View Full Version : LFP 2 for a 5e homebrew game

February 8th, 2019, 02:12
Plains of Haildrin

FG License: I have the Ultimate version and beyond

Game System: 5e D&D!!!!

Time Zone: EST

Day of week and time: Saturdays or Sundays around 8:30 PM EST depending on my player's life schedule, but mostly Saturdays preferred. 3 to 4 hours

If new game, planned start date: New Game, TBA

Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly and long term

Term: I'm recruiting players for a long term game at the moment.

Text or Voice: voice optional video, but I'll be using it to DM. Helps sometimes to explain a scenario.

Voice software used: Discord

Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? no.....maybe. doubtful. I don't have the time to set that up. LOL

Roleplay & Combat mix: 40/50 My players like combat, but I do enjoy the simple interactions with NPC. Also so don't get upset if nothing get done in a session due to players like to "goof off" and stay in town for a session. It's not a race, it's a marathon. :) BTW that missing 10% is consider "other fun stuff".

Number of Players in game & needed: Looking for 2 players. Already have 2, but I have 1 friend who might pop in. Idk yet. I like the number of 4 players, but I might have 5 depending.

Character starting level & equipment: LEVEL 5!!!!!!!!!! We'll gear up together in a session zero and also will be rolling for stats. Since we will start at level 5, I will be gifting each character a minor magic item. Like a +1 sword.

Character restrictions: No bird races. No monstah races either. No death cleric or paladins. No evil characters. No elven accuracy.

Details of the scenario: Your'e a band of adventurers/mercenaries that wonder the kingdom of Haildrin seeking out work and treasure. You have been employed by a well known organization known as the Black Thorns. Your job is to escort 3 prisoners of the state to Fort Surwell where they will serve out their time. Sergeant Ricter will a company you until the job is complete.

Link to Gamecalendar page: Nope....... If interested apply by messaging on this page. Tell us your class, backstory, experience, and any questions you have. I'll message you if got the job.

Thanks ALL!!

.......edited it for other time zones. Sorry for the confusion.

February 9th, 2019, 02:49
Hi! the name is Frank and im from Brisbane Australia. Im down to play at those times and have been looking for a FG group for a while now. Your rules seem fine to me. If you want to know further we can always talk to via PM. Thanks and have a nice day!

February 9th, 2019, 15:08
Hi, Frank.
Brisbane. Nice. Just a little curious. That would be 11 am for you on Sunday which I can move it to 9 PM which would be around 12 for you. Your thoughts.

February 9th, 2019, 18:51
Hello. This sounds great. I would love to get in on this. Please let me know if you are not full and I would be able to get in.

February 9th, 2019, 21:25
I am interested if it is Sunday. Would be interested in chatting if you need another.

February 9th, 2019, 21:59
I would definitely be interested in this Sat or Sun would work would be preferable for me at 8 if possible, would love to play a monk, wizard or ranger elf

February 9th, 2019, 23:48
If you were to move it to 9 pm or my 12 am, it means i can sleep more :P So you have my vote for it! Just like now i woke up at 945 am, plenty of time until 12 am hahaha. Take care bud.

Also the reason why i have not yet written down the class id like is because id rather discuss with the group what we are rolling and see what we could use. Rather than we all make some mishmass of classes, i can then make something that binds it nicely together :P

February 10th, 2019, 07:32
I'm fairly new to 5e DnD and FG just been playing for about a month-ish irl as a human fighter with friends and family. The time works perfectly for me because mine time zone is also EST. I'm more than willing to play what every you guys need me too.

February 10th, 2019, 08:44
New to FG but have played 5e when it first came out (yes years ago) have been fiddling around with FG & Roll20 rolling toons and reading up on the rule sets, I would love to sign up if Sunday is the winner as I can't so Saturday.

February 10th, 2019, 12:15
I'm interested if you are still looking. Would love to know more about your GM style though if possible. I can make those game times without a problem. I'm happy go more into detail on these backstories if that is something that you and your group are into. I generally do much more in depth and detailed, maybe a page worth but I have found it to be a complete waste of time with all of the groups I have played with in the last year so. I thought this time I would find out what the group expects and also a bit about the setting of the game before going to that effort. I really love that you don't allow monster races. I just don't think it makes any sense for Ogres and Goblins to be walking around a human city and everyone is just fine with it. The total lack of verisimilitude kills the immersion for me. I'm not a professional voice actor but I do give all of my characters their own voice so that it is clear when I am speaking in or out of character. I find this to be exceptionally helpful for me and the DMs when I play online. I'm the guy who always shows up to every single session. I don't like modules as they are too railroady so I am really hoping to find a homebrew that fits my style.

Experience: Been playing off and on since Basic and 1st edition, been playing 5E in FG for the last year or so.
Class: Cleric or Wizard depending on the needs of the group

Human Cleric - Elegon Nightflame is the second son of a minor noble family. As is custom for the family second sons join the clergy upon reaching the age of majority. Although reluctant at first Elegon has grown to love the order and has fully embraced his role in it. So much so that on receiving word of his brother's death he refused to return to take his place as heir to the family lands. When Elegon's father heard of the refusal he sent men to attempt to force the return of his son. While hiding out in the nearby mountains Elegon was granted a vision which led him to believe that a group of individuals on a path to destroy a great evil would cross his own. He intends to find this group and make sure they survive to fulfil that path.

High Elf Wizard - Zevriel aka Blackmoore is unlike most of his kin. He grew up among the bottom rung of elven society which led to the first half of his adult life as a smuggler. Trading in various illegal substances and magical components he found a social freedom in the underworld that he never previously had. Known to his family as Zevriel, he is better known as Blackmoore among his peers. In recient years he has found it difficult to find employment that doesn't violate his personal moral code. As such he is on the lookout for a new way of gathering wealth to fund his personal research projects.

