View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Mon or Wed PST US Time Zone prefer 5E

February 9th, 2019, 02:43
FG License: Standard
Time Zone: PST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Best days are Monday and Wednesday, but available some other days. I could play as often as weekly, and am usually available in the evenings for 3-4 hours.
Term: Long-term or less, just interested in playing
Voice: Can use voice chat

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E, but interested in learning other systems
Game System Experience: Have DM'd for 5e for about a year, have some experience playing 4e
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I'm new to Fantasy Grounds

Character Type Preferred: I am flexible, so long as we get to have some fun with it. I have a rogue and two wizards rolled and ready to play, but I love making new characters.
About me: I've been rolling dice for about four years, in various systems. I've always enjoyed the story-telling element of the game. While I love combat and the strategy involved in the games, it's mostly the engaging story that I connect with. As far as RPing vs. playing out of character, I'm really happy so long as everyone is having a good time. Some of my favorite works of fiction have included Haruki Murakami books, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the Hellboy graphic novels.