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View Full Version : Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE)

February 28th, 2019, 16:58

As of late September 2023 I've not played D&D in over a year now.
It's doubtful that I will return in the near future.
Currently I have no interest, nor time, to maintain it.

This extension provides a small icon on the character sheet that forwards certain dragged or double-clicked dice rolls from the character sheet to the dice tower even if the dice tower is covered up by other windows. By using the Options panel the GM/DM can choose which of the supported fields they want to redirect from the chat box to the dice tower.

Multiple, but not all, rulesets are supported (CoreRPG, PFRPG, 3.5E, 5E).

## STOP!! ##
## Before downloading and trying to use this extension READ,
## UNDERSTAND and be willing to COMPLY with the instructions
## and limitations stated in posts #1 - 4 of this thread.
## STOP!!

The following posts to this thread contain additional information and you should peruse them:
#2 - What it does, how and why. Plus restrictions and licensing.
#3 - Versioning information.
#4 - Known issues. Caveats. Work under construction. Acknowledged enhancements. And what ever else.

FGU users can subscribe to receive automated updates of this extension in the Forge (here (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/625/view)).

This extension is not available for FGC.

February 28th, 2019, 16:59
Extension Necessity:
I never have enough room on my Virtual Table Top. I don't have 17 monitors to view everything when I'm playing. I use a laptop. There tends to be a lot of window/dialog juggling. My DM just found the Dice Tower and loves it. Every time I have to roll, that little bugger, the Dice Tower, is always buried beneath about four windows. Perfect fodder for an extension.

Extension Use:
This extension places a control, in the guise of a mini Dice Tower, at the top of the character sheet. So when you have to make a roll from your character sheet, from any tab, you just drag the dice on to the mini Dice Tower and it forwards it to the main Dice Tower. That's it.

In the screenshot below, like you need one, I've shown the skills tab of the character sheet. And a representation of dragging the die to the main Dice Tower, a representation of dragging a die to the Local Dice Tower and the results of the two rolls in the chat. IMPORTANT NOTE: the Local Dice Tower does not appear in the DM's copy of the character sheet. The DM can't roll into the dice tower the ruleset prevents that, and even if he/she could, the roll is not hidden from him/her. It doesn't make sense in the context of this extension.

Extension Interactions:
Many new users of Fantasy Grounds see the huge variety of community developed extensions available to them and they load 'em up. "What could be better than all this additional functionality?" The answer might be none of it! But certainly, less of it. If you are not actively using an extension's functionality, don't load it. Community developers work in a bit of a vacuum. I don't pay attention to what's out there, unless I want or need it. Because the more extensions I have loaded the greater the chances are that those extensions might adversely interact with one another - giving errant results, undesired behaviors or crashing. I make sure my extensions work with the rest of my extensions and with those that I use from other community developers. But not every other extension out there.

This extension, though moderately complicated uses very little duplicated ruleset code thereby minimizing possible conflicts. However, I cannot guarantee a conflict won't occur. Particularly if another developer's extension interferes with my extension's functionality instead of visa versa.

If you have problems with this extension, it is your responsibility to determine if the fault is extension conflicts. The first thing I will ask you is: "Do you use any other extensions?" If so, "Have you unloaded all the other extensions? Do you still have a problem?" So you might as well figure it out beforehand. If you don't know how to go about it, take a look at post #18 of this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?34099-Extension-interaction-Attn-ext-users-and-ext-developers-(soliciting-comments)/page2).

Extension Copyright:
This extension is copywritten by me, in its entirety. The copyright does not prevent you from modifying it for your own use. But you may not share nor publish the modified extension with anyone as long as it has any of my copywritten code in it.

February 28th, 2019, 17:00
v0.0.13 - Jul 19, 2022 - fixed anchoring issues brought on by character sheet rework by Smiteworks (see post #128).
v0.0.12 - Apr 21, 2022 - minor extension.xml changes for better Forge support
v0.0.11 - Apr 21, 2022 - discontinued support for FGC
v0.0.10 - Mar 28, 2022 - Fixes deprecation warnings (see notes, post #103)
v0.0.9 - Feb 26, 2022 - Guidance spell (and others) not supported fixed (post #78-82)
v0.0.8 - Jan 13, 2021 - Unity support (Adv and Disadv broken, see post #69)
v0.0.7 - Apr 21, 2019 - Adv/Disadv rolls fix (see post #47)
v0.0.6 - Apr 19, 2019 - Multiple ruleset schism. 3.5e/PFRPG mandated rolls. Initiative rolls. (see post #31)
v0.0.5 - Mar 30, 2019 - Mandated double clicks to the dice tower (see post #8)
v0.0.4 - Feb 28, 2019 - Supports multiple rulesets, minor bug fix (see post #6)
v0.0.3 - Feb 26, 2019 - Initial release

February 28th, 2019, 17:00
[Bug - Fixed Apr 21] Intermediate - April 21, 2019 a bug was reported by Atreides Ghola (see post #39). If a roll that is to be directed to the Dice Tower is to be taken with advantage or disadvantage then LDTE threw an error and stopped processing the roll.

[Bug - Fixed Feb 28] Minor - Feb 26, 2019, while looking at the other rulesets, I noticed the Local Dice Tower shows up even if the DM has not set the Dice Tower option to "Yes" in the Options Manager. Seems like you wouldn't use the extension if that's the case. So this might just be an annoyance for yours truly.

[Planned - Fixed Feb 28] As of Feb 26, 2019 only supports the 5E ruleset. Exploring support for others.

[Planned - Supported Mar 30] Double-click forwarding: as of Feb 26, 2019 only drag and drop is supported. I might be nice if there was an option to cause double-click or single-click dice throws to be forwarded to the Dice Tower on a control by control basis.

[Planned - Supported Mar 30] Provided I hear from some DM's, options in the Options Manager to force double-click or single-click rolls to the Dice Tower. For instance, my DM makes you re-roll if you throw a skill dice roll into the Chat. These could be by category. All Skill rolls, all Saves, all Ability Checks....

February 28th, 2019, 17:08
The thread was moved because of a thread title change. Can't rename a thread after there are subscribers, I'm told. Gotta make sure the name is correct the first time. Trenloe told me of this. I should never have doubted him!

(Old thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48137-Local-Dice-Tower-Extension-for-5E-(LDTE)))

February 28th, 2019, 17:34
The Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE) now supports the CoreRPG, 3.5E and PFRPG as well as the 5E rulesets.

As well as the additional rulesets support I also fixed the small bug that I found. Now the Local Dice Tower control (on the character sheet) is only displayed if the DM has set the Table: Dice Tower option in the Options Manager to "on". Please recall, the Local Dice Tower is never displayed in the DM's copy of the character sheet.

February 28th, 2019, 18:20
As mentioned by my good friend LordEntrails, in this extension's prior home, he has a recording of LDTE in use in his campaign.

(Follow this link (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48137-Local-Dice-Tower-Extension-for-5E-(LDTE)/page2), navigate to post #16, click the video link and forward to ~0:40:00 to see one of the players drop a Skill check on the Local Dice Tower.)

March 30th, 2019, 20:29
In this release, the DM/GM can mandate that ability checks, ability saving throws and skill checks, initiated by double clicking the corresponding field on the player's character sheet will direct those rolls to the dice tower. For example, when the player double clicks the Arcana skill check field, the roll goes to the dice tower instead of the chat window.

In the left panel of the screenshot shown below, the three options that have been added to the Options Manager are shown. There are independent On/Off (Yes/No) choices for each.

In the right panel, the player has double clicked the Constitution saving throw. The roll and result are displayed in the chat, indicting that the roll was made in the dice tower and the resultant value is therefore hidden from the players.

(Note that the player can still direct their roll, if need be, to the chat by dragging the die to the chat.)

If you want other fields supported in addition to the three that I have picked, please let me know. Or if you have difficulties please tell me about them.

Thanks for using this extension.

Johnny Opie
March 31st, 2019, 14:48
Thanks Minty. I'll give it a go next 5E session. Never enough room on the desktop...

April 4th, 2019, 00:46
My group and I (PFRPG rule set) love the idea behind this extension - don't know how many times during a session we have forgetten to use tower and have had re-roll... It kills the flow - anyway, when I enable the LDTE I get a script error. This is happening in the GMs and the below error happens when opening a character sheet, and once the sheet opens the ability score stat block is empty. Also, none of the menu options you show in post #8 are in my config menu.

