View Full Version : Connection Problems

February 16th, 2019, 02:15
Hello guys. I'm not a computer guy. I understand design, but I do not understand anything about networking and internet. We always played through another RPG site and I decided to sign Fantasy Grounds and I bought the Call of Cthulhu for Fantasy Grounds.

However, I can not start a game, my friends can not connect to my game and we spend good money and we do not know what to do.

Do I need to be a guy who understands programming and script to play using Fantasy Grounds?

I press the test button and it says "failure". Talk about port 1802. I do not know what "port" is, I do not know what "1802" is, I do not know what "router" is or anything like that. I would like to try to play at least one match, but I do not know what to do.

February 16th, 2019, 02:17
No, you don't need to be someone who understand programming and scripts to play using FG.

to solve your network connections, read this post and reply here with the requested information; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?47051-Fantasy-Grounds-Connections-Explained

To learn how to use FG, there are lots of videos, their is the User Guide, and their is FG College if you want to take "classes" to help get you going.

Edit: Oh, and welcome :)

February 17th, 2019, 02:20
I've tried some of the stuff presented in the post, but as I said I'm not a computer guy and I do not know if I did it right. Anyway, it still does not work. I am from Brazil (South America), and I see that maybe it will not work (as well as in Central America). Well, I can not know. I do not understand anything about connection and internet. I just want to connect and play as usual we do in Discord and Roll20. I'm going to cancel my premium account and try to learn more.

I'm sad because I spent almost $40 (9.99 per month + 28,99 dollars per call of Cthulhu) - the minimum wage in Brazil is about $300 (i.e., I spent 13% of the money that I get in a month of work) - and I could not even play a game.

I wish all the best to all of you that tried to help me. Have a good game guys.

February 17th, 2019, 02:27
Smiteworks have a 30 day money back guarantee so make sure you send an email to [email protected] asking for your money back if you bought via the store.

Unfortunately you are unlikely to be able to set up port forwarding if you are in Brazil. However you should be able to run games using a VPN such as Hamachi. More details of VPN solutions here.

February 17th, 2019, 02:28
Cancelling after only making two posts, and not even trying or replying with the requested info? Hamatchi would probably work fine if you know nothing about networking.

Contact Smiteworks - they should refund your purchase if it was within 30 days.

February 17th, 2019, 03:03
Smiteworks have a 30 day money back guarantee so make sure you send an email to [email protected] asking for your money back if you bought via the store.

Unfortunately you are unlikely to be able to set up port forwarding if you are in Brazil. However you should be able to run games using a VPN such as Hamachi. More details of VPN solutions here.

I did not know that. I'll contact them, thank you. I did not know it was not possible to use from Brazil. It's sad. I'm going to inform myself about these VPN software, I'm not sure what they are (I think they change the IP to another country or something).

Cancelling after only making two posts, and not even trying or replying with the requested info? Hamatchi would probably work fine if you know nothing about networking.

What is "requested info"? The only thing I know is that I use Windows 10. Just so you understand, I needed a 10-minute video tutorial to disable Windows Defender and another video to do something like create a rule in Firewall (I do not even know what it is a firewall).

Sorry for my impatience. Brazil is not a good place to live if you have no money. I work 10 to 12 hours a day for 6 days a week (sometimes I work 7 days a week). And we make little money every month and pay a lot of taxes. Yesterday I just wanted to go online and play with my friends and I could not. I'm just sad about it. I wish I had time to study and understand these things as you do, but I really do not. Maybe FG it is not a software for people like me.

I do not know what Hamatchi or VPN is and I'll just have time to sit down and see it next week, but I figure I'll have to sign or pay for something like this (usually this software charge for their services).

Thanks. I'll do my best to try to understand what's going on.

February 17th, 2019, 03:11
What is "requested info"? The only thing I know is that I use Windows 10. Just so you understand, I needed a 10-minute video tutorial to disable Windows Defender and another video to do something like create a rule in Firewall (I do not even know what it is a firewall).

You said "I've tried some of the stuff presented in the post, but as I said I'm not a computer guy and I do not know if I did it right." However, from the post linked above, it says:

Still need help?
Please dont post that you have "tried everything".
Please provide the following info when posting a request for Port Forwarding help.

1. Your LAN IP Address
2. The first two sets (octects) of your WAN IP as displayed by Fantasy Grounds and as displayed by your Router
3. Whether you are using Wired or Wireless (and not both)
4. Confirmation that you have set your Adapter in Network and Sharing Centre to Private
5. Confirmation of what AV you are running and whether you have set any exceptions
6. Post the results of the tracert command (if you have security concerns you can remove this bit once its been responded to)
7. Confirmation as to what you have setup in your Router if changes have been made

You have not made a post with that information. It's highly unlikely that anyone can help without that information.

February 17th, 2019, 03:15
Thank you. I really do not know how to do any of these things or get these informations. I'll search each of them on google throughout this week and find out how I get this information. I should post something next Friday or Saturday if I can get it.

February 17th, 2019, 03:16
BTW, "VPN" is "virtual private network". It takes several different forms, but using Hamatchi is simple. All players run Hamatchi, one person sets up a network and give the credentials to all the other players. When the other players join the network, it appears to the system that they are all on the same network. Everyone just has to connect to the GM's Hamatchi address, no port forwarding required.

February 17th, 2019, 04:00
hey fabiosilva Call of Cthulhu does have a good following in Brasil. There are quite a few Brazilian groups using Fantasy Grounds. I do suggest that you look for the post:

It is pretty straight forward if you follow the instructions.
If you get stuck please reply with as much info as you can.

March 24th, 2019, 11:48
Hi folks. I went back to the fantasy grounds. I discovered that one of the founders of another program I use is an idiot and I'll try to make Fantasy Grounds work on my notebook instead of giving my money to a jackass. I'll try again this week all the tips that all of you gave me.

March 24th, 2019, 12:12
hey fabiosilva I do suggest that you look for the post:

It is pretty straight forward if you follow the instructions.
If you get stuck please reply with as much info as you can.

April 4th, 2019, 03:40
Frustrated DM.. I'm the primary DM for my 5E group. I just bought the $145 ultimate license and spent a good amount of time and personal cred on trying to get my group to test FG. Got them all to register etc..

Over the last 48 hrs I've spent a good 5-6 hours trying to test and get a working connection. After a few hours on discord with my crew, no one is able to connect to my FG client.
Static IP. Win 10. Netgear R7000 with port forwarding turned on. Firewall with permissions to VPN, Hamachi, & FG.
We've tried Hamachi first. I was able to convince 5 people to download and go thru the whole process only to fail in the end. We got Hamachi running and they connected, but FG would not work using Hamachi IP4 address. Then I tried a VPN with port forwarding on 1802 via TCP - ensured I was logged with correct server that accepts port forwarding. Nope. (Yes, I've read this thread https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20309-GM-Connection-Issues-Tried-Everything-Try-Hamachi/)

After wasting everyone times on discord tonight, it was a apparent that we can't switch to FG yet. Connections are too time consuming and tricky to work out each time we want to play. I travel a lot and as the primary GM, it's seems like a ton of hassle.

I have at least 3 hops in my private networks by following instructions that Damned posted in support thread. Pretty sure my second router provided by Spectrum (Brighthouse) is stopping my port forwarding to work properly in my personal router. Call and they were no help at all. Hence why I thought Hamachi was THE solution. Recent Youtube videos sold me on switching to FG, such a let down...

April 4th, 2019, 04:04
Hey Gnollfield sorry its been a PITA.

If you PM me your email address Ill troubleshoot your Hamachi connection (and have a look over your normal connection) with you.