View Full Version : DiceTyrants Streaming Community Looking for Game Masters

February 20th, 2019, 05:59

Welcome, to DiceTyrants
The premier streaming platform for TTRPG content ran exclusively with Fantasy Grounds.

What we are:
First, we are a community. We consist of tabletop RPG players old & new; who love the role-playing aspects of the genre, and want to share that love with the world.
Second, we are teachers. We bring out the best role-play we can, every time; helping teach those that aren't as familiar with it on how to get better through practice.
Third, we are a streaming platform. Our focus is to become the premier streaming platform for TTRPG content, and plan on using FG throughout our journey.

What we're looking for:
Our community consists of roughly 60 players, and only 2 experienced Game Masters willing to run sessions on stream.
This unfortunately has created a backlog of players waiting to get their hands dirty, and jump into our twitch streams.
We've decided to come to the FG forums for help, and are looking for additional Game Masters to join our community.

1. Be open and honest with the community.
2. Do NOT discriminate against Race/Color/Sexual preference ect...
3. Have at least 20 sessions under your belt in whatever system you're running.
3.5 (We only allow Fantasy Grounds officially supported systems atm)
4. Be open to criticism, everyone in the community is working together to get better. You should be too.
5. Work together with the community to help us all grow together.
6. Be ready, and willing to be on Twitch. You do NOT have to have a webcam, but it is appreciated as this will help us gain momentum.
7. Be within 2-3 hour difference in timezone from CST. This makes it easier for everyone when planning games.
8. Be ready for an interview with the DiceTyrants Council, have a portfolio of what rulesets you've ran, and what type of games you run.

Finally, a bit about why we're doing this:

Have you ever had that perfect role-playing moment, where the stars aligned and everyone was on the edge of their seats?
The stakes were high, lives were on the line; and the dice begin to fall from your fingers... rolling angrily across the table.
Then you feel that moment when you succeed, or fail; and you jump with joy, or fall to your knees in failure?
Those moments are the kind we want to bring to the world, to ignite the imaginations of the people throughout this planet and help them to feel again.
There are a lot of us out there that are depressed, sad, lonely and are looking for that human connection, let's bring that to the world.
Our goal is to bring people together, and though it may be virtual; we can still excite the mind with grand adventures.

This is what being a community is about to us, this is what we stand for. Positive change... so join us; and witness the Dice Tyrants!

You can apply by sending me an email at: [email protected]

February 24th, 2019, 05:51

March 1st, 2019, 00:56

March 4th, 2019, 15:23

March 4th, 2019, 21:17
Might be interested but i have no experience with streaming. Also i am from europe, so the time difference might be a problem.
Sent me more info by pm and we will see what happens.

March 11th, 2019, 23:49

March 15th, 2019, 14:11

March 16th, 2019, 02:22
I am very interested and I can run multiple games on multiple days.. I will send an email..

March 23rd, 2019, 04:54

March 23rd, 2019, 04:55
We're still looking for a few more Game Masters that can run games Monday and Saturday nights!

March 23rd, 2019, 05:23
I am an experienced GM, i would like to run a 13th age or 5th ed game seeing as i am running that game and have books that aren't even on fantasy grounds. run games from star wars to numenera, 13th age, to pokemon, and dnd