Ruleset Error: window: Control(wisdomdamage) anchoring to an undefined control (wisdom) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(wisdombonus) anchoring to an undefined control (wisdom) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(wisdombonus) anchoring to an undefined control (wisdom) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(wisdombonus) anchoring to an undefined control (wisdom) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(charisma_label) anchoring to an undefined control (charisma) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(charisma_label) anchoring to an undefined control (charisma) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(charismadamage) anchoring to an undefined control (charisma) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(charismadamage) anchoring to an undefined control (charisma) in windowclass (charsheet_main)

(can provide full error log if needed)

Originally I thought the Hero Points extension (Core rule set extension) may be conflicting but after testing I received the same error. I am running several other extensions (full list below), and I fairly certain that all of them are on their most recent versions. If there is any other information you need let me know.

26935 26936 26937

April 4th, 2019, 00:59
All these script error messages are due to the ruleset differences between 5E and PFRPG. As mentioned in post 8 I tested this version only with 5E. I am completely PF ignorant. But I am willing to try to get this working in PF, especially now that I know I have at least one PF user. I may have questions. I am currently traveling but will start looking at this as soon as I can.

April 4th, 2019, 01:13
Absolutely, I am willing to help with this in anyway I can just let me know.

April 12th, 2019, 22:05
Hi Minty,
Awesome extension, but would it be possible to add an option for initiative rolls to be hidden in the tower also?


April 13th, 2019, 01:05
... would it be possible to add an option for initiative rolls to be hidden in the tower also...

Certainly. After the FG Con I’ll start working on it.

April 13th, 2019, 11:19
Oh ,you absolute star. Nice one :)

and an edit...

Also any chance it can be made to work with this extension also ? (Tell me to sod off if you like :) )

https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41407-Extension-5E-Action-Abilities&fbclid=IwAR1lUA500PPf4fO7DtopLfzIq4SLV1jO0oQz828GO ek52t6dEDugCsWmaQw

April 15th, 2019, 18:20
...any chance it can be made to work with this extension also?
https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41407-Extension-5E-Action-Abilities&fbclid=IwAR1lUA500PPf4fO7DtopLfzIq4SLV1jO0oQz828GO ek52t6dEDugCsWmaQw

I will take a look. Depending on how the author implemented it, it may add considerable work or almost none.

And a follow up question, why initiative rolls? When I first started to work on this extension I considered supporting initiative rolls but dropped the idea because the results of initiative rolls rolled to the dice tower are immediately revealed in the combat tracker. They didn’t remain hidden but for an instant.

April 15th, 2019, 18:51
I will take a look. Depending on how the author implemented it, it may add considerable work or almost none.

And a follow up question, why initiative rolls? When I first started to work on this extension I considered supporting initiative rolls but dropped the idea because the results of initiative rolls rolled to the dice tower are immediately revealed in the combat tracker. They didn’t remain hidden but for an instant.

They don't appear on the Combat Tracker if you use the option to not show players the turn order. So if they are visible when they are rolled that might give a bit of the game away if players are paying attention.

April 15th, 2019, 19:12
They don't appear on the Combat Tracker if you use the option to not show players the turn order. So if they are visible when they are rolled that might give a bit of the game away if players are paying attention.
After I posted my reply, I was wondering if there was such an option. Thanks Zacchaeus. I’m obviously going to have to look at this. I can’t picture how this looks visually and how it would be of any practical utility. When this option is being used, are the combatants not sorted? And during play, as the turn order advances, does the turn indicator just hop around in what would almost appear to be a random manner? Plus the turn order would be revealed in one round unless you used the old 1e method of rerolling initiative each round.

April 15th, 2019, 19:54
After I posted my reply, I was wondering if there was such an option. Thanks Zacchaeus. I’m obviously going to have to look at this. I can’t picture how this looks visually and how it would be of any practical utility. When this option is being used, are the combatants not sorted? And during play, as the turn order advances, does the turn indicator just hop around in what would almost appear to be a random manner? Plus the turn order would be revealed in one round unless you used the old 1e method of rerolling initiative each round.

The CT is basically static client side when that option is on. But, as you say if Bob is first to go then the Next turn indicator will jump to him then when he clicks on the end turn the CT jumps to the next actor in line - which might not be the next one on the CT after Bob. As you say i think it would have to be used with the option to re-roll initiative every turn to be effective at truly hiding the turn order; so in a way it is not particularly useful and probably not really used much I would have thought. Turning on re-roll initiative at the end of the round would be just as effective as switching of showing the turn order.

April 15th, 2019, 21:55
in reply to the 'why initiative rolls'...
In our campaign we do use the random initiative each turn, which (imo) keeps combat a little more random and exciting.
So it's nice to keep it hidden from the players and helps stop metagaming actions/held actions.
We occasionally forget or totally miss the dice tower, so if there is the option to roll init in the dice tower from the dbl click that would help loads :)

April 15th, 2019, 23:41
Zacchaeus Thanks for the details... Makes sense now.
Stv Sorry if it sounded like I wasn’t going to do it. I was mostly wondering what I was missing. Evidently a lot. I’ll get to it soon as I can.

April 16th, 2019, 06:12
Minty, you have outdone yourself again a great extension!
Going to use it this week, I wonder if it works with action abilities.

April 16th, 2019, 11:50
Roll initiative every round, hide order. You can already do this in FG just by using existing options.

Edit: in CoreRPG rulesets at least.

April 16th, 2019, 15:29
I will take a look. Depending on how the author implemented it, it may add considerable work or almost none.

That would be nice if you could make it work with that extension, having all the important information on the character sheet action tab is great.

How hard would it be to predefine skill check visibility based on a preference?

Physical skills such as athletic and acrobatic and performance visible and skills such as stealth and perception hidden instead of all or nothing?

April 16th, 2019, 18:18
... I wonder if it works with action abilities.
Thank you DGM.
“action abilities”? Sorry. I don’t understand what that means. Example please. (Does this mean the rollable actions based on class or race?)

April 16th, 2019, 18:20
Roll initiative every round, hide order. You can already do this in FG just by using existing options.

Edit: in CoreRPG rulesets at least.
YEs you can do that, but the request is to use this extension to hide initiative rolls as well (using the LDTE functions, not the regular dice tower function)

April 16th, 2019, 18:47
Thank you DGM.
“action abilities”? Sorry. I don’t understand what that means. Example please. (Does this mean the rollable actions based on class or race?)

It is the extension you referenced earlier in another comment that I didn’t see yet. :)
It shows the ability scores on the action page of the character sheet

April 16th, 2019, 19:00
How hard would it be to predefine skill check visibility based on a preference? ... Physical skills [versus] performance skills ... instead of all or nothing?
I’m a bit skeptical about trying to handle sub groups: e.g. physical v. performance. Because then someone else comes along and wants a different sub group schema. And another after that.

When I first developed this extension I had considered making the dice tower routing for the skills individually definable. I can revisit this. It is a large amount of work. First, how does one choose which ones to auto route? Adding 10-20 options to the option manager is not acceptable in my opinion. So do I add riight click context menus to the individual skills? Or, as I initially considered dragging the local dice tower on to those skills to turn on auto routing. Then there is the issue of “indication”. Some visible control which indicates which skill is auto routed. For convenience it must be next to the control you double click on to cause the dice roll. A small check box control would solve both selectability and indication. After that there is the issue of persistence: your choices remain persistent from session to session, so you don’t have to go select them again at the beginning of each session. (The option manager takes care of this for me. It would be added functionality for non option manager selectability.) Writing info to the db.xml will solve persistence and again the check box might be the best way to do this. Real estate on the form becomes an issue, in 5E and 3.5E the real estate near the dice control is at a premium let alone in the other extension you’re asking me to support.

I’m not saying no, just that this is not trivial, and it involves closely interweaving code execution with another extension that I have no control over. I’ll investigate and report back.

Keep in mind too. One can always override auto routing by dragging a roll to the chat box.

April 16th, 2019, 19:05
No worries I was looking at it to see how hard it would be to branch off and keep maintaining the minor adjustment.

On the sleeper island community we have a set of prefined skills that go into the tower and others that don’t it might be easy to automate with this.

