View Full Version : LFP: Starfinder (Against the Aeon Throne, one session in) Saturday 2 PM GMT

January 30th, 2019, 19:45
FG License: GM has Ultimate

Game System: Starfinder

Time Zone: GMT+1 (sessions will take place on the weekend though to accomodate more timezones)

Day of week and time: Usually Saturday afternoon 2 PM GMT. The next game would be on the 2nd. If you are not be able to make the first session it would not be a big deal however.

Planned Duration & Frequency: 3+ hours, weekly (with some exceptions in case of holidays etc.). Please note that the February schedule might be a little bit irregular, after that it should be pretty regular again. As the pace of AP releases has picked up quite a bit, I would try to run the sessions a little bit longer if possible (4-5 hours).

Term: Long term (at least until the end of Against the Aeon Throne - level 7, AP after that unsure at the moment). Probably not higher than level 13 though due to lack of materials above that in SF.

Text or Voice: Voice

Voice software used: Usually Teamspeak, Discord is a backup

Roleplay & Combat mix: Best case scenario 50/50, dependent on the players

Number of Players in game & needed: 4 players currently (an additional player is mostly unavailable for the near future), 1 player needed

Character starting level & equipment: The other characters are level 2 (2,000 starting credits, characters shouldn't spend more than about 35% of their wealth on weapons and shouldn't spend more than about 35% on armor and protective devices).

Characters: Core and legacy races, official classes and possibly also classes from the character operations manual playtest as well as themes from the official books, neutral or good alignments and characters capable of being part of a team shouldn’t be a problem. Alien Archive races, Pact Worlds races and other official races are possible as long as they are reasonable, everything else should be discussed on an individual basis.

Character background: A link to the Stewards and/or a specific NPC is a nice-to-have but not a must-have.

Details of your scenario: Against the Aeon Throne AP, The Reach of Empire book, one session in. Modifications possible.

Current party composition: One operative, one envoy, one soldier, one mystic. The technomancer player probably won't be able to join in the near future.

Campaign management: Partly Fantasy Grounds, partly Obsidian Portal.

Necessary addendum: While we would expect you to attend sessions regularly, life can always get in the way. If you can't make it to the session however please inform us so we can start the game on time.

Expectations: Here is the party's current consensus regarding the same page tool (https://bankuei.wordpress.com/2010/03/27/the-same-page-tool/), to make sure we can provide the same experience you are looking for:

Do you play to win?
a) Yes, you totally play to win! The win conditions are…
b) Good play isn’t a win/lose kind of thing
No consensus yet.

Player characters are:
a) expected to work together; conflicts between them are mostly for show

The GM’s role is:
a) The GM preps a set of events – linear or branching; players run their characters through these events. The GM gives hints to provide direction. [more railroad than sandbox, specific character goals can be accomodated]

The players’ roles are…
a) …to follow the GM’s lead to fit the story

Doing the smartest thing for your character’s survival…
a) …is what a good player does.
b) …sometimes isn’t as important as other choices
c) …isn’t even a concern or focus for this game.
No consensus yet.

The GM’s role to the rules is…
b) …ignore them when they conflict with what would be good for the story

After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is…
a) …something that shouldn’t even happen. This is someone being a jerk.

A fistfight breaks out in a bar! The details of where everything is – tables, chairs, where everyone is standing is something that…
a) …is important and will be displayed on a map or grid, perhaps using miniature figures.

In order to really have fun with this game, the rulebook is something that…
d) …everyone at least should know the basics of the rules.

Instead of “choose one” think of this as a checklist – pick which options apply, leave the ones that don’t.
This game runs best when the players take time to create characters that are…
a) …built to face challenges using the mechanics and stats.
b) …written with extensive backstories or histories
c) …given strong motivations and an immediate problem or crisis
d) …tied into the other characters as (allies) (enemies) (as either)
e) …written with some knowledge, research or reading up on the game setting, real history or an actual culture
No consensus yet.

How to apply: Either write me a PM or reply here, including a sentence about yourself and one paragraph about your idea for a character background (involving more than a description of your class and race, with possible exceptions in case of ysoki solarians or vesk envoys). If you already know the plot of Against the Aeon Throne be sure to mention that. As long as you can separate player knowledge and character knowledge it would still be fine, though. I might ask you to let the other players take the lead on discussions you know the optimum solution of however. New players to FG or SF are of course welcome.

January 30th, 2019, 21:52
I'm a player in Stephan's game and we've been having a blast over the past year playing Dead Suns and now Against the Aeon throne.
As Stephan said we're currently a crew of 4 (Envoy, sharpshooter soldier, hacker operative and healer mystic) looking for a 5th man (or woman) to fill the void that was left by the technomancer who is not available due to RL circumstances.
Stephan has the Ultimate license so anyone can join, and we're happy to teach newbies.
There's a good vibe at the table and everyone is friendly.

January 31st, 2019, 15:46
stephan, i've started rp'ing pc 'hezibah' in your sfs games. i might join your game with melee vesk soldier.

i'm actually in another game of same ap (aeon throne) but last game was cancelled from lack of attendance (and those no-show didn't even notify group). anyways, if that pattern continues, i'm going to leave it, but for now if you don't mind, i can participate in yours. they are also on book 1 -- i'm pretty good at rp'ing my pcs and actively work at not metagaming, and what i know so far from current game prob isn't that far off ahead (or maybe even behind) from where you currently are.

anyways, let me know what you think.

January 31st, 2019, 16:19
My memory is not yet entirely gone. :)

I would say it is worth a try. I don't want to "sabotage" another game in any way, so feel free to leave (with notice) should the other game start up again. In the meantime I would be happy for you to join this game however. Details on Discord.

To everyone else reading this: The spot would therefore be filled at this point in time, with the possibility of it becoming open again in the future.