View Full Version : Modern d20srd - on sale

March 7th, 2019, 19:40
I never noticed this one before seeing it on sale. Instead of it being a recent addition I missed, it appears to have been around some time.

Does this ruleset continue to be maintained on top of CoreRPG? Not sure what I am asking beyond the obvious “does it work with current corerpg” ...duh, or they wouldn’t likely have it in the store.

But are there things in Core that rulesets i’ve used like 5e, CnC and Savage use all the time that postdate Md20 and therefore was never coded to take advantage of?

I don’t do modernD20 but at that price it might be a cool thing to have to muck with a one off or taking some old WWII Savage Worlds on BoH back when it was a d20 vs SW product?

Moon Wizard
March 8th, 2019, 04:21
Yes, it continues to be maintained to work with ongoing CoreRPG changes and enhancements; but it is not being actively worked on for d20 Modern specific enhancements.


March 18th, 2019, 17:38
I use it almost every week because I'm doing a campaign with it; I cn assure it works pretty well and it's a stable ruleset, never had any problem.