switching to map #2 place their tokens one at a time where I think I remember where there tokens should go? Something seems clunky here. The NPCs get saved and encounters can start up very quickly. It's great software design and elegant...except if I need the PCs to start in more than one map. Then there's setup during the game that lacks the elegance of the NPCs quick method.

Am I missing something here?



April 24th, 2019, 10:09
No, you aren't missing anything. PC tokens can't exist in more than one place. When you create an encounter you create a copy of the NPC so you can have multiple NPCs in several maps already pre-placed just like all of the adventures you can buy. However there is only one of each PC and they can only be in one place at a time. So when the PCs move from one map to the other the DM needs to place them on the map they've moved too.

April 25th, 2019, 00:59
Why use 2 maps, that's what I don't get in your use case.

Can't you just use 1 map with 2 encounters? You can then show the NPCs from one encounter and keep the tokens from the second encounter hidden/invisible?

April 25th, 2019, 03:51
Hi LordEntrails,

I need "two maps" because these are two entirely different encounters at two entirely different locations. I actually have several dozen maps I've created. I have custom designed maps in Photoshop for many different locations. Each of these is their own image with enemy tokens placed.

April 25th, 2019, 12:17
Hi LordEntrails,

I need "two maps" because these are two entirely different encounters at two entirely different locations. I actually have several dozen maps I've created. I have custom designed maps in Photoshop for many different locations. Each of these is their own image with enemy tokens placed.

This is confusing to me as well. Doesn't each map have at least one entrance/stairway etc. When the PCs move from a spot on one map to a spot on the other map (the "entrance" to that map), just move the token onto the spot new map.

Or are your PCs somehow teleporting into the center of each map every time?

April 25th, 2019, 14:17
When the PCs move from a spot on one map to a spot on the other map (the "entrance" to that map), just move the token onto the spot new map.

I think the OP is looking for a way to avoid exactly this by preparing the PC locations on the map ahead of time, the same as you can prepare where monsters/NPCs are in an encounter. That way they can save time when the encounter starts, because they wouldn't need to drag the PCs into place at that moment. Not a HUGE time-saver, but one more bit of streamlining that could help, assuming you know where the PCs will be at combat start. This isn't possible in FG today, but I think it'd be a nice addition someday.

April 25th, 2019, 19:07
As has been mentioned, there's no way of pre-placing PC positions on maps (like you can for NPC encounters).

@IngloriousBards you can add a request to the FG wishlist here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

As a slight efficiency improvement over drag/dropping each PC token from one map to the next (or the CT to the map) - you can drag the friendly action icon from the combat tracker to a map and the tokens from that faction will be put on the map - you can then move them to the positions you want.

April 25th, 2019, 19:46
There was one time I had a battle that took place over 3 different maps. It happens and it can be a little fiddly.