View Full Version : Quick way to create a category

April 7th, 2019, 01:02
After reading the module development and chatting with a few people is seems the best way to organize your module data is to create a category under each banner (maps, story, NPC etc). Is there a simple way to do this all at once by editing the campaign files directly? Is this something an extension could do?


April 7th, 2019, 02:38
If you just want a single category, with the module name, when you export to a module, then you don't need to create any categories. When FG loads the module it will automatically put exported data that isn't within a category in the module making campaign into a category with the same name as the module. So, if you only intend on having a single category per data type (story, images, items, etc.) then you don't need to create them in you module making campaign - unless you want them to be name differently than the module.

April 7th, 2019, 03:24
There is no extension to create multiple groups in each object type, or even within the samae object type.

But, it should be easy to do in the xml. Create a sample campaign with some examples, open the xml and take a look. Should be easy to repeat with just changing the id tag and the group name.

April 7th, 2019, 05:33
It's unlikely to save you any time in reality...