View Full Version : LFP - DND 5e Red Hand of Doom - 1 Player - Sunday Night Each Week - 6pm to 10pm PST

February 4th, 2019, 18:17

I run a Sunday night game weekly that has four (and a half) long-time players. Looking for a one more consistent player to round out the group and make sure we have a party if folks are out. We have returned from a brief jaunt to a demi-plane back to Faerun to complete The Red Hand of Doom (conversion from 3.5e).

Teamspeak is our VOIP of choice.

Currently, we have the following party - all around level 10. You'd be Entering the game at 8th level (but probably getting caught up pretty quickly).

Dragonborn Paladin
Halfling Rogue
Half-Elf Warlock
Half-Elf Ranger
Elf Bard

This is an experienced group that is very relaxed but focused. Good for intermediate players (e.g. you know 5E rules and are familiar with Fantasy Grounds, but don't consider yourself an absolute expert in both or either). My only rules are no messing with the party simply because "it's what my character would do". As characters, this group has "seen some ****" together, so if you come in trying to be a turd in the punch bowl, don't expect to stick around. You should be a comrade as a character and be willing to share the spotlight as a player. Respect others, and, above all else, make sure to let players play their own characters. There might be a tactically perfect way to handle combat, but unless you have time to plan together and can give advice to each other, don't dictate or criticise player decisions mid-combat.

Would love to get you into this week's session (Feb 10th at 6pm PST). We will be taking a one week break while I'm travelling on Feb 17th. From there on out, weekly attendance would be appreciated.

If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected], and we can chat about the specifics.

Ross the DM (aka Marlowe)

February 4th, 2019, 23:22
Looks like we found a good fit for the game, so I'm going to close this thread. Thanks for checking this out, and good luck finding a group, everyone.