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View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Monday game EST any time prefer Pathfinder, 5e

April 15th, 2019, 18:07
FG License: Ultimate License
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, Canada
Day: Looking for a game Mondays weekly or bi-weekly
Term: Prefer a long term AP or home brew campaign
Voice: I have a Hyper X headset

Game System Preferred: I would prefer to play pathfinder but i have a growing interest in 5e
game system experience: many thousands of hours playing pathfinder, several sessions face to face playing 5e
fantasy grounds experience: almost none, I've played around in the software for a while now but i will probably needs some assistance in order to further my understanding.

Character type preferred: Sorcerer is on my mind but barbarian, fighter, unchained rogue, summoner, oracle, and bard (low key the best class) interest me.
About me: My name is Phillip, I bartend nights Tue-Sat and run my own game on Sundays so I'm only really free Mondays. I'm quite sociable but i can take a while to warm up to new people so give me a few session and ill be less awkward <3. I have run pathfinder games for several years for friends but have been more or less pigeon holed into the role so i never really get to play. I think every game table is unique as such i wont say I'm more of a role player or a battle and tactics kind of guy, I can be flexible. From my experience as a bartender and life in general I know that some people simple do not get along well be it due to personality clashes or other, so I'm very interested in meeting you and your play group before the game.

P.S. my grammar is poor sorry about that

Grey Mage
April 19th, 2019, 05:51
I have a couple of people who have expressed an interest in an online game (I play in several already and run 2 with 2 other GMs). Let me direct them here and see if there is enough interested in a Mon evening (I am in PST myself) game. It would be PF1 homebrew or an AP. Hope we can put something together.

April 27th, 2019, 21:21
Hey, I'm running a Pathfinder campaign at level 12 with some room. It's Monday at 8:30 PM EST (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?36739-LFP-for-Monday-Night-Pathfinder-Campaign-(8-EST-7-CST-5-PST)) if that interests you.

That said, if you like high level Pathfinder where PCs roll over everything and end fights in 1-2 rounds I don't think we'd be a good fit -- but if you're up for teamwork and challenge let's talk.