View Full Version : Looking for Players

August 29th, 2006, 02:07

See my post on the calendar "WOTC Published Adventures (DnD 3.5) GMT-5:00 (US EST)." I'm looking to first-time DM a new "campaign" that adapts the WOTC published adventures that introduced version 3.5. The rules will be fairly plain, vanilla DMG, PH, and MM (all version 3.5). The adventures will be slight adaptations of the published adventures (Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, Speakers in Dreams, & Standing Stone ... and will likely continue along that same line), so if you've already played those adventures, this campaign isn't appropriate for you (in fact, I'll likely add in a few deadly twists where, if you did what would make sense given the published adventure, you'd get killed).

The best times for me are evenings, particularly Sundays, Fridays, Mondays, and Wednesdays (in that order) after 8pm EST (GMT-5, I think). The group will likely meet each week with occasional weeks off due to my somewhat busy travel schedule.

Send a PM to me on this site with questions or to let me know that you're interested in playing. I'd like to chat with you before adding you to the group (edwolfe). I'm not sure how often I'll check this bulletin board, so the PM route is probably the best, but go ahead and sign up on the calendar if you're interested.


August 31st, 2006, 07:48
hook me up man

August 31st, 2006, 18:33
Hey Ed, depending on the day and time, I'd be up for another campaign. I haven't played any premade adventures in 12 or so years. I'll check out the game calendar.

August 31st, 2006, 19:13
I'm up for it too, depending on the time, from 8:30 EST except wednesdays, or everyday during mornings or afternoons

August 31st, 2006, 21:06
Hi there,
I'd love to play, but the only time you have mentioned that works for me is the sunday time. I am all the way over here in Oregon. I am a long time player, but new to this format. I'd love to get a start though!
let me know either way please.
Derek =)