View Full Version : LFG - Consistent Group and Campaign, either D&D5e or PFRPG

April 18th, 2019, 21:47
[FG License] -- Paid
[Time Zone] -- Eastern (United States)
Available Weekly

Sunday: 7:00pm
Monday: Unavailable
Tuesday: Unavailable
Wednesday: 7:30pm
Thursday: Unavailable
Friday: 7:00pm/9:00pm (Rotates bi-weekly as I have prior obligations)
Saturday: Unavailable
The Schedule is also determined by days I have off from work. I can provide at least a two-weeks notice on when I'm available.
[Term] -- Wanting Long-Term

[Game System Preferred]

More familiar with Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition; Own rulebooks for Pathfinder and Starfinder as well. Will accept any.
[Game System Experience]

Novice understanding of D&D5e; still reading on Pathfinder
[Fantasy Grounds Experience]

Brand new to Fantasy Grounds

[Character Type Preferred]

I'm usually good at thinking up character concepts on the spot, so I don't have any strong preferences towards any archetypes.
[About Me]

I started playing D&D 5e more actively recently and I'm really looking to get my fix (lol). I've currently got an active weekly session going with a group of friends taking place on Sundays in the afternoon so I'm hoping to join a fresh group that is looking to start in the near-future. I've been roleplaying in games since I started playing World of Warcraft back in 2007, and have dabbled in 4E and Pathfinder over the next several years before dropping off completely until 5E released, which I played the first part of Hoard of the Dragon Queen with a group of friends that didn't last very long as it was mainly an online Roll20 game and everyone kind of petered out.

Nothing is really more satisfying to me than generating a brand new character from scratch and deciding what kind of character it is.

I can be contacted either here or on Discord at CaptainSharkFin#2078

I would prefer to join a group that is about ready to start but would be willing to join a campaign in-progress. I want the experience of developing a character completely from scratch rather than generating a character at a certain level.

April 21st, 2019, 17:04
I'm still hoping to find a group to play with accordingly with my schedule. Please feel free to toss me a message either here or on Discord.

April 24th, 2019, 15:25
I had someone reach out to me but after reading through their materials - and while it looked interesting - I decided that the campaign wasn't the right fit for me. I would appreciate it if folks could reach out to me regarding a campaign they're starting up, because I'm still looking for a group to play with on the days and times I've listed.

April 25th, 2019, 19:38
Hi, folks! I'm still looking for a group to play with according to my listed schedule. Please feel free to reach out to me either through here or on Discord (easier to reach me on there). I wouldn't mind just a group for a short-term campaign to run through a module that's newbie-friendly so I can learn the ropes.