Will have to look into it later how hard that would be

April 16th, 2019, 19:14
Omg Minty,
I'm sorry if my request has opened a can of worms for you from other users :o
Although it does show your extension is popular ;)
Hope the requests don't give you too many headaches.

Cheers, Steve.

April 19th, 2019, 14:38
Release Notes for Version v0.0.6

DM / GM mandated dice rolls to Local Dice Tower supported in 3.5E and PFRPG rulesets (as described in post #8 of this thread).
Because of my ignorance of 3.5E and PFRPG, without PappaJHR's instrumental help in testing v0.0.6 with PFRPG, I would otherwise never have been able to answer his request (post #10 of this thread).

Initiative rolls can now be mandated to the dice tower (5E, 3.5E. PFRPG) per Stv's request (see post #13 of this thread).

LDTE works well with the 5E Action Abilities extension as requested by Stv (see post #15) and Path Finder's Combat Shortcuts Actions Extension as requested by PappaJHR (by PM).

Notes specific to the 3.5E / PFRPG version:

There are a few fields on the 3.5E / PFRPG character sheet that are supported and that deserve to be called out: rolls to the LDT are mandated for the Senses on the Main tab ("Percept", "Spot", "Listen" …) at PappaJHR request (by PM). Mandate is controlled using the "Table: Dice tower for Skill Checks" option in the Options Manager. Also a couple of fields (Initiative and Saving Throws) that appear on the Main tab of the character sheet also appear on the Combat tab. These fields behave similarly on both tabs.

v0.0.6 (3.5E/PFRPG) also works well with the Hero Points extension, as requested by PappaJHR (by PM) although there are caveats.
When first opened the Local Dice Tower (on the character sheet) will overlie the Hero Points field. Just drag the right edge of the character sheet until it looks okay to you. (screen shot provided below)

April 19th, 2019, 14:39
Unused post. (I didn't need to reserve extra space for v0.0.6 release notes.)

See prior post, #31 for v0.0.6 Release Notes.

April 19th, 2019, 19:59
Minty, you are an absolute legend. Thank you so much listening to (and actioning) my requests.

Cheers, Steve.

April 20th, 2019, 17:20
Hello minty, Very much like this extension.
I found something it does I am not sure it's supposed to do.
When one rolls an attack by dropping the dice on the CT entry, if the attack misses, the person/monster is targeted.
This does not happen on a hit.

Likewise when a save is dropped, if it succeeds, the monster is targeted.

Subsequent rolls do not remove the targeting.

Is this intended?

April 20th, 2019, 17:30
Hello minty, Very much like this extension.
I found something it does I am not sure it's supposed to do.....

Is this intended?
Most assuredly it is not intended.
A few questions.
1) what ruleset?
2) are you using other extensions?
3) if you are, and you quit using LDTE, do you still see the same behaviors?

April 20th, 2019, 17:48
Please disregard. :) Spoke before fully testing.
Discovered it must be happening because of something else.
Effect stops when LDTE shut off.

April 20th, 2019, 17:53
Effect stops when LDTE shut off.

Uhhh. No. Wait...
If the undesirable behavior STOPS when LDTE is turned OFF. Then LDTE might be (part of) the problem.

April 20th, 2019, 18:32
LOL....don't mind me. Head is racing over this.
Effect is still present with LDTE off.
Clean campaign, effect not present.
Eliminating extensions one by one now.

Atreides Ghola
April 20th, 2019, 19:28
So - was just trying this out, and absolutely love it, excepting one problem. When I have any character do a skill check at advantage or disadvantage, it pulls this error (this one was copied from a PC who has disadvantage to Stealth rolls due to armor).

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_actions.lua"]:443: attempt to call field 'addDie' (a nil value)

EDIT: Just checked for Ability Checks, Saves, and Initiative. All pull the same error when the client rolls at advantage or disadvantage with LDTE running.

April 20th, 2019, 19:56
... it pulls this error...:

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_actions.lua"]:443: attempt to call field 'addDie' (a nil value)

Thanks Atreides Ghola. I’ll take a look.
Does LDTE throw that error if you drag to the little dice tower at the top of the character sheet instead of double-clicking?

Atreides Ghola
April 20th, 2019, 20:15
Just checked - no, only on double clicking.

Atreides Ghola
April 20th, 2019, 20:29
Double post. Blargh.

April 20th, 2019, 22:42
5e ruleset. Strange issue. I have the dice tower on and connected second instance (localhost). If I grab a character with localhost I don't see a dice tower on the character sheet. However, if I drag a roll to where I know the mini dice tower should be, it performs as expected (hidden roll). Very strange. Going to try something.. Standby.

Atreides Ghola
April 20th, 2019, 22:43
I have this going on, too.

April 20th, 2019, 22:46
Yep. Figure it out. It the "more 5e fun" theme I was using. Has a shield and dragon as the dice tower. Should have known. Fixed once I disabled that theme. Thanks!

April 21st, 2019, 03:16
Yep. Figure it out. It the "more 5e fun" theme I was using. Has a shield and dragon as the dice tower. Should have known. Fixed once I disabled that theme. Thanks!

Thanks Gwydion for chasing that down. I’ll put that one in the caveats.

April 22nd, 2019, 04:03
Fixed the rolls with advantage or disadvantage issue reported by Atreides Ghola in post #39.

April 23rd, 2019, 10:04
Fixed the rolls with advantage or disadvantage issue reported by Atreides Ghola in post #39.

Can't thank you enough for creating this extension and fixing any issues or adding our requests so promptly :)

June 16th, 2019, 16:58
Another fan of LDTE here ! Just updated my campaigns to v0.0.7

July 31st, 2019, 23:13
Just saw the routine in use in a game and loved it - so much I have added it to my extension list.

One question, would it be possible to add a command line prompt to trigger the hidden dice roll?


/LDT Perception
/LDT Stealth

Maybe add an advantage/Disadvantage option?

/LDT ADV Perception
/LDT ADV Stealth

/LDT DIS Perception
/LDT DIS Stealth

This command could be then dragged to the function bar for quick access?

July 31st, 2019, 23:57
... would it be possible to add a command line prompt to trigger the hidden dice roll...

My initial perception of this is, that it’s more complicated than it sounds. Intercepting “/“ commands in the chat is simple. But routing them might be tough. They’re going to have to go through the character sheet if I’m to reuse my work investment. So there has to be a handle to the character sheet. What if the player had two characters, a side kick, a valet, a minion or familiar? What if the character’s name changes (as it does with my Druid Wild Shapes extension)? Obtaining a reliable handle might not be trivial.

I’ll look at this, but it might be more than I’m willing to take on. Especially right now, I’m pretty busy.

I’m not near FG right now or I'd do this myself, what happens if you drag the skill, e.g. acrobatics, on to the shortcuts bar? If it works at all it probably pre-evaluates the roll and saves result. I.e you roll the same acrobatics check value each time you use the saved shortcut.

August 1st, 2019, 00:39
When you drag skill rolls to the bar they do roll when pressed - though visibly.

I thought you might be able to capture the command in the chat window with the name of the skill. Followed by a quick traverse through the skills for the current character to match the name skill to and then to trigger the dice roll hidden.

The function keys do change when you select a different character.

I know its a way easier said then done..... One can hope that its possible.

August 1st, 2019, 15:49
The function keys do change when you select a different character.
I don’t use the shortcuts very much, so I did not know this. It’s quite encouraging. It implies each character has their own set of shortcuts, so a slash (“/“) command sent to the chat from the shortcut bars, captured by, and processed in the character sheet code, would target the correct character. Capture and processing are easy with the target resolved (“he says with all the confidence of the ignorant””).

August 1st, 2019, 15:55
The currently active PC is known as the "Current Identity" in the FG development documentation. See this API call: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/refdoc/User.xcp#getCurrentIdentity

August 1st, 2019, 15:58
Thanks Trenloe, I’ll do that.

September 14th, 2019, 19:59
I am trying to use both the death indicator extension and the LDTE extension and I am running into a minor display issue when both extensions are enabled. They both seem to be tweaking the same rough area of the char sheet, so I am hoping that you two authors can work together to make them compatible with each other. I am posting this same message in both threads.


The issue is that when both are enabled, it cases the LDTE tower symbol to overlap the Inspiration points making them impossible to use.
With only Death indicator enabled.
With only LDTE enabled

with both enabled.

