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View Full Version : LFPs Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wednesdays 8:00 PM to 12:00 Midnight GMT+8

Rusty Kneecap
March 13th, 2019, 00:39
FG License: Rusty has Ultimate License, so players only need free account.

Game System: Pathfinder

Time Zone: GMT +8.

Day of week and time: Pathfinder Start time 8:00 PM. Finish12:00 Midnight. DM based in Perth Western Australia.
Current multinational group of players from Asia, Australia, Europe and USA (would suit Perth WA and SE Asia - evenings, Europe/Africa - Afternoons, USA and Americas – very early morning, Australian east coast - late night.

Session Duration and Frequency: i.e. Minimum 3 Hour session (longer if we can) – Weekly.

Term: Ongoing campaign.

Coms: Discord for Voice/USB Cam (optional) with Text between game sessions. We have a Whats App group set up for communications in between game sessions (optional). Game sessions are twitched. www.twitch.com/frostfiretulsa (https://www.twitch.com/frostfiretulsa)

Roleplay & Combat mix: Varied (30% roleplay – 70% combat)

Number of Players in game & needed: We usually aim for four players each session, but currently have a pool of about six players. Rarely can every player show up every week due to real life and that is understood.

Character starting level & equipment: All players start characters at level 1 and are on a fast progression track until they catch up with the rest of the group. The current group of players have multiple characters of mixed levels and will provide support to bring you to their level ASAP.

Character restrictions: Characters must be rolled up and completely set up in advance of game time. Pre-Gens are available

Abilities 4d6 - drop lowest and re roll any 1s left in the final 3.

Players new to the game are required to stick to the basic Players Manual classes and races. More experienced players may deviate to other published races and classes in consultation with Rusty. Be warned though, the more your deviate the harder it is to develop the character within Fantasy Grounds and the more likely other players will challenge the legitimacy of your actions.
Rusty does not own every rule book and it is on you to take responsibility for making your character work in game. Many players do struggle with this. Some players have purchased expansion pack for Rusty to make it easier on them.
If you play an unusual race or class than be prepared to get challenges from other players. Many of my players are across multiple rule sets and expansions. We all like to streamline game play, so if you cannot immediately defend the legitimacy of your action, without hostility, then Rusty will probably not allow it. We will then discuss the action in depth out of game and make a ruling for future games.

Details of your scenario:
Kingmaker is a sandbox campaign. The party is exploring and colonising the Stolen Lands. They have an established Kingdom and have made contact and befriended with multiple indigenous races. The entire population of a nearby settlement has gone missing and the party is trying to figure out what has happened to them.
Player buy in: This campaign will only work if you build and play a character that is willing to work with the other characters in the party. You must have a willingness to work with the party in their efforts to colonise the Stolen Lands.
Please do not join this group if you mostly enjoy sabotaging the characters of other players or undermining the DM. If you have already played the RPG Kingmaker Game and want to enjoy the experience of playing it in Fantasy Grounds, please be disciplined. The rest of the group will be very annoyed with metagaming and spoilers.
The DM (Rusty) attempts to keep rule debates to a minimum during game time but is very willing to have out of game discussions on rule interpretations.
Lethality: There is always some risk of death but with the use of Hero points most deadly encounters can be resolved without loss of characters. We all would like to build a party of characters that reaches level 20.
Social: We have fun, but we also like to keep the game flowing.
Character Backstories: Go for it and the DM will do his best to use your backstory to link you to the campaign.

If interested:
Private message Rusty or respond to this thread. Thanks for your interest

Send Rusty your discord name. You will be invited to join in the next game after you have:
• Set up discord
• Completed your character set up, and
• Download all the FG files from Rusty’s server.
You may also wish to participate in the Whats App group of out of game discussions and communications, but this is optional.

About the Rusty:
I have played DnD since the mid-80s cutting my teeth on the Red Box basic BECMI set. Taking on the role of Dungeon Master allowed me to play more often as none of my other mates were willing to run games.
I have three campaigns currently running; two in fifth edition and one in Pathfinder. My Pathfinder campaign uses the Kingmaker adventure path and consist of a mixed group of characters ranging from 1st to 10th level. It kind of runs as a series of one shots where the level of gameplay is determined by who shows up on the night and what level characters they have to run. My fifth edition campaigns are from Tales of the Yawning Portal and Storm King’s Thunder.
Most of my players are mature people with real lives that get in the way of DND, so all my groups are flexible with no requirement to turn up week to week. I maintain a pool of people in each group and aim to ensure that at least three players attend each session but have catered for up to 8 players in one game session. I’m an easy-going DM who enjoys getting the players involved in the campaign setting. High level characters never fully retire. They get involved in the community leadership and become key NPC’s within my storylines to be pull back into the action in critical situations.