View Full Version : LFP that doesn't suck

February 17th, 2019, 20:25
Hey, my name is John. I trade off with another GM every Sunday from 8 est to 12ish est. This means we have 2 separate games going and we alternate games weekly. Both games are ongoing campaigns and both are currently futuristic settings in the vein of Shadowrun. I have created a d20 version of a futuristic setting using pathfinder as a base and Taylor is running the "What's old is new" ruleset. We change systems and settings though at times but we prefer stable ongoing story lines and campaigns. We also use Discord for voice chat.

We are a bit picky though when it comes to the gamers we like to play alongside. We're nice people but we're also mature folks. Most of us are in our thirties. We have ex military guys playing, some of us are parents and we drink and cuss but love some good roleplay. If you're overly goofy or immature you might not be a good fit for us and we're not afraid to tell you that. We're looking for other mature adults (not necessarily older but at least mature) who enjoy a good stable game and are reliable enough to commit to a weekly game.

If you're interested and tired of playing with basement dwellers and 14 year olds then let us know and you can jump in on the next game.

February 17th, 2019, 20:33
Hi there- I’m a middle aged dad myself and am looking for a similar group. I have also recently confirmed with several of my long term acquaintances that I, in fact, don’t suck.

February 17th, 2019, 21:06
Lol awesome! Would you be free to play tonight?

February 17th, 2019, 21:20
Also, send me your FB info and I'll add you to the group chat. You can send it to my email [email protected]

February 17th, 2019, 23:21
Hi there. I am also looking for a solid adult group. I am 30 yrs old and have been playing every other Saturday for the last year. I am familiar with fantasy grounds and how to run it. I would consider myself a great team player and wanted to explore more of the RP world.

My discord is boomyahtzee#0991

I also am a former Army medic and to my knowledge, do not suck.

February 25th, 2019, 03:40
I am looking for a new group as well. Over 40, former Army Tanker, been gaming since 1980.

Discord is opfor6#7833

February 25th, 2019, 04:18
I am looking for a new group as well. Over 40, former Army Tanker, been gaming since 1980.

Discord is opfor6#7833

I'm sure we could use another player man. Send me a private message with your fb link and I'll add you to the IM group chat.