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View Full Version : Friday D&D 3.5 8PM-1AM PST(GMT-8)

August 20th, 2006, 04:39
I currently have four players and am looking for one or maybe two more. The characters are right at 7th and the group has been run up from 1st. We play very consistently every Friday and I am looking for a mature player(s) who will show up and contribute. You need to be comfortable playing 7th level characters and higher. I am currently planning on taking this campaign up to the mid teens. While there is usually a lot of combat, sometimes the party doesn’t fight at all some sessions.

We are playing D&D 3.5 core rules only. The campaign is set in the original heavily modified Judge's Guild World. The area the characters are in is mostly wilderness. No knowledge of the setting is required. All characters must be good. The new character(s) would start with xp and equipment similar to the rest of the group.

The current party PC’s are a Fighter, Rogue, Ranger and Wizard. The party could most use another heavy fighter or a cleric. There are two NPCs in the party a cleric and monk. I will drop a least one or both of these when the new PC(s) are added.

I use voice so you will also need a working mic and headphones or a headset in addition to Fantasy Grounds.

August 20th, 2006, 04:54

Though I do not have experience with the Guild setting, I do have experience as a cleric player up to 10th level and am free on Friday nights. If there is some way that you could let me look at the Char sheet for the NPC cleric before the next session and just get me up to speed, then I could jump right in.

Looking forward to a game,


August 20th, 2006, 04:56
Lochmacher, PM me your e-mail and I'll invite you to my Yahoo group so you can see the character. I was expecting the character to be replaced with your own, though.

August 20th, 2006, 05:09
It's been sent.
I just thought that continuity might be an issue, but if it's not, I would like to roll up the character and, with your approval, catch up on both Fantasy Grounds (new user) and the campaign thus far.

August 20th, 2006, 05:16
Running the old character until yours could be introduced would be great. You could start playing right away while until your character can join the group.