View Full Version : Rookie question on CoreRPG and Rifts Pak

February 2nd, 2019, 01:55
Greetings, total noob here in over his head. I tried setting up the Rifts pak listed at https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Ruleset:_Rifts and I am able to see it in coreRPG when I put it in the rulesets folder just fine. When I load a new campaign with it I get nothing at all. Just some empty menu items on the right. Am I missing some? Any help would be appreciated. Getting up to speed is challenging enough, trying to setup Rifts at the same time would be harsh.

February 2nd, 2019, 02:13
Hey Darkpoet

Ive never used that ruleset but it is a very old ruleset.
It will also be the tabletop and sheets etc - it will not have any content.

I think you will be better off using GURPs or Savage Worlds and running your campaign on one of those...

February 2nd, 2019, 02:24
A bit bummed, but not all too surprised to hear that. Thanks for the response. Such a awesome setting ruined by a poor gaming system. I saw there was a savage rifts extension floating around. Time to see if it works and surf youtube for some videos on how to add equipment/charachter classes/abilities to a setting.

February 2nd, 2019, 04:32
If you need help, I'm happy to help in whatever way I can with Savage Rifts. I enjoy the setting immensely, and have converted it for use on FG. It takes time and a basic understanding of XML (or of the Enhanced Library that Ikael puts out) to converft, but it's certainly doable!