Thank you both

Valerian Stormbreaker
September 14th, 2019, 22:26
I am trying to use both the death indicator extension and the LDTE extension and I am running into a minor display issue when both extensions are enabled. They both seem to be tweaking the same rough area of the char sheet, so I am hoping that you two authors can work together to make them compatible with each other. I am posting this same message in both threads.


The issue is that when both are enabled, it cases the LDTE tower symbol to overlap the Inspiration points making them impossible to use.
With only Death indicator enabled.
With only LDTE enabled

with both enabled.

Thank you both

Disregard this request. I have a fix for this in my Death Indicator extension. Yes, we are both modifying the same controls, which is why both extensions clash. So, I basically test for the tower control and, if it exists, I overwrite the changes made by the LTDE extension. This allows both extensions to play nice with each other. I will be releasing the fix very soon. I'm actually done with testing and am working on documentation. Please bear with me because I have a bad hip that was replaced in 2017, but still causes me great pain.

Valerian Stormbreaker
September 15th, 2019, 04:46
I have posted version 4.0 of the Death Indicator extension that has the fix for the display issue when the LTDE extension is also running. You can download it here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?49997-5E-Map-Indicator-for-Death-(Extended-Version)

January 6th, 2020, 15:10
Hmm, ... I'm not sure but I fear I'm doing something wrong. I set up a new 5E campaign, with the only active extension the LDTE on FGC 3.3.98 ULT - but no dice tower on the character sheet. (See screenshot, opened the new character right after starting the campaign) What could I be missing? 31122

January 6th, 2020, 15:26
Your description of the issue implies that the instance you have open is the DM’s instance, the Local Dice Tower doesn’t show up in the DM’s instance; only the players see it.

January 6th, 2020, 15:28
Ahhhh! Thanks, I didn't know that.

January 6th, 2020, 15:43
Ahhhh! Thanks, I didn't know that.

It’s in post #2 of this thread. (The one that gives a little bit of information about the LDTE.) #3 & #4 have a little more info of minor interest.

And thanks for giving the extension a try.

June 20th, 2020, 23:52
would anyone know why from one game to the next the forcing ability checks portion of this extension would stop working. The dice tower section in the bottom right of the screen to manually roll hidden rolls is still there and works. But the ability to force my players to roll hidden rolls for skill checks and such is no longer functioning on two different boards.

June 21st, 2020, 01:09
Please bear with me, I need some answers to a couple questions.

“from one game to the next” - Does this mean campaign? Or does it mean session, the same campaign, but just a different session?

“two different boards” - I have no idea what this means. Fantasy Grounds desktop?

June 21st, 2020, 01:15
it was one session to the next but it seems I tracked it down it is interacting with the Roll for Initiative extension and causing problems. But yes from one game night to the next game night it stopped working. I hadn't made any changes I am aware of. FG itself might have updated though. Boards, sorry is what my local group calls a virtual board so like one campaign, IE one save.

June 21st, 2020, 01:40
Excellent. You tracked it down to a conflict between LDTE and another extension.
If possible please send me a link to the other extension (so I can be assured I download the correct one). I’ll try to repeat the issue, I may have more questions.

June 21st, 2020, 01:53
https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?45234-5E-Request-Roll-Extension-WIP#:~:text=So%20I%20worked%20on%20a,a%20button%20 to%20be%20pressed.

Here is the extension. Thanks for the help.

November 8th, 2020, 22:42
The DM doesn't roll into the dice tower, and even if he/she does, it's not hidden from him/her. It doesn't make sense.The reason for the dice tower as a GM is so that you can turn on public rolls. Then, when you roll in the dice tower, it is like rolling 'behind the screen'.
This is good for GMs that like to be public with most rolls but keep some skill checks and things private/hidden.

November 9th, 2020, 06:52
Since the latest Unity update, I'm getting an issue on the player side when rolling any check that is hidden with this extension. After clicking the ADV or DIS buttons at the bottom and then double clicking a strength check for example, both the players and myself see 3 dice being rolled, rather than just 2.

If you drop the roll onto the FG dice tower, the ADV and DIS rolls are correct.


You can see from the attached, that the first roll was using your extension straight from the character sheet, and adds a second d20, while the second roll was using the normal built in dice tower.

I then loaded up a clean campaign with just your extension, and still have same problem, so it doesn't appear to be a conflict with any other extension.


Again dropping the dice onto the tower, rolls correctly.

November 16th, 2020, 03:04
I'm still getting errors with advantage on skill checks. This is only for double clicking. If I roll it in tht little tower on my sheet, it works fine.

[11/15/2020 9:59:52 PM] EXTENSION: Local Dice Tower Extension (5E ed., v0.0.7)
[11/15/2020 10:00:47 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_actions.lua"]:463: attempt to call field 'addDie' (a nil value)

November 17th, 2020, 17:37
Since the latest Unity update, I'm getting an issue on the player side when rolling any check that is hidden with this extension. After clicking the ADV or DIS buttons at the bottom and then double clicking a strength check for example, both the players and myself see 3 dice being rolled, rather than just 2.

If you drop the roll onto the FG dice tower, the ADV and DIS rolls are correct.


You can see from the attached, that the first roll was using your extension straight from the character sheet, and adds a second d20, while the second roll was using the normal built in dice tower.

I then loaded up a clean campaign with just your extension, and still have same problem, so it doesn't appear to be a conflict with any other extension.


Again dropping the dice onto the tower, rolls correctly.

I am also having this issue.

January 12th, 2021, 10:21
Any update on when this issue will be fixed?

January 12th, 2021, 14:49
@spoonhead, Stewartl42, Scrit, fharlang and others:
I am looking into these issues now. I am just getting familiar with Unity so it may be a while more.

January 14th, 2021, 04:40
This version, v0.0.8, remedies a problem experienced for double-click dice rolls diverted to the Local Dice Tower on Fantasy Grounds Unity (see post #69 for details). It was tested on both Fantasy Grounds Classic and Fantasy Grounds Unity. And, it was released for the 5E, 3.5 and Pathfinder (PF) rulesets. The extensions can be found on post #1 of this thread. Make sure you download the .ext file appropriate for the ruleset that you'll be using.

Let me know if there are problems. And thanks for using this extension.

January 14th, 2021, 05:14
The DM doesn't roll into the dice tower, and even if he/she does, it's not hidden from him/her. It doesn't make sense.The reason for the dice tower as a GM is so that you can turn on public rolls. Then, when you roll in the dice tower, it is like rolling 'behind the screen'.
This is good for GMs that like to be public with most rolls but keep some skill checks and things private/hidden.

Ah I can see where you're going with this. Fair enough.
I've changed the wording in post #2 to hopefully make my point more concise.
One, the DM cannot roll into the Dice Tower, the ruleset doesn't display the Dice Tower to the DM. And two, this extension is intended to direct the players' use of the Dice Tower not the DM's. Even if there was a great demand for what you say, it is out of scope of my intent for this project.

January 14th, 2021, 05:27
https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?45234-5E-Request-Roll-Extension-WIP#:~:text=So%20I%20worked%20on%20a,a%20button%20 to%20be%20pressed.

Here is the extension. Thanks for the help.

I'm probably not going to address this. st4lkr87's Request Roll Extension and LDTE seem to have some overlap of functionality/intent. I don't understand why one would run both extensions concurrently. The Request Roll Extension seems to handle Dice Tower issues on its own terms, terms exclusive of LDTE's intent.

February 22nd, 2021, 20:53
"little bigger buried beneath 4 Windows"
This is very cool! I have the exact same thing happen to me and so do my players.

April 19th, 2021, 04:46
Guidance is currently not working in 5e Unity, it does not roll the additional d4.

April 19th, 2021, 05:05
Guidance is currently not working in 5e Unity, it does not roll the additional d4.
You’re talking about the Guidance Spell, correct?
If so I don’t see how that is relevant to this extension. Are you sure you posted this to the proper thread?

April 20th, 2021, 05:39

The dice tower is used for skill rolls so things that effect skills should work when rolled correct?

April 20th, 2021, 15:35
The dice tower is used for skill rolls so things that effect skills should work when rolled correct?
That’s pretty far reaching. Out of the intended score of my extension. But interesting none-the-less. I’ll look into it.