Questions - How long have you been DMing? How long have the other players been playing? Do skills play much of a role in your game? Do PCs ever die in your games? Do you have any house rules? If a single player cannot make the session do you cancel the session? Do the characters backstories ever become relevant?

February 10th, 2019, 18:18
I am new to D&D and FG. I would like to join if there are any space left. Would be willing to play any class and would like to learn the game.

February 10th, 2019, 23:10
LFG 1 Player LF Any day minus Saturday afternoons US Time Zone prefer 5E

FG License: Ultimate

Time Zone: Pacific Time USA, -8.

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any day minus Saturday afternoons, I'll accommodate the decided up schedule. Looking for weekly game or bi-weekly. I'm available after 5:35 PM weekdays.

Term: Long term.

Voice: Teamspeak or Discord.

Game System Preferred: DnD, 5e but okay with previous versions.

Game System Experience: Solid experience with DnD, all version except 4. Played 1979-1992. Then 2018-2019.

Character Type Preferred: Love Wizards and Fighters but open. Usually human.

I've DM'd 5E recently and am currently playing a bi-weekly on Saturdays with a great group. Your post caught my interest and I'd like to apply for a position as a player. I'm easy to get a long with, laid back. Tend to crack jokes when comfortable.

Thank you for reading and for your consideration.

February 11th, 2019, 01:01
Hello All,

I am interested in playing but I have a rotating schedule so I would only be able to play every other week. About me I have been playing D&D for 10 or so years. I was using Roll20 but I find I like FG a lot better. I am hoping to find a long term campaign to make friends and build a nice group to play multiple campaigns with in the future. If the every other week isn't an issue I have a few character ideas I can play depending on the party.

February 11th, 2019, 17:40
Sorry its mostly going to be Saturdays with a potential Sunday. I just like that flexible day for things that happen. Life.

February 11th, 2019, 18:10
I'm interested if you are still looking. Would love to know more about your GM style though if possible. I can make those game times without a problem. I'm happy go more into detail on these backstories if that is something that you and your group are into. I generally do much more in depth and detailed, maybe a page worth but I have found it to be a complete waste of time with all of the groups I have played with in the last year so. I thought this time I would find out what the group expects and also a bit about the setting of the game before going to that effort. I really love that you don't allow monster races. I just don't think it makes any sense for Ogres and Goblins to be walking around a human city and everyone is just fine with it. The total lack of verisimilitude kills the immersion for me. I'm not a professional voice actor but I do give all of my characters their own voice so that it is clear when I am speaking in or out of character. I find this to be exceptionally helpful for me and the DMs when I play online. I'm the guy who always shows up to every single session. I don't like modules as they are too railroady so I am really hoping to find a homebrew that fits my style.

Experience: Been playing off and on since Basic and 1st edition, been playing 5E in FG for the last year or so.
Class: Cleric or Wizard depending on the needs of the group

Human Cleric - Elegon Nightflame is the second son of a minor noble family. As is custom for the family second sons join the clergy upon reaching the age of majority. Although reluctant at first Elegon has grown to love the order and has fully embraced his role in it. So much so that on receiving word of his brother's death he refused to return to take his place as heir to the family lands. When Elegon's father heard of the refusal he sent men to attempt to force the return of his son. While hiding out in the nearby mountains Elegon was granted a vision which led him to believe that a group of individuals on a path to destroy a great evil would cross his own. He intends to find this group and make sure they survive to fulfil that path.

High Elf Wizard - Zevriel aka Blackmoore is unlike most of his kin. He grew up among the bottom rung of elven society which led to the first half of his adult life as a smuggler. Trading in various illegal substances and magical components he found a social freedom in the underworld that he never previously had. Known to his family as Zevriel, he is better known as Blackmoore among his peers. In recient years he has found it difficult to find employment that doesn't violate his personal moral code. As such he is on the lookout for a new way of gathering wealth to fund his personal research projects.

Questions - How long have you been DMing? How long have the other players been playing? Do skills play much of a role in your game? Do PCs ever die in your games? Do you have any house rules? If a single player cannot make the session do you cancel the session? Do the characters backstories ever become relevant?

Dming for about a year with these 2 players mostly. Had a second small group at the same time, but one guy quit coming. So I combined the two groups. Then another player got a girlfriend and disappeared. So now here we are.

Skills do apply in my eye. If it's something that would require training to pass like arcana, I ask you to be proficient in that skill. However climbing a tree might easy enough for the wizard to due if it's a low DC.

PC death has happened, but only one has been permanent which my player was ok with it. One thing resurrections are not a 100% in my games. There is a chance for failure which could lead to a quest to resurrect your allies.

House rules...yes. Handful of them. A flanking variant for example.

Typically if a player misses, I leave it up to rest whether or not they want to play. If not we have Tabletop Simulator that we can play games on.

Player backstories... I like to throw a bit player backstories here and there. Little hints. I like to see if the group is melding before exploring into those.

February 11th, 2019, 23:20
Full up? I occasionally game in person on weekends, but could work around it, and they could definitely use a boost. Got a caster hybrid idea that's out of all of my comfort zones I'm curious to try. My roleplaying is hit and miss, but my jokes are uniformly terrible. :)

Lemme know how the roster looks and if I missed my chance... I'm Central time zone so the hours are no issue.

February 14th, 2019, 15:54
Hey there, my name is Andrew and I reside in Florida. I am very interested in your game and would love to join if there is space available. Both Saturday and Sundays work for me at the proposed time. As for race and class, I prefer to fill whatever role the party is missing, and makes for some fun role play! Please message me if there is space available. Thanks!