View Full Version : FG Con event creation No max

February 21st, 2019, 15:23
Hi all,

I'm creating an event for the upcoming FG Con 14, and I'm not seeing a place to put a Max number of players.

Am I missing the obvious, or using the wrong flavor of browser (using Chrome)?

Currently the Min - Max players shows 4 - 0, that could be a bit confusing to folks wanting to join.


February 21st, 2019, 15:29
1) GM event submissions are not open yet - we haven't fully tested the site.

2) When event submissions are open, follow the GM event submission guidelines on the site. https://www.fg-con.com/information/gm-guidelines/

February 21st, 2019, 17:39
Alright, I just assumed that because my event got approved that registration was live and that this might be the place to report a bug (not being able to set max players).

February 21st, 2019, 18:44
Alright, I just assumed that because my event got approved that registration was live and that this might be the place to report a bug (not being able to set max players).
That's cool.

Details of how to set max players are in the GM guidelines mentioned.

February 21st, 2019, 23:41
Hey dstuffle its in the Ticket options.
You look like you are all set!