April 23rd, 2021, 14:46
The dice tower is used for skill rolls so things that effect skills should work when rolled correct?
That’s pretty far reaching. Out of the intended scope of my extension. But interesting none-the-less. I’ll look into it.

I have started looking at this and confirmed that your assertion is correct, LDTE does not roll the other 1d4 die, for a double-click on the Skills tab.

However, the extra die is rolled if one drags from the skill to the little (local) dice tower at the top of the character sheet.

One might ask, “how is this of any help? I can just use the big dice tower.”

This is true, but the original premise of this extension was to provide a little (local) dice tower on the character sheet, so that one didn’t need to rearrange/move any open sub windows when one needed to roll to the dice tower. The current functionality, as it stands right now, meets that criteria.

It is the double-click functionality that was added later as a convenience that fails to work.

That said, I will continue to investigate to see if it is possible to add a minimal amount of code/script to fix this shortcoming. However, if it becomes necessary to add code that traps and handles each individual instance of spell use (e.g. Guidance, Resistance, etc...) then I will not be supporting the additional desired functionality. It would add more code/script and maintenance than I am willing to commit to.

April 25th, 2021, 01:24
OK so does your extension work for double clicking or is that just something of a side effect? That is the only reason we use the extension in the 5 games I DM and the 3 others I play in. I do not see a dice tower at the top of the character sheet and have not for a very long time.46052

April 25th, 2021, 01:42
Minty explains that the dice tower does not show on gm view. Only PC's well see it on their sheet

April 25th, 2021, 13:22
Thank you charmov. Precisely.

And fharlang, as I’ve tried to explain, it does not work for double clicking. But I am looking into fixing that.

October 9th, 2021, 14:53

Great little extension, thanks for this!

February 4th, 2022, 23:59
Any chance this can get added to the Forge?

February 5th, 2022, 05:52
Any chance this can get added to the Forge?

The fact it hasn't been updated in a year, does it really need to?

February 5th, 2022, 10:18
I can see your reasoning on that....

The suggestion for having it added to the forge would:

(1) Raise awareness of the mod as people tend to search the forge and less in the forms for extensions.

(2) Encourages a developer to maintain/enhance the mod.

(3) If/when the mod does get updated the update would automatically be rolled out, rather than relying on me to keep monitoring one of many forum posts for an update.

February 19th, 2022, 20:34
Any chance this can get added to the Forge?

Until recently I have had no time and little interest in listing my extensions in the Forge.
Now that time permits it, I am starting to add them to the Forge, at my convenience.

I want to look into fharlang's expostulation more thoroughly. I'll list this extension after my investigation (because there might be an update).

February 19th, 2022, 20:52

I can confirm its not working, however, it works on the DM side when its done.

Hope that helps.

February 24th, 2022, 12:32
Looking forward to it...

February 26th, 2022, 15:22
There is a new version of LDTE (Local Dice Tower Extension) available.
It fixes the issue mentioned above in post #78 by fharlang.
LDTE has also been listed in the Forge.

See Post #1 of this thread for more information and a link to the Forge page.

March 3rd, 2022, 22:19
Hi MintyFresh - The latest FGU v4.1.14 Seems to have a 'Depreciation' warning on Rolling Saves etc.. I have tested by unloading the "Local Dice Tower Extension (5E ed., v0.0.9)" and the warning then doesn't appear.

"ActorManager.getActor - DEPRECATED - 2021-01-01 - Contact forge/extension author"

Thanks again for this EXTN.. Makes my life easier as DM as the never see their rolls as they are 'auto' directed to the TOWER and then hidden..

Btw. I think the forge entry for this vital extn could do with a screen shot of two and icon.

Make it look all minty fresh.

March 5th, 2022, 22:30
Hi MintyFresh - The latest FGU v4.1.14 Seems to have a 'Depreciation' warning on Rolling Saves etc.. I have tested by unloading the "Local Dice Tower Extension (5E ed., v0.0.9)" and the warning then doesn't appear.
Thanks for reporting this. Is the extension working satisfactorily, but you are just seeing this “deprecation” error? Otherwise things are okay?

Two reason for asking: (1) I’m traveling at the moment and it will be difficult for me to address this while on the road. And (2) I seem to remember putting a debugging statement in my code with the following syntax:

"ActorManager.getActor - DEPRECATED - 2021-01-01 - Contact forge/extension author"
So there may not be an error, I may have neglected to remove my development debugging statements.

Btw. I think the forge entry for this vital extn could do with a screen shot of two and icon.
I probably won’t get around to this. Managing comments, instructions and screenshots in two places (forge and forums) is way more time consuming than I want to put up with. One might ask, why not just do it all in the forge from now on. Well… any changes I make have to go through an vetting/approval process, so in the forge it’s not one trip then done. It’s post changes, apply for approval, wait for approval, keep checking for approval, revisit the forge and post the approved changes. (And hence, my hesitation for such a long time in putting things in the forge in the first place.)

March 6th, 2022, 19:01
Yes it’s seems to be a weird warning only as functionally seems ok. It seems to only manifest when not directly dropping the tower.

March 6th, 2022, 19:09
Yes it’s seems to be a weird warning only as functionally seems ok. It seems to only manifest when not directly dropping the tower.

Okay thank you. I’ll look into it when I return home.

March 10th, 2022, 15:55
Hey Minty, first I wanted to say thank you for the hard work. Love this ext.

I had 2 requests.

1) Whenever you change the name of the ext listed in the ext, we have to reselect it to load it. So you've updated the version number in the name to like .9 or something.
I think it would be best to leave out the version number and put that in where it states what version it is when you load into FGU and it posts it in chat. That's normally the standard how others do it.

2) The ext from the FORGE is looking like it's stored in the vault. That is normally used to keep things private where the people getting it would not have access to the file to edit it.
If this is the cause I understand, but I doubt it is, most like its just defaulted to that so that's where it goes. Do you think you can change this from the vault storage to data storage?

March 10th, 2022, 17:07
gets copied into my EXTNSIONS folder everytime ?


March 10th, 2022, 20:10
gets copied into my EXTNSIONS folder everytime ?


Welp that fixes the first issue =P I guess I just missed it because of the name change. So only the second issue then is an issue.

March 25th, 2022, 03:54
I hope this helps if you haven't already figured it out, I've applied this to my own file and it seems to be working without issue thus far.

This message

ActorManager.getActor - DEPRECATED - 2021-01-01 - Contact forge/extension author
is solved by swapping all instances of "ActorManager.getActor" with "ActorManager.resolveActor"

The extention will retain functionality until "getActor" is completely removed from FGU in the near future.

March 26th, 2022, 15:16
Thank you. Got that part figured out. I should have addressed it when I saw the “Debug.console” warning in the previous FG version.

I’m trying to coincidently address a couple other “housekeeping” items, but finding enough time in my personal schedule is my real problem.

And as you say, when Smiteworks completely deprecates getActor(), I’m going to be in trouble.

March 28th, 2022, 20:21
Release Notes

Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE) version 0.0.10:
1) Fixes the "deprecation" warning reported by EllivasKram (see posts 94-96 of this thread).
2) Addresses extension naming and Forge issues as brought to light by MrDDT (see posts 98-100).
3) There is now one extension for all supported rulesets (CoreRPG, PFRPG, 3.5E and 5E).


First: absolute kudos to Moon Wizard and the rest of the Fantasy Grounds development team for their multi-tiered approach in handling the deprecation of the getActor() function and its replacement by the resolveActor() function.

When they deprecated getActor() in a new version of Fantasy Grounnds, a couple releases ago, they announced it in the release notes, which I never read, and redirected program flow to resolveActor() via its call within the deprecated and stranded getActor() function. Additionally there was a Debug.console warning embedded in getActor(). In a subsequent release they trumped up the warnings by embedding a Chat warning of the getActor() deprecation, employing extension consumers to light fires under the extension developers.

What all this has done is allow those of us community developers who dawdled, and didn't address the deprecation in a timely manner, additional time to get our act together without causing our extension to just become broken. Thank you Smithworks. I'll endeavor to be more participatory in the future.

Second: I use three methods of identifying what version of my extensions are being employed by users of my work. (1) The extension <name> field in the extension.xml file which is presented to the user when they select which extensions they're going to use on the Fantasy Grounds Launcher page. (2) The extension <announcement> field in the extension.xml file which is presented to the user in the Chat box on the Fantasy Grounds tabletop. And, (3) the name of my extension's file itself as seen in the extensions folder.

MrDTT asked that I present updates via The Forge in a manner that doesn't require users to have to reselect the new version of the extension on the FG Launcher screen whenever I post an update. After some experimentation, it appears as though, the only item that I use for extension version identification that I have to be mindful of is the file name itself. So in the future I will attempt to use the same name for every version of LDTE. I believe I can still relate extension version info, in both the <name> and <announcement> fields, and Fantasy Grounds will not require extension reselection prior to launch.

Please note, I am setting the default file name with this release, so this time you will have to reselect the latest (v0.0.10) version in the Launcher but hopefully not in the future.

Third: Some time ago I started a thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48917-Help-with-Extension-Multiple-RuleSet-Support) and I asked for help managing extensions that require desperate coding over multiple rulesets. Recent posts to that thread have allowed me to recombine all the code into a single extension file, yet still maintain the desperate code required by each supported ruleset.

March 30th, 2022, 23:52
Thanks for updating this and it's working great!

April 4th, 2022, 15:44
The Druid Wild Shapes Implementor extension of mine has been updated so the problem of it and this extension, Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE) not playing nicely with one another has been remedied.

(For those users that use both LDTE and DWSI.)

April 18th, 2022, 15:05
Hi Minty - could you please see if this code breaks your extension?

filename: LDT_record_char.xml

function onInit()
--[[ Debug.console("LDT_record_char.xml | charsheet | onInit() | ruleset=", User.getRulesetName()); ]]
if super and super.onInit then super.onInit(); end

note the super stuff....

April 24th, 2022, 19:32
So what's the story of the LDTE being delisted and re-listed ?

If anyone has noticed their EXTN has gone AWOL - You have to re-subscribe to the LDTE extn as the older extn was delisted..

April 25th, 2022, 15:46

Hi Minty - could you please see if this code breaks your extension?

filename: LDT_record_char.xml

function onInit()
--[[ Debug.console("LDT_record_char.xml | charsheet | onInit() | ruleset=", User.getRulesetName()); ]]
if super and super.onInit then super.onInit(); end

note the super stuff....

As mentioned in PM and in another, somewhat off-topic thread, we've run into this before:
LDTE and your Hero Points extension bumped into one another. Last time I put a band-aid on the problem and solved it by putting code that specifically looked for a Hero Points <label> in LDTE and then dealt with it.

It appears as though you want me to do the same, although using a different method, and I am assuming, some code on your end.

What I would like to do is propose a different methodology: maybe something that iterates over the <anchor> fields and places our icons properly based on what's there (from ruleset and any other extensions loaded). Hopefully this would prevent any future issues as well. We'd have issues with <loadorder> unless we both adopt the proposed methodology.

damned, I suspect you have more clout than I do with Moon Wizard, if you don't mind would you run this idea by him? I'm not asking him to solve the problem and provide the code, I can do that and know you're capable of doing it to. I'm just wondering if the methodology I propose is sound.

April 25th, 2022, 15:54

April 25th, 2022, 17:11
Hi Minty Im all out of time this week. Ill take it back up with you next week if thats ok.

April 25th, 2022, 20:47
So what's the story of the LDTE being delisted and re-listed ?

If anyone has noticed their EXTN has gone AWOL - You have to re-subscribe to the LDTE extn as the older extn was delisted..

Is there an answer to this question? I have 3 local dice tower extensions listed in my FGU application (.9, SUPERCEDED, .12) and I have no idea how to remove the old ones.

April 25th, 2022, 21:04
Is there an answer to this question? I have 3 local dice tower extensions listed in my FGU application (.9, SUPERCEDED, .12) and I have no idea how to remove the old ones.
Go to the main Forge page. Pick Inventory. Disable and hide, or at least Disable the ones you don’t want anymore.

You can also remove them from disk. Use the folder icon on the FGU launcher to go to the data folder. Then to extensions. Local Dice Tower will be those labeled LDTE_v……ext and/or LocalDiceTower.ext. Delete them.

But if they were had via a Forge subscription you must Disable them, otherwise they’ll be downloaded again when you update.

Any in the vault will be more problematic.

Possibly Disabling will take care of that for you.

April 25th, 2022, 21:45
Go to the main Forge page. Pick Inventory. Disable and hide, or at least Disable the ones you don’t want anymore.

You can also remove them from disk. Use the folder icon on the FGU launcher to go to the data folder. Then to extensions. Local Dice Tower will be those labeled LDTE_v……ext and/or LocalDiceTower.ext. Delete them.

But if they were had via a Forge subscription you must Disable them, otherwise they’ll be downloaded again when you update.

Any in the vault will be more problematic.

Possibly Disabling will take care of that for you.

Disabling indeed deletes them from your downloaded EXTNS list. Thanks for the info

April 25th, 2022, 22:07
So what's the story of the LDTE being delisted and re-listed ?

If anyone has noticed their EXTN has gone AWOL - You have to re-subscribe to the LDTE extn as the older extn was delisted..

Disabling indeed deletes them from your downloaded EXTNS list. Thanks for the info

OM… I am so sorry for not responding earlier. I made an asinine assumption (as if there were any other kind), I assumed you knew how to do find and enact the Disable, or Disable & Hide functionality. Why I would do such a moronic thing, I don’t know.

I’m really sorry.

April 25th, 2022, 22:56
It’s more the weird scenario of the extn being delisted and then having to subscribe to an identical extn but with a different forge ID. Seems to be the opposite the way the forge is supposed to work with new versions. But all sorted now.

April 26th, 2022, 01:05
Hi Minty,

When uploading new builds you do it to the same product in the Forge and just set the new version to be the live version. That will stop people having multiple instances.

April 26th, 2022, 01:09
Thanks. I learned the hard way. I had avoided the Forge for the longest time. And now I wish I’d never started.

May 9th, 2022, 22:52
I believe your option settings that allow the GM/DM to direct the default double click behavior of certain dice rolls from the chat window to the Dice Tower is not working in the Mini character sheet for skills and ability scores.


May 9th, 2022, 23:32
I believe your option settings that allow the GM/DM to direct the default double click behavior of certain dice rolls from the chat window to the Dice Tower is not working in the Mini character sheet for skills and ability scores.

That sounds as though that would be correct. I never added support for the “mini” character sheet - I wasn’t even aware such a thing existed.

May 10th, 2022, 07:05
That sounds as though that would be correct. I never added support for the “mini” character sheet - I wasn’t even aware such a thing existed.

The mini tower on the top the char sheet for players (only) is a major convenience feature.

But rereading the post it’s not that. Phewww

June 8th, 2022, 15:01
That sounds as though that would be correct. I never added support for the “mini” character sheet - I wasn’t even aware such a thing existed.

Any chance you could add support to the mini sheet?

July 12th, 2022, 23:48
In the July 12th release, it seems that Dice Tower is broken!

July 13th, 2022, 03:07
Something may have changed for latest update in 5e
When Character sheet is opened
Console.log states

[7/12/2022 10:06:31 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (dicetower_forwarding) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (charsheet)
[7/12/2022 10:06:31 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (dicetower_forwarding) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (charsheet)
[7/12/2022 10:06:31 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "dicetower_forwarding"]:31: attempt to index local 'c' (a nil value)
[7/12/2022 10:06:31 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (dicetower_forwarding) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (charsheet)
[7/12/2022 10:06:31 PM] [ERROR] window: Control (dicetower_forwarding) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (charsheet)

July 14th, 2022, 17:59
Any update on this EXTN - and latest update causing the above issues..

July 14th, 2022, 18:16
Nope. I am in the middle of relocating.

July 14th, 2022, 18:49
Hope that goes smooth. Have a great one.

July 15th, 2022, 15:59
Just FYI - this is not isolated to the 5E ruleset only; occurs for PF as well

July 19th, 2022, 22:33
A new version of the Local Dice Tower Extension is available in the Forge.

For my edification (and I guess yours too, if you care :) )

(1) Smiteworks revamped the upper portion of the character sheet (most rulesets) and made it much easier to add a control, e.g. the dice tower icon, to that area of the character sheet. In doing so, all current control anchoring used by me was broken. For more details see this post (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?74471-Inserting-a-Control-in-Windowclass-charsheet_overview).

(2) There was also one small change to the dragdata object, a rename of one of the functions. This broke my instantiable dragdata object.

September 21st, 2022, 13:06
Hey Minty,

My players and I love this extensions as it adds a lot to immersion by making skill checks hidden.
Do you think it would be possible at all to make death saving throws become hidden to all but the DM/player (since they have access to their character sheet)? It could at a lot of drama and hard decisions if people didn't know how many death saves they have failed.
If not, no big deal :)

September 21st, 2022, 14:07
Hey Minty,

My players and I love this extensions as it adds a lot to immersion by making skill checks hidden.
Do you think it would be possible at all to make death saving throws become hidden to all but the DM/player (since they have access to their character sheet)? It could at a lot of drama and hard decisions if people didn't know how many death saves they have failed.
If not, no big deal :)
My first thought is that this should be possible. Right now I am in the process of relocating. I won’t be settled in enough to seriously look at this for about a month. But when I get my head above water again, I surely will.

September 21st, 2022, 15:36
My first thought is that this should be possible. Right now I am in the process of relocating. I won’t be settled in enough to seriously look at this for about a month. But when I get my head above water again, I surely will.

My players already do this using this extension. Not sure what else would be needed.

September 21st, 2022, 15:45
My players already do this using this extension. Not sure what else would be needed.

I suspect you have it set for all saving throws to go to the dice tower. You are right that it would hide the roll in that case. I was hoping not to have to hide ALL saving throws though, just death saving throws.

September 21st, 2022, 15:47
I suspect you have it set for all saving throws to go to the dice tower. You are right that it would hide the roll in that case. I was hoping not to have to hide ALL saving throws though, just death saving throws.

I just have death saves set to manual and the players themselves drag/drop the death save die in the tower.

September 21st, 2022, 16:05
I just have death saves set to manual and the players themselves drag/drop the death save die in the tower.

Ah, I see. That is definitely doable. I was just hoping for a solution that retained the auto rolling of death saves.

September 21st, 2022, 17:28
I suspect you have it set for all saving throws to go to the dice tower. You are right that it would hide the roll in that case. I was hoping not to have to hide ALL saving throws though, just death saving throws.

I would like this option also if it were possible, this is how we do it on our table where we see all the save throws normally, however, I don't want to announce a PC death saves to everyone at the table. Having a secondary option for only this would be great.

November 27th, 2022, 17:08
I’m looking into this saving throw thing now: handling death saves separately from all other saves.

November 28th, 2022, 14:55
@ Dudin and MrDDT

... Do you think it would be possible at all to make death saving throws become hidden to all but the DM/player (since they have access to their character sheet)?
This seems pretty easy, so far. Based on the wording of your question, it appears as though you'd like the roll to be hidden from everybody but the DM and the player? Is that correct?

Keeping it DM only (via the local dice tower) is easy. But also showing it to the player, making the save, will involve much more effort. The result could be telegraphed to the player by the DM by checking the appropriate Pass/Fail indicators. And if you need to telegraph the actual roll value to the player, then the DM can drag the dice roll from the chat on to the player's portrait.


Is this acceptable?

November 28th, 2022, 14:57
Any chance you could add support to the mini sheet?
What rule set? PF1? If so I am completely unfamiliar with PF. How do I invoke the mini character sheet?

November 28th, 2022, 15:26
@ Dudin and MrDDT

This seems pretty easy, so far. Based on the wording of your question, it appears as though you'd like the roll to be hidden from everybody but the DM and the player? Is that correct?

Keeping it DM only (via the local dice tower) is easy. But also showing it to the player, making the save, will involve much more effort. The result could be telegraphed to the player by the DM by checking the appropriate Pass/Fail indicators. And if you need to telegraph the actual roll value to the player, then the DM can drag the dice roll from the chat on to the player's portrait.


Is this acceptable?

Hey Minty! I hope the move went well.

I would personally be fine with the player in question making death saves be aware of the pass/fail count. It is keeping it a mystery for the other players who need to take action to help is what I was seeking.
I play with death saves rolled automatically for unconscious players. So in my mind the ideal function for the extension would be that the player who is downed would be the following:
1 - Player starts their turn and the death save is automatically rolled
2 - Roll is hidden from all but the DM.
3 - The DM sees the result and the downed player knows the result based on whether a pass/fail was added to their sheet.

Other's preference may vary, but that would be perfect for me :)
I can definitely understand that trying to keep it hidden from the player making the death save would be difficult.

November 28th, 2022, 16:09
The player can see the results due to the ticks on his character.

On this basis I would be happy for the results only to be sent to the GM.

November 28th, 2022, 17:13
Hey Minty! I hope the move went well.

I would personally be fine with the player in question making death saves be aware of the pass/fail count. It is keeping it a mystery for the other players who need to take action to help is what I was seeking.
I play with death saves rolled automatically for unconscious players. So in my mind the ideal function for the extension would be that the player who is downed would be the following:
1 - Player starts their turn and the death save is automatically rolled
2 - Roll is hidden from all but the DM.
3 - The DM sees the result and the downed player knows the result based on whether a pass/fail was added to their sheet.

Other's preference may vary, but that would be perfect for me :)
I can definitely understand that trying to keep it hidden from the player making the death save would be difficult.

Thank you Minty for this, and my feelings are the same as this posted above.

Pretty much the player will know as it will update the pass/fail in their charsheet, no need for another msg in chat just for them.

December 2nd, 2022, 00:18
The player can see the results due to the ticks on his character.

On this basis I would be happy for the results only to be sent to the GM.

If I read and understood everything correctly, in the posts above, ColinBuckler is the only one desiring the "tallies" of the successful and failed death saves not be reported on the Player's Character Sheet.

So, I have been able to hide the Death Saving Throw tallies on the Player's copy of the Character Sheet.
But there's a problem... (maybe?)

In the screen shot below, notice:

Death saving throws are directed to the Dice Tower (center panel, not circled)
There is an option in the Options Utility to hide death save tallies (circled in red, left most panel)
The tallies are not shown on the player's character sheet (right panel, circled in red)
When the character successfully saves the third time, "Stable" is reported Stable in the Chat Box (in red, center panel)


I suspect the reported "Stable" Effect is undesirable?
(Interestingly, upon the third failure, "death" is not reported, probably because it isn't an Effect.)

Comments, ColinBuckler (and others)?

December 2nd, 2022, 00:44
If I read and understood everything correctly, in the posts above, ColinBuckler is the only one desiring the "tallies" of the successful and failed death saves not be reported on the Player's Character Sheet.

So, I have been able to hide the Death Saving Throw tallies on the Player's copy of the Character Sheet.
But there's a problem... (maybe?)

In the screen shot below, notice:

Death saving throws are directed to the Dice Tower (center panel, not circled)
There is an option in the Options Utility to hide death save tallies (circled in red, left most panel)
The tallies are not shown on the player's character sheet (right panel, circled in red)
When the character successfully saves the third time, "Stable" is reported Stable in the Chat Box (in red, center panel)


I suspect the reported "Stable" Effect is undesirable?
(Interestingly, upon the third failure, "death" is not reported, probably because it isn't an Effect.)

Comments, ColinBuckler (and others)?

Well I kinda like not showing the player the tallies also, however, if it's not able to be done (which clearly it is), I would have of liked it to be limited to just the player who is rolling (or in this case not rolling because the tower is) them.

So these options are great.

Is there a way it can report a GM only Stable effect?

December 2nd, 2022, 21:47
I love the possibilities, whichever one you're able to do. If I had to choose, getting rid of the stable message to all players is more important than hiding the tally from the player's own character sheet, but even the base functionality is great.

December 19th, 2022, 15:55
Version 0.0.14 has been posted to the Forge.

There is a new option, "death saving throws", in the Options Manager Tool, amid the other Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE) options. Unlike the other LDTE settings, there are four choices for the setting: "No", "Yes", "No Tallies" and "GM Only". Given the discussion in the several prior posts, the two additional settings should be relatively self-explanatory.

Because of the holiday season and my desire to get this version posted, I don't have as much time as I'd like to devote to a detailed explanation of each of the new options. I will add more details if and when they're required.

"Yes" - all ruleset functionality is unchanged except the rolls are routed through the Dice Tower.

