View Full Version : Suggestions for Fantasy grounds

September 8th, 2006, 20:13
Hello all just tried out this fantastic program yesterday with my gaming group and i got to say it Rocks Kudos to the programmers well worth the price :)

after the play we talked a bit about the session we came up with a few things
that would be nice to have added.

A way to auto calculate dicerolls instead of having to right click and hit =
Some way to set the game to doing so immediately.

Being able to copy paste text from word or notepad into chat expecialy for the players.

Other than that a great program :)

September 8th, 2006, 20:22
For the auto-calc you are talking about if you roll more then one die, yes? If you just roll one die with modifires it shows the total of it.

For more then one die if you left click on the bubble that holds the dice, drag a little and drop it will display the total in the chat. If you just drag off to the side you'll be 'holding' the total that you can drop into another window/field... such as damage or healing.

If you do this as the dm it will also display the total (but not the modifires) to the players.


September 8th, 2006, 20:25
The DM can calucate automatically by clicking the middle mouse button on the number. If you want to see the number but don't want to display it to the players then just drag it off to the side out of the chat window and the expersion is converted to a number so you can read it.

/die expressions are shown to all also.

The limited cut and paste is annoying to most people and additional support is suppose to be available the next version 2.0.

Edit: LOL out typed by richvalle

September 9th, 2006, 01:38
/e blows on fingers

Fastest fingers in the west!



September 10th, 2006, 11:11
No what i meant was that it would be nice if you could set the dice to autocalc everytime.

i for instance always run Warhammer which uses a 100% roll it would be good
to be able to have the game autocalc 100 always instead of having to click and choose =,

good to hear about the possible writing change in version 2 i look forward to that :).

Can they also include some way to uphold the ritual of sharing unhealthy snacks ;)

really only thing im missing right now.

September 21st, 2006, 04:30
I also have a suggestion for the game.

Treasure Chest
Here the DM creats items with 2 descriptions, Description A is Unidentified, Description B is Identified. The DM can specify how much of a certain item is in a chest. When the DM 'shares' the contents of the chest, the players can see the unidentified description, and can drag the items to their inventory page, where they will disapear out of the Chest for other players, but the DM can then see who its been asigned to, and have a option to Identify it from his end only.

September 22nd, 2006, 05:09
/e blows on fingers

Fastest fingers in the west!

LOL totally silly RV!

September 22nd, 2006, 17:05
I also have a suggestion for the game.

Treasure Chest
Here the DM creats items with 2 descriptions, Description A is Unidentified, Description B is Identified. The DM can specify how much of a certain item is in a chest. When the DM 'shares' the contents of the chest, the players can see the unidentified description, and can drag the items to their inventory page, where they will disapear out of the Chest for other players, but the DM can then see who its been asigned to, and have a option to Identify it from his end only.

Not speaking to the example mike has listed here (which sounds like a lot of work to make what he has suggested work right), I do love the idea behind this a lot. Greater connectivity between the chat window, story pages and character sheets would be great.