View Full Version : Correct way to get sibling numeric data and add them in sheetdata

March 11th, 2019, 08:40

Going to head to sleep, this may be a dumb question that will become clearer with a night's sleep but here goes:

Other than by fully qualifying from getDatabasenode() sort of level, is there a way to access a sibling's numeric data? ie, the value that would be returned with getValue() if we were in that control at the time?
If I have 3 number controls in a sheet data section and I wish to make controlC value = controlA value + controlB value, what is the way I would do this in the <script>onInit()</script> section for controlC?

controlA's source is foo.a
controlB's source is foo.b
controlC's source is foo.c

in controlC's script section...

function onInit()
setValue(DB.getValue("..", "a", 0) + DB.getValue("..", "b", 0));

The console reports: "attempt to perform arithmetic on string value"
All three controls derive from "basic number".

I know it isn't an adding of string + number thing - if I just got database node and did get value off that node with "foo.a" as a param added to another get of db node with "foo.b" as the param - the numbers would add up.

So I am looking for basically the right way to inside the script of a control retrieve the values of sibling (or more generally other nodes using relative pathing)
It is killing me as I reread this that the answer will be obvious once someone explains it... ;) but it is nearly 4am for me so... go figure ;)

March 11th, 2019, 12:04
the actual error message is saying that the lookup data is string and you are trying to do math on it...

March 11th, 2019, 13:02
the actual error message is saying that the lookup data is string and you are trying to do math on it...

Like I said, I think my attempt at accessing the siblings is off. I will try to look through code to find something similar in referencing. I am sure my problem is that what I THINK I am referencing in getValue(".." ...) is NOT what I expect, e.g.: DB.getValue(window.getDatabaseNode(), ...)

I was trying to learn the "best" way to reference the field whether I need to use absolute or not referencing. ".." seems more elegant to me but didn't work.

<number_attribute_base name="adjusted_str_score" source="abilities.strength.score">
this succeeds:

setValue(DB.getValue(window.getDatabaseNode(), "abilities.strength.basemanualmod", 0) + DB.getValue(window.getDatabaseNode(), "abilities.strength.score", 0));

this doesn't:
setValue(DB.getValue("..", "abilities.strength.basemanualmod", 0) + DB.getValue("..", "abilities.strength.score", 0));

March 11th, 2019, 13:44
Btw, not asking exactly to “fix” what I wrote how I wrote it as much as suggest the right way (efficiency/elegance) in case I was going completely in the wrong direction and it should have been done in an entirely different manner.

The first post describes what I was trying to do, have a third field at same “level” on sheet/xml reference two other fields for its value.

March 11th, 2019, 13:58
On my commute, I saw that Celestian does a similar thing only he does it in a separate script that looks at all 6 stats one at time. This may be a better way (and incidentally is a way that requires the full path since it starts with the char
node not at the current leaf.) I will look at it later tonight to mine it for ideas. Should I not have gone that way, still interested in what I should do above.

If no one sees it before I can run it, I will add some debugs to print the name of what node I am at when in script block for a control so I see if that is the basis of my mistake, that no matter what control's script I am in, I am considered to be at charsheet.item-0001 or something. That there is no "this position" or "current node" concept - with is probably my problem. :)

March 11th, 2019, 23:33

I figured it out. I was away from this stuff nearly a year and forgot some things (although I am "getting it" more I think on this read than last)
From the script scope section of: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/modguide/scripting.xcp

This led me to:
setValue(window.strength_base.getValue() + window.str_base_manual_mod.getValue());

Which works. As I said, I realized after finding other ways this was handled in 5E and AD&D, I decided I would do it another way. That said, I am pigheaded about understanding things so I keep at it.

I had tried "strength_base.getValue()" and received nil error, I did not think to go one more level. THAT'S IT - I AM PRINTING THIS PAGE (see above) AND TAPING IT TO MY DESK! - it is THAT useful ;)
Thanks for the advice, hopefully this answer might help someone when it is appropriate to use it this way.