View Full Version : Example of what I wish I could do

April 7th, 2019, 00:15
I just finished adding the code to handle drag and drop handling new class, initializing multi-class, initializing dual-class (although I have a question on FGG forums asking about DC rules) and adding a new level to existing single/multi or special case for dual. All good (so far as have tested)

Now, moved to Race. Started by opening 5E frame_race.xml to use that as my start point and immediately noticed it had "player control" (which reference_class.xml also had an I apparently didn't include in my reference_class.xml file.:

<windowclass name="reference_race">
<size width="350" height="350" />
<minimum width="300" height="300" />
<dynamic />
<tooltip field="name" />
<nodelete />
<playercontrol />
<sharable />

1. What does <playercontrol> do? Is it for editing or for ? Unsure
2. What I WISH I could do - go to the API page ( https://www.fantasygrounds.com/refdoc/windowcontrol.xcp ) and click in some search box entering a trait or function name or classname and have it search and come back with results. Versus trying each darn one looking for an entry that may or may not be in the docs to begin with ;)


Moon Wizard
April 8th, 2019, 06:58
1. That tag has been deprecated, so it doesn’t do anything any more.

2. I just use Google when I need to perform a search like that. Try searching for “windowcontrol site:fantasygrounds.com/refdoc/” on Google.


April 8th, 2019, 19:46
Thank Moon, I’ve tried google in past but a general google hits much I can’t use and is a lot to sift through.

My google-fu is severely lacking, I hadn’t even heard of looking for PDFs by prefacing pdf: prior to this past year.

I will DEFINITELY try that. At least if I don’t find something this way I can post without dreading the “duh” moment when it is pointed out. :)

April 8th, 2019, 23:21
I use that search function for FG all the time