View Full Version : LFG 1 Player 5e New to FG, not new to DnD.

March 29th, 2019, 00:04
FG License: Standard
Time Zone: CST-5
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly is preferred. Thursdays past 1800 my time is a great time. or anytime on friday.
Term: Medium to long.
Voice: Discord.
Game System Experience: Been a 5e player for the past few years, but i'm new to FG.
Character Type Preferred: Warlock is easily my go-to class. If i'm not playing with high utility, then i'm going to go high combat presence, so either paladin or cleric is my option.
About me: I'd like to think i'm good at RP. I like to play in a way that emphasizes my party's strengths. No weaknesses allowed comrades! I find that the adventure is more fun than the destination, but I am someone who needs to have a sense of direction or a mission to fully enjoy myself.