View Full Version : New Player LFG

March 11th, 2019, 04:24
Recently downloaded FG. Been playing DnD 5e for a while, currently in the middle of DM'n a 4 month campaign at home. Played many WotC made, home brew and one shots in my time. Still play bi-weekly at home, but would like to get something weekly to bi-weekly here as well. No time IRL to do a 2nd home campaign, so this is by far the best option. Weekdays around 9PM EST is what works for me. If anyone has a group around that time and needs another player, shoot me a response. Currently, just have the free version, but will upgrade to whatever is needed. Due to not knowing much about FG other than a few YouTube videos, haven't bought anything and figure get advice from a FG expert if they don't mind sharing before purchasing what is needed.