"No Tallies" - at the beginning of each death saving throw the "successful" and "failed" saving throw checkmarks are cleared and the result of the current saving throw is displayed. So at any time, only one death saving throw result is displayed. The GM and/or Player must (mentally) keep track of the total of all "successes" and "fails". (This methodology was necessary to prevent telegraphing deaths and effects (e.g. "Stable") to all players. It's a simple method that will help ensure future compatibility with other extension use and ruleset changes, I hope :confused: .)

"GM Only" - functionality is the same as "No Tallies" except the "tally" areas for "successes " and "failures" is hidden from all players.

If you want the player to be the only one who knows the results of a roll, i.e. the roll is also hidden from the GM, the player will either have to roll a physical die or drag a roll on to the desktop outside the chat area and keep a mental track of the tallies.

December 21st, 2022, 19:21
Thank you for this new feature edition, Minty!
I will try out the various settings with my group.

December 22nd, 2022, 13:38
Version 0.0.14 has been posted to the Forge.

There is a new option, "death saving throws", in the Options Manager Tool, amid the other Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE) options. Unlike the other LDTE settings, there are four choices for the setting: "No", "Yes", "No Tallies" and "GM Only". Given the discussion in the several prior posts, the two additional settings should be relatively self-explanatory.

Because of the holiday season and my desire to get this version posted, I don't have as much time as I'd like to devote to a detailed explanation of each of the new options. I will add more details if and when they're required.

"Yes" - all ruleset functionality is unchanged except the rolls are routed through the Dice Tower.

"No Tallies" - at the beginning of each death saving throw the "successful" and "failed" saving throw checkmarks are cleared and the result of the current saving throw is displayed. So at any time, only one death saving throw result is displayed. The GM and/or Player must (mentally) keep track of the total of all "successes" and "fails". (This methodology was necessary to prevent telegraphing deaths and effects (e.g. "Stable") to all players. It's a simple method that will help ensure future compatibility with other extension use and ruleset changes, I hope :confused: .)

"GM Only" - functionality is the same as "No Tallies" except the "tally" areas for "successes " and "failures" is hidden from all players.

If you want the player to be the only one who knows the results of a roll, i.e. the roll is also hidden from the GM, the player will either have to roll a physical die or drag a roll on to the desktop outside the chat area and keep a mental track of the tallies.

Wow nice, I will test it out when I can and report back, great work!

January 30th, 2023, 14:40
Thank you so much @Minty23185Fresh, the update is working great for us no issues.

I did notice an issue while being a player and table setting to 3 inspiration slots while using this and MNM's Charsheet Tweaks, not sure if you guys can work it out.


As you can see here it pushes the box to the left and makes it so you can't click the dots there. I'm going to post this to MNM also, but is this something you think only one needs to fix? or does it require both to be fixed?

January 30th, 2023, 15:14
@MrDDT I assume "MNM" is "Mad Nomad's"? I went to the Forge to find the "Charsheet Tweaks" extension. It is a "pay for" extension.

It is my opinion that when someone charges for a product, that comes with a certain amount of ethical responsibility to ensure robustness.

When an extension of mine conflicts with a "pay for" product, again my opinion is, addressing the inter-extension compatibility is on them.

My extensions are shared with the community without charge because I do not want to bind my time and myself to the responsibility of ensuring robustness. I specifically state in the forums thread that there may be conflicts with other extensions. I don't guarantee that my extension will work with others.

I also won't buy something that I don't want or need. (And I will not accept it as a gift - that would bind me to that same ethical responsibility.)

January 30th, 2023, 15:25
@MrDDT I assume "MNM" is "Mad Nomad's"? I went to the Forge to find the "Charsheet Tweaks" extension. It is a "pay for" extension.

It is my opinion that when someone charges for a product, that comes with a certain amount of ethical responsibility to ensure robustness.

When an extension of mine conflicts with a "pay for" product, again my opinion is, addressing the inter-extension compatibility is on them.

My extensions are shared with the community without charge because I do not want to bind my time and myself to the responsibility of ensuring robustness. I specifically state in the forums thread that there may be conflicts with other extensions. I don't guarantee that my extension will work with others.

I also won't buy something that I don't want or need. (And I will not accept it as a gift - that would bind me to that same ethical responsibility.)

I agree with your opinion of that and I didn't know if this was something you could do easy on your end with or without that ext, thank you for looking into it.

As I said I posted it to MNM also. Thanks for the quick reply.

January 30th, 2023, 15:50
... I didn't know if this was something you could do easy on your end with or without that ext
Since I don't have their extension, I don't know what it does (normally). For instance is the left side of the line containing the PC's Name, supposed to look like that? Does "Tweaks" push the Token and "Speaker" over there to the left (normally, without my extension)?

A few FG releases ago, Moon Wizard, et. al. made some changes to the CoreRPG (I think) ruleset, that really helped address these collisions up there in the PC Name area of the Character Sheet. For example, damed's Hero Points extension and LDTE were walking on each other.

Quite possibly, Charsheet Tweaks, is not fully utilizing that new functionality in the ruleset. Without other extensions in play, one might be lucky or unlucky enough to never know that those additions were made.

January 31st, 2023, 03:34
Since I don't have their extension, I don't know what it does (normally). For instance is the left side of the line containing the PC's Name, supposed to look like that? Does "Tweaks" push the Token and "Speaker" over there to the left (normally, without my extension)?

A few FG releases ago, Moon Wizard, et. al. made some changes to the CoreRPG (I think) ruleset, that really helped address these collisions up there in the PC Name area of the Character Sheet. For example, damed's Hero Points extension and LDTE were walking on each other.

Quite possibly, Charsheet Tweaks, is not fully utilizing that new functionality in the ruleset. Without other extensions in play, one might be lucky or unlucky enough to never know that those additions were made.

Again thanks for looking into it. I'm awaiting MNM's response, I will see where to go from there.

January 31st, 2023, 10:15
Hello Minty. Let me start that I love this extension and it works wonderfully for my players in our CoS 5e campaign. I have a question. Is there a way to move the dice tower to another part of the sheet? Or maybe a way that we can customize or move it manually through options or right clicking it. Right now I have a problem, because I like to allow my players to have up to 3 points for inspiration and the tower seems to block the first point. I would like to continue to use this extension, as the dice tower becomes quickly covered up, even with two monitors as a DM. Thank you for your work and I find that it be a useful tool for me and my players.

July 7th, 2023, 04:31
Extension is amazing. Thank you for doing this, it is much appreciated. Would you look into possibly adding RolemasterClassic compatibility to it? Things like Resistance Rolls and Skill Rolls would probably be the most useful to start with.

August 23rd, 2023, 00:25
Hey Minty,

I am not sure if the saving throws go to Dice Tower function is working anymore. I tested the function with no other extensions loaded and it wasn't working anymore.
The other DT functions (like saving throws, initiative, skill checks) worked, just not death saving throws.

Is anyone else having this issue too?

August 29th, 2023, 18:51
Hey Minty,

I am not sure if the saving throws go to Dice Tower function is working anymore. I tested the function with no other extensions loaded and it wasn't working anymore.
The other DT functions (like saving throws, initiative, skill checks) worked, just not death saving throws.

Is anyone else having this issue too?

Working correctly for me.

Check your settings in options to make sure you have them correctly turned on for death saving throws.

August 29th, 2023, 19:30
I will have to try again, but I swear I tried all settings with a separate instance of FGU running. I couldn't keep the checks hidden on that second instance as a player
This with just LDT extension loaded.
Can you share a screenshot of how you have the settings set?

August 29th, 2023, 19:51
I will have to try again, but I swear I tried all settings with a separate instance of FGU running. I couldn't keep the checks hidden on that second instance as a player
This with just LDT extension loaded.
Can you share a screenshot of how you have the settings set?

So after more testing, I see the issue. It's not all death saves it's only the one when it does it automatically each turn, if the player rolls it manually, it is in the tower.

Hope that helps @Minty23185Fresh

September 28th, 2023, 19:35

As of late September 2023 I've not played D&D in over a year now.
It's doubtful that I will return in the near future.
Currently I have no interest, nor time, to maintain it.

Sorry to hear this, is it possible to get the files posted so we can update it ourselves? Or set it in the forge so instead of going to the vault it goes to data folder?

Thank you for all your hard work on this.

DND Nerd 1995
February 14th, 2024, 04:35
Am wondering if the makers of FGU can add this as a base Feature for FGU so that way it says up to date