View Full Version : LOST! What game system would match best?

April 19th, 2019, 23:13
Want to do a conversion or mod or ?? So that I can play Axis and allies miniatures (all kind navy, wwII, Air) and even Attack wing. I use the D&D for gaming and we have maps, dice, tokens, and I can see that fitting into the game. But would like to turn the stat cards into character sheets. So when I use my medium range attach and drop it on the token for the opponent then bam. turn the tokens for facing. Have the attack auto range even?? So a Nice WWII theme or reskin. Character sheet into stat cards and roll 18 D6 from my panzer.

So like I said, I'm lost. Would FATE Core work? Numera? ETC? I'm only familiar with D&D and pathfinder. And I really don't want to spend weeks working on a stat card based on Pathfinder and some says oh SFRPG does all that already.

Thoughts? Comment? Start from scratch? Or better yet a Download link to a MOD!

April 19th, 2019, 23:55
The second video linked here shows how you can use an NPC as a unit. But I don’t know if that’s any help. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48673-Strongholds-amp-Followers-Videos&p=431766

April 20th, 2019, 00:48
Have you looked at Vassal? It designed for board games. I'm pretty sure it has an Axis and Allies module/package. https://www.vassalengine.org (https://www.vassalengine.org/)

April 20th, 2019, 02:28
Have you looked at Vassal? It designed for board games. I'm pretty sure it has an Axis and Allies module/package. https://www.vassalengine.org (https://www.vassalengine.org/)

YES! This is great.

Thanks let me chase this rabbit